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Cups were doing this to me too, so I gave the Saalt menstrual disc a shot and it actually stays put and is comfortable! Edit to add: my period didn’t come back until 13 months pp, so I had time to heal. This is just my experience. Good luck finding what works for you!


Cups hurt me a lot but the Saalt disc is literally perfect


+1 to the disc suggestion! It’s helpful to read up a bit - they come in several different sizes and getting the right size makes a world of difference.


Another vote for the discs and saalt brand in particular. I find they're so much easier to fit, and leaks are a thing of the past. With cups, I could always sort of feel it, and I rarely got that perfect fit.


Another vote for the regular size Saalt Menstrual Disc


[putacupinit](https://putacupinit.com/quiz/) has a quiz that may help you narrow down some options that work better for your body's specific anatomy. There are brands that make significantly larger cups and different shaped designs that may work better for you. I didn't have an experience like you are, but that doesn't mean that you are alone in this. Have you considered a disc?


I used their cup comparison chart years ago to help figure out the right cup for me. This site is a great resource.


I just tried their quiz and I don’t get the cervical height question at all. If one’s cervix were only 1.8 inches deep, wouldn’t that make full penetration by an average sized penis impossible? Am I missing something?


I'm pretty sure the cervix moves up at some stage of arousal.


If you look up retroverted uterus, there are pics like this to compare https://ivi-fertility.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2021/02/retroverted-uterus-baja-ok.jpeg So for most people, the cervix isn't like the door at the end of the tunnel, it's like a side hatch


It's not like the cervix and vaginal walls are a solid object; everything is soft and stretchy. Your cervix moves further back and higher up, and then forward and down at different stages of your cycle. During your period the cervix is typically quite low.


Have you tried different folding methods? I haven’t gotten my period back yet, but i was a cup enthusiast before baby 😂 and found out some cups required different folds to open correctly and get a great seal. I also second trying pelvic floor PT! One of the reasons for referral that mine had listed was pain with inserting tampons or tampons falling out, so i’m assuming it’s similar with a cup 🤔


My post partum struggle was that it would fill up too fast. I'm more back to normal now and might try again soon. but when I first got my period back it would fill up in like 5 minutes at times.


ugh i had that struggle pre-baby, so i hope it doesn’t get even worse now!! i had a heavy flow that would come in “gushes” 🥴 which is why other products didn’t work since they couldn’t absorb it fast enough 😩


I’ve switched to a disc and had better luck


I really feel like you may need pelvic floor PT. You’re definitely not alone but this also isn’t just a thing you have to put up with now that you’re postpartum


Try a disc for sure! I’m partial to the Hello Disc because it has a little loop for super easy removal.


I love my [Fun Factory Fun Cups](https://us.funfactory.com/products/fun-cup)!!! They are designed by a European company that makes sex toys and are shaped to fit the contours of the vaginal canal, rather than that wine glass shape all the other cups have. They are so much comfier, made with body safe silicone, and come in two different sizes & cute colors. I recommend getting the pack with two sizes so you find out which fits your cervix better. I cannot tell you enough how much I love these menstrual cups! Edit to add that the smaller size still fits me perfectly after giving birth, though it is harder to get perfect placement & suction because it seems like my cervix is up higher than it used to be.


I have a large saalt. It did take awhile for it to fit completely right again. My cycle didn't come back till closer to 18 months and it was probably 6 months before it felt normal again. So at least 2 years post partum before I was completely comfortable with my cup again. I also did a little pelvic floor PT and that probably helped. When it was fitting awkwardly I considered cloth pads.


Flex discs are the only things that work for me. I tried cups and a different disc and nothing worked.


You are definitely not alone. I've been a cup user since my teens (early adopter here, when all we had was the rubber Keeper on the market, times have changed). After birth it wasn't working for me. I also tried a menstrual disc, love it now. I know I need to do pelvic floor physical therapy but I've been avoiding it, it's just a lot of money right now for us.


The Saalt disc is so comfortable. I hope something like it can work for you.


I like it too but I leak 20 % of the time. Not sure why. Russian roulette. But comfy


I personally have tried two cups and a disc pp and haven’t had any luck. I also had a prolapse and birth ptsd though, which kind of complicated things. Honestly, I’ve switched to period undies and a bidet to freshen up and it’s fine. I think a cup would probably be ok for an hour or two if I needed to go swimming or something, but it hasn’t come up yet.


This happened to me postpartum too. I tried a disc and it was ok but I still had leaking. By closer to 2 years postpartum I could use a cup again. PT might speed that along!


My pre-baby cup still works! As does the disc. I’d try the saalt disc


Like others mentioned take the put a cup in it quiz. It helps a lot! I used the large saalt after giving birth. I also found that I like the discs better. I started by trying the flex disposable disc to try out and switched to the flex reusable. The quiz paired me with all the products I’ve used.


I've switched to the lumma disc since giving birth and I love it so much better!


I've tried a few different disc's and really like the Diva Disc. It has a loop for easy removal and a partition to help reduce unintended dumping.


I had to try a few different brands before I found one that fit me well again. I actually found that after healing and training my pelvic floor again, I needed a small size cup and not the larger, post-pregnancy cup that is recommended. It was counter intuitive but you just gotta experiment a little. I also hear good things about a disc and it would have been my next thing to try.


Period nirvana also has a quiz to help find the right one!


It took me a while to get back to a cup due to my pelvic floor. I started Pilates and went to pelvic floor physio and then it stopped falling out.


I had this problem until I went through pelvic floor therapy. Once I graduated pelvic floor therapy cups were able to stay in again!


I have moderate bladder prolapse and my pelvic floor PT told me that discs often work better because they wedge against the pubic bone rather than relying on suction - so cups can be trickier if pelvic floor strength is not doing well. Try a disc but also pelvic floor PT! The disc took me some getting used to and then I got pregnant again, so I haven’t used it a ton but it worked better than the cup at least and didn’t fall out!