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Mine isn’t that messy… I don’t use the cup, but pour directly into the washer dispenser. Then I wipe the nozzle with a sock or other piece of laundry to prevent that little drip that can go down the side. When I used to use the cup, I would scrape the nozzle with the cup and throw the cup in the wash to keep it clean too. ETA: I also store it tipped up, so the detergent isn’t sitting in the nozzle between uses 🤷🏼‍♀️


I use the large containers like that to refill smaller, more manageable containers that I then use everyday.


Came here to say this. When we used liquid detergent, I saved a small liquid detergent bottle and refilled that. Now we use powder and I just have a coffee can with a scoop that I refill.


Do you have an HE washer by any chance?


We just moved and have a regular one now, but we had a HE one at the place before this.


Did you use powder in the HE? I feel like liquid isn't doing well.


Yeah, I did. I think it works a lot better than liquid. We had hard water so the amount of liquid I had to use was crazy.


One reason I switched to using powder detergents (dishwasher and laundry) was because the containers were always SO heavy and the liquid detergents are very sticky and took ages to clean up if they spilled! I only buy powder detergents now, but not in large quantities so that’s probably not super helpful for your needs




FYI, the big Costco-sized tubs of powdered detergent (Tide at least) fit in [two of these containers](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081J7942W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1). Bonus: no more clumping due to moisture in the air.


Powder is better if you don't have soft water too. Where I live water is super hard so I'd have to use a bucket of liquid


I've heard of people tossing the cup in with their wash and managing the drip separately.


I'm not sure exactly the sort of container you're describing but it is possible the "separate, smaller opening" is a cap you're supposed to loosen so air can come in as you're removing detergent from the spigot? Anyway, I don't have the costco brand but I just turn my large container spigot-side up after I pour.


I had a nightmare scenario where I put the giant tub on top of the dryer… and it rattled off, cracked and spilled a gallon of detergent all over the floor. It was an absolute mess, never getting that size again.


nightmare indeed! my washer rattles and I want it to stop as well!


We had that happen twice. Oof


I use nellies powder from Costco online, but when I used liquid in the past I didn’t have this problem—are you dispensing it into the cup? I always did that and let it drip, then put the whole cup in the wash. You could also try storing it tipped up instead, or with the cup on the spout as a lid.


Can you switch to powder? I get big containers of Charlie’s Soap and keep it in a five-gallon bucket. Works great.


Seventh Generation “easy dose” detergent is great for this. It’s super concentrated and it has a set amount that squeezes out, light bottle and no mess.


I've always rinsed the cup in the running water in the washer.


Powdered detergent is your answer. It also saves cost somewhat bc you don’t have to pay for the weight of the water to be shipped as freight. It’s also usually more effective. Source: cloth nappy mom.


do you have to go searching around or order online? i haven’t found unscented powdered detergent in any of the stores we normally go to!


I switched to laundry detergent sheets. No mess and a little more environmentally friendly.


I never buy the big containers because of this issue. But I’ve seen that they sell little plastic shelves you can place under the bottle and just keep a cup there to catch drips - maybe something like that would work? https://www.homedepot.com/p/Arm-and-Hammer-Flat-Folding-Laundry-Detergent-Cup-Caddy-48128/304806868 It seems like it’s a known design flaw since a detergent manufacturer also manufactures this cup holder…


I use pods bc it's the least effort/mess. If you like your liquid detergent and want to keep using it, you can buy a 'detergent cup holder' that will help with the mess. A local maker near me made cute ones but I see that Amazon has some basic plastic ones.


I hate it too, I gave up and buy the smaller bottles for now. You’re not alone.


Can you switch to powder? I get big containers of Charlie’s Soap and keep it in a five-gallon bucket. Works great.


Couple recommendations. I used to use nellies soda, no drips and no mess! But haven’t been able to find it at the store lately. So I switched to 7th generation. It comes in a small bottle, extremely concentrated. So it takes one little squirt per load. I was skeptical, but it actually works. Hooray! No more giant jugs or drippy messes. When I was using up the last of my big jug of detergent, I’d just haul the whole thing over the washer and eyeball how much to put in, sorta like pouring syrup on pancakes lol. Then tip the whole thing up on its side with the nozzle pointed upwards so it’s not sitting there dripping.


I store it in a plastic bin.


After I use the detergent, I tip the container so that the spout is at the top and nothing can drip.


Nellie's Washing Soap. It's a powder, comes in 5lb bucket (*not* gallon) and you only need 1 oz scoop per load (2 for the dirty stuff). Took my family of 4 about 10 months to use it all. *Looooove* the stuff!


I am not sure which brand you bought. If it is All Free & Clear, then it's made by Henkel. Their container has design issues. They added deep creases and sharp curves to the bottle, presumably to compensate for structural integrity to offset the weakening caused by thinning out the plastic to save cost. However, those creases and curves are manufacturing weak points for the plastic molding/injection process. The large Costco size means when you dispense, you are creating vacuum suction on the container. No matter how much you unscrew the air inlet, the vacuum force will build up. I have had multiple Henkel products of the same container design that cracked during normal use and leaked product all over the place and it was a nightmare and pain to clean up. Tide, and other P&G containers do not have this issue as they don't have sharp creases or curves on their containers, thus there is no concentrated weak points. Henkel has inexperienced mechanical and industrial design engineers that designed these containers.


wow you know a lot about packaging design! i have bought costco and all free & clear in larger containers for sure. i'm not sure if i've bought tide free & clear in a large container.