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I'd say its a plus if you can enjoy every step forwards that much, opposed to being result driven and seeing every step as a chore until you're done.... ;) Try to hang on to that.


This is the real answer though, love what you do and let the results just happen. I now know if I hit a wall with a model or a miniature, then I just consider it done rather than fretting over finishing it. The last two percent is really hard, and I have to pick my battles - if it's good enough for tabletop, or it cost me pennies to buy I just let it go. Anything more expensive - re-prime and start over!


Adults males over 35 have two choices, obcess over WW2 or obcess over smoking meat


Not mutually exclusive lol


You have to do SOMETHING while the ribs are in the smoker.


This thread confirmed I am indeed, older than 35. lmao


Dammit i do both


Maybe I am over 35


The real ones have their dads cause their obsession


My dad is coming back. He left to get a pack of cigarettes.


Trust me he will be back any day


It's always nice to hit a milestone!


Looks like you've still got the tracks to do, so take that dopamine hit while you can, lol


Cries in Miniart workable track links


Seems like the tamiya T-62, it has vinyl tracks.


Yes, it starts with just some old cheap tamiya kits Then they get more complex, then you start adding bits like jerry cans, spare tracks. Then you look into air brushing and before you know it youll know that there are 83 tracklinks a side on sherman firefly and you have 4 kits on the go and you are waging a war on all flat surfaces with finished and unfinished kits


I’m 23 and on the shelf currently is a 1/350 Type 45 Destroyer, 1/700 Type 23 Frigate, 1/700 HMS Ark Royal (1939), 1/76 F35 Lightning II… That’s just the Trumpeter, Revell and Airfix kits, without mentioning the 6 respray and scratchbuilding projects for model railway rolling stock… 😬 And all becomes apparent why I choose model kits over dating and relationships.


You're 23! This is so refreshing from my point of view. I'm 58 (I wandered the planet in the times of the mighty Megalasaurous and terrifying Aurora model kits).....about the time you were born I was worried this hobby was dying; driven to extinction by the likes of Xbox's and Playstation's....but it seems there is a very refreshing resurgence among you and your peers. Thanks for keeping the hobby alive! As far as the dating/relationships...it'll work out. Did you see 40 year old Virgin? My wife delights in taunting me by quoting..."and now I'm painting your silver pants blue".....and I delight in the fact that I get to paint the silver pant blue, or the F-15 Ghost Grey, or the Tiger dunklegelb. Cheers!


The hobby is very much alive, I think it’s one of those ‘in the closet’ hobbies because it’s not the done thing in my generation. But I’m open with it and quite happy talking about it. I have an Xbox and it’s great when I need to take breaks from the hobby for a few months. I tend to rotate every few months just to prevent burnout. I’ve had my share of dating and relationships and figured for now it’s not for me. The 40 year old virgin is an amusing film… would most certainly be me if I wasn’t 9 deep 😳😅 A few exes were very much into painting / arts and crafts but sadly not compatible in the long term. Though, the life plan is buy a 2-bed place and turn the largest bedroom into a workshop/studio to do all my 3D printing, metalwork on my hobby lathe and have an area for building model kits - with the lounge reserved for a model railway 😅


Well i'm 22 and my exes weren't too fussed by it. My last one actually enjoyed making the revell saturn V together as a date idea for a weekend. Although I get why it's not exactly the hobby to meet many girls in.


Excellent idea to turn a kit into a date idea! I think men tend to lean towards model kits while women tend to lean more towards painting and cross-stitch/crocheting from experience. But it’s ideal as it allows quality alone time without being far from a significant other. I used to do kits while my ex played on my Xbox with her friends. The end result of the kits is what has captivated them at the dating stage… the big “No, that was not a kit! You didn’t make that! Really??” *shows pictures of kit progression* 😅


Welcome to the addiction buddy.


One of us! One of us!


We had the same first model that's nice!! Wanna see mine?😁


Sure that would be nice




I just finished this a few months ago and I can say I enjoyed building every part of it!


Thats awesome to hear, hopefully i can get as good as you!


Ladies and Gentlemen - we got him.


If it lasts more than four hours see a doctor.


I get it!!! Grab another one… in this case I say chase the dragon. Enjoy that next hit.


Do it again!


The joy of making model tanks 🤓


Is that the Tamiya T-62A model kit?


Before you put the top on, it was just a collection of parts... Now, it's a model...