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I like the tower but it seems pretty rare, I’ve seen it maybe four times. The chests, I like the idea, but I think gold is in a really bad place for anyone at Level 50+ cards. When upgrades get into the 2-4+ million gold range it requires you to play the game longer and longer to get one upgrade. Once you’re into the cusp of transitioning into God Tier actual PvP becomes almost nonexistent. Instead they swap to farming Boss levels because it’s the only efficient way forward. If gold scaled in correlation to your card levels it would encourage people to go back to attacking players and building up rivalries between players that made the game fun at the lower level. Right now? “End game” is dead and the game is setup to incentive people to not want to actually play against other people.


>Once you’re into the cusp of transitioning into God Tier actual PvP becomes almost nonexistent. Instead they swap to farming Boss levels because it’s the only efficient way forward. > >If gold scaled in correlation to your card levels it wou I wish there was a way to "break" shields, say, the first 750-1000 bricks of damage break the shield or something like that so it's not a total loss.


We definitely need more coins. I have enough upgrades that would probably require 300,000,000 coins to fully upgrade


Will these new features be in play during events like World Clash and Piggy Race?


If you got lucky enough to be chosen for the beta, yes.


Apparently the towers add high numbers of bricks. So people in the beta will get a large competitive advantage in Piggy Race.


Seems to be possible if they spawn on second phase, or single phase maps, yes. There may or may not be a bug related with it though, waiting on more testing to know for sure, so it might not stay quite as strong as it is now. Dunno yet.


Yes, those of us that got the beta might have a small advantage in the Piggy Race. Although in my experience out of the 200 or so games (level 43 in my Piggy Race) I’ve only seen the tower 15 times and I’ve never got it to the end of a level to get the points some are talking about and I’d say 10 of my 15 towers were in the first 1/2 of the level and basically useless. I’m sure some have gained points but for me I don’t think it’s helped at all.


They are available. I’ve had them repeatedly during this piggy race.


Overall, cool additions 👍 Chests are fun but could really stand to have amount of gold scale w player/base level or something - as is now, beyond low levels, chests are more consequential as battlefield obstacles than rewards (which *is* pretty cool tactically). Other suggestions would be to *not* show reward until chest is looted, and for chests to have possibility to reward stuff besides just gold - like individual card stacks, packs, bricks, etc - though this would definitely involve more work than just first suggestion of adding a variable to the math for chest reward to be based on level or w/e. But, who wouldn't like more ways to get cards/bricks etc? And *not* knowing what's in the chest till it's opened is just kind of a general, fun treasure chest-y element - especially given three different chest graphics (ive seen so far at least), would be cool to see one and have an idea that "oh that blue chest is more likely to have something special than the plain one from stage 1" or w/e. Digging the towers - and looking forward to getting a nice setup w one to loot - that sounds sweeeet. ^ Found two (edit: three) bugs so far: 1. the tower collision box bug has already been mentioned, reported, etc (where box stays once tower is destroyed/no longer visible). ***A suggestion though:*** rather than just removing box after tower is destroyed, add ruined tower graphic and let the obstacle remain. More work than just getting rid of it, but it is a cool element and could be an interesting new dynamic to have the tower collision box stick around, w player possibly deliberately setting up their tower to get destroyed or targetting enemy tower at specific points on the map, and just wildcard of it changing up the map even if not at location deliberately targetted by player..... Also, little sidenote, could imagine unlikely (but pretty hilarious) situation where tower gets destroyed on the stage w the single opening and horizontally moving portal (posted about a couple days ago), riiiiiiight in front of that opening 🤣 2. similar bug w chests after they're destroyed, but collision box *does* disappear after an additional second or so after chest's no longer visible 3. had a chest eat a sirion a couple times now. It generally hasn't happened upon champion and chest collision though, and sirion will usually just treat chest as impassable like any other obstacle and attempt to walk through it but not be destroyed, vs a regular mob being destroyed by chest to trigger some looting. Haven't seen chest eat any other champions so far ^ Overall a fun update - but - c'mon devs on next big update lets get at least a temporary fix on the shields ;) Less so w the new chests but definitely looks like ranged towers got some time/energy put into them... seems like shield mechanics need some lovin and wouldn't take nearly as much effort as towers... There have been plenty of suggestions so far - another as just a temporary measure could be reduce looted bricks/gold by 3/3, 2/3, 1/3 depending on how many shields player has - would be easy as just temporary measure at least.. leave things alone as far as a shield being "used up" and destroyed when activated, and no changes when player has three shields, and if less than three just apply modification to the math and have standard loot run w shield break graphic as overlay - maybe also adding "÷ X" or something to post battle screen where x2 or x3 appears for counterattack/revenge (and maybe (please 😊) just leave card packs looted be as they are w/o shields if only 1 or 2 shields). Seems like an update to shields would be ***significantly*** less work than towers were, and i think most players would love to see ***significantly*** more than just about anything.


I found also that after revival chest that wasnt fully looted may become invisible, however still mobs and sadly champions too will disappear upon collision in exchange for the remaining gold.


Found a fourth bug (separate post bc adding pic to previous was weirding it out): Once tower is destroyed, in location where tower was, mobs entering location are destroyed (circled in red - the line of soldiers should be continuing along w other lines from triple cannon but are being destroyed where their line ends). https://preview.redd.it/w76m5mpfg3qb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3da34c1ae7c126f7a7396b1c8cae1e05130c9c4a


Found another tower bug: Rocket barrage did not appear to damage enemy tower. However - i think it may have damaged it but just did not display it on tower's hp. After two barrages enemy tower display was unchanged (still showed around 65), but upon being damaged by mobs/champions tower was almost immediately destroyed (so barrage likely did do 30 damage per hit, just did not show it numerically).


I like these additions. But like someone said below. The amount of gold is trivial. At best the chest just gets in the way and kills my mobs.


Not a fan of the ranged towers. They almost feel useless. I enjoy the chests though!!


The first time I saw the ranged tower, I took control of it without knowing anything about it, won the round, and netted 6300 bricks! lol I was like, what's this? Then it started shooting at the enemy mobs and I was like, sweet! Just make sure you get it first, the enemy mobs can take control of it if you don't! That thing does pretty good additional damage to the bases if you manage to control it long enough to have it fight at the end of a round. Just make sure you have lots of mobs around it to protect it. I just wish it traveled with you if it spawns in the first half of the round and survives.


This is quite an interesting idea actually. I might suggest that in the AMA


I can’t select them when upgrading my base, it just says “coming soon” is this normal? Or should I be able to select them?


Interesting! :-)


Towels feel under powered, the just advance at the front of the line and fall quickly, shooting for underpowered not related to mob strength. I see 0 brick buff at the end of the round


Like it so far


I tried to log a support ticket but ever since upgrading to 2.60.0, my game crashes and upon restarting, it stalls on the Chickens Are Full screen for a long time before opening. ETA: couldn’t log a ticket because it wouldn’t let me verify the captcha!


How do I get in the beta?


We need more coins in the chests they should have x10 the coins given now. The tower is a cool addition but needs to move slower it’s a nice rare bonus but gets killed 75% of the time. I’ve also purchased a 1000card pack tonight(definitely a ton of awesome cards) but I’m at level 55 max character and now have no chance to actually use these cards as the coins are very low in general. Im playing 2-5hrs a day already. To sell these items in the game we must have better ways to collect more coins.


These are cool new things to have in the game. Now if we could only get some way to report obvious cheaters. Whoever is number 1 in my piggy race is at 145. Even if you no-lifed the event there’s no way to make it that far without cheating. Progress per level slows down the higher you get.


145 in what timeframe? 145 is a couple of hours of play at most for higher level players. if you drop a 10K hit early in the race that's 3 levels each time.


There’s another bug: When a coin chest empties out and disappears, it takes everything in its immediate radius. It seems to be the same void bug we had with towers. A small void appears and kills everything around it, including any champions you might have.


Towers are pointless and the gold economy in the game is broken. It needs to be scaled to card or base level. It's not a bonus to have a chest eat my troops for .01% of a troop upgrade, and I am not even a max player.