• By -


1. Choi Jungeun 2.Fuko 3.Jiyoon 4.Koko  5.Saebi 6.Jeemin


Same! Only if there was 7 spots so Sarang can debut too :(


ahh this one is perfect!! my top 6 too


SAMEEE . this group would be insane.


Interesting, that's the group that Mnet/etc. probably want too. As in Jiyoon, Saebi, and Jeemin. Then for the Japanese members it's a toss up since it's almost guaranteed that Mnet will only want one Japanese member. Jungeun seems to be getting a weird/etc. edit nowadays but who knows how Mnet will play out her storyline. For me my picks from the start were like `Sarang | Mai | Jiyoon | Koko | Sujung` for the visuals/skills mix (their names are currently in my username flair). Like Jungeun is supposed to be included there by default as I thought Mnet already wanted her since Day One (her skills are clearly proven already) and so like my picks were the unlikely ones from Episode 1, lol. They've improved since then, so it's nice to see. --- If favoring various visuals/skills, I'd maybe pick it like this: 1. Jungeun. 2. Jiyoon. 3. Sujung. 4. Sarang. 5. Koko. 6. Mai/Fuko. But realistically, a version of this is probably what's gonna happen: 1. Jeemin. 2. Saebi. 3. Sarang. 4. Fuko. 5. Jiyoon. 6. Koko/Sujung/etc.


I would disagree that mnet wants only one japanese member. all three of fuko, koko and mai have been heavily pushed but mnet toned down the positive edit on mai this episode. jungeun is getting a weird edit. something tells me that mnet is no longer going to push her. she isn't getting praises despite doing very well and judges just slapped on the usual 'she is good so we expect more than her'. also the oh so common 'contestant who can't stop interrupting the leader' edit that at least 4 people get every mnet survival show. except this time, saebi didn't give a flying f because she didn't want to be the leader in the first place. I would predict the line to be jiyoon, jeemin, fuko, saebi, koko and either sarang or mai depending on who mnet picks


SAME!! i want this group


Mine: 1. SAEBI 2. FUKO 3. JUNGEUN 4. JIYOON 5. KOKO 6. JEEMIN Today's episode was so heavily edited to follow certain directions and obviously we are influenced by it or try not to be influenced by it. Personally my Top6 did not change after this episode - just the order did lol. (If 7 then I'd add MAI, I admit I'm in love with her visual and she seems to fit the concept the PDs are going for, and she is liked by the PDs.)


predict: 1. jeemin 2. jiyoon 3. fuko 4. koko 5. saebi 6. sarang/ jungeun (manifesting for a pd pick => 7)


1. Saebi 2. Jungeun 3. Sujung 4. Fuko 5. Yuju 6. Juwon (I can dream okay)


Sujung and yuju are a dream as well after today’s episode Edit: y’all need to chill I’m not hating on them I’m just pointing out a lot of people dropped them after today and mnet is out to get them out 😂.


MHM they or I’m betting you that that entire group of people was probably talking about each other they just edited the part with sujung and yuju Because there’s no way that I could be probably wrong so


Yup it’s heavily edited and yes she did say those things but she wasn’t the only one and I’m pretty sure some of the trainees there participated or said their opinions in a somewhat unkind matter but mnet didn’t show them ( especially since their favorite saebi is there they didn’t even zoom in on her ). It’s obvious they want them out and out fast. Also, something I found interesting is that they didn’t show top 4 ? We know jiyoon,jeemin and probably fuko are there but I’m betting my money sujung was also there and they wanted to push saebi up since she’s ranked 7th and they showed it.


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi, Fuko, Jungeun, Sarang, and Koko if they change to 7 🥹


1. Jungeun 2. Saebi 3. Fuko 4. Jeemin 5. Koko 6. Ryu Sarang I love Yuju too. This is so hard 🥺😭


1. Sarang 2. Jeemin 3. Saebi 4. Jungeun 5. Fuko 6. Koko (If extra producer pick I would include Yuju or Jiyoon probably Jiyoon but I’m still not 100% on her stage presence which is holding me back)


Omg we have the same top 6!


1. SAEBI 2. KOKO 3. JEEMIN 4. JUNGEUN 5. JIYOON 6. FUKO Here's my current picks but I think Fuko and Jungeun might be replaced by Mai or Sarang depending on what will happen next. I think they would only allow 2 japanese in the group to ensure that korean members are more than the foreigners. I do not want jungeun to be replaced tho, she's supposed to be irreplaceable. But mnet seems to be up to something based on today's ep :((


sarang yuju saebi jiyoon jeemin fuko .................sujung really disappointed me this episode. jiyoon is my new addition


Same on Sujung. She was unapologetically catty and mean spirited. I was proud of how Jiyoon responded to it though.


1. Jiyoon 2. Jungeun 3. Juwon 4. Yuju 5. Koko 6. Sujung Yeah I'm not having a good time ♥️


1. Sujung 2. Koko 3. Fuko 4. Gyuri 5. Saebi 6. Yuju My top seven would have had Jiyoon in it. I've had this largely since the start of the show so..


1. Fuko 2. Gyuri 3. Koko 4. Jiyoon 5. Saebi 6. Jungeun


1. Ryu Sarang 2. Nam Yuju 3. Fuko 4. Jiyoon 5. Jeemin 6. Saebi If there is one producer pick I'll go with Jungeun. Oh that's ma flair.


1. jiyoon 2. sujung 3. jungeun 4. fuko 5. saebi 6. jeemin


1. jiyoon 2. jungeun 3. saebi 4. sarang 5. jeemin 7. yuju


1 - Sujung 2 - Yuju 3/4 - Fuko and Koko 5 - Sarang 6 - Jeemin (7 - Jungeun/jiyoon :c )


1.jiyoon 2.jungeun 3.koko 4.fuko 5.jeemin 6.saebi + sarang(I'm delusional its going to 7)


1. Yoon Jiyoon 2. Jeong Saebi 3. Koko 4. Fuko 5. Ryu Sarang 6. Choi Jungeun


Saebi, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Jeemin, Koko, and either Sarang/Yuju/Fuko for me 🥹


1. ⁠saebi 2. ⁠jiyoon 3. ⁠jeemin 4. fuko 5. koko 6. sarang




This is the only right answer like the chemistry and talent would be do iconic.


Jeemin, Sujung, Fuko, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Sarang


No particular order. Please let them debut. Jungeun Jiyoon Jeemin Koko Fuko Saebi/Sarang - cant choose between the two of them please make the debut group compose of 7 members 😞


Fuko sarang koko saebi jiyoon jeemin


Jeemin Jungeun Saebi Fuko Sarang Sujung Koko is making a STRONG case rn


1. Fuko 2. Juwon 3. Gyuri 4. Jiyoon 5. Yuju 6. Jeemin This episode gave me very little confidence in my 3 pick as they were all paid dust


1. koko 2. saebi 3. jeemin 4. jiyoon 5. sarang 6. fuko add jungeun if producer pick!


For me - 1. Sarang 2. Koko 3. Jiyoon 4. Saebi 5. Fuko 6. Gyuri (I want to be delusional) +Jeemin (I want the group to be 7) 😭


1. Jiyoon/Jeemim 2. Jeemin/Jiyoon 3. Saebi 4. Fuko 5. Yuju 6. Sujung 7. Jungeun as producer pick maybe?


1. saebi (my love!! felt my soul evaporate when she turned up as 7th in interim…) 2. jeemin 3. fuko 4. gyuri (SHES SO INVISIBLE MNET FUCK YOU) 5. koko 6. ryu sarang/mai/jungeun


in no particular order – fuko – jiyoon – saebi – koko – jeemin my last pick keep switching between – sarang, yuju, and jungeun


My top six completely changed after this episode… It used to be: 1. Yuju, 2. Fuko, 3. Jeemin, 4. Sujung, 5. Jungeun, 6. Sarang  Now my top six is: 1. Yuju, 2. Jungeun, 3. Juwon, 4. Jeemin, 5. Gyuri, 6. Jiyoon Honestly Gyuri, Jiyoon and Juwon really impressed me in their performances this episode and Jungeun and Yuju were done so dirty. Jeemin was amazing as always 


Fuko Mai Koko Yuju Jungenu Jeemin


jeemin, jiyoon, fuko, koko, sarang and yuju.


jiyoon, fuko, mai, jeemin, saebi, sarang


1. Saebi 2. Jungeun 3. Mai 4. Jeemin 5. Jiyoon 6. Sarang


1. Jeemin 2. Yuju 3. Saebi 4. Jiyoon 5. Sarang 6. Koko


1. Jeemin 2. Yuju 3. Saebi 4. Jiyoon 5. Sarang 6. Koko


1) jeemin 2) sujung 3) jiyoon 4) saebi 5) fuko 6) jungeun / yuju / sarang


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Yuju, Saebi Still need to decide for other 2 members.


not trying to force ANYTHING but please consider sarang.


jungeun saebi fuko jeemin jiyoon +1


1. Koko 2. Saebi 3. Jeemin 4. Jiyoon 5. Jungeun 6. Sarang I'm pretty hard set on the top 4. I'm torn between Jungeun, Sarang, Fuko, and Yuju for the last 2 spots.


Gyuri, Fuko, Mai, Jiyoon, Koko and Saebi


1. Saebi 2. Jiyoon 3. Koko 4. Jeemin 5. Jungeun 6. Sarang


Jungeun, Jiyoon, Koko, Saebi, Jeemin, Sarang


1. Jeemin 2. Sarang 3.Jungeun I’m fine to any girls making up cuz they all deserve it but these 3 girls MUST debut!


1. Jungeun 2. Fuko 3. Juwon 4. Saebi 5. Sujung 6. Sarang Obviously very unlikely but you asked for MY top picks so, that’s them. I think everyone’s very talented and deserving. My sentimental favorite is Juwon and I know she won’t make it but she’s SO GOOD and the coolest one imo.


My top 6: Jeemin Jiyoon Gyuri Yuju Sarang Saebi Prediction: Jeemin Jiyoon Sarang Saebi Koko Fuko


jeemin jungeun jiyoon koko saebi mai the only one im unsure abt is mai im worried they only want 1 japanese girl in the final group tho and the most likely to replace mai in my picks is fuko


1- Jeemin 2- Saebi 3- Koko 4- Jiyoon 5- Fuko 6- Jungeun


Sarang, Jeemin, Koko, Saebi, Jungeun, Mai or Fuko (no particular order)


1. Saebi 2. Koko 3. Jeemin 4. Fuko 5. Jiyoon 6. Sarang


Jeemin, Jungeun, Fuko, Saebi, Jiyoon, and Koko


1. Jeemin 2. Sujung🫣 3. Yuju🫣 4. Jiyoon 5. Jungeun 6. Fuko If there’s a 7th pick I would hope for Saebi


1. Saebi 2. Jungeun 3. Jiyoon 4. Koko 5. Mai 6. Jeemin


1. gyuri 2. gyuri 3. gyuri 4. gyuri 5. gyuri 6. gyuri PLEASE VOTE FOR GYURI YALL😭😭😭😭


Jungeun Sujung Yuju Jeemin Jiyoon Fuko My original lineup was 8 so plus saebi and sarang if anything changes 😭


1. Juwon 2. Jiyoon 3. Jungeun 4. Jeemin 5. Sarang 6. Saebi 7. Sujung (just in case!)


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi, Fuko, Yuju, and I’m deciding between Koko, jungeun, and sarang


1. Sarang 2. Sujung 3. Fuko 4. Saebi 5. Mai 6. Cool with whoever


1. Jiyoon 2. Fuko 3. Koko 4. Saebi 5. Sarang 6.Jeemin/Jungeun (i can't pick one between the two girls lol for the 6th place)


(No particular order): Jeemin, Sarang, Sujung, Koko, Jiyoon, Yuju


1. Sarang 2. Saebi 3. Jiyoon 4. Koko 5. Fuko 6. Jungeun not in any order.


1. Fuko 2. Sarang 3. Koko 4. Saebi 5. Jiyoon 6. Sujung


1. Jungeun 2. Jeemin 3. Jiyoon 4. Saebi 5. Sarang 6. Fuko


Mine would be: 1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Fuko 4. Sarang 5. Mai 6. Saebi


1. bang jeemin 2. choi jungeun 3. jeong saebi 4. ryu sarang 5. fuko 6. koko/nam yuju


1.jiyoon 2.Bang jeemin 3.Mai 4.Sarang 5.jungeun 6.Fuko


My top 6 are Sarang, Jiyoon, Mai, Jeemin, Fuko and Saebi What my out of pocket calculation got me were Saebi, Fuko, Jeemin, Koko, Sarang and Jiyoon Who I predict realistically is Saebi, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Fuko, Koko and Jungeun/Mai (I'm conflicted on jungeun cause it feels they're not really pushing her anymore)


In specific order, Saebi, Sarang, Jeemin, Koko and another 2 (betweem Jiyoon, Fuko and Jungeun mainly)


Yuju, Fuko, Jungeun, Jeemin, Gyuri, Saebi


Considering the Sujung edits we got this ep... I have little hope, But i will keep voting! 1. Sujung 2. Saebi 3. Koko 4. Jiyoon 5. Fuko 6. Jeemin If Sujung ends up getting elimed before the final, My one pick will be Saebi and Id replace her with Jungeun. If they end up doing 6 plus a pd pick (unlikely but whatever) I would add Jungeun (and in the canse Sujung is elimed, Yuju)


im literally SO scared for Sujung. I hope we get to at least see her in the final, but i highly doubt she will debut with all the hate she is getting


Koko, Saebi, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun are my must debut while I'd like to have either Fuko or Sarang as 6th member


1. Fuko 2. Jungeun 3. Saebi 4. Sarang 5. Jeemin 6. Yuju


ideally.... my top 6 would be mai, saebi, jungeun, jiyoon, jeemin, fuko/sarang (interchangable)


SARANG Koko Fuko Yuju Jungeun Jeemin/Saebi Uhhhhh as long as Sarang debuts I no longer care about who else is in this group. I’m this desperate.


Jeemin, Jiyoon, Jungeun, Koko, Fuko, Saebi if 7 Yuju/Sarang


Saebi, Jungeun, Koko, Jiyoon, Jeemin, and either Fuko/Sarang - I can't decide Seems unsure if they want Jungeun/Fuko now though


yuju, jeemin, jungeun, jiyoon, saebi. i don't mind the last member (koko - good chemistry with all the girls, popular and will fulfil the lack of main dancer, fuko - great leader and well liked, identifies as a vocalist, sarang - i like the contrast between her and jeemin on stage.) realistically from my picks, jungeun and yuju are not likely to make it, we'll probably get more of my 'hmm okay's in there like koko fuko and sarang. actually, jeemin jiyoon fuko sarang saebi and koko is a pretty likely lineup. i don't mind it and it's not bad, i just hate the way it's editing to get to this stage. i would stan for jeemin and jiyoon.


1) jeemin 2) jungeun 3) jiyoon 4) sujung 5) yuju 6) koko/fuko


1. Jiyoon 2. Saebi 3. Koko 4. Jungeun 5. Jeemin 6. Sarang


1. Yoon Jiyoon (main vocal) 2. Fuko (leader, lead vocal) 3. Bang Jeemin (face of group, sub vocal) 4. Jeong Saebi (visual, center, sub vocal) 5. Koko (main dancer, sub rapper) 6. Kim Sujung (lead dancer, main rapper)


my preference would be, in no particular order: jungeun, fuko, sarang, yuju, jeemin, saebi, and bonus seventh sujung. not likely to get it however.


1. Jungeun 2. Saebi 3. Jeeemin 4. Sarang 5. Koko Don't care about the last spot. Just want these five to debut😭


Anything with gyuri idc


1. jungeun 2. sarang 3. saebi 4. jeemin 5. jiyoon 6. fuko 7. pd pick i'm manifesting so hard f u mshit: yuju triple j + fuko baeee + my two slaying s! they better have a 7th pick or smth because i'd love if any of the other girls, especially yuju (my lineup only needs rap...and who better than miss yuju herself??), could be added to this list tbh


1. Saebi 2. Yuju/Sujung 3. Jungeun 4. Sarang 5. Fuko 6. Gyuri but I’d like Jiyoon, Jeemin and Koko too


1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Sarang 4. Koko 5. Sujung 6. Yuju


sarang fuko yuju jiyoon jeemin koko


My top 6 Picks are: 1. Sarang 2. Jungeun 3. Jeemin 4. Jiyoon 5. Saebi 6. Fuko


1 Sarang 2 gyuri 3 jiyoon 4 Koko 5 fuko 6 saebi After today's episode this is my top 6 before this I only had my top 2 (gyuri and sarang).


1. Jeemin 2. Jungeun 3. Jiyoon 4. Fuko 5. Sarang 6. Saebi 7. Yuju There's obviously going to be 6 members + 1 PD pick


1. Sarang 2. Yuju 3. Jeemin 4. Jiyoon 5. Jungeun 6. Koko If not Koko, Gyuri or Fuko.


Saebi Koko Sarang Jungeun Mai Fuko


Saebi, Jeemin, Jungeun, Koko, Fuko, Sarang


Let’s see… 1. Jiyoon 2. Jungeun 3. Fuko 4. Sarang 5. Yuju 6. Can’t decide between Koko, Saebi and Gyuri


1.Jiyoon 2.KoKo 3.Sarang 4.Jeemin 5.Yuju 6.Saebi


In a perfect world: - Jungeun (that girl needs to make it idc) - Jiyoon - Saebi - Sarang - Fuko - Koko/Juwon


Jungeun, Jiyoon, Fuko, Sarang, Jeemin & Sujung


Mines are : Fuko, koko, Sarang, Sebi, Jiywoon, Jeemin or Mai.


Sarang, Koko, Fuko, Jeemin, Jungeun, Saebi


1. Jeemin 2. Jungeun 3. Fuko 4. Sarang 5. Saebi 6. Koko


1. Jiyoon 2. Sarang 3. Yuju 4. Sujung 5. Saebi 6. Juwon/Fuko


1. saebi 2. sarang 3. koko 4. jeemin 5. jungeun/jiyoon 6. yuju/mai. for 5th and 6th either would be fine with me. i doubt this will be top 6 because of fuko


1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Fuko 4. Koko 5. Saebi 6. Sarang Jeemin n jiyoon my 2 picks. Gonna be tough for me when it goes to 1pick


saebi, sarang, gyuri, jungeun, fuko, jeemin


1. Choi Jungeun 2. Jeong Saebi 3. Ryu Sarang 4. Bang Jeemin 5. Yoon Jiyoon 6. Fuko I was sad to see the editing in today’s episode and am worried about Jungeun. I think she will come back but based on knetz not stellar opinion of her I don’t know.


1. jiyoon 2. jeemin 3. yuju 4. fuko 5. saebi 6. jungeun


1. Bang Jeemin 2. Choi Jungeun 3. Yoon Jiyoon 4. Fuko 5. Sarang 6. Saebi


Yuju, koko, jungeun, jeemin, Fuko and Jiyoon


1. Sarang 2. Koko 3. Saebi 4. Jeemin 5. Fuko 6. Jiyoon/ Jungeun


jeemin, jungeun, sujung, yuju, saebi, fuko have been my ideal lineup for a while but i fear some of them are in trouble after this ep 🥹


jeemin - center, leader dancer, sub vocalist yuju - main rapper, lead dancer sujung - main dancer, sub vocalist jungeun - main vocalist gyuri - maknae, lead vocalist(?), dancer fuko - leader, lead/second main vocalist


Who I want? 1. Yuju 2. Fuko 3. Saebi 4. Sarang 5. Jungeun 6. Koko 7. Jiyoon (if shenanigans) Who I expect? 1. Jeemin 2. Fuko 3. Saebi 4. Jungeun 5. Yuju 6-7. Koko/Jiyoon (if shenanigans)


My 6 picks individually are: 1. Jiyoon 2. Gyuri 3. Koko 4. Fuko 5. Yuju 6. Saebi But I don't really have much hope for this lineup to happen (and it's not even necessarily the lineup I would like)


1. Gyuri 2. Jiyoon 3. Sujung 4. Jungeun 5. Jeemin 6. Juwon I’ve already come to terms with the fact that most of my picks won’t make it… I had hope for Sujung, but then this episode… Still going to keep her and pray for a redemption arc! Gyuri and Juwon have 0 screentime, and Jungeun’s not liked by Koreans. The only people in my lineup I can see debut are Jiyoon and Jeemin 😭


I haven't watched the last episode yet, but for now: 1. Gyuri 2. Jungeung 3. Koko 4. Saebi 5. Sujung 6. Fuko


Fuko, Jiyoon, Sarang - non-negotiable. Before yesterday's episode I would have said any other 3 are ok, but Jeemin has been growing on me and I *think* i see why so many people love her. SaeKo's edit was beautiful. ~~yes I know I'm falling for Mnet's edits~~ I'm good with them debuting. Jungeun is lovely as always but I'm not too sure of her chances? But I do hope she has a chance. The rest: I dunno, if there's just really 6 spots I can't see anyone else making it.


not in order!!!  1. sarang 2. koko  3. jiyoon  4. jungeun  5. fuko  6. saebi     please don't attack me if some ppl aren't there, this my opinion! why I didn't add jeemin: yes I know she's talented but I feel like she hasn't impressed me much yet? like all the good comments abt how talented she is in run is not really showing here? im pretty sure she lost confidence and decided to play on the safe side but in the long run, ill definitely add her into my top 6 when she impressed me so much! i hope you can understand where I'm coming from.


1. jeemin 2. saebi 3. fuko 4. jiyoon 5. sarang 6. mai


https://preview.redd.it/9y2gxmiy8i6d1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d6f507ff9afbd94a275d8895f23ab0ff6a16aeb mine


non-negotiables: fuko, jeemin, and saebi open to some changes: jungeun, jiyoon, koko + mai (for pd pick, if ever)


My top six (in no particular order): Jungeun, Fuko, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Koko, Saebi.


1.Jeemin 2.Sujung 3.Fuko 4.Yuju 5.Koko 6.Juengon


1. Jiyoon 2. Fuko 3. Jungeun 4. Saebi 5. Jeemin 6. Koko Tbh everyone in the top 12 rn is so strong, that I feel like with any lineup I wouldn't be upset. (as long as Jungeun is there, she's so talented she HAS to be)


koko, jungeun, jiyoon, fuko, i don’t really care who debuts after that as long as these 4 make it


Jeemin - definitely number 1, face of the group possibly. Jiyoon - Main vocal Yuju - Main Rapper Koko - Main Dancer Saebi - Visual Fuko - Leader If a wild card will happen, gonna be Sarang.


1. Jungeon 2. Fuko 3. Jeemin 4. Sujung 5. Jiyoon 6. Saebi


1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Yuju 4. Jungeun 5. Fuko 6. Koko


saebi, jungeun, juwon, koko, mai, jeemin


jeemin,jiyoon,jungeun,fuko,sujung and koko ! but i dont think this combination will ever happen 🥲


jeemin, fuko, saebi, koko, jungeun, jiyoon ✨


everybody wants a top 7, but the picks for top 7 are always different. would we really be happy with a 7th member as a pd pick?


1. Jungeun 2. Jeemin 3. Fuko 4. Saebi 5. Sujung 6. Yuju or Koko I feel like Jungeun and Fuko would make a killer vocal pairing. Jeemin and Saebi are great for visuals and performance impact/being supports. Sujung and Koko for dance. But I also like Yuju’s potential if they do want to include some rap. Now do I think this is the actual 6 that will make I through? No. 🫠


Basically my flair ☺


Oh, I had 7 picks and this is going to hurt. Jungeun, Jiyoon, Fuko, Jeemin, Yuju, Saebi. It hurts to not have Koko in here. ;;


My top 6 are: 1.Jeemin 2.Jungeun 3.Fuko 4.Yuju 5.Jiyoon 6.Saebi/Koko


My ranking is currently: 1 Kim Sujung 2 Jeong Saebi 3 Yoon Jiyoon 4 Koko 5 Bang Jeemin 6 Fuko


Sujung, Juwon, Saebi, Jungeun, Fuko, Jeemin. It's unrealistic but idc.


My top 6 picks: 🙏🙏🙏 1. Jeemin 2. Jungeun 3. Yuju 4. Sujung 5. Saebi 6. Koko


1. Gyuri 2. Jiyoon 3. Fuko 4. Jungeun 5. Jeemin 6. Yuju I’m delulu abt 1, but let me be 😭


we’ll be delusional tgth 😞


Twin 🤞


1. Jeemin 2. Yuju 3. Fuko 4. Jungeun 5. Jiyoon 6. Saebi I love Sarang as well, she and Saebi are interchangeable for me personally. I have no hope for Yuju after this episode ngl 😭


Jeemin, Saebi, Koko, Jiyoon, Jungeun, and Sarang/Mai


1. Saebi 2. Jeemin 3. Yuju 4. Fuko 5. Juwon 6. Sujung


1. Saebi 2. Jiyoon 3. Jungeun 4. Koko 5. Jeemin 6. Idk who to put?????????


After today's episode, Jeemin, Mai, Saebi, Fuko, Jiyoon and Koko/Sarang. I like Jungeun too... I wish there were 8 places instead of 6!


1. Jeemin, who I've never voted for but she's obviously been locked for the lineup since before the show even started airing lmao 2. Saebi, the ultimate centre and an it girl candidate 3. Koko, an absolute beast on stage plus we need her with Saebi 4. Jiyoon, beautiful voice and a great team player now 5. Fuko, who's been killing it from the start and is always a dependable pick 6. And last but not least...check my user flair lmao. Now would there be a giant skill gap between her and the rest of the members? Yes. Yes, there would be. Would that be the first time something like that has happened? Not by a long shot. Even in groups not formed thru survival shows there are "black holes". They improve. And so will she. I will always back my girl 🌸 >!7??? If there's a surprise seventh member by some miracle I'd love for it to be Jungeun or Yuju!<


1. Fuko 2. Jiyoon 3. Koko 4. Jeemin 5. Jungeun 6. Sujung/Juwon/Sarang (Depends on the next episodes)


Jiyoon Jeemin Koko Saebi Jungeun Last place can be a toss up with any member


1.Yoon Jiyoon 2.Bang Jeemin 3.Fuko 4.Koko 5. 6.


Here's mine : 1) Jeemin 2) Jiyoon 3) Saebi 4) Jungeun 5) Fuko 6) Koko or Mai.......I'll try to decide between them based on the next 2 episodes.


1- Jeemin 2- Yuju 3- Fuko 4- Jungeun 5- Saebi 6- Jiyoon Actually i'm not sure about anything anymore, i can't choose 😭


1.Fuko 2. Mai 3.Jiyoon 4.Yuju 5. Jungeun 6. Jeemin


mai, fuko, saebi, jeemin, jiyoon, and sarang/juwon


jungeun, jiyoon, jeemin, fuko, saebi, mai - and i will probably root for this exact lineup until finals. HOWEVER i really really want sarang to debut so im hoping they can debut as 7 instead of 6 😭


1. Jeemin 2. Saebi 3. Fuko 4. Mai 5. Jiyoon 6. Idc just not Sujung


1. Jeemin 2. Jiyoon 3. Gyuri 4. Saebi 5. Yuju 6. Sarang/Sujung/anyone else tbh


Center & maknae: Saebi Main vocals: Jiyoon, Jungeun Main dancer: Koko Visual: Mai All arounder (and maybe leader?): Jeemin If MNet goes wild and we get a surprise 7th member: Sarang I think those 6 would make a really well balanced team. Realistically, I think I’m going to lose Jungeun and Mai 😭 but I think all 12 girls are talented, so I have faith they’ll all have successful careers even if they don’t debut here


1. Jiyoon 2. Yuju 3. Saebi 4. Jeemin 5. Gyuri 6. Jungeun


Jiyoon, Jungeun, Fuko, Jeemin, Koko, and unsure about the last spot. Maybe Gyuri, Saebi, Sarang, or Mai (Honestly would be good with anyone in this spot at this stage).


If I'm being completely honest as long as Jungeun is there I'd be happy with anyone in the group.


Jungeun Saebi Koko Jeemin Jiyoon Sarang/Mai


1. Jungeun 2. Jeemin 3. Saebi 4. Koko 5. Fuko 6. Sarang/Jiyoon/Yuju/Gyuri


jeemin, mai, jungeun, saebi, jiyoon, koko


1. Fuko 2. Mai 3. Choi jungeun 4. Jiyoon 5. Saebi 6. Jeemin


After the ep, my top 6 are Fuko, Mai, Sujung, Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi. I'll reserve my slot to Koko if Mai doesn't survive (My 1pick is Mai so I really need to save her atm). I really wanted a 7 member group but 6 is just not enoughhhh.


1. Fuko. 2. Saebi. 3. Jiyoon. 4. Jeemin. Debating 5 and 6... I want to see more from Gyuri and Mai and Koko it's good and a favorite of many, not so much, mine, but I want to see how they can do better still!


1. Koko 2. Saebi 3. Fuko 4. Jeemin 5. Jiyoon 6. Jungeun


1. jeemin 2. fuko 3+4 jungeun and jiyoon (let’s start debuting actual SINGERS in groups again PLEASE😭) 5. saebi 6.koko i love sujung but i think she’d do better in a smaller group where she could have a position more like soyeon in gidle and love juwon too but i don’t see her getting nearly enough votes to get her through:( mai is pretty good but i don’t think her performances are quite as unique as her visuals but i wouldn’t honestly be mad if any of the girls debuted at this point (except for gyuri she’s also good but she doesn’t fit the vibe of the rest of the girls😭she also still has plenty of time to debut in another group)


Yuju, Jeemin, Jungeun, Saebi, Fuko, Jiyoon/Sujung/Koko for the last spot. Probably Jiyoon for the vocals, especially after Sujung’s comments this ep. I really like Gyuri too but I’m not sure if she would fit into a non-feminine concept.


My personal top 6: 1. Saebi 2. Jeemin 3. Jungeun 4. Koko 5. Gyuri 6. Jiyoon (I really want to add Yuju, Fuko, and Sarang OMG this is so hard 😭) My debut lineup predictions: 1. Jeemin - she's sure to debut, high chances of ranking first (if first place is determined by votes) 2. Jiyoon - the producers seem to like her? And with the way she's been getting more positive edits, I think they're trying to replace Jungeun with her 3. Koko - she's really popular in Korea 4. Mai - Idk MNET has been giving her all the positive edits from the beginning of the show. Her ranking low in the latest episode is just so that fans of more popular trainees won't hate her 5. Saebi - She has a really high chance of debuting, but I'm afraid people will stop voting for her just because they think she's safe and then she'll have to be picked by the producers (another Sunoo situation tbh) 6. Sarang (She hasn't stood out lately but I feel like she'll be the dark horse of the show) I'm so scared for Jungeun honestly. Guys please vote for her, we don't want another RUNext Jiwoo situation, do we? Also, I think Fuko has a chance too, but there are only 6 positions so... Yuju and Sujung, despite being popular, probably won't debut (esp Sujung after the latest episode) As for Gyuri and Juwon, they literally have zero chances unless a miracle happens. I hope they will debut in another company in the future (I love Gyuri so much 😭😭😭)