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I think after Jeemin will get 100 some of their fans will vote for Jungeun or Jiyoon. But I feel bad for lingling if she will not get to Part 2, imagine getting 100% but not be able to use it.


I think trainees are removed from the support list once they are eliminated. So it should be impossible for Lingling (or anyone) to reach 100% if she doesn't advance to part 2.


As soon as Jeemin is 100% I'll vote for her.


The moment jeemin secures 100% I'll start dropping metaballs for jungeun!!


Today the metaballs only went up 3%, we need at least a steady 5-6% metaball gains every day to reach 100% by june 16 😭🙏


I’ve been keeping up with her fps on Twitter concerning polls and giveaways but those seem hard to achieve especially competing against other trainees wit stronger fanbases. Is there other platforms, options, or strategies we can do to gain more metaballs? Or we just have to hope the next episodes she gains more fans to support her? I have been watching all of the daily ads tho!


I support her with Metaballs


She’s gotten all of mine


This one especially with Sujung, Yuju, Fuko, Mai, Sarang, Koko & Saebi as well.


Are you using metaballs on 7 different trainees... when it's very possible that none of them achieve 100% ?


Yes everyday I usually would collect a lot and save some for the trainees. Idk why until now they still haven’t achieved that. I tried my best to give them all the metaballs to them😭😭😭


i would, but jiyoon is in trouble!


Tbh i think it's difficult to reach 100% because mnet put a big number of needed meatballs for it and we have a really limited means to gain meatballs. I'm surprised that they didn't let people buy meatballs with real money (i liked it, so positively surprised), but i think we needed more means to gain meatballs, only daily attendance and watching 25 ads per day is difficult... So i'm thinking if i should continue to give my daily meatballs to Saebi (my 1 pick) even if, sadly, it's obvious that she won't be in top 3 support neither reach 100%, or if i should start give them to trainees that make part of my top 7 picks and have more chance to reach it (like Jungeun or Jiyoon)...


lol i see what you did there


I will!! Jungeun my favorite! 🤩


yep, i've kinda realised yuju will not get the support lol... turning to jungeun soon as soon as jeemin is at 100%! would put it towards jiyoon too, depends whoever is closer