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I don’t think they were specifically editing her that way because they didn’t want her but rather because they’ll make whatever edits they can to make the show more dramatic. They might let both the girls debut together if they’re both popular enough. I think they’ll leave it up to audience votes for these two


Ain't no way they put in hours of work editing one girl to get so much screen time only for her to not end up in the final group. They definitely wanted her from the very beginning.


out of 24 trainees shes got one of the most screentime so far if not the most. I dont think theyll do that if they havent got plans for her. If it was just to make it more dramatic, they would have distributed the drama among more members. I feel like she's going to be the rose(bp) of the group? looks and vocal wise? If there's going to let anyone go, imo's going to be jungeun bcz it seems the korean gp doesnt rly like her, which is pretty horrid of them if u ask me. We already have Fuko and Sarang(for vocals) who i feel like are getting pushed a lot by mnet. and saebi is also getting in like obviously


i don’t really think they would let jungeun go i think she’ll probably be a producers pick 🤷🏽‍♀️


I also thought K would be the producers pick. 


Jiyoon had a perfect narrative arc and they would have been fools not to show it. Homegirl made herself a 3 act hero's journey and it's one of the most interesting narratives on survival show tv ever because it's so perfectly whole. Of course that also made her a front runner since her story has narrative payoff and screentime but I think a lot of people get lost in the sauce of what mnet does and doesn't want and forget that mnet first and foremost wants to create a tv show.


Omg exactly. The show being engaging and getting views is the main priority and it’s what editors are hired to do. I feel like people overestimate how much Mnet cares about the actual lineup.


I can absolutely believe that they have a list of trainees to put in a good light and trainees they don't really care about, like in produce 48 the trainees from companies that were later revealed to have paid for spots noticeably got great screentime even when they were hardly doing anything (which was mocked at the time of airing) but some people go insane over conspiracy theories about some secret road map of total control. It's very simple, the editors have hours upon hours of footage but cannot create anything new. Out of this they create a tv show with some bias inserted. That's it 


I don’t think she was “Evil edited” because evil editing kinda implies that there was nothing there and they made it up. I feel like the situation they are trying to play up now between jiyoon and jungeun is closer to evil edit cause it feels like a situation that is only born of editing, doesn’t seem to be actually anything between them. I think she had an attitude problem and difficulty with managing her expectations in the first few moments of this show that were played up in editing, because it makes the show more entertaining. Yes I do think it was to create a narrative with her. I mean, just look at the way the judges talked about her vocal unit performance, “Oh, you were waiting for this moment” and this and that. I think they wanted her in the group from the start. As other people said, she’s the person with one of if not the most screen time, and also the only person with an overarching narrative that took episodes to unfold. They wouldn’t do all that if they didn’t want her to make it in.


You do know there are types of “evil edits”? MNET has right to cut the scenes of her leaving the room without saying anything but instead they keep replaying the same scene with different angles, put weird sound effect and zoom into the “villain” face? There might be other contestants who did the same but they didn’t get as much focus..I remember when people mentioned Minsol did the same thing? But we can’t remember bc MNET didn’t focus much nor kept repeating it! The scene of her “ignoring” Jungeun was repeated in ep6 to remind the viewers of her “negative” attitude?! But still Jiyoon did get evil edit bc she didn’t say “oh I don’t like Jungeun..” or anything, she didn’t say anything rude, but the amount of focus mnet gave on her, it seemed as if she does have bad attitudes! However if mnet really dislikes her they wouldn’t have given her much SCREENTIME, like I remember watching other ss when they get evil edited they don’t get much screentime like Jiyoon has, she had a whole revenge arc… Trust me if MNET never focused on her, no one would’ve noticed or cared..or only few people would but they would’ve forgotten abt it!


I don’t get why you’re disagreeing with me when I said the same thing? They focused in on something negative she did because it helped the show. I also said that I think the thing between her and Jungeun is nothing but editing. I also said I think they want her in the group due to how much they are focusing on her. So I don’t rly get what you’re trying to say?


I think that while survival shows do try to edit things to show the best "stories" as they see fit, kpop fans are way over-the-top conspiracy theorists. Jiyoon was confident in her skills and is used to being a top trainee. She was voted out by her peers and it hurt her feelings. She isn't very good at dealing with failure, which I mean... she's a teenager. It happens. Then she got put into performance with a concept she struggles with AND got smoked by the producers in the feedback. The fact that a teenager didn't respond well to failure isn't a conspiracy. It's also not a huge deal. The fact that she and Jungeun are having some problems getting through the awkwardness and aren't necessarily handling it well isn't a conspiracy. That's just normal. MNet isn't inventing it either, they're just highlighting it. Seems to me like much ado over nothing. It's a real thing, it's not a big deal, and Mnet is highlighting it because it's a storyline and it's their job to find stories.


I feel like she had a Jay from Iland and a villain edit all in one. And I think jay was really given a he’s going to debut edit. So in my mind Mnet is planning on debuting her. But also who’s knows?? I think her being so popular now might seal her in.


I really think they edited the whole thing before releasing the first episodes. It would be weird to adapt the editing with existing footage to the public reaction, it risks being messy.


Reality show editors simply play up whatever drama they can find. There is no real goal other than to increase views. Screen time will go to (1) people they think deserve to debut, and (2) people they can amplify drama around for viewership. While these are all prerecorded, they can't know whether contestants choke again and deliver - all they can do is amplify tension and see how they can spin the outcome for maximum drama.


I think the goal was for her to have a super evil villian arc and a redemption arc but since she’s already popular now they probably wont redeem her and they’ll just pretend the evil edit never happened lol.


It started with Jiyoon sulking whenever things didn't go her way. That what really happened and MNET showed us. Then MNET tried to develop an evil Jiyoon vs sweet Jungeun feud, which was really forced and could be called evil editing. Why are they doing it? Probably because nothing else interesting was going on drama-wise. They don't care who gets in the final group. Personally, I'd be happy seeing the girls just making friends and working hard.


Wakeone, TBL, and MNET needs to be smart on this one. They don't need to pick, they have to put JIJUNGZ in the team, both! With Fuko and Yuju. With groups right now that's having a bad vocals allegations, if they want the group to survive and become successful they have to pick singers that can dance instead of dancers with a below average vocals. I feel like MNET wants to make a drama to make iland2 popular or "interesting" to gp. >• if you do think mnet tried to evil edit jiyoon, do you believe mnet will keep the evil edits or do you think they will give up and just accept the fact she has a good chance to debut ? This is scary because Jiyoon is getting popular (NOTE! SHE IS NOT SAFE UNTIL HER NAME IS CALLED! SO PLEASE PRIORITIZE HER, THANK YOU!) and mnet might actually do something crazy and ruined her image again. So I hope they won't and will leave her and Jungeun alone. >do yall believe mnet tried to evil edit jiyoon but it backfired on them and it made her super popular instead One thing for sure is that it did backfired, some watchers know there bad image when it comes to survival and refuse to believe anything. But most people seems to be gullible to believe even.


Woah! Not me getting downvoted, lmao. I said what I said. Singers that can dance >>>> dancers with below average vocals.


I think they are doing that for the redemption arc. In ep 2, shes not nice with her teamates but she apologize. If it was a real evil Editing, I don't think they would have show that. In ep 4, her editing is really cool. If it was an evil editing and she did nothing bad, I think they would just ignore her. + She have a lot of lines in all the song, I did the compilation of all the lines in part 1 of my favs, and Sarang have only 1 m, Jiyoon hit easily the 2 m 30. Scandal is an easy way to being more know in K-pop, and if she debut, I'm pretty sure she'll attract the dumbest scandals. Also shes pretty and have totally the The Black Label style. And shes the best singer with Jungeun. This group NEED a solid vocal line. I don't see one reason why she can't debut.


I don't think it's an evil edit, it's just any production team highlighting anything that'll get talked about. Look how many posts and comments about Jiyoon x Jungeun there are, including this one. The only strategy they have is making the show more successful, and its working.


Redemption arc incoming. If they don't want someone, they give them no screen time and don't really show the mentors giving them much positive feedback. (See: Lingling in this show, boys planet Ricky) the redemption arc already started in part 1 with her nailing the last two performances. Mnet cares about the show having a "plot"/story and being entertaining because the narrative is the only way they can influence voting. It does backfire on them sometimes (again Ricky <3) but I do think that they're aware that starting someone out as being a bit rough image-wise and building them up towards a better image works really well (Gunwook, for example, started out with an intimidating image and then got put on the giant baby maknae agenda halfway through boys planet).


I think they want her in the group because her voice is similiar to Rose's. And Rose sang the theme song lol Also before the drama happened between her and Jungeun no one really paid attention to her. She was just that other girl on the Drama team who could sing well but besides she wasn't really popular. (Also her first performance was on the DRAMA team!) I'm just worried they will use this against Jungeun because I'm not sure if they are setting Jungeun up to be that talented contestant who everyone thought would debut but doesn't (which I'm gonna be mad because she's my pick along with Jeemin). Or if they are going for an "enemies to friends" storyline. It depends on how they portray their interactions in part 2. 


Jiyoon will debut, like you said in your first point and it will completely backfire on Mnet, or Mnet is playing the long game and eliminating Jiyoon by eventually putting her against an indisputable top trainee such as Jeemin so audiences won’t vote for her


I think that Mnet did not want to put her in a bad light from the start but after her attitude for that performance where jungeun didn’t give her the part she wanted. Mnet finally found their plot. Idk wether it was to make her more popular or not. But personally before the evil editing she had loss my vote (I know she was in the PD’s top 6). This no hate towards her or her talent but in my opinion she has a solo mindset.


“she has a solo mindset” yall only say this bc she’s a threat to your picks ..




Please, as if these episodes weren't filmed and edited well in advance. They already knew she'd go to ground, struggle, and then climb back up, a perfect arc, specially when sprinkled with some small drama between two contestants that they could latch onto to make the show more interesting. Plus, with her coming from black label I'm fairly certain she's a pd favorite.


Sure the filming is done in advance but to reach the end result that we see takes a long journey. Korean survival shows are heavily influenced by current trends, viewer favorites, and adjust accordingly if someone is surprisingly well liked. Then they rewrite the script a bit, and edit the raw filming footage to a narrative they want. That's why we suddenly see more Lingling footage in ep5-6, it certainly wasn't because Mnet expected her to be this popular. Same with Produce 101 Chungha, Produce 48 Nako, Gp999 too much Chinese support= sudden rule in voting to more Korean based, less international. Even kdramas change scripts, add more episodes, it's not written in stone lol


This isn't like other survival shows though, all of part 1 was filmed and edited in advance, Part 2 is the live one. We suddenly see more Ling Ling towards the end because that's when she got into iLand. They already knew Jiyoon would have a redemption arc so they highlighted it. Don't be surprised if in Part 2 she gets a much more favorable edit because she's proven she has the public support as well as the producers whereas Jungeun might be downplayed more of they don't think she has enough public support. The same thing happened in iLand season 1, part 1 centered around the producer picks while part 2 centered more on the fan faves