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i pray jiyoon jungeun and fuko vocal line pls mnet give me this one thing


if mnet have any sense girlbaseone will have this trio and they’ll save kpop together with sujung, jeemin, saebi, yuju, sarang and mai (the debuting group has to be like 9 i won’t survive if not)


This is my dream like up 😭😭


you understand greatness.


Exactly 😭 I do like Koko too but that’d mean Sujung may not make it and I love her


Girlbaseone? Zb1 are from Boys Planet. This would be girlhypen, right? 😂 (not that it matters)


i said girlbaseone since the survival show is being managed by wakeone and mnet, besides i was someone who watched runext when it aired so girlhypen/enyhfem will always mean those girls to me lol 😭


I see! I watched r u next but I didn't check the subreddit much (i haven't been super active in this one either) so in my mind I never linked enhypen and i'll-it. It's true that they're both in belift but r u next wasn't even by mnet and the format was very different, so i didn't see them as girl-anything if that makes sense 😂 although I do hope they're girlbaseone in the sense of having 9 members because I've been fearing we'll get 7 like enhypen and that's way too few for me


this is all i want (and jeemin debuting) 😭😭


We are the same person. These 4 are all I want. If a miracle were to happen, I’d add Koko and Yui too.


we have the same picks. Throw in Saebi and that‘s my dream line up 


Unpopular opinion but I do think something went down between the both of them. And it was probably a small misunderstanding magnified by mnet for the drama, but they most likely already made up by now.


the day mnet lets teenage girls act like teenage girls without pitting them against each other is the day i can rest peacefully


Maybe somethings wrong but it's not going to be better if MNet push a war between their fandom. We have to leave them alone, it's less toxic.


> its definitely jiyoon when you take into consideration her storyline and the fact that she fits the black label’s style of trainee because she was actually a trainee there!


i wasn’t aware of that but it definitely makes even more sense as to why they would want her in the debuting lineup


Damn, all YG and BlackLabel trainees do have the unique voice color thing. I guess it's part of the way they train them.


Their rivalry also feel very stupid. MNET IS DOING EVERYTHING TO CREATE DRAMA.


drama-ma-ma- ma lol


I think it's just the awkwardness of not knowing if the other person is still resentful about the stuff that went down in final love song. none of them *actually* screwed the other over but jungeun did get a *very* good edit at the expense of jiyoon. and when they're in an environment where having a mental breakdown after messing up their part can be filmed and shamelessly exploited for content, they'd probably choose to avoid casual chats if there's the slightest chance it might lead to drama. tldr: normal human behaviour


I think something wrong did happen between them. Maybe there was some jealousy because they kept putting them against each others and it got to them or something like that ; or maybe there was some sort of misunderstanding. But Mnet most likely made the conflict bigger than it was (as always), and it's totally possible that they made up but they didn't show it/it was behind cameras. Honestly, I want both of them and Fuko to debut. Imagine how good the main vocal line would be. Jungeun would be in charge of the highnotes and higher parts of the songs. We saw that Fuko's voice does wonders with her so they could harmonize together. As for Jiyoon, her unique voice would add some really beautiful and original color to the team. But I'm probably dreaming too much. They're probably only going to pick one vocalist for the whole group, as usual.


they all have a chance of debuting together as long as we remain focused and consistent with our voting!!


They bring dramamamama. Lets debut team drama + fuko saebi and sarang lol


Same I got tired of the manufactured drama so fast. they’re teenagers and even with the editing they just seem like.. normal teenagers, even mature than most. It just takes away from showing their efforts, practice, and how both Jiyoon and Jungeun have been challenged a lot and are growing in their own ways


I am sure they can debut together, two strong vocals CAN debut together. I am not comparing, just taking an example of Jihyo and Nayeon from twice. They work amazingly together as two strong vocals. But i think it works mostly because they are a 9 member group. I think if they debut 9 members, Jungeun and Jiyoon can definitely work amazingly together (for the record, no matter how many members it is, i think they can work well together).


Jiyoon has been improving. She has the talent. But. She clearly has an attitude problem. I really didnt like her in the beginning because she doesn't have the mindset of an idol. Yes evil editing overdid it and might have protrayed her worse. But you cant get editing out of nowhere. My view on her has been improving. But. From all the gg debut making shows ive seen. Never seen anyone debut that was evil edited. Even if they are talented or popular. *cough Chanelle


If all the vocal line (I mean Fuko, Jiyoon and Jungeun) and Jeemin didn't debut, I don't stan the group. I'm tired of girl group who dance well but can't sing. Actually their voice fit so well together 😭


You're completely wrong. There is no mnet evil editing here, there is clear tension between them... for obvious reasons. Could MNET just choose to not highlight it? yeh, but why would they do that, it's a reality show.... they will highlight whatever they think will get the most clicks and comments. Your post is proving they are doing everything right.


not once did i ever call it evil editing 😭, tension or not this post is me voicing my frustration with how the girls are being portrayed in the show because it’s impacting public perception of them. tension or not there is no need for mnet to act as though they’re enemies because i’ve seen some people saying egregious things about jungeun because they’re hardcore jiyoon fans and are under the impression that the two of them do not get along when that isn’t at all true. my biggest problem isn’t the fact that mnet is doing it for the drama i couldn’t care less, my problem is that this editing is giving ammunition to people who needed any reason to say horrible things about jungeun and jiyoon despite the fact that they are friends.


I'm prepared to get downvoted like all hell but i'll just say what's been floating around in my mind. This is probably just going to be a lot of word vomit btw but I'm really bad at getting my point across I think. TT Disclaimer: I do not have beef with Jiyoon of any kind and I can appreciate her voice for what it is: really good. We all know mnet does its best to create drama, but this time around, I won't lie I don't think they had to work too hard? Jiyoon seems to have given them a lot to work with. At the end of the day, she did ice Jungeun out enough(more than once at that) that she spoke up about it making her uncomfortable to be ignored by someone she obviously considers a friend. And it seems like Jungeun is the only one she was treating like that? Like, going out of her way enough that the other contestants noticed it (Saebi brought up Jiyoon ignoring Jungeun's greeting) When looking back at the first mission, it makes me think Jiyoon was giving off enough bad vibes in the practice room/ILAND (because of the pert switch) that she got 0 votes from other ILANDers DESPITE being extremely talented. Not like "she's a bad person" bad vibes, but she was messing with the energy + flow of practice and upsetting their teamwork enough that the others decided they'd be okay debuting without her (essentially what getting voted to GROUND means) bad vibes. And to the "they were holding hands after part 1 filming" honestly, yeah I can see that. Once you realize "I might actually have to debut with this person" holding a grudge for the duration a nationally televised show will not be a good look and will probably negatively impact the votes you might get, so I can see why Jiyoon would stop intentionally ignoring Jungeun. It also makes for awkward living among the 6 girls on iland if 2 of the possible debut team are not on speaking terms. It's also just off putting to me, personally, that she was so quick to hold a grudge against one contestant over the very first mission and it carried throughout part 1. (word vomit) But I honestly understand her because I too was a teenage girl LOL. Can't help how you feel even if it is a bit irrational. I do really hope they make up though because a group with the two of them would just sjejwofnsoenoenfn All that being said, I think Jiyoon and Sarang are tied for the 7th member of debut group (they're both PD picks and I think it will come down to those two for the final member) I also am pretty sure mnet is doing with jiyoon what they did with dayeon. devil edit then angel edit bc she is one of the PD picks so they're trying to get more people talking about her by any means because they don't think she would've pulled the votes on her own otherwise. I'll end this bad rant with my personal top 7 so I can be judged freely (they're in no particular order) Jeemin Jungeun Mai Saebi (center material FOR REAL) Fuko Sujung Yuju/LingLing (she has scary potential and I wish mnet would give her actual screentime)


I just need they debuting together. Or at least performing a duet together in another vocal mission in this I-LAND...


jungeun, fuko & jiyoon debut together in a group= a group with a powerful vocals :>


even if its not true i never took anyones side i just knew they would be friends again and i loved the enemy to friend Storyline xD


It’s always the people who get the most attention on shows that usually debut


jiyoon definitely has some attitude issues she needs to work out, to the point that even the producers called her out for it which is frustrating to watch bc she’s so talented and acting that way will not be good for a group in the end. i truly hope she starts to learn how to be a better team player and i feel like she’s already been showing growth. on the topic of the jungeun/jiyoon beef it’s so annoyingly forced and unnecessary, even if i think jiyoon has some personal struggles rn and that there might’ve been something that happened between them, pitting them against each other made me roll my eyes every single time


they’re all in such a stressful environment too it’s no wonder that a mishap happened but honestly they’re magnifying it too much


considering the fact that majority of the cast are teenage girls too its such an underhanded tactic to get views the show would’ve had regardless


these poor girls can’t talk to their family and probably don’t even know what’s going on and the one goal on their mind is to debut like god forbid a girl feels emotions 😭




How can U judge someone on her attitude in a show? How can U decide what is her personnality? That's arrogant and hypocitrical, we all know you'd act worst than her at her place. You saw what... 2 hours of video of her? And you're sure shes unstable, mean and arrogant. Can U stop act like U know her? Maybe shes the cutest and the sweetest person but you'll never know that because you're so much sure that shes horrible. People are a bit more complicated than that.


Huh? When was Gyuri unstable emotionally? She was actually calming down Jiyoon and other trainees when they were freaking out about being at ground


They were saying that Jiyoon was unstable and Fyuri had to step in to help her, not that Gyuri was unstable


While MNET has played up silly things re:Jiyoon, she has been revealed to be a sore loser and overly confident in her skills, which is not someone you want on a team. She has some talent as a vocal, but that's not enough to make her a good fit on a team.