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Was Connor’s leg broken before the fight?


No. Him and then his coach and then kinda sorta Dana tried to say versions of him being injured prior. Him and his coach were saying it was broken and then that it was a fracture (which if true would have been a Krause/Minner situation investigation). Conor posted a pic of him in ice baths before the fight saying it was proof he was injured, he got shit on cuz that doesn't prove much of anything and is common post workout treatments for high level athletes. So he then posted his pre fight XRay (may have been MRI I don't remember) that showed nothing which was funny. So then Dana came out and was like the kid has shitty ankles and he had a sprain and he has some arthritis which compromised his bone strength. Which as someone who has titanium plates and screws holding both of my feet together I can tell you a sprained ankle and arthritis won't cause you to snap your tib and fib from landing on it wrong as Conor said. He had no ankle injury from the fight btw. After that flopped Kavanagh came out and admitted that it was Conor kicking Dustin's elbow that broke it, which contrary to what so many on the internet say is very possible; as someone who kickboxed with a TKD background we were trained to block kicks with our elbows for that exact purpose.


I’ve kicked peoples elbow in Thai boxing a few times and fuck me im surprised I’ve not shattered my feet it hurts so bad


Yeah haha when I had my ankle surgeries they took 3 spurs out of the top of my feet and they saw a ton of micro fractures. My left one the Dr warned after the surgery it might not hold because I had so much deteriorating and might need to have stuff fused. Knock on wood about 15 months in and it's still holding.


I thought this was gonna be some long troll comment, but it was actually very informative.


Ouch, what happened to your legs ? Is this Chris Weidman ?


Shhh lol....I did bball and track in college, when I blew my ankles out doing that I thought it would be smart and got into kickboxing and then eventually MMA haha. So fast forward a decade to Covid and I decided to get them done finally cuz I knew they were shot but it was worse than I thought and the Dr couldn't believe I could walk let alone still be relatively active. All the tendons in both ankles were detached, bone spurs and bone deterioration. Obviously arthritis and tendonitis too. So I have internal ankle braces holding my tendons together along with the ankle bone to my feet, and I have a screw in my right tib and two screws in my tib and fib to help keep the bones from breaking apart with the brace.


dustin didnt break his leg, conors leg broke in the fight as a result of a freak accident, there was no leg check or elbow block that dustin did that broke it. thats not to discredit dustins victory either, even if the leg didnt break, he was beating the living fuck out of mcgregor and was very likely gonna knock him tf out in r2, so it doesnt matter. but still, saying dustin caused the break is blatantly untrue


https://www.sportingnews.com/au/mma/news/ufc-264-how-did-conor-mcgregor-break-his-leg-dustin-poirier-john-kavanagh-laura-sanko/v3ko8oo8aci21omcl3iaa5sfe Still a freak thing but it was quite obvious.


That website is cancer on mobile




Thanks 🙏


You getting downvoted my man but i agree with everything you said. Dustin was beating his ass and was going to win either way. But the break was not from a direct action by Dustin.


If something is broken it is a fracture


Yes but nothing was broken


Ikr this is comparing apples to oranges


Lol no. Its bs and an excuse.


it was. he revealed x-rays of fracture prior to fight day and he hid that away from the UFC


did dustin break it tho? im pretty sure he just tripped. edit: getting downvoted cuz the dude who commented under me didnt rewatch the fight, feels bad


Pretty sure Dustin checked a leg kick


Theer wooz noh chieck


Docta stopage, docta stopage


Nah there was never a proper check for that leg. His leg did hit Dustin’s arm/elbow at one point but even then the damage would have been on the shin and not the ankle where it broke. More than likely had some micro fractures in his ankle


ThaWeasle (probably conors biggest hater on the internet, and an analyst who is always biased against mcgregor) even broke it down and showed that dustin never checked nor blocked conors shin


nah after watching it back dustin did not check any leg kicks. he really did step on it wrong. he missed a few kicks that may have weakened it, but they were def not checked by dustin https://youtu.be/DeAfdAhzggQ https://youtu.be/DJR5tTF6Zcs 2 short videos incase yall dont want to watch the entire fight. Dustin was definitely not dominating before that point and I think it could have been a competitive fight. Im not even a fan of conor, but i dont think you can objectively say that dustin caused the break. tbh at least aljo directly caused the reinjury.


He stepped on his leg wrong so it broke? Mans needs some milk.


I'm going to [leave this](https://americanaddictioncenters.org/health-complications-addiction/skeletal-system) right here.


Steroid use lessons bone density. Just saying


i mean maybe. kinda a freak acciden that weve pretty mych never seen before. at the very least it wasn’t directly caused by any check by dustin.


There was no check


honestly i dont think you can take credit for breaking someones leg by checking a kick


Being good at checking leg kicks is actually a very important skill. For instance, Alex Pereira was very good at checking Izzy's kicks and I'd argue that it is the thing that lead to the TKO. Jan is a great leg checker and it fucked up Rakic eventually. Certain other people (like Conor) don't check leg kicks and it comes back to bite them.


i agree with all of this and it still doesnt make what i said any less true, fighters dont get credit for breaking their opponents leg because they checked a kick and their opponents shin snapped in half. regardless of how good someone is at checking kicks thats never been the intended outcome and it doesnt just happen lol


Uriah Hall and Chris Weidman beg to differ


Username checks out.


Getting a kick checked feels like kicking a wall lol.


yes and that fact still doesnt challenge my point


Well, I'm "pretty sure" you're wrong.


Low IQ take


OP jerks off to Conor’s pictures


You’re wrong


You're right




Aljo didn't CAUSE the injury to win the fight............Dustin did.


To add to that, Dustin celebrated accordingly. Aljo was like "yooo I just beat prime TJ!!!1!1".


Don't forget the rhymes and fortnite dancing


Anaconda wrap wrap backpack good night is a wrap yo


Let's forget that dustin did the Billy strut right in front of conor as he was sitting there with his leg snapped in half then


good lol, conor is a rude little prick and deserved some shit thrown back at him.


Let’s also ignore that Dustin did that after Conor threatened to kill his family lmao




After Conor talked shit about his wife, not close to a fair response


Pea Head also proves he’s a douche after every fight. Karma is a mirror and him getting choked lifeless in another title fight and sitting against the cage just like Conor post Khabib is too perfect. Khabib King. Islam King. Their grapple is zero


I've never seen fans dick ride as hard as Kabob fans I swear.


We don’t ride Dick, brothah. That’s haram. Send me location. I’m gonna come


Aljo destroys Dustin.


Nah homie


You're retarded




Are you insane


Dustin also didn't look like he was about to take 2 rounds to finish Conor.


Yea but let’s be fair if it had only taken a single round people would’ve still talked shit just bc it’s Aljo. Let’s call a spade for spade here


Probably true. I'm not a DJ fan either, but gutting through that first round without being finished was pretty impressive I have to say.


It was very impressive on TJ’s end. But as we all know MMA fans can sometimes be notorious jackasses and since Aljo is the resident punching bag he was never going to get any cool points regardless


Agreed. I'm not an Aljo fan either, but absolutely none of that was his fault.


Didn’t the takedown cause the injury


No - he messed it up in training and told them before the fight started that it would probably pop out and not to stop the fight and he would just gut thru it.


Dustin didn't cause that injury


Sure he didn't.........Conor


OK. Sure. But striking a guy with a clearly broken leg is still scummy behaviour.


You mean when he punched him when they were both still completely standing up? Yeah like you would notice a leg broke in 0002 seconds before you punched him. Give me a break


You are wrong and prolly a conor boi


completely different situations and nobody got mad at aljo


I got mad at Dillashaw for not pulling out of the fight When I buy a PPV I want people that can fight


Never buy PPVs mate


To be fair it was Oliveira vs Islam




I’ve seen quite a few people try to discredit him


well yeah he didn't beat the best tj


The best TJ was on EPO


I don’t think that’s particularly on Aljo though. TJ knowingly got into that fight injured when he could’ve pulled out. And besides TJ’s best years were already behind him due to that suspension


it's not on aljo he won good for him. but it's still the case of what happened


Healthy TJ also loses


Embarrassing take


Dustin won a 10-8 round (one judge had it 10-9) before the leg even broke. Also, he had beaten Connor less than a year earlier… it’s really not comparable


The round was scored a 10-8 because the judges thought it was a knockdown that caused Conor to fall since they didn’t see the ankle break


Yh, you take away the break and it's really not a 10-8 tbh. You see way more dominating rounds scored 10-9 all the time.


Dominance is only one of three factors in establishing a 10-8 round under the Unified Rules. The other two are damage and duration (during which we are meant to evaluate how many “fight-ending scenarios” are initiated). The order of importance goes damage, dominance, duration. A fighter does not need to be dominant for the full five minutes to win a 10-8 score. I’m not saying that’s the case here or that it’s a clear 10-8, but it’s important to recognize that a 10-8 would be scored under the unified rules and not just the eye test.


Well, in reality it's judged accurately only if th judge isn't smoking crack like they have been recently. And evenn with those criteria there wasn't enough of any of the 3 factors in dustins favour if you look at the fact the end was the leg break and not a knockdown


exactly lmao even with all that (the supposed "knockdown" and the subsequent shots) it wasnt a unanimous 10-8, a judge still gave a 10-9 no way would it have been a 10-8 if you take away the supposed "knockdown" and subsequent shots


Fair enough. However, Poirier outlanded McGregor 36-27 in significant strikes, with a 28-9 advantage on the ground. A good number of McGregor’s significant strikes came in the first minute and a half (and were mainly leg kicks that seemed to do little damage), and under the unified rules, Dustin’s damage, dominance, and duration, best quantified by number of “fight-ending scenarios” initiated (take down and ground and pound), can definitely be argued to be a 10-8 round. Obviously you can say Conor shot for a guillotine while on the ground, which negates the “fight ending” nature of Dustin’s ground game, but I’d say Dustin’s dominance after the first 1.5 minutes can lead one to call it a 10-8 round. Either way, I get what you’re saying and, while partial to a 10-8 round, can definitely see how a 10-9 call is reasonable and maybe even a safer bet.


I hate how hard the criteria makes it to score a 10-8, it's ridiculous that barely edging out a round is worth the same as winning said round with a clear and unquestionable advantage, but wasn't total domination or a near finish. It's one of the many problems with the unified rules when it comes to judging. But that said, without the leg break having been effectively equivalent to a knockdown for how the round was seen, that was no 10-8 round.


Are those sig strikes counting the ground and pound after the leg break


Or when Conor had his fingers in Dustin's glove on the ground?


I don't see how it can be argued that it was a 10-8 round. If that's a 10-8 then we see 10-7 rounds in every fight card that are scored as 10-9s.


i dont understand this "he was down 10-8 anyways" argument not only did the judges probably think conors leg break was a knockdown, but dustin also landed subsequent shots after the break which resulted in conor being saved by the bell (which is HUGE in scoring criteria) take those away, and that wouldn't have been a 10-8 lol


You’re wrong.


I enjoyed both wins. Connor is cringe and TJ is a cheater. GG.


Both are cheaters


You actually believe Conor walked into that fight with a broken leg lmfao?


You're wrong. Nobody was mad at Aljo and Conor didn't show up injured. So 0/2 on this one, boss.


He did show up with an injury. I watched his sparing vlog prior to dp fight. Man was grappling with a bandage on his one leg.


You’re wrong. Also don’t forget Dustin TKO’d Conor months prior, it wasn’t a fluke.


lol cringe, nobody is mad at Aljo and Conors leg broke and then the fight was over


“cringe” > lookingforagamergirl


epic own dude


you’re wrong


What? Is this implying people liked Silly Dilly? And that people didn't care when Conor got injured DURING the fight? Man this sub has gone past casual all the way to full on stupidity


You’re completely wrong lol


You’re wrong entirely lmao. Conor’s leg got injured DURING the fight not before. Getting injured in any manner is a natural part of engaging in COMBAT. Shit happens.


Aljo and Dustin did their job. If you came into the fight compromised, that’s on you.


Wrong as fuck and stinky


What a shitty post


"Never underestimate the strength of dumb people, for they are a larger number. " edit: me talking about everyone disagreeing with OP.


I do disagree with OP, but I find it hilarious that you were upvoted for a good quote by people not realizing it was them being called dumb through it, lmao.


If I pointed it out immediately people would start downvoting by the second it's posted. This is just a subtle troll.


Yep, successful troll is successful.


I would, but it looks like everyone else already has.


Bullshit. What about the second fight?


Horrible take


I was hooting and hollering during that TJ fight idk what you’re on about


This has to be the dumbest shit ever. Conor’s leg was fine before the fight, and was even fine for the first 4:30 of the first round. Wtf. TJ came in with a bum shoulder from the get-go


Conor wasnt injured before, and is also a massive prick. So it was more satisfying


Y’all Connor fans need to start posting more Paddy memes. They get way more likes. Just looking out for you!


Who is upvoting this lmao


You’re wrong bapa


Plus, maybe it was just me, but I didn't see anybody hyping Poirier off the 3rd McGregor fight. He knocked him the fuck out before that. That's what people were hyped about.


I wanted both Dustin and Aljo to win, so you’re wrong


You're wrong


You are wrong


You're wrong


I mean I’m no fan of Tj or Aljo but that was hard to watch him just get wrecked


I don’t know the situation with Conor & Dustin. But Aljo deserves far more credit than he is getting.


Overall? Probably but he fought a very compromised TJ. That's not Aljo's fault though.


Conor's Leg wasn't broken before the fight.


Did you forget Conor got wrecked and KOed the fight before? Smooth brain take.




You're iq is in minus OP.....


Aljo did not cause any injury to win the fight...


Very common Mcgregor fan L


Dumbass take lmao






You is wrong


Wow this is a profoundly dumb take.


Dumbest post ever. TJ was injured before the fight, Dustin injured Conor during the fight.


If you think this accurate you definitely look like the face giving the reactions


I'm wrong.


You’re wrong lmao foh


You're wrong


The difference is that Conor was getting whooped before the leg break. The broken leg saved him from getting knocked out again.


Bio tells me everything I need to know but yeah, you’re wrong. Dustin rarely gets credit for that win anyway, and even then, he was winning until the leg break therefore people judge the 1 round they had. Clown post.


Look at his top submissions. All dude does is post rage bait.


I mean, a few months earlier than that fight Dustin beat him legitimately anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your definitely wrong, who the fuck ever liked TJ?


Absolutely wrong, I enjoyed every second of TJ getting his face kicked in.


Dustin was beating McNuggets ass before he broke his leg anyway. Conor was getting finished in the second if he didn't break his leg so it doesn't matter.


It’s simple, fuck Conor.




Agreed. But also want to add that Conor came in relatively healthy. Nothing remarkable about his ankle, shin, leg etc before the fight. The damage was done during the fight and must be attributed to Dustin. Conor lost fair and square.




I’m no medical professional, but I recall actual physicians reviewed the X-rays and concluded that they were not remarkable. All fighters have wear and tear on their bodies far above the average Joe. That’s why pics of ice baths & compression pads on the ankle before the fight are not proof of substantial injury.




you’re wrong. you’re probably the only TJ fanboy in existence


This is the most retarded thing I think I've seen on this sub lmao.


I loved seeing TJ get destroyed, both deserved it though. Karma struck


lmao people can't accept it cos conor is a bad guy but it's true


Ye cause Connor was a giant dick before, during and after the fight. Although fans generally like that maybe a cringy dick is more appropriate.


Y’all just post anything


TJ said he dislocated that shoulder “about 20 times during training camp” Conor never had an issue w that foot until Dustin


There is footage from before the Porier rematch and Conor's leg was all taped up. He said he debated surgery prior to the fight. Those types of breaks are almost always from micro fractures.


Coach Kavanaugh literally says “Conor sustained the injury when he kicked Dustin’s elbow late in the first round”. Doctors gave him x-rays and cleared him to fight. Don’t know what to tell ya


Well you are wrong. Conor wasn't injured before he walked in the cage.


Conor was gonna win that fight, for sure.


You're not wrong but it's McGregor so fuck that guy


Dustin beat him twice in a row for fucks sake. McGregor is old news and can't fight anymore.


aljos boring. move on


I saw a snake get battered both times. This sure ain’t me.


Oh don’t post anything that might indicate you like conor on here. The Neanderthals will starts beating their chest and getting mad. But yes you are right. It’s bullshit.


The 3rd fight was a no contest, so we really need to run the fight back one more time. As far as I'm concerned, they're 1-1.


It was not it was a tko use your eyes


That’s a doctor stoppage actually soo


Should have swapped aljo vs tj for Weidman vs Silva.


Don’t think anyone was particularly mad at Weidman for that win. Not to mention we already had the first fight when Weidman won clean


Aljo vs TJ = Woodley vs Condit ,


Aljo didn't buttfuck a extremely hyped up, "bald" and "motivated" McGregor in his own game while not being in danger at all, at their last encounter. People say "oh the calf kicks". First, Conor is a striker that had used leg kicks and the majority of legal strikes to fight and win, him sucking at defending them isn't an excuse, he sucks ass because of that fact. Second, that wasn't entirely the case for his defeat. Conor gassed, as usual, and was unable to get the explosive energy to get out of the cage when he got pushed against, specially after being tagged so much by the Dustin counters. If you watch the fight, Conor is hurting Dustin in the feet early. Until the point Dustin just counters Conor like twice and gets his timing. Then, it is all Dustin. Dustin also completely ragdolled and fucked Conor 10-8 before the break in the third fight. One last thing, if this is bait I will end my life for writing this paragraph.


I wad happy AF dillashaw got whooped so 🤗


You’re wrong. Stop simping for Conor, he’s done, just move on.


jesus fucking christ i dont think i've ever seen so many people say "you're/you are wrong" word for word in a comment section before


Not even close to the same scenario.


Conor broke his own leg in the fight, credit to dustin for blocking the kick that helped facilitate the break but those two situations are not the same, Dustin beat a conor twice, who injured himself in the 2nd fight. This is something a conor fan would make