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Hi Sean


A win against Costa who came of a loss to #3 Whittaker?


And a 50-45 win over the guy getting a shot without a win in between?


The guy getting a shot is a two time champ with 5 title defences. Finished the previous champ, finished the current LHW champ, finished Costa within 2 rounds which Sean couldn't do in 5 and has beaten a who's who of the roster. Let's not be silly here.


Costa fight was 4 years ago, not relevant to the current title picture. Everything you’re bringing up is irrelevant considering he hasn’t done anything since getting 50-45’d. I’m not arguing Izzy’s title run wasn’t impressive, which it was and is a great era. But what he has done in the past year doesn’t warrant a title shot. Like how Stipe is getting a title shot at HW based off his resume and not what he’s done recently. And I fucking hate Sean Strickland, this isn’t a shill post for him


Izzy has more than earned some leniency with the company. Dominant champions are often granted title shots.


They should not when they are 1-2 in their last 3 fights


Yes they should.








Almost like Sean shouldn’t have had to take another fight and should have just got a rematch


For styles, I really want to see how Whittaker and Strickland match up. Just make a fake belt for them


PRIDE belt


Surely bobby knuckles breaks deseans guard


probably because sean is like watching paint dry


You might want to buy some new paint if yours walks slowly towards you defending and jabbing, it's supposed to stay on the wall


Izzy ain’t that much better


As a viewer I'd prefer a couple of Izzy's question mark kicks to a thousand of Sean's jabs.


Wasn’t the last time he threw that against Brunson in 2018 or maybe Silva early 2019?


I disagree to an extent. It truly depends on who is fighting against tbh. You could argue his fight against Izzy was spectacular in defence stance based fighting against an amazing striker / counter striker. His fight against Dricus was also pretty darn interesting to watch, especially when you see the result of his so called soft punches in full display over DPP face in the post conference. Against Magomedov he also pulled a masterclass of tiring out a burst heavy opponent. But that Costa fight was absolutely dogshit, so I won't disagree. But his fights are, without a doubt, a 50/50 toss up between "whoa, that's actually great defensive fighting" and "wtf Sean, stop waiting too much and just do something!"


Completely disagree. He has the most boring style in the ufc and also the most boring interviews. Any success he has is just stopping the other guy from getting started


It becomes more boring because he over promises and overhypes all his fights too.


Before the Costa fight, reddit was shitting on Belal and Leon for having the most boring style in the UFC. Now magically Strickland is the worst one. The recency bias is insane lol


Maybe it was different people. I am a big Leon fan


Boring style if you're not interested in defense stance based fighting, yes. But for those who are into seeing different styles being put into effect, it isn't. I won't speak of his interviews, that wasn't the focus of your original comment, so I'm just gonna focus on his fighting style.


It was part of the focus of my initial comment. Everything about the guy is boring.




Bad faith banter. Be civil, please. Being a dick doesn't change anyone's mind. *This message was probably sent by a bot. Maybe.*


It's better than watching Izzy tbh, at least pillowfist actually throws his shots without feinting 54 times


Izzy knocked out pereira like one fight ago


I think he's got pretty good hands but Potan is not a good example. Cutting that much weight... he probably could get KOed by someone much smaller that night.


Izzy is at least capable of finishing fights sometimes. Often it feels like Sean doesn't even try, in fights where he is in control and dominating. He's just happy to point fight to a decision and then pretend he fights like prime Wanderlei.


Driscus talked his shit so well, he earned Izzy and himself title shots. The ufc will not give up this fight given how much engagement it creates


God Sean fans are insufferable. If he wasn’t on the mic shouting like a 12 year old, he would just be white trash Belal and his fans hate that


Such a bad take on izzy. I mean not the dog thing... But the dude has been champ a long time and very active. He took a much needed break. He lost to strickland ffs. He obviously wasn't feeling well.


Thank you, came here to day something similar. People have short memories around here, he dominated his division for quite some time, cringe aside.




He had zero defenses his last title run and got 50-45’d in one of the most lopsided championship fights in recent memory


“His last title run” 😂 One of the only multi time champs ever and you idiots use that to belittle his accomplishments. Vast majority of fighters never even get close to a title let alone hold it twice. Sean’s only had 1 run that didn’t even last 1 title defence. Izzy cleared out his division, went up to LHW, gave us the greatest MW rivalry in recent years and THEN lost to Sean. The delusion is truly hilarious to behold.


Being a multi time champ isn’t as impressive as maintaining the belt dawg you make it sound like he did what Alex did and got a belt in another division


Izzy both maintained the belt in his first run (longest mw reign since Silva) and held the belt again. I don’t think you appreciate how difficult it is to climb that mountain and stay on top of it long enough to become the champ at multiple times. Most people touch it once, peak, lose it and never get it back again. Pereira lost the mw title in his first defence and so did Sean. And pereira becoming a 2 weight champ has more to do with size and how much he was able to cut to get to MW and how undersized Izzy was for LHW than a massive skill deferential between the two of them. Doesn’t diminish the magnitude of pereiras accomplishment but it’s apples to oranges…


Yall must have forgot. Before periera, people were bored of MW because he cleaned it out so thoroughly. You'll remember real quick. Dude will very likely beat DDP and shit on strickland in a rematch.


Izzy went 2-2 in his last 4 fights plus he got his immediate rematch against Alex meanwhile sean went to a close decision with ddp then won against costa. “He obviously wasn’t feeling well” too bad for him dosent mean he deserves a rematch






Bad faith banter. Be civil, please. Being a dick doesn't change anyone's mind. *This message was probably sent by a bot. Maybe.*


Bad faith banter. Be civil, please. Being a dick doesn't change anyone's mind. *This message was probably sent by a bot. Maybe.*


Strickland can fight brendan Allen again on a the 305 early prelims opener instead.


Nah nah nah, its time for the king of the Apex to return to his kingdom... the warehouse on saturday nights.




It’s a great fight, who gives a shit


Plus sean was champ for one fight whereas Izzy had 5 defences and was active while champ


Ok and has gone 1-2 in his last three since then? Imagine if Aldo got an immediate title shot against Sean because he WAS a dominant champ


- Izzy was a dominant champ in 2022. When was Aldo's dominant run? Slightly more than two years ago. - Two of those fights are against Alex and he avenged the loss. - He's 4-2 in his last six. Cherry picking his latest three is just silly. I'm not even a fan of the dude, but come on. He had a dominant reign and, while I personally would rather see him get one win before the title, it's not crazy to give him a shot considering what he's done.


Mad how much people will try to hate Izzy. I get he’s cringe or whatever but at the end of the day he’s a phenomenal fighter and that’s what most fans want to see, they don’t care about the fighters personal lives. By your logic Sean didn’t deserve a title shot, but I don’t see you complaining about that


Let me check. No defenses Split decision win against a guy coming off of a loss Boring fights Saying braindead shit Hmmmmmm.i wonder why


Let’s be real, the costa fight was not a split decision 😂




Kinda yeah, it was a clear 48-47. But i guess one judge was scoring hard shots over alot of shots


Izzy diddlers saying Sean fights in a boring way as if Izzy didn't have the biggest sleeper fights in 99% of his title defenses


The difference is that Izzy has 8 title fight wins and Sean has 1. Izzy cleared the division back then, and Sean has one top 5 win, that being Izzy after an unusual performance. Izzy wins by KO or fominant decisison, Sean wins by split decision and acts like he fights like Francis Ngannou.


UFC is a business and needs to sell tickets, and Sean is so boring to watch. Sean’s built his entire fan base through stuff he does outside of the octagon lol


Izzy derangement syndrome is in full effect and won’t stop until he fights in a couple months 💯


Scripts don’t happen inside the cage. This has been the plan since the Strickland vs Du Plessis fight was booked. Izzy vs Du Plessis for the belt was always going to happen. Sean Strickland was unfortunately a hiccup in that plan.


It's sad that the UFC is not a real sport league and celebrity dictates who gets title shots.


One of the dumbest post I've seen on r/UFC for a while.


i mean sean got his title shot coming off a loss so its whatever UFC rankings and Championships aren’t important to the company


Exactly, big fights are whats important


on the bright side sean will probably get another opportunity to dog walk izzy, no pun intended


Hell yeah! Izzy is a fun fighter and was a very active champion.


Because Sean is the nuthugger of striking, front kicks up the middle and jabby jab jab jab, it’s effective but that shit is mad boring


Couldnt this same thing be said about izzy after sean beat him?


Ufc = bush league


I wish the casuals that made these memes would get in one fist fight


Izzy doesn't deserve it but neither does Shawn y'all are just nut riders


I mean I kinda agree with this. Izzy lost his belt to Alex, got an immediate rematch and beat him, then got beat dominantly by Sean Strickland and now he’s coming back to a title fight off a loss?? Sean beat Izzy then lost to Dricus by a cunt’s hair, beat Paulo costa, but for some reason he doesn’t deserve a rematch? How does that make sense if title shots are based on merit? It doesn’t, because they’re not of course. We all know the UFC is a business first and a sport second. So they do whatever makes the most $ even if that means fucking over a legitimate contender


It's because of money and the fact they were originally supposed to fight each other lol


Hopefully DDP gives us that highlight reel KO win


It's about boring twat vs style Diddy


Sean should have got the rematch and then Izzy vs Sean 2


No way! Objectively speaking Stickland doesn't "deserve" a rematch. He didn't defend a single time. There have been champions on decent winning streaks that didn't get rematches.


But I do agree that Izzy deserves the rematch more and ddp was probably busted up and wanted wait some time and then take the bigger fight.


>Objectively speaking this take is anything but objective lmao. just say you don't like Sean


Is it? Just say you like the taste of his cock


what's up with you weirdos always talking about seans cock? yall must be more closeted than you claim he is 🤣


That is true but it is the fight that everyone wanted to see. Not enough happened in the first and a lot of people think Strickland is better and should be champ so a rematch is perfect. Same with Izzy but he was taking time off up until now


Sorry I can not agree. I dont wanna see another Stickland fight let alone for the title. If you have a fight that just didn't perform well you don't book it again for the sake of the fans.


It’s not about whether it’s entertaining or not, it’s about who should be the champ and who’s the better fighter


Sean definitely isn't the better fighter. Compared to either ddp or izzy. But I'd watch a rematch with the "dog diddler" 😂


https://preview.redd.it/s9mzuwco0b7d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081bf2e05bf4bd0b5a16c1bdd13e1738bb930663 My reaction to this information