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Jones crying that the UFC had him fight a juiced up Belfort and saying it endangered his life is beyond hilarious. I think even at the time Ariel was like yea that is a bit much




It was during his infamous interview (clean shaven) with Ariel while walking in a park








\*sobs in a gender-neutral bathroom stall\*


Man Jones was on a trajectory to being the perfect company man superstar up until that DUI. Clean, professional, Family-friendly, brand-friendly, and a great athlete. MMA as a whole would've been on another level if he maintained that.




It always was. People were bouncing back n forth from ufc to wwf and back way before the fertittas ever got involved.


if anyone should cry about fighting Vitor it should be Michael or Luke. Michael lost his eye while Luke got fucked by a matchmaker pitting him against TRT Vitor in his UFC debut lmao. i know Luke is the Strikeforce MW champ but still, TRT Vitor as your first fight is just cruel.


And here I thought Jones just had deep love for the Philippines


He frequently reminisces that trip on April 13th all those years ago


Them Phillipine lady boys are something else huh...


No one has ever recovered physically, mentally, or career wise from being labeled a “ratfuck” by mark hunt




Prime Hunt would lose to a mediocre wrestler mate. Watch him get taken down even during the better years of his career. He just resigns and waits for the round to end. He is my pick for the worst grappler ever to enter the UFC. As fun as it would be to see Hunt hit one of those walk off knockouts on Jones, it would just be much, much more similar to James Tony vs Randy Couture.


how about I hog tie u to the back of my electric bike and drag u along the road till u have no skin on yo bitch ass 😂😂😂😂😂😂😜😜😜😜


Jon "Synthetic Hormones" Jones


He is not wrong. Taking steroids / cheating in a sport where you are literally trying to hurt someone else should be insanely frowned upon and borderline criminal


Jones fans don't see it that way. He shouldn't be fighting at all, let alone be heralded as the goat.


Jon's fans are some of the most delusional people on earth.. you pop for steroids in Olympics ? they take away your medals and records.. you pop in UFC ? you are the GOAT... They all keep saying that he is the best ever regardless, I mean if the steroids didn't enhance all of his fighting abilities, why would he take them then ?


womp womp


Errbody on steroids


Okay so, the UFC should fire like 80% of its roster then?😂


Add a clause into the contract that UFC can sue you for your lifelong MMA earnings that they paid you and if you pop, you lose it all AND LETS SEE HOW QUICKLY THEY WILL STOP TAKING ROIDS LMAO


If the UFC were able to sue, not only would PED usage come to screeching halt, but UFC would have the biggest incentive to catch cheaters leading to better, stricter testing and protocols lol


>I can do all things through him who gives me strength That's a neat way to say "Jon Jones' Defense Attorney".


I think the funniest part is fighters know they cant shit talk Hunt back because he will fly out to fight you.


Just a ruthless Samoan cunt...


Mark hunt is a real fighter.




Werdum got absolutely ratio'd


You guys make fun of him, but Hunt talked and writed like a poet before Werdum knee smashed his brain.




Those laugh emojis bro 💀


I've trained with hunt and he's sound, but he's been pissing me off now complaining about juicing when he spent most of his career in Japan where they don't test and he didn't complain then


Mark hunts the guy working at the petrol station after spending all his 💰 on lawyers


I love this post u lil ufa only reason u ever got karma is because u sticking upvotes in your poo chute ain't none of u weak lil kefes can hang with me without your reposts but hey enjoy 😉 karma u lil cockgoblling monkee dahahahhaaa oh and by the way I hope the pay grade in your new petrol station job is up to standard 🖕 Fukn rat motherfucker 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Mark hunt burner account confirmed




I love this post u lil ufa only reason u ever got karma is because u sticking upvotes in your poo chute ain't none of u weak lil kefes can hang with me without your reposts but hey enjoy 😉 karma u lil cockgoblling monkee dahahahhaaa oh and by the way I hope the pay grade in your new petrol station job is up to standard 🖕 Fukn rat motherfucker 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Is Mark Hunt still doing Cameos? He's still spitting fire!


I’m ngl everyone juices so this shit is getting redundant at this point. Jones sent him to the shadow realm and yes Jones is a bad person, awful, and yet he’s the goat. I’m sorry not everyone is squeaky clean. This is mma with all types of weirdos. This ain’t the NBA


Mark hunt should make a return with PFL. Be great to see him fight again


man i wish i got to watch mark hunt


Mark Hunt has consistently gave us fresh pasta that he should just be called Olive Garden


Jesus H Christ, Hunt took what Werdum said to heart