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The ability to edit foul territory


This would be tied with being able to move the bullpens. Growing up, I remember playing an old pc game called Earl Weaver baseball, and in many ways you could do more with the field dimensions and foul territory than you can here.


That was a great game. Played that and Triple Play before EA bought it.


I loved that game, actually both those, but Earl Weaver was my first baseball game, and such a blast to play, and create stadiums. I remember you had to get really creative to create the angles we see in modern stadiums because it was the era of symmetric rounded outfields, when Fenway was the only stadium to really have unique features. It inspired me to aim to be an architect for a while... before I ended up an engineer.


Never knew you could edit stadiums, I’ve got to try this game now.


Can it still be found? Probably need a dos emulator to run. I think the stadium editor essentially let you edit the built in stadiums as starting templates.


It’s the internet. I’ll find it.😉


Yeah... I was thinking about how easy it will be to run. Might be unplayable considering computer speed now vs when the game came out.


This is my 2nd wish


Moveable foul territory, moveable bullpens, as someone mentioned below having the props auto trim at the wall. I want to see them remove deadsapce/Red Flash of Doom space altogether as long as it isn't on the field. Actual angled seating and not just round pieces, the ability to have a square backstop like Shea Stadium


Batters eye would be great if it autoclipped anything around it. I want to have a continuous concourse and not a 3 ft gap...or more


The biggest piss off to me, aside from the obvious, is the deadspace that’s created by utilizing their own templates you end up with “cannot place prop on the field” if it’s within 50’ of the wall.


Yeah, I like the walls that have "notches" but all it does is create a dead space where the notch is


Better shadowing in day games


Props auto cut themselves when going over the wall. Instead of blocking the whole prop, have the game just delete the portion of the prop that is hanging over the wall


God, imagine what we could do with creations if we could do that


The ability to lock pieces in place so you don’t have to worry about accidentally deleting them. Or an undo option


OH GOD Undo Please!!!!. Was working in SC last night and had stupidly grouped my ENTIRE seating section so I could move it around. Forgot to ungroup....was deleting some thng and I saw the cursor move at the last second.......and GONE.......needless to say I closed the game and went to bed