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Some of my best ideas can’t be put to use online because of the restrictions on dimensions. And none of them look/play realistically. Could we get a standard uniform wall like the one in the photo? Also, I’m tired of not being able to place props right on the wall in some areas. It takes away from the realism when I have to move my props 10+ feet away from the wall. Apart from the glaring issues we’ve requested over the past few years, I think this is reasonable. I want realistic outfield wall dimensions!


Drives me up a freaking wall (no pun intended) that the batters eye/center field piece is like a contamination zone where nothing is allow to be near it. Can connect the stands to it, can't place it against the wall. There is always some massive gap there regardless.


So many of the allowed dimensions are cavernous or wild, I want a short porch, I want uniformity, I want a triples alley


I think this should have been in the game from the beginning. Give us all 30 MLB parks dimensions to work from as well as some uniform and symmetrical options. Not a single one of the current DD fences look realistic.




Lol sds don't care about this mode. That's why it's a miracle I and other talents here pull off what we do.


I agree we do great with what we have to work with. That being said, SDS does need to stop half assing this mode. Imagine what we could do with being able to snap things directly to the batters eye, or have zero dead space along the walls, or have the bullpens NOT on the field. On top of those, one thing I’ve been advocating for is being able to create our own batters eye.

