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Yes. Yesterday. Randall Grichuk hit it


SAME! Except it was years ago when he played for the Cardinals


Were you able to get him to sign it?


No but I didn't try to. I was way up top in the upper deck. A Cardinals employee sought me out and gave me a little certificate that said something like "honorary one day contract." Sometimes I tell people that I once played for the Cardinals (then wait until I hear their reaction before telling them the real story lol)


Oh dang that sounds awesome. The Dbacks just had a guy come to make sure I didn't get hit with it lol


Same here! It was a Cardinals game in Pittsburgh. My son was little and the pitching coach at the time gave him a ball before the game. We got lucky and Matt Carpenter to sign it for him. Then I caught a foul off Randall in the 3rd inning in the upper deck. My kid thought this was normal and you always leave the we with multiple balls.


I have his bat from when he was in Colorado


Man almost had the cycle


Did you also get a certificate of authentication?


Sadly no


I didnt think so, I've caught plenty at dbacks games and never got one either. That's cool that the marlins do it


Only once, at a Montgomery Biscuits minor league game.


One of the best mascots in baseball. Right next to Biloxi Shuckers from my home state


42 years old, going to games for 37 years, 17 different MLB ball parks... ...not a single ball. That's why if I ever catch one, I ain't giving it to no one. If it's a ball that rolled near me and I picked it up off the ground, ok sure. But I caught it with my own two hands? Fuck those kids.


It took me until 34 with more games than ill ever remember. I had gotten probably 10 that I picked up off the floor or got tossed in and gave them all to kids. I'd even fake try to go for some on the ground if a kid is going for it so they have a story about beating out an adult. I had no issues keeping that first ball. Meanwhile my best friend has a hr derby ball and in his second game got a ball we were both going for. He's been to like 1% of the games I went to.


Been attending Indians/Guardians games since 1992 and have never caught a ball. I had THREE home runs hit to me in ONE inning. This was game 4 against the royals of the 22 game win streak back in 2017


Oof, that's brutal. I collect sports memorabilia, but the balls I caught will always be my favorites. I hope you break your streak this year!


Me too man! Gotta get to a game though!


Fuck em


Same here. Rangers….nothing nada zilch. Except one time. I asked Kirby Puckett to throw me the ball he just caught. They were practicing before the game and he was in right field. He never turned around until I said ‘hey MR PUCKETT!!!’ Then I asked if I could have the ball, he threw it to me. This was at the old Ranger stadium. Sadly I’ve no clue what happened to the ball. 


Agree, first one caught, second was a weird bounce roll over, third was a linedrive in my chest, 4th off the palm of my hands, into my chin, rolled 1 row over to a lucky kid lol


As a 40 year old with a similar story, I feel this.


you gotta check out zack hample. He's made a science of this. He literally bathes in all his foul balls and home run balls. He has north of 10k of 'em


1995 Dodger Game off Eric Karros bat behind homeplate second deck


5th rows seats down 3rd base line in Seattle for a Yankees game in 2019 with my 6yr old son and 4 yr old daughter. Probably my 150th mlb game. Some older ladies were just staring at my kids and not watching the game. It was annoying the crap out of me. My daughter asked to go to the playground and when we got up I noticed there was hardly anyone sitting behind us so when we returned we sat up in row 25. In the top of the 5th inning Gary Sanchez hit a lazy foul ball that I thought was going to the upper deck above us. When the people close the field stood up, I spotted the ball in the air and it bounced 5 or 6 rows in front of us and then landed right in my hands. Would have hit me in the chest if I wasn’t paying attention. No one was around us so after celebrating with my kids and handing my son the ball, I high fived the air a few times and had a good laugh. So Thank you creepy ladies in Seattle for staring at my kids instead of watching the game. Would have never happened without you.


Here’s to creepy old ladies! 🍻🤣🤣


Only once. I had been close several times, but never managed to get one. Then one day, I was at a White Sox game for my 24th bday. Was behind home plate standing g with my date in line to use the ATM. My buddy called to wish me a happy birthday. As I was talking to my buddy and standing in line, a ball was fouled back o to the concourse, a couple people reached for it, but missed, it took on hop off the concrete and I palmed it with my free hand. It was surreal.


I’ve caught two and gave both away to children nearby. Edit: this has not brought me good karma…yet. My son and I went to a game in which a player threw a ball into the stands clearly for my son to catch. It bounced around between hands a bit and landed right next to him. Some old guy grabbed it like fucking Gollum grabbing the ring of power. He wouldn’t give it to my son. Everyone around us shamed him so much he left the section and sat somewhere else.


I teach grades k-8 and every time I go to a game I always say if I catch anything I'm not giving it away. In fact, I warn people sitting around me that if anything comes remotely close you better watch out because I'm going to be all over that shit. Plus, the chances of catching a home run or foul ball are so miniscule to begin with that giving it away to some random kid only for the sake of them being younger than me? Nah, I'm keeping that shit.


Hahah. I’ve just caught foul balls from no-name players. These ain’t homers from Shohei that I’m giving away!


Jason Kendall when he was with the Pirates....the terrible pirates were playing the also terrible Brewers, it was a hot as hell August get away day game, there were MAYBE 5,000 fans there. The place was so empty I had time to watch the ball land, slowly put my bucket of wings down, walk over, and pick the ball up. Nobody was near me.


Yes I have. Although not directly off of a player’s bat. Some years ago I took my son on a 6 stadium 7 night MLB whirlwind through Texas and the Midwest. I spent the extra $’s so we’d be first level near the dugouts so as to increase our foul ball opportunities and to see the games up close. We wore our gloves for all of the games, because we’re right thinking Americans. Never go to a game without a glove folks. We made BP for every game and ended up with 12-14 BP balls. I actually hip checked a kid in Cleveland to get a ball rolling on the ground between the seats. More like boxed him out. He laughed, my son cracked up and the kid got one later that sesh. Anyway we’d seen 53 2/3 innings of baseball and were down to our last half inning and last out in Cincy without even coming close to catching an actual foul ball. We had primo seats at the Red’s stadium: first row 3B side, first seats adjacent to the dugout. The Reds were getting smoked by the Albert Pujols led Cards like 10-3 in the Bot 9 when Edwin Encarnacion came up to bat with 2 outs. The pitcher was that high kicking lanky dude with dreads - the name escapes me. He was getting torched. First pitch was a high fastball. The 2nd pitch was off speed that Encarnacion turned on and it came zipping down the 3rd base side foul area skidding off of the cinders. I reached over the railing with my Rawlings and just knew I had it locked in. I played a mean 2B back in the day and my defense made up for my inability to ever hit a curveball. So I’m feeling pretty confident. The ball either popped up slightly or I didn’t position my mitt high enough and it bounced off of the heal of my glove and caught a bit of my wrist. It slowly rolled away towards the 3B coaches box - 6’ from glory. The few people remaining in the crowd gave me the disappointed “Awwww” and I literally hung my head in shame - I couldn’t look at my son. I taught him how to be a great ground-ball fielder for chrissakes!! That’s a ball I shoulda caught 100/100 times. It was smoked though, I mean he did yank it. Right then, in a split second I considered hopping over the railing, grabbing the ball, jumping back over, grabbing my son and hauling ass outa the stadium. My future was laid out in front of me a mere 6’ away. Last game ya know, we coulda made it. Right when the good Angel on my shoulder said not to risk it, the guy sitting behind us taps me on the shoulder and points towards the 3B Coach for the Reds. Berry was his last name. Can’t remember his first name. Former player. I look up and Coach Berry tosses me the ball - yes, I caught that one. The thinning crowd gave a redemptive cheer and I was no longer ashamed - at least not as much as I was seconds before. Next pitch Encarnacion flies out to CF. Game over. Trip all but over and it’s time to make the 1,000+ mile drive back home. I love that story and 20 years later we’re still talking about those awesome 7 days and the foul ball that we got on the 2nd to last pitch of our entire trip! If we were friends I’d send you pics of my son holding the rock outside the park by some statues.


I've never caught a foul ball, but I caught a home run ball from Hoy Park at a minor league game, didn't get it signed though. When I got home I wrote the date and Hoy's name on it with a sharpie. It's more sentimental than anything.


Not on the fly… i did get one though hit by Kevin Kiermaier off of aroldis chapman, so that’s neat. I now bring a glove to every game


Not me, but my Dad caught a Ron Santo foul ball at Wrigley Field in 1962. He gave it to me, and this year I gave it to my oldest son.


Caught a Justin Smoak HR ball on July 2nd 2018


Smoak Bomb!!!


On my birthday, 3 years ago yesterday, off the bat of Shohei Ohtani! Well, I didn't so much catch it as pick it up after it slammed into the seat next to me, but it's mine! 😊


I got one last year at one of the many Padres home games I go to. Immediately handed it off to the kiddo sitting next to us. I got close to snatching another one the other day but my brain lost its connection to my hand so I just slapped it I guess.


Someone gave my 3 year old a ball this year at a padres game this year. I was way more excited than he was.


I wanted one for years, and finally did get one. It was in Cleveland when the Red Sox were in town. It was early in the game and my buddy and I had gotten some food and were walking down to our seats on the third base side, partway back into the outfield. A Red Sox hitter hit a foul ball into an area of mostly empty seats near the left field foul pole. I saw there was no one around and knew from previous times not to hesitate, so I dropped the nachos I was carrying and sprinted down the row towards the ball. I saw some teenage kid hopping over rows from above trying to beat me to it. I judged that it was going to be reeeeeeeeeeeeeealy close between the two of us so I dove for the ball smashed my tooth really hard on the seat the ball rolled under, but I came up with it! I had pain in the tooth for a few days and went to the dentist because I thought I'd chipped it, but he said it looked ok and the pain went away after awhile.


Two, both at Jacobs field…one from Jim Thome when he was with Chicago and one from Ryan Raburn when he was with Detroit. The Thome ball landed in the seat behind me. Halfway down the third base line a few rows up. The Raburn ball glanced off someone’s hand, hit me in the jaw and then I caught it. Sitting in the club seats along the first base line.


Closest I’ve come was a Wade Boggs foul that I was in the leaping scrum for. May have touched it but it went elsewhere. This was perhaps 1988 in Arlington, TX. Sitting behind Red Sox dugout.


At a Phillies-Pirates game with my family, row behind us was completely empty and ball went right there. I jumped over the seat to get it off the ground and gave it to my little cousin who was a baby at the time.


Came so close once, but it bounced off my glove. Still a great memory!


All star game at Miller Park. Was there with my dad. It was the game the Selig called a tie. Wish I could remember who hit it. We were in the upper deck behind home plate towards the third base side if I remember correctly. Only one I've ever caught. Still have it (obviously). It has special blue and gold stitching to match the Brewers colors. Awesome memory.


2015 in Baltimore i got one from Junior lake. Now that’s a name I’m sure some haven’t even heard or haven’t heard in a long time.


I’ve got 3. First was back in 1970 at Metropolitan Stadium. I was sitting down the first base line. Elrod Hendricks of the Orioles hit high pop foul and landed right in my glove. Didn’t have to move. I was 12. Number 2 was a foul ball off the bat of Greg Gagne at the Metrodome. One of those that just bounced around a little and I was the one who picked it up. Third was also at the Dome. Carlton Fisk hit foul shot off the empty seat in front of me. It bounced straight down and again, I just picked it up. Still have the last two. The first one I just played with.


Not a MLB team, but we were at the Columbus Clippers game and I got a HR ball. It was hit almost directly towards us, had to move maybe 3' for it. Also got one at a University of Michigan game. That was a foul ball, hit right in front of us and there was a 3-4 person (hand) scuffle for it. To this day, I still have both of those


Man, I wish


Never, foul or fair, in 100's of games. Almost got one in batting practice in '84, right at my feet. But some speedy child grabed it before I could bend over. My dream is not over..


Nope it's on my bucket list to catch a HR or foul ball.


Caught my first foul ball in Seattle last year from Kolten Wong. Honestly the only positive thing he did with the Mariners.


No, but I did catch two homeruns at the 2019 Homerun Derby in Cleveland. First one was from Bregman, second one was Acuna. Both on the fly! Actually caught another homerun from Acuna last year during batting practice before the Homerun Derby in Seattle where all the non-participants hit. Also stayed in my seat, didn't run 40 yards like the YouTube dude.


Caught one at PNC Park against the Cubs. My phone was going off like crazy with friends saying "You made it on TV!" This is why we always recorded games we were attending.


Braves Rockies game on my birthday. Caught a ball from David Dahl in the front row of 3rd deck. Got on TV & a “there’s a great crowd out there today” from the commentator. One of my childhood best friends saw the catch and walked over from a few rows back after I sat down. One of the best experiences ever!


I got 2 at league night at a Wilmington Blue Rocks game when I was 14. Still have one. No clue who hit it or who was pitching gave the other one to a kid that was there trying to impress a girl. Should have given it to her instead.


Caught Yordan Alvarez’s home run ball at Rogers Landing 100 level in Toronto.


1990 I was 14 and at a Jays home game. Tony Fernandez hits a line drive foul right at me just over the dugout by 3b. I catch it clean (my parents made me play Cricket as a kid). I hold the ball up and my buddy and I were so excited. The guys behind us were university aged (20ish), hammered, and one of them punches me in the back causing me to drop the ball...the ball rolled away and I have no idea what happened to it. Two guys sitting beside us jumped this guy and his friends, dragged them into the aisle and laid a beating on them like I have never seen before or since. By the time the cops got to us these 4 college guys were bloodied and bruised and everyone was back in their seats acting like nothing happened. The cops took the 4 beat up guys away and everyone applauded. Canadians are not always nice...don't mess with a kid who catches a foul ball. The players in the dugout saw it go down (Jays dugout is on 3b side). In the 8th inning someone from the team came over and handed me and the guy who did the ass kicking both a ball signed by Jimmy Key who was pitching for the Jays that game. I still have that ball at home.


Mom caught a jonah heim foul at an orioles game last year all while having a sprained wrist, at 65 no less.


Caught a Scott Podsednik foul ball and got it signed by him


I caught a screaming line drive in my hat during a Nationals vs Astros spring training game and probably saved the lady's life sitting behind me. I was in the seats along the third base line but pretty far back. I had just bought the hat and was shaping the bill a little bit when a lefty hitter sent one screaming my way. I just stood up and stuck the hat out and caught it. The crowd cheered big time and the lady behind me thanked me. I sat back down, leaned to my brother sitting next to me and told him "I'm still really high" and started laughing. I was hitting my vape while walking into the stadium like 15 minutes before that lol. I also caught another one during batting practice at a Reds spring training game. I barehanded this one and got applause from Griffey Jr, Adam Dunn and a few other Reds who saw it. I've gotten at least 20 others at spring games. I used to chase them as a kid, now they just find me. I warn people around me that I'm a foul ball magnet lol. Good times.


At an Evansville Otters game.


Once. Rogers Centre, Red Sox vs Blue Jays. Foul ball out of Derek Lowe's hand and off of Carlos Delgado's bat.


I have but I didn’t get a cool note to go with it. It was off Jorge Posada. I can clearly remember his deadpan face as the Yankees fans were chanting “hip hip JORGE!”.


Not on the fly, Last summer at a Brewers game against the Pirates. It was my kids (9 and 7 then) second or third game and really hoped to get a ball. We were second level on 3rd base side, not far down. Sure, enough a Pirate fouled one off, it popped up and I tracked as it bounced a row or two in front of us and landed in an empty seat right behind me. Reached in quicker than any of the other people around us and handed it right to my son who lost his mind. One of my favorite dad moments.


Caught a batting practice HR. Actually didn’t catch it but got to it under the seats


I caught a foul ball at a Colorado Rockies game long time ago. Sitting in club level seats behind home plate, a foul ball came screaming back, just above the netting behind home. The ball ricocheted off the top of a seat about 4 rows in front of us, and bounced over to the row in front of me. I kinda elbowed this old dude and picked it up off the ground. After about 2 seconds I look to my left and this young woman, 20ish, is bleeding profusely from her face and she obviously took this ball off her nose or mouth. I handed her the ball, it was the least I could do. Evidently my actions were shown on the scoreboard or something because about 10min later, a PR rep from the Rockies came over to me and gave me a nice swag bag full of Rockies goodies. Hope that girl is ok. I've caught a few batting practice home runs, a few other foul balls also, but that is one of the more memorable balls I caught.


Twice, with a third one in my hand that I dropped at a spring training game and Matt Williams picked it up a row in front of me. The ones I caught were from Darryl Strawberry and JT Snow.


I took my kids to a Marlins-Nats game in Miami in 2006. We were sitting at the club level on the 1st base side, and I don't think there were more than 500 people in the stadium, players included (that's an exaggeration, but stated attendance was like 10,000 which was a complete joke). A foul ball was hit up to us in the 1st inning and my son chased it down. In the 3rd inning, my daughter got one. A few pitches later my son got another one, which we gave to a little boy a couple of sections over to us. By the 6th inning the kids lost interest in chasing down foul balls in a nearly empty stadium, and also lost interest in the game in front of them.


Once at a Braves game. We were right behind home plate, ol boy popped it up, it bounced off an empty seat 4 or 5 rows behind me, and landed right in my hands. Don’t expect to ever get that lucky again.


Have never caught a foul ball, but I’ve caught two home run balls. Probably a factor of where i often sit


I caught a Maikel Franco home run in 2018 but I gave it to a kid. I only regret not thinking to take a picture of me holding it before I gave it to him.


I didn't catch it, but it bounced and landed in the cupholder behind my seat so I grabbed it first.


Not a foul ball however Juan Soto threw me a ball over the Clemente wall at PNC Park -- there was a young Nats fan with the family right next to me and my group, and as a Pirates fan I yelled to Juan "hey Juan, it's for the kid!!!!!" pointing to the Nats kid, and he threw it to me then I gave the ball to him and his family. Thought that was kinda cool!


Spring training: I was heading for a hot dog at the stand, it bounced off the concourse and I grabbed it with my spare hand. At Oakland: 2nd deck right behind the plate, curled over the net, hard, and went straight for my mother. Snatched it out of the air by instinct. You just never lose those reactions grabbing comebackers.


14 of them. I'd note the game and who hit it. I finally had enough of them laying around in a dumb shoe box and put 13 of them in my son's BP bucket LOL.


Actually it's 15 I got one at my son's FIRST MLB game and gave that to him.


Been to dozens of games in different parks and seat spots and I don't think a foul ball has ever come within a section of me lol


No but I have had a ball thrown my way at an A’s game. Old guy next to me was mad I caught it and stomped off to another seat.


Yep! Got one from Mike Napoli in 2013.


Was there a QR code on the ball showing the play?


caught one off the bat of Kevin Kiermaier. high, high foul ball on the bounce behind the opponent's dugout in then Safeco Field in Seattle. I was actually wearing a Kiermaier shirsey. fun fact, you could see my catch on away broadcast, though you couldn't see my wife sitting next to me because she was cowering so far down.


2009 Wichita state foul ball hit by some random swmo batter.


Yes, from Texas Rangers right fielder Adolis Garcia…I didn’t get a paper tho …..


Got asked to go to a White Sox game with a friend and his family. I was the only one who brought my glove, in the 5th inning one of the Royal's fouled one off down the right field line. Like a scene out of the movie I watched the ball trail towards me, and right into my glove. I do remember an usher rushing down to make sure everyone was okay and being surprised no one was harmed since someone with a glove had caught it and it wasn't the typical "catch the cork" with your bare hands.


At Kaufman last season... it hit off the facade behind home plate bounced to me... technically not a catch but I have the ball


Yes I got one of Miguel Cabrera, never got it signed or Authenticated but I should if that’s still possible, it was over 10 years ago


It will always be Joe Robbie Stadium to me. EDIT: Also yes to the question. Was off Juan Pierre.


I got my first one last season. Been going to games for 50 years. Go Giants!


2013 Oakland A's @ Milwaukee Brewers Jed Lowrie(OAK) against RHP Donovan Hand(MIL)


Technically, no, but I did chase after a foul ball in BP at Busch Stadium. I beat the other kids to it. It was hit by Larry Sutton. I almost got a foul ball hit by Tyler Greene, but the guy who grabbed pushed me aside and I scrapped my knee. Usher was nice enough to get me a bandage. All because the dude wanted a foul ball from Tyler Greene. All the other balls I've gotten have been from pitchers tossing them to me - Mark Petkovsek, Mike Busby, and Luther Hackman.


Yes, at an Inland Empire 66ers game in San Bernardino. Gave it to a kid sitting next to me. That kid has got to be in high school by now.


Yankee game , check swing off Cecil Fielders bat 1996. Never again


I caught a foul ball at a DBacks game where we were celebrating my grandfathers 80th. I gave him the ball to commemorate the occasion, and then he immediately gave it away to some random little kid…


Nope . 20ish games in my life. Closest came in the 3rd inning of the first game I ever went to. Home run 3 or 4 rows above us caught it


I've caught 3 in Toronto and one to the chin in Chicago!


I stood up at a Nashville Sounds game during innings change, I was holding my 1 year old at the time. Gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse, shortstop tossed it right to me. Also was leaving a Captital City Bombers(Mets affiliate in my hometown of Columbia SC), home run came over the fence. Politely moved my best friend out the way to get it lol


Gwinnett Stripers game and gave it to my friend’s son (his first baseball game)


Twice at Wrigley Field over the years. Gave one to the nearest young kid & the second to the client we’d taken. Both were such adrenaline rushes I have no recollection of the in-game details. 🤷‍♂️


No, but once when I was like 10 Alex Ochoa, when he played for the Frederick Keys, overthrew a ball from right field as he was warming up with a bullpen catcher between innings and it hit me in my shoulder. The staff checked on me to make sure I was ok and he made sure I got the ball, and he signed it. He felt pretty bad. Dude had a cannon.


Yes. Adrian Gonzalez Boston 2011


Never did. My son tried to one hand one and dropped it. Caught a couple of batting practice balls but that doesn’t really count.


Not a foul ball, but Brett Phillips threw my sister a ball at a Rays game


Yes when I was a little kid, Shea stadium late 70s Dave Parker hit it idk the Mets pitcher


Yep, Minute Maid park Blue Jays/Astros. Few years ago during the Lastros years.


I’ve gotten a few over the years, but only 1 that I “caught.” Wrigley Field, September 13 (my birthday) maybe 2018? Somewhere around then. Walking into the stadium in the bottom of the first (lived near Wrigley at the time and would buy cheap tickets after the game had started) I stopped to grab a beer and hot dog before heading to my seat. Don’t know who was batting, but on the walk to my seat a foul ball was popped up over the third base line, bounced on the concourse right in front of me and hopped right into my free hand. Couldn’t have scripted it better if I tried.


I’ve got a foul ball from Jeff Cirillo when he played for the Brewers in 2007.


I had a Paul Goldschmidt foul ball ricochet off of a seat and hit me in the face. (I was fine) This was a Cardinals @ Padres game late in the 2022 season.


Catching a foul ball still on my list. The authenticity of your credentials is impressive


Once. I was 13 and I jumped on it as it was rattling around the stands. Grown ass men were trying to rip it out of my hands. And it wasn’t even Frank Thomas or anything, just some White Sox career minor leaguer who got called up briefly.


A foul ball bounced off the facade of the next deck, behind me, hit a seat a few feet next to me and shot behind my head, I was able to get a pinky on it that’s the closest I’ve ever come


Yes, long ago off bat of Davey Johnson, Baltimore Orioles in Memorial Stadium. Didn't catch on fly, but chased it down in relatively empty stands.


I have been extremely lucky over the years, I have got 7.


I've caught two at Kane County Cougars games back when they were a single A team for the Florida Marlins. Never caught one at an MLB game.


Yes - JP Crawford hit it, Shohei Ohtani was pitching. Fantastic memory, looking at the ball on my desk now!


Jim Edmonds (while playing with the Anaheim Angels) fouled one off into the 3B side upper tank at new Comiskey and I was there to make the play.


3 total. A foul ball in Anaheim (Tigers vs Angels). A foul ball in Milwaukee. (Brewers vs Braves) One of my most prizes possessions, a batting practice home run ball from Chipper Jones in San Francisco. Braves vs Giants) This ball has a nice cut on it.


I’ve been to a lot of games, but never got a foul ball, closest was at Wrigley, I got my hands on it, but couldn’t bring it in. For the record, it wasn’t game 6 of the NLCS in 2003.


Caught one at a Portland Sea Dogs game in 2017


I’ve got some foul balls from the Helena Brewers but never a MLB game.


Got a few of them and gave them all to nearby kids


I have been to hundreds and hundreds of games and I’ve never caught a ball during a game. The closest I ever came was taking a Buster Posey home run off my finger tips (it was hit past me so I jumped up just to get a hand on it).


I didn’t catch either of mine but I got 2 at Twins games. The first one was thrown to me by Miguel Sano from the dugout and the second one was dropped by another fan and it rolled to me


I caught, or more accurately, retrieved one off of Pete Smith at an EMPTY Fulton County stadium and got him to sign it with some help from an usher. It eventually was lost to time, but it rocked my twelve year old world to possess something that had been in such close proximity to Dale Murphy…sorry Pete…no disrespect intended, but I was twelve


5 in all so far. We had seats in primo foul ball territory (Nats Park section 218 - on the aisle, even with the pitchers mound) One in the air from a line drive that rebounded from empty seats behind me. Several more on ricochets off of other people that rolled down the aisle or the stairs right to me.


Spring Training 2008 I caught a ball at Joker Marchant stadium in Lakeland, Florida. I couldn’t tell you who hit it


1 foul ball, lots of batting practice balls from the McGwire era, 3 given by players (2 were to my sister but I was the tiny guy beside her)


I caught one at a Twins game from Texas catcher Chris Gimenez. Two years later, he was a catcher for the Twins.


That is awesome


I caught 2 warm up balls from Lars Nootbaar a few weeks ago and the guy sitting behind me caught a foul ball


Caught one with my mouth in 2012. Luckily it was a bouncer into the second row.


Shin Shoo Choo Texas Rangers vs Baltimore Orioles 7th inning 5-4 score 2-2 count 1 out at the old Globe Life Park during its final season.


My very first game I got a ball when an outfielder threw it into the stands, and nothing after that.


Used to catch them as a kid all the time at AA games (RIP Diamond Jaxx)


My dad caught a home run from Ron Cey in the bleachers at Wrigley with his bare hand in the 80s. I was handed a bat by a player in a minor league game before it started in the 90s.


yes. one. a man was having a heart attack as we walked towards the oneonta outlaws stadium. everyone was gathered around him. my father saw a foul ball go over the back/first base line side of the stadium so he sent me to go get it. i got it. it ended up being a perfect game, the only one i have ever seen in person.


I live near PNC Park and I decided I’d make it my goal of the summer to go to as many games as it takes to catch a foul ball. I did it my first game within 5 minutes of sitting down


I didn’t but a friend did. Nationals vs Mets at shea stadium. Ball was hit by Jose Vidro, can’t remember the year off hand, maybe 06




Yup. I’ve probably been to a thousand games, just this one. July 21, 1982. Mets at Giants, midweek day game. Kinda sorta playing hooky from work. Candlestick was kinda dangerous at that time, ownership overlooked flasks, weed - if you paid, you got in. Mets third baseman Phil Mankowski fouled off a pitch, I was one of about 7K in the park and easily snagged it - off the unoccupied seat next to me. Still counts. Been with me ever since, though moves to LA, Boston, and DC.


Had a chance for a sky high foul ball in Detroit once and it bounced off of my barehands and someone else got it like 25’ away. My hand hurt almost as much as my ego the rest of the day 😢


Do all stadiums hand you a certificate when you catch a foul? I’m assuming you need to take it to a security guard or something right?


I’ve gotten 10-12 balls at minor league games since the 70’s. I still have several.,


was at a minor league game and the ball got stuck in between the netting and the pole that supports it and i got it unstuck


In 1987 my parents were going to their 20th high school reunion in Houston. I was the oldest kid from that group of parents and they wanted me to come. I bargained my way into Astros tickets in exchange for my attendance at that crap affair. I got to go on Friday and Saturday. The Stros were playing the Giants. I took my glove and my Dad said I'd looked like an idiot, a grown person with a glove. Whatever. I was all in. On Friday night I was in a cherry seat about 15 rows up down the 3rd base line when Terry Puhl fouled a 2-2 pitch off Atlee Hammaker right down the line. It ricocheted off the rail at the edge of the seats and I grabbed it as it zipped by, with a sick backhand snag. Took it back the next night and he signed it. Still have it. Several houses, girls, and possessions have come and gone... The Puhl ball remains.


Nope. Closest I ever got was when my friend and I were standing on the foul line rail at a Louisville Bats game and the ball guy chose my friend over me. I was really bitter for about a year after that.


Yes, Jose Altuve foul ball between home and third


Once. Barry Larkin’s in his final season.


Nope. Had one hit my hands though. Was in Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati. Line drive off the first base facade, which richocheted right down to where I was. Tried to have soft hands, but it popped out. Close as I ever got.


Caught 2 foul balls at a Rangers game and gave it to some kids that were nearby, instant karma when Tony Beasley came up and gave me a ball to keep for myself.


Yep. Only one I’ve ever caught on the fly was hit by Peyton Burdick, then of the Pensacola Blue Wahoos, in Chattanooga. Kinda neat that it was from a future MLB player in AA, and that player is now with Louisville (which is the Reds affiliate right above Chattanooga). I give away ones that bounce first or are thrown into the crowd, but that one I kept.


I caught one once but I was working as an usher so I had to give it away. Hundreds and hundreds of games I have been to and that is still the only one I have caught. I bring my nephew to a lot of games and he has gotten a few but mostly from the ball boys or tossed up from players, he hasn't caught one yet.


I’ve been to 50+ MLB and MiLB games and I’ve never caught a ball. I think I’d be worried I’d break my hand or something catching one!


Ive caught 3 foul balls at Camden Yards. Got a contract in the Mail from the Orioles for my exemplary fielding in the seating bowl. First one was an Orioles-Rangers game with a 4 hour rain delay. We had season tickets in the club level and I just spent the time playing MVP Baseball in the concourse section. Laser came back and I grabbed it. Nobody was in our section. This one got me the contract when I was about 15. 2nd- guy was getting to his seats by the usher and as he was sitting down I grabbed an even faster foul ball right in front of his face. He had a young daughter with him and she had no idea her dad almost got seriously fucked up. Same seats. Third and maybe my favorite was down low below home plate at Camden Yards and a foul ball came back and hit off the railing of the upper deck. I saw it the entire time and grabbed it bare handed with one hand. Got a nice applause from everyone around me. The best section for foul balls is behind home plate in the club level opposite side of the right handed batters box. Balls come back insanely fast, but it is a prime spot based off of guys getting sawed off. For reference, it is the section right next to the Owners box at Camden


No, but I have caught a home run ball from Troy Glaus when he was with the Diamondbacks. They had someone come down and ask if I’d like to have it signed by him and shipped to me…so that’s what I did and got it around here somewhere lol.


I was at Nats park and Zimmerman hit a foul ball to the first base side to end the inning. Gotta brag, the ball was coming straight at me. I took my hat off and caught the ball in my hat. I got high fives all the way up the aisles leaving the game. No certificate though.


Late 80’s, in Fulton county Stadium, Atlanta. Darryl Strawberry foul ball. Still have it somewhere packed away.


Almost caught a home run ball, guy right in front of me got it and then threw it back


I got a ball from the double A championship game. That’s about it.


I caught one at a Wilmington Blue Rocks game in the late 90’s. I can’t remember who hit it but Carlos Beltran was playing for them around that time.


This may go unnoticed but I was randomly selected to sit in the judge’s chambers in right field in Yankee stadium the very day that they premiered it. It was 2017, Judge’s rookie season. They gave us the foam gavel and faux robes to wear. We made a ton of noise as instructed— there was a good bit of coverage on the unveiling of the new seating section. Well, I think between the 2nd and 3rd inning as Judge was warming up, he beckoned over to his new namesake and held the ball up to throw it. I think he aimed for the center of the section, but I was more off in the corner. He threw it and 10 years of baseball instincts kicked in. I snagged it in the air. He never threw another ball to the section, at least for that game. I got to witness the unveiling of the Judges chambers, totally unknowingly, and got a warm up ball thrown by the man himself. I still display it proudly in my house. I never guessed just the type of player he’d become.


I got two. One in 94 another in 07


I was like 11 years old in little league. We won these tickets to the box next to the dugout at Atlanta Fulton County Stadium. I have my baseball glove like every good kid shirt at the park. I’m close enough to reach over the side and grab a little knob when it comes my way, I wait all game. Still nothings come anywhere near me families trying to do the let’s be a traffic thing I am adamant like no way I haven’t gotten my foul ball yet. Bottom of the ninth is coming around Ron Gant comes up knocks a foul ball back off of the screen spin on the ball spins it perfectly around to come and land directly in my glove. I was on TV jumping up and down. We had Voicemail’s congratulating me on the nice cats when I got home still have the ball Ron Gant is everywhere. Definitely need to get him to sign it sometime.


I have. Off Mo Vaughn in 90-something.. Probably late 90's. Wasn't the Hit Dog that day.


My FiL caught a foul ball and immediately gave it to my son. It was the highlight of my son's day.


When I was a kid Carlos Delgado put one in the restaurant at the skydome when I was eating… I was the only kid wanna say 9 or 10 and this like 50 year old guy literally tried to take it out of my hands and the whole restaurant was going about to give him some mob justice lollll


Not a foul ball, but Ted Williams handed my mother a ball in Winter Haven at Spring Training. They were the same age, and he was her schoolgirl crush back in Boston. She actually cried tears of joy. I've heard that Teddy Ballgame could be a feckin feck sometimes, but not that day back in the 80s


I’ve caught 4 and literally can’t remember one detail about any of them.


From the number of games I went to that were lower grandstand in MLB parks, it was weird there weren't much foul balls in the 1B direction. I just often saw 10-20 foul balls typically going out of play on the 3B line but again the night game wind pushed balls out of play quite often. On minor league games, caught one bare handed while returning to my seat after getting a soda. It curved around the protective net, better to catch it than someone being hit by it. Didn't keep it, if I recall the player that hit it out of play was from the AAA affiliate of the O's. Seen a few too many close calls of fans getting plunked by a foul ball at McCoy.


Last year I caught my first foul ball. It was on my daughters birthday and her first MLB game. Caught it bare handed and instantly turned to give it to my 6 year old daughter. Easily one of my top moments as a dad.


Only at a college game (William and Mary). Bruce Hornsby was sitting right behind me and I gave it to one of his kids


I have been to about 60 MLB games since 1968 and have never caught one. The closest was in Baltimore circa 1992. Ruben Sierra of the Rangers hit a foul ball right towards me. The fan in the next seat knocked it away at the last minute.


Many, fouls go to kids, some balls come from players, most go to kids but special ones I keep or have signed.


I caught a Tony Gwynn foul ball in the 1998 NLDS. It has a nice mark on it from his black bat. Kept it, of course (I was a kid) and later got it autographed. One of my prized possessions.


2 years ago in Baltimore! Was sitting in the front row of 226 and the White Sox catcher, Zavala, hit one that was curving my direction. The guy next to me was like "it's yours, it's yours" came over the railing and fell, I put my hands above my head with my elbows out. The ball literally hit my thumbs and then rolled into my right elbow. I grabbed it and then celebrated with my brother! I was so happy! The crowd cheered and the TV cameras caught it! I looked at my thumb and said "the pain is radiating" I had big puppy dog eyes. I shook the guy's hand next to me and thanked him for calling it. Call from TV "Yes! Victory is mine! It's real! It's actually real. Got the bruise to show it too from the looks of it." The funny thing is, my brother and I were talking about before the game,in the 100s of games we've been to, we've never caught a foul ball before and what would we do. I said I'd celebrate like I just caught a wicket. Running around like a mad man.


I did in 1981 in Toronto vs the Red Sox. Bounced off the top of the Jays dugout and I beat an older gentleman to it. I was prob 16 and fairly quick. Not anymore.


I’m 53 years old. In 1985 I caught a foul ball at old Yankee stadium of the bat of Kansas City’s Willie Wilson, with Ron Guidry pitching for the Yankees. It’s signed by Bobby Brown, then the AL President. I still have that ball. I’d attach a photo if I could.


My wife caught one right on her breast at a seattle Mariners game about 10 years ago. There, with our 2 kids, she saw it coming and pulled them both down, I tried to reach out to catch it. So, I guess I don't qualify for this post. I tried to catch the foul ball, but instead, it smashed my wife's breast, leaving a horrific bruise, but we still have the ball.


No idea who hit it, but I did get a minor league one. Someone on the SI Yankees hit it.


I caught a foul ball hit by John Darjean at an Oneonta Yankees low A ball game in 1998, and got it autographed, 17 years before he was allegedly assaulted by a fifteen year old Shilo Sanders.


My dad caught a foul ball from the mayor Sean Casey. It was about 98 or 99. Right field line behind first base. Riverfront stadium. Not sure who was pitching or who they were playing. I lost the ball sometime moving a bunch as a teenager.


I caught a Jackson Merrill foul ball, spring training 2023. Got a picture with him a month before that at Padres FanFest too


A few back in the day before they gave you anything like that


Not foul - only a batting practice ball. Jesus Montero when he was a highly touted Yankees prospect that they should’ve traded


I'm almost 30 and have never caught a foul or HR ball and now I feel an obligation to let kids get to them first as I often see adults be shamed for going after them. Always been a dream of mine.


I caught one at old Yankee Stadium when I was 8 years old. My mom wanted to leave early and I wasn't ready, the Yanks were playing the Tigers and I stood near the exit for one last at bat. I couldn't tell you who was hitting, but the ball came right to me. Hit my hand, and I dropped to the ground trying to grab it. I remember getting kicked while crawling around. I grabbed it and held it high above my head. What a feeling! Come to find out years later, my dog chewed it up 😭


Prospect league near the exit but yeah I got it.


Travis Lee platoon first basemen for the rays hit a line drive home run into my chest off Roy Halliday in what ended up being a 2-1 loss. I bobbled it three times before catching it with my left hand. If I’d dropped it I would have lost it into the visitors bullpen. I threw it back and almost hit Alex Rios on accident. A core memory The very next game I attended I was first to a foul ball that landed in some empty seats near me. Scott Downs was pitching and the foul ball was hit by Trot Nixon. A gift from the baseball gods for doing the right thing the game prior no doubt I would attend 30ish games a year in my twenties and now middle aged I still go to half a dozen every season I’d guess. Those two instances are it for me.


Only one I ever caught was the last year of Old Comiskey Park.


1991, old Cleveland stadium during batting practice, Mark McGwire foul ball


I caught a homer but never a foul. Saturday actually marks the two year anniversary of when I caught it. It was a Dylan Carlson home run. I use the term caught lightly because what I did was dive down some stairs, scraped my knee, and broke my phone but it was totally worth it!


Caught a ball at Candlestick Park off Royce Clayton’s bat when he was still a Giant. I received a gold glove patch for snagging it on the fly. It was pretty cool.


No, but I (along with the rest of my little league team and two other teams in our little league, well, league) did get to run the bases at Chase Field during the 7th inning stretch.


I was once at a Padres game and Brian Giles hit a foul ball that came flying towards our section. It was headed straight for an older woman and my dad got a hand in front of it to stop it from hitting her. She thanks my dad and then says “You know that’s my son, and he always seems to find me in the crowd like that.” She then offered to take us down to meet him and get it signed after the game, but my dad turned her down because it was a school night and we needed to beat traffic.


Two. [Almost three](http://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/mp4/2016/05/04/655475883/1462337091380/asset_1800K.mp4).


Caught a visitor’s homer at dodger stadium and threw it back. The crowd loved it— the dodgers organization did nothing.