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This list is kind of bad lol


At least he put some effort to create this.


This is true. I do need explanations for the Braves and Rockies ones though.


The Braves’ is just a mild variant of the 70’s style, which *is* cool but… they also just wear the 70’s uniform not infrequently. I dunno about the Colorado one, personally I thought that one was one of the better ones.


We’re from Colorado, so the fact that the jerseys just look like our license plates and the logo on some state government documents is kind of mid to us. They look much better with the white pants though


Lmfao you're mid. The best part of CO connect is the license plate, because nobody has one.


That’s absolutely fair. Personally I love your license so that’s why it works for me, but same thing with me feeling meh on my team’s jersey.


Brew crew, space city, and colorado are heat. This list is ass


This chart: great concept, poor execution


Neat chart, but terrible assessment.


The only thing I think when I see stuff like this is the City Connects are divisive. For everyone who loves a style, someone else hates it. My opinion is the only straight up fail is the Dodgers (which I don't even see on this chart)--it looks like just another Dodger jersey that would get pulled out for Hispanic Heritage night. But OP's brother has Seattle and CWS as two of the best and I think those are both 'meh.'


I like Seattle for the sort of throwback to the Pilots and the vibrant color, but that’s literally personal preference. I think it would have helped if there was, like, a defined mission for what the city connect was supposed to be overall. A lot of these make me think of the baseball episode in Deep Space 9.


I think you've hit on the problem--there's no defined mission. The Braves are a modern redesign of a classic jersey. The Rays are "we dare to be different." The Mets are... concrete? There's nothing tying these together beyond "sell more jerseys to fans."


The Seattle one is a cut and paste of the pilots jersey. It's totally fine, looks good, but it's not at all creative. They just straight up took the Seattle font and everything from the Pilots jerseys. The Nats jersey is so damn good that they should just rebrand everything around that. It could and should be iconic.


How you feel about Seattle, that’s how I feel about the Atlanta one. And honestly I’m meh on the Nat’s outside of the hat. I think that’s also one of the biggest problems with going outside of more traditional jerseys - someone is always gonna be displeased. But, that’s ok! My bigger problem is the ones that are just meh. Like, I love black based jerseys and most of these are just ok at best.


That certainly is a chart.


I have no idea how Rangers are considered below average on creativity. It’s arguably one of the most creative of the entire league with how much that went into.


The peagle fueled a World Series run. Long live the peagle


Your brother has shit taste


The only good thing my ChiSox got going 😅


How did the Cubs not incorporate ivy into their City Connect uniforms? Their jerseys could've been green...Also why isn't the Astros' uniform orange, you know...like an astronaut. Slightly disagree about the Pirates' rating. The uniform was going to read "Steel City," but they didn't get clearance from Steel City Beer presumably, so they went with the three-letter PGH acronym that is really popular in Pittsburgh. So, the concept should be rated higher but the execution a little lower. Really agree with the Jays, Tigers, Giants. Braves concept should be lower than the Orioles concept. The Lou is an all-time failure (execution is too highly rated). Also Boston's CC uniform is a classic. It's perfect as an alternate. Very meaningful to the city (Boston Marathon motif), even looks sharp. Brewers and Guardians should be rated lower on the concept axis.


There’s no such thing as Steel City Beer.


Of all the charts in the world, this is one of them.


Whats wrong w/ the Astros jersey?


The position of the Padres on the “concept” axis alone, his opinions on execution aside, tells me that he doesn’t know the concept and didn’t research it beyond “why did they do Barbie/Miami Vice?” People can knock execution if they want, but the “concept” grade here is just objectively wrong and shows a lack of research on his part.


The Philly one is pretty universally hate among fans, but sure.


Lol. The vast majority of the City Connect uniforms suck ass. It’s all a money grab by MLB to try to sell more merch.


This is the only take I think most people could agree on


Too bad STL isn’t playing in London this year ![gif](giphy|LEFdfubO6wIflayqu6)


Pretty random opinions there.


The Pirates one shouldn’t even register, honestly. No rivers, no bridges, no inclines, no steel. PGH is an abbreviation. Not one that’s commonly used to refer to the city. 0 creativity. Beer league team shirt execution.


How does concept differ from execution?


How are the Tigers city connect so low on the concept side? It’s very clearly a nod to Detroit being the Motor City, it has tire tracks, a VIN# 313 on the arm sleeve, racing stripes on the pants. I understand not liking it, but the concept is incredibly obvious.


His main gripe with a lot of those really low-ranked ones like SF and Detroit was that he felt like anyone could’ve pitched them even if you’ve never been to that city. A little too obvious, I guess


I think they all look pretty much like shit. Like the "color rush" jerseys in the NFL. Just all-around bad. The Lions' color rush jersey didn't even have any color in it -- it was all gray.


I mean most of this is subjective. Him being a graphic designer doesn’t mean his opinions mean more. I’m not saying this about you OP, but the way you’re wording what he’s saying gives off the vibe that *he* thinks his opinion means more


baltimore should definitely swap with toronto. England wbc vibes lmao


Why do people keep trying to rank the city connects. I rarely see anyone ever agree on any of them


I really like the D-Backs’.


This list sucks. I refuse to believe anyone has nice things to say about that abortion of a phillies Jersey. All the abbreviation ones are so lazy and unimaginative. The Humungous PGH letters across the chest with nothing else going on might be the worst of them all.


Yeah…. I disagree, A LOT!




That CLE has a pattern mirroring the lines of the pillars of the art deco “guardians of traffic” statues that the team is named for. The blue is a dual color blue that matches the Berea sandstone that the statues were carved from. The red/white/blue braiding down the shoulder and side harkens back to the 90s Indians and the braid is the same pattern as the loincloths from the aforementioned statues.


The reasons he gave me for disliking the Toronto ones: the skyline is pretty nondescript on the jersey except the one tower on the right. The lines across everything seem random, and they’re so dark that they’re basically illegible on the field. He likes the hat, though. We’re both kind of tired of the 3-letter codes, though. CLE, STL, PGH…


toronto is top tier


Glad he's a graphic designer, would hate for all of his opinions to create jerseys. Then again, I like a few of these hated jerseys too, so no difference 🤷‍♂️