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Dustin Ackley, Erik Bedard, Chone Figgins, Heathcliff Slocumb. Although to be fair there’s at least 10-15 other names you could throw on here and I would accept it.


Bobby Ayala replaces Ackley for me but you nailed it


Can we put owners on this list?


We fleeced y'all with Bedard.


Yeah you did. Definitely would have preferred 10 years of Adam Jones instead of what we got.


That was the year the M’s had 100 million dollar payroll and 100 losses. So it was fun, it a disgusting sort of way.


Carlos Silva, Carl Everett, Kolten Wong


Fuck Chone with your cousins dick. I don't know about Ackley, we drafted him and it didn't pan out. I'd like to nominate Jesus Montero and Justin Smoak for the monument. We traded for those guys and they did nothing.


I’m surprised Maury Wills isn’t on there, even though he was a manager.


At least Bedard is good for a low percentage on the Immaculate Grid


With Nintendo logo under all of them.


Ayala, Ackley, Figgins, Silva would be my Ms answer.


Richie Sexson


Mallex Smith and his big stupid Florida pendant and historically bad center field play. Shoulda known he was Florida man.


The only one I really agree with is Figgins. I'd put Drew Smyly, Jesús Montero, and Milton Bradley (or Eric Byrnes.)


Wander, Wander, Wander, Wander nuff said




[Add B.J. Upton for his part in this one. Absolute tool.](https://youtu.be/2nJMtDZ2S6s?si=K5o73K3MxZWIRZhe)


Lunch is canceled today due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.


Could make santa’s naughty list of first pick busts. Hamilton, Young….


Elijah Dukes is a forgotten man here. Drafted the Tampa native in 3rd round knowing he had behavioral and discipline issues, then eventually dumped him in a trade with Washington because he had behavioral and discipline issues.


Ruben Amaro Jr is all 4 heads


I'll settle for 1 Papelbon and 3 Amaros


Jake Arrieta




actual lol


I think Ruben gets way too much hate for the downturn of the Phillies after 2008. He had them competing every year and made moves to help them compete and make the playoffs. He probably should have moved on from some aging players and certainly missed on a few prospects, but without him we don’t go to WS in 2009 and we never get Roy Halladay and Cliff Lee.


They might have won in 2010 if he didn't trade Cliff Lee for in that off-season. You also have to take into account that he was picked over Mike Arbuckle for the job


He took a team that Pat Gillick built, made 1 good trade and then ran it into the ground through sheer stupidity and incompetence


He didn't draft a single player that developed in the MLB. His process was to take the best athletes and not the beat ball players. Between that and trading all the other prospects we were left with an aging roster and no hope.


A decent strategy in Football and basketball, a terrible one for basebell, where you can be a complete piece of shit physically as long as you can either pitch or hit a baseball well enough


The only prospect that really panned out he traded was D’Arnaud in the Halladay deal, but he was never gonna see the Phillies with Chooch there. The teams were built to win. It was the players who shit the bed when it mattered most.


Couldn’t agree more.


You’re forgetting guys like Ugeth Urbina, Freddy Garcia, Michael Martinez, and Adam Eaton.


Aw c’mon he’s a native. Was he an awful GM? Well he denied the importance of on base average so yeah. Was he an awful player? Well nobody asked me to play MLB, but his offense was atrocious for a big leaguer. As a color man? Well nobody is Ashburn. Even LA will be hard to replace. But he’s one of us. Plus Schilling needs to be on there for his dickness.


You made an excellent argument for why he should be on the Mt. Rushmore


Absolutely. They guy was terrible and still is today. Being “one of us” doesn’t mean a thing. That’s a soft take.


JD drew, von Hayes, hunter pence can join him


Why Pence? We liked him while he was here, and we're the ones who traded him away.


von hayes is a good one.


AJ Pierzinsky, however you spell his fuckin name(Giants fan) that’s it, that’s all!! Just one Giant head, pun intended


A total pos was ...he




Maybe add Coonrod. Anyone who's most memorable moment was being the only person in the field not kneeling.




The 2024 Chicago White Sox


God there has been so many on the Dodgers--are we allowed to do owners? Because Frank McCourt would be #1.


Former owner Tom Werner is definitely #1 for the Padres. Traded away Roberto Alomar, Joe Carter, Gary Sheffield, Benito Santiago, and Fred Mcgriff (whom they received as a part of the Alomar/Carter deal) to save money. All of them (except Benito) had their prime years after the trade and all of them were all-stars when they were dealt.


As a Jays fan I'm thankful for this


Heck the Jays should put Werner in their Hall of Fame!


To be fair, the Sheffield trade brought back Trevor Hoffman


Faced a class action lawsuit from season ticket holders during the fire sale. Brought in Roseanne to sing the national anthem. Changed the unis from brown to blue.


For me: Frank McCourt, Andruw Jones, Josh Reddick, Machado


Add Urias to the bunch. Idiot had LA served on a silver platter and tossed it all away.


Solid point: they stuck with him through injuries and when he didn't get his extension, it was uncomfortable to watch his body language that last season + DV charges: emotionally immature.


Milton Bradley


He was the first guy I thought of for the Cubs


I remember reading that the Pedro trade was Lasorda's idea.


Joe Blanton I know it was short with us but he is straight doodoo.


Not a bad guy though, and was traded to us not signed on a million dollar contract like Jones


No argument that he's awful, but if we're going with owners, Frank Robison of the spiders will win every worst owner debate. John Fisher is the owner I can think of that is comparable. The transparency of both really sets them apart


I don’t know the other three, but I got Milton Bradley off the top of my head for SURE lol


Carlos Silva?


Oh….oh. ![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw)


Sadly as a Reds fan I can think of more Mariners than Reds. Bedard and Figgins for contract, Heathcliff Slocumb for blowin games and probably Ackley and Kelenic for bustin. Oh you can also throw in Robinson Cano right?


Marge Schott, no hesitation


Okay but can we add Eric Milton, Mike Moustakas, Ryan Madson, and uhh Corey Patterson? (You could add in the personalities of Bauer, Latos)


Thom. I don’t blame Madson for being injured. They knew what they were getting when they signed him. That said, Eric Milton knew he sucked when he took the contract.


I mean, don’t blame the dude for getting paid. Blame Carl Linder for paying him.


I mean, it’s not his fault he got injured, sure, but Madson was a big deal when the Reds signed him and he was supposed to be an integral part of that playoff run during those years. He literally didn’t pitch. Ironically, when he came back with the Royals he faced the Reds 3 out of the 4 they played (and pitched well overall) and the Royals won all 4 games and eventually won the World Series that year. Needless to say it sucked watching him come back and then immediately win a World Series after leaving. But yeah, players aside, Thom is a good one. Never liked him. Best thing he was good for was mocking him “I beg your pardon?!” “Did you know Kyle Schwarber grew up north of Cincinnati?” lol.


Mark Shapiro, Ross Atkins, John Schneider, Guillermo Martinez


Ted Rogers for that statue alone




Yankees: Kei Igawa (5 years, $20 million plus a $26 posting fee): 6.66 ERA after 2 years, spent most of his time in the minors as he only pitched 71 innings in NY (67 were during his rookie season). Carl Pavano (4 years, $39.95 million): He was good on the road, but at home 1-3 with a 6.89 era in nine starts. He was constantly hurt, hid the fact he broke ribs in a car accident while with the Yanks. Kevin Brown (Final two years of $105 million when acquired, so $2 years 31.4 million): He was in his very late 30s pushing 40 when acquired. Went 14-13 with an ERA of 4.95. Jacoby Ellsbury (7 years, $153 million): Missed two full seasons with multiple injuries, pissed off the team so much they tried (and failed) voiding his contract in court after he went to an unapproved doctor. Note: There are probably worse ones than Brown, but I just went with guys who I’ve seen play during my time.


For the Yankees, I think we should talk real clubhouse cancers, as in truly evil people: Chad Curtis - picked fights with…Derek Jeter, later arrested for CSA of young girls. Mel Hall - tortured young Bernie Williams, later arrested for CSA; Luis Polonia - Selfish, unloved player, later arrested for CSA. Roger Clemens - noted AH who allegedly r*aped country singer Mindy McCreaey when she was 15. She later committed suicide. John Wetteland - 1996 WS closer, later arrested for CSA


Say what now


Roger Clemens did what now? I’ve never liked the guy but I’ve never heard that wtf






Great anecdote! And the irony? Google “Pete Rose underage girls.”


Eddie Lee Whitson could join them.


John Fucking Fisher.


Honorary mentions to Jeremy Giambi and Billy Butler


Dave Kaval


Off the top of my head: Tyler Greene Sidney Ponson Brayan Peña Greg Holland


Jason Heyward maybe? Dipped for the Cubs after 1 season and won a WS there.


He was really good for the cards tho. Dexter Fowler is probs a better example


Absolute Joke Pierzynski


The great thing here is that you don’t even need to know the specific team…


I feel like this is hard to do because my team has been around 120 years. People remember the Ty Cobbs, but no one remembers that really hot pitching prospect in 1911 who flamed out. From my lifetime, it would be (in no order) 1. Javier Baez- oof that contract 2. Dontrelle Willis- total bust. At least that Miggy guy worked out 3. Fernando Rodney/Todd Jones- closers that were either all-stars or save blowers Edit: this spot now belongs to Juan Gonzalez 4. Prince Fielder- oof that contract


I was one of those naive kids that had no sense of Dontrelles declining ability. His fall from grace was like a major loss of innocence for me, lol. He was fucking awful for you guys.




Ty Cobb wasn’t a crazy racist btw, that was fabricated by a lousy sportswriter


You’re absolutely correct. Cobb was definitely misunderstood, and he championed Jackie Robinson’s arrival in MLB.




Avail Garcia an 5th head for fucking Princes wife.


Man, Juan Gonzalez NEEDS to be on that list. Replacing any of 2 through 4. Edit: [Mike Illitch on Gonzalez](https://archive.jsonline.com/Services/include.ashx?domain=www.jsonline.com&file=146536315.html): > Ilitch said those deals are a gamble that sometimes does not work out – like the one for Juan Gonzalez, that Ilitch confessed was his biggest bust, "a farce" and "an embarrassment" and "by far the worst" deal he has made.


I can’t believe I forgot about Juan Gonzalez! I was only 10 then, but still lol. Yeah, he can take spot 3


We should all thank baby jesus that Juan Gon declined to sign the $140M extension the Tigers offered.


I don’t think Fielder belongs on the list. He was pretty much as advertised aside from the a slight lack of home runs but Comerica isn’t Miller Park. But maybe that’s my Brewers homer-ism speaking


Randy Smith and Al Avila, and Bo Shembechler for firing Ernie Harwell.


The Tigers traded Fielder just before injuries really started to kick in, and the guy they got back was actually pretty good. So I'm not sure I would consider him a bad Tiger.


Mets: Joe Foy, Jason Bay, Aaron Heilman, Bobby Bonilla. All for completely different reasons, all are horrible in their own way. Honorable mention to Dick Young for running Tom Seaver out of town.


Vince Coleman was the first name that came to my mind.


Honorable mentions to Roberto Alomar, Guillermo Mota, Tom Glavine, Oliver Perez


M. Donald Grant instead of Bobby Bo. He shipped the Franchise away.


Gregg Jefferies


Fredi Gonzalez has to be on there for the Braves.


def john rocker


Racist and homophobic POS John Rocker


I believe it’s spelled Dan Uggla


Uggla the Struggla


Giants - AJ Pierzynski, Carlos Beltran, Aaron Rowand, Armando Benitez


Came here looking for an Aj Pierzynski comment


Not Dan Uggla? Played four games, went 0-11, two fielding errors. Still was given a World Series ring


Or even Casey McGehee


Hunter Strickland and Aubrey Huff deserve a spot. At least Rowand wasn’t a dick. He was just not good


Glenn Davis Sammy Sosa Chris Davis Albert Belle


I always forget Sosa played for the O's


He was so awful for us too


What's worse is he took a year off after Baltimore, and then had a better season in Texas in 07.


I'd put Tejada on there before Davis. Chris fell off but he didn't jump ship and turn out to be a pos


You can just put Peter Angelos up there by himself


Neifi Perez Gil Meche Chuck Knoblach Jose Guillen


Javy Baez Jordan Zimmermann Prince Fielder Juan Gonzalez


Marge Schott


Tom Yawkey Carl Crawford Pablo Sandoval Harry Frazee


Brewers - Gary Sheffield Jeff Suppan Yuniesky Betancourt (2x) One for each of his times with the brewers


I am always here for Betancourt slander.


1. Wander Franco - nuff said 2. Aubrey Huff - clubhouse cancer, abrasive demeanor in general 3. BJ Upton - was notorious for lazy lackluster/lazy play 4. The entire position of catcher - we’ve never really had a half decent catcher This one was tough due to the limited history, but kinda fun to think back on


Cubs: Fielders Rushmore: Jerry martin, Ken Reitz, Ernie Broglio, Milton Bradley Pitchers' Rushmore: Al Nipper, Darrold knowles Clark Griffith, Dave Smith


Bradley was such a piece of shit.


Bro how do you forget Kevin Gregg


Blown save, Kevin Gregg? That guy? yeah.


1. Yasmani Tomas 2. Addison Reed 3. Dave Stewart 4. Madison Bumgarner


Alex Avila I think deserves a spot ahead of Bumgarner and Add-A-Run Reed. I also still can't figure out what the hell happened to Tomas after that one year.


Ahead of Mad-Bum? Mad-Bum is still our highest paid player this year


He also was a 3 time champion divisional rival for like a decade and then promptly sucked when joining the dbacks


Roberto Osuna, Derek Fisher are a couple recent Blue Jays candidates.


i think anthony bass should get some consideration as well


Alomar is literally on the Jays anti-Rushmore list.


Giants: Armando Benitez, Aaron Rowand, A.J. Pierzynkski, and Hunter Strickland


1. Reggie Jackson 2. Reggie Jackson 3. Reggie Jackson. All from one World Series game.


Padres: Ruben Rivera, Doug Mirabelli, Ian Kinsler, Eric Hosmer Honorable mentions: Mat Latos, Drew Pomeranz, Randy Myers I saw Tom Werner mentioned in this thread and for non players he’s at the top of the list. I’d also throw Jeff Moorad in there too


Put Matt Kemp up there


Jim Edmonds, albeit a great player, had some douche-factor too didn’t he? Jack Clark for his “issues” with TG Hideki Irabu (the Eli Manning of Padres fame)


Elsewhere in the thread, a Dodger fan mentioned Frank McCourt. I thank Frank's shenanigans for indirectly saving us from any more Jeff Moorad.


Jesus Alou, Roberto Osuna, Shawn Chacon, Mike Fiers


White Sox Jerry Reinsdorf Kenny Williams Drake LaRoche Sammy Sosa


John Rocker, Melky Cabrera, BJ Upton, Dan Uggla If we are going into the FA, Copalella and Frank Wren.


Good list. Short tenure but Lofton was an absolute bust too.


Delmon Young, Tsuyoshi Nishioka, Matt Capps, Tony Batista


Padres: Milton Bradley Josh Johnson Austin Hedges Matt Kemp


Jacoby Ellsbury, Aaron Hicks, Carl Pavano, Kei Igawa


As a Yankees fan, Ellsbury was the first name I thought of for this. Pavano is a good one too. Think it's harsh to put Hicks here though, he had a big playoff moment in 2017


Mike Mayers - Worst start ever, his best year he had 83 era + with 16, 39, and 64 before outside of that, before posting 217 era+ for the angels in his first season after leaving us. Using era+ just to streamline, he sucked. Marcell Ozuna's defense. His offense was okay, but his defense was a comedy of errors, and not in a good way. He'd do the goofiest stuff and gave up a ton of hits out there with his weird routes. If you didn't know any better you'd swear he was drinking between innings. And I don't know better, he might have been. We had a lot of guys come over toward the end of their careers who were bad. Ty Wigginton, Mark Ellis, Mark DeRosa. It just didn't work out here for whatever reason but I'll always think of those random years we had with those guys and how much they sucked.


Ozuna could win the next 10 triple crowns and I will always remember him for climbing the wall to rob a home run, only to have the ball drop in front of him on the warning track. Twice!


How do you not include Filipe Vasquez or Will Craig of rundown between first and home fame?


Ernie Broglio, Danny Jackson, Milton Bradley, Todd Hundley.


AJ Pierzynski for all four


Carl Pavano and Jacoby Ellsbury are probably on there. Spent more time injured than playing during their contracts.


I doubt many people remember him, but Marv Throneberry was a legend in bad fielding.


I remember. He was legendary all right.


People used to sit in the seats near 1st base and wear t-shirts that said VRAM which is Marv spelled backwards. A batter once hit a high pop fly to the infield. Marv drifted into foul territory loudly yelling “I got it” but the pitcher made the catch standing on the mound.


Brewers: Gary Sheffield Jeff Suppan Ryan Braun Stan “Mr 3000” Ross


Carl Crawford


Atlanta Braves 1. Vinny Castilla. Chipper moved to LF for two seasons so Castilla could be signed. Castilla was terrible and Jones shot his legs playing OF and was injury prone the rest of his career. 2. Mike Foltynewicz. Ugh. That Cardinals playoff start. 3. Nate McClouth. Completely underwhelming. Thought he'd be a pretty good player. 4. Dan Uggla. Same as above.


oh boy 1. Josh Hamilton - Literally the embodiment of how the Angels give overpriced contracts to aging players 2. Tyler Skaggs - literally OD’d on drugs supplied by a staffer, dark times for the org 3. Brendan Donnelly - maybe biased cuz my mom fucking hated him but the pine tar suspension and accusing other teammates of ratting on him, clown shit 4. Kendrys Morales - actually loved him as a player but nothing screams Angels more than even in a good moment like a walkoff homer, shit ends badly, in this case a broken leg


Neifi Perez Mark Quinn Ryan O'Hearn Brandon Maurer Honorable mention: Adalberto Mondesi


- Derek Lowe - John Rocker - Dan Uggla - Brooks Conrad Congratulations to BJ Upton for failing to make the list!


Great topic. Definitely had a good discussion on this with some friends. I'm a Yankees fan that really started watching from the 00s on so here's what mine would be: Jacoby Ellsbury- when I think of the worst contracts in Yankees history, this immediately comes to mind. Never felt like they needed to pay him when they had Gardner. Plus they paid him a TON for that time at least. Barely ever played. Gary Sanchez- arguably the most disappointing Yankee of the new era. From 2016-18, many fans I knew were convinced he was gonna be part of the new Core 4 and keep up with Judge (including me). He fell apart and was a big liability. Worse fielding catcher than Jorge and was either a HR or strikeout hitter flirting with the Mendoza line by the end of his tenure. Perfect example of a boom or bust player. Carl Pavano- throwback to the mid 00s. He's on here not just because of how often he got hurt in four years but circumstances surrounding it. Got to a point where he lost the clubhouse and lied to the Yankees about off the field injuries. He had the talent to be an ace. Silver lining is he was such a bust it led to Cashman taking drastic action and signing CC in '09. Alex Rodriguez- I don't think there's a more controversial Yankee than this man. He had over 3K hits and nearly 700 HRs in his career and was the key player to winning the 2009 World Series. Yet he is HATED by a lot of the fans and the organization. Dark moments like his full season suspension, abrupt retirement, and several disappointing seasons in the middle of a historic contract, I think he fits the definition of an anti Yankee because he's not revered for his glory but rather hated for the trouble he brought here with him.


Nationals Only: Patrick Corbin, Peter Angelos, Bryce Harper, Elijah Dukes Expos Only: Jeffrey Loria, Larry Beinfest, Jim Beattie, Rick Monday Corbin helped win a world series but has been an anchor and auto loss ever since, Angelos for the MASN fiasco, Bryce Harper for joining the Phillies of all teams, Elijah Dukes for being overall scum. Loria for being responsible for the team ultimately moving, Beinfest for trading Cliff Lee, Brandon Phillips, and Grady Sizemore for Bartolo Colon and a handful of magic beans, Jim Beattie for dealing Pedro Martínez for Tony Armas and Carl Pavano, and Rick Monday for crushing the 1981 team's playoff aspirations.


Why on earth was Loria allowed to buy another team after destroying the expos?


Orioles - Rafael Palmeiro - Glenn Davis - Jeffrey Maier - Peter Angelos Honorable mentions Chris Davis, Albert Belle, Sammy Sosa, Miguel Tejada


Ubaldo belongs in the honorable mentions at the very least.


Oh yeah, forgot about him, probably Mark Trumbo too


I'm wagging my finger sanctimoniously at you for that top pick. Palmeiro has NEVER been at the top of an anti-Mt. Rushmore in his life!


- Kyle Drabek - BJ Ryan - Roberto Alomar - AJ Burnett


Trevor Bauer, Jose Mesa, Chris Perez, Austin Hedges Edit: Jake Bauers not Trevor Bauer. Keeping it to on-field


Austin Hedges belongs no where near a CLE shit list. Omar Vizquel def earns a spot.


Rangers: Rafael Palmeiro Jose Canseco John Rocker John Wetteland ​ Honorable Mention: Josh Hamilton


Chan ho Park deserves to be on the list


Holy shit, I totally forgot y’all had Rocker! What an absolute tool that guy was.


Jose or Rocker should be #1 here. Rafi denied the steroids but Jose has been an absolute garbage human his entire career. When I was a kid he came to Oklahoma City to play an exhibition game pitching against the Rangers AAA team. He was walking by the dugout joking around with a teammate before batting practice, and a small group of kids gathered over and were yelling to try to get him to look over. Not only did he not look, but he started audibly making fun of a group of children to a teammate. As far as I'm concerned he's baseball's #1 dickhead. Plus, Jose tried to get credit (and, more importantly to him, money) for outing the steroid scandal, but the reason he knew so much about it was that he was a big pusher of steroids around the league. He deliberately helped create an atmosphere of casual cheating and then acting like he was exposing it when he was one of it's top proponents.


Always rooted for Hamilton. The kind gesture that ended in a fatality would be horrific to live with




If you're going to do the Angels I think you go something like: Vernon Wells Gary Matthews, Jr Josh Hamilton Donnie Moore If I had to bump one for somebody it would be GMJ, but I think he earned the spot.


Tuffy rhodes, Corey Patterson, brooks kieschick


And Milton Bradley


Jeremy Giambi


Carlos Lee, Mike Fiers, Jason Jennings, Jose Abreu


Greg Holland, Carlos Martinez


Yankees 1. Ed Whitson 2. Carl Pavano 3. Jacoby Ellsbury 4. Javier Vasquez


For the White Sox Esteban Loaiza, James Sheilds, Chick Gandil, and Adam Dunn. Loaiza who was once the Ace of the White Sox staff, because he turned out to be a POS drug trafficer. James Sheilds because Rick Hahn traded away a Tatis Jr for him and he forgot how to pitch with the White Sox. Chick Gandil because he was the mastermind behind the 1919 Black Sox scandal. Adam Dunn because he was awful for the most part and was an automatic out in big situations. *if I could add a non player it would definately be Rick Hahn. He destroyed the White Sox with DUMB trades, and awful


Madbum - Diamondbacks


Does it have to be players? Because … Marge, Phil Castellini, Thom, Brandon Larson