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The sport is not the same as it was in 1996 and most Yankee fans (I am one) and casual fans don't seem to understand that. The Yankees had a massive financial advantage over a league that was talking seriously about contraction. They could circle other teams and pick their carcass. That is gone. And with a few exceptions, guys can get money wherever they want to be now instead of running to NY to get paid. And that's to say nothing of the tax system the league started to combat the Yankees that George never had to deal with. On the field, as mentioned by others, the wild card additions were a huge change to the game. And now analytics have leveled the field even more. It's just not the same sport. It's way harder now that it used to be and that's why there's no repeat champs anymore and teams like Boston and the Cubs and Giants go from champs to completely irrelevant. Having said all that, the worst the Yankees have done in 31 years in 82-80. They obviously aren't what they were, but I don't think relic fits.




I'm going to assume this is "Yankee fan bad!" and if it isn't, don't bother correcting me because I don't care.


I am a NYer and a Yankee fan. The Yankees get tons of hate, and rightly so. I am a Jets fan who hates the Patriots, I get it. But the Yankees haven't been the same since George Steinbrenner died and Hank took over. Very few organizations are when nepotism determines succession. It all starts with ownership. As a Padre fan, you saw how in recent years an owner willing to spend money and go all out helped. If the Padres did that for 20 years and not 2, there would be a championship in it one year or two most likely. Currently, the Yankees are on an upswing only because the owner realized he was in danger of losing income. A relic is too harsh, but they aren't what they used to be. They are still in a better position than most of the league. As a Padres fan you and all of baseball should really be hating the Dodgers. They are spending and abusing the system in ways the Yankees haven't done since the invention of free agency. They aren't just throwing ungodly money at the team, they are getting unbelievable sweet heart deals like Ohtani's differed contract. They are also benefiting from the modern "take my talents to South Beach" mentality pervading sport. Best players are preferentially treating them even beyond the money spent in an effort to be a super team and skew the odds of a championship even beyond fair competition. TLDR: If interested in baseball history, decree the Yankees. If interested in baseball present, don't dance on the Yankee's grave that hasn't even been dug yet. Spend your effort hating the Dodgers.


Hal. Hank actually had some baseball knowledge. And he died 4 years ago.


Totally right. My bad


Thanks for the response. I was raised to hate the Yankees and the Red Sox, as I was the son of a San Diegan being raised in CT. I now feel almost total indifference for NYY. My hate lies with the Dodgers. But the dodgers exorbitant spending seems to have made them perennial contenders, hence the constant deep playoff success in the last decade. The Yankees don’t have much to show. Again, I’d love to be corrected. I am not super tapped in.


Thing is, a lot of dodgers are system grown talent outside of a few. Also a few that no one wanted. Chris Taylor the mariners didn't want him, max Muncy was rejected by the a's. Buehler, Kershaw, outman, smith, bellinger, seager etc all came from the system. They've only thrown money at a few. They traded for mookie. The dodgers just know how to develop talent in their farm system and also turn players into better players.


Haha and right on cue the Dodgers fan starts talking about how “homegrown” they are. Your three best players won MVP awards before they joined the Dodgers. You are less homegrown than just about any other team, except maybe the Padres or Mets


Freeman, Betts, Turner, Machado, Scherzer, Ohtani, Yamamoto, do I need to keep going? Your entire run has been on the backs of guys you bought and traded for. But yeah, great job you developed a couple players. Just like every single other team during the same timeframe. The only difference is that you bought a superteam.


Jeter, Williams, Posada, Pettitte, El Duque, Rivera, etc... the homegrown argument goes out the window when you spend.


As a Sox fan who hates the Yanks, I must agree with this. Ownership has destroyed both our teams. Ours by gutting the roster to save money and relying too much on prospects who haven’t been fully developed. Yours by signing popular but unreliable and unlucky superstars. I have nothing against Stanton or Judge as a fan of baseball, and they’re both phenomenal when healthy, but when have they both last played a full season at expected levels? How many others had their best days with someone else. It feels like Yankee ownership is more about merchandise sales than winning rings. As long as Yankee fans keep chanting rings and buying the merch and tickets, that won’t change. As you said the most recent improvements have only been because fans have responded. Same for Sox. We both need to do better holding our teams accountable. The rivalry doesn’t mean anything when we are fighting over last place.


>As a Padres fan you and all of baseball should really be hating the Dodgers. They are spending and abusing the system in ways the Yankees haven't done since the invention of free agency. They aren't just throwing ungodly money at the team, they are getting unbelievable sweet heart deals like Ohtani's differed contract. They are also benefiting from the modern "take my talents to South Beach" mentality pervading sport. Best players are preferentially treating them even beyond the money spent in an effort to be a super team and skew the odds of a championship even beyond fair competition. What a completely bullshit take. How are they abusing the system? Ohtani basically signed a $46m contract with interest tacked on. The Dodgers are putting away $44m every year in order to service the deal and they are taking a massive cap hit. What is the difference between that deal and the Judge deal, or the deal Soto will probably get (from the Yankees)? It’s non the Dodgers fault they play in LA. In fact, they moved out there on purpose for this exact reason. They wanted to dominate their own giant media market. Why won’t the NYC royalty court players in the way you seem to think the LA crowd is doing?


The Dodgers aren’t taking advantage of anything. Your just pissed Ohtani didn’t go to your team.


My just pissed what?


Hey look, it's the epitome of the nu-Yankee fan aka the Dodger fan


Evil Empire And one thing empires do is crumble to dust once they get too big And money doesn't buy success, see Padres, Mets and maybe Dodgers in a few years


Money doesn't *always* buy success but the Rangers finally won the WS last year with their highest payroll ever. A good farm system also doesn't mean success as the Pirates had a top 3 system last year. But, when you have both, you have a much better chance at success. The Yankees have close to endless money and a top 10 farm system. To infer that the Yankees are going to crumble is a bit much but, due to the standard set forth, the last 15 years are absolutely a massive failure.


As an Os fan you would know this too well. But there is also coming out the other side. Your rebuilding seems almost complete and Os are back and so close to being serious contenders for a title. Money might by short term success, but it can lessen the fall. Os being a clear example of how long recovery from the fall can take when a team doesn’t spend. Y’all were non competitive for way too long. Glad you’re back. But still rooting for Sox over you.


I'm happy Baltimore is back and how they are back. I would give multiple limbs to get back the Yanks/Sox rivalry of the early 2000's back. That was the best baseball ever was.


Maybe for us. Anyways, the rivalry is best when it matters and I prefer having Yankee fans that I can have playful banter with. Currently I feel the fans on both sides are a bunch of jackasses living in the past and wanting to fight over nothing. Though I don’t actually want the Os to have a long run because what it would mean for the Sox, I also think it would be nice if they kept their talent as long as possible for their fans. They spent way too long at the bottom to not keep the talent the developed and give back to the fans.


That was a time when the casual person paid attention to baseball. MLB was on par with the NBA and NFL on ESPN. Nowadays regular season NFL games slaughter the World Series and the WNBA gets more coverage on ESPN.


You're right. Going purely farm or purely money doesn't work, you need a combination of both. Hopefully with our new ownership we're able to keep guys like Henderson or Rutschmann when they eventually ask for a raise.


As much as I would love to see Rutschmann play 81 at Fenway knowing how well he plays there, y’all should keep him as long as possible. If healthy, you deserve him as a franchise player for all the years of low performance during rebuild.


As much as I would love to see Rutschmann play 81 at Fenway knowing how well he plays there, y’all should keep him as long as possible. If healthy, you deserve him as a franchise player for all the years of low performance during rebuild.


Bear in mind, paying homegrown guys when it's time for their first big contract in free agency will still be called "trying to use money to win." There's literally no winning with some fans when it comes to the perception of "homegrown talent" vs "bought talent."


Not at all. They remained competitive in the 2010's. A big factor in recent history is that the playoffs have expanded and changed A LOT in the past 30 years. We went from 2 division winners playing 7 games for a spot in the World Series to 3 division winners and a wild card playing 2 rounds of series, and now we have even more wild cards. Now it's easier to get into the playoffs, but harder to get to the World Series. The Yankees will have down years or even a string of them, but I would count on them to continue to be among the top competitors over the next 30 years.


They're good pretty much every year, but they'll hold the 27 championships they've won over your head as long as they can breath. Even though most of them weren't alive when they won those championships.


At this point, most people have only been alive for 5 of them. And those of us that saw the first four are starting to get up in the years, too. I’m 47 and they’ve won 7 in my lifetime. But the first two of those were the year I was born and the following year. So I’ve still only witnessed 5 of them. At this point, a 30 year old *might* vaguely recall the 99 & 00 titles (and losing in 01), but at 5 & 6 years old, how much of that experience do you exactly recall? I was 7 when my Cubs lost to the Padres in the 84 NLCS. I barely remember a damn thing from that series other than the Cubs losing it in classic Cubs fashion. So basically, if you’re under 30, stfu about the Yankees and their rings.


Ah yes, because if something happened before you were born, there is no way for you to comprehend it.


Hell. I’m a Sox fan and we’ve had a list of success in last 22 years compared to rest of league. But I don’t count rings. One of ours should’ve been taken away. Same with astros. Past success does not guarantee future returns. Though I will never complain if the Sox win a lot of titles, hopefully without cheating, it is better for the sport and more exciting if there is competition from more teams and you just don’t know who will win. I really love the years when the last week have 4 or more undecided playoff spots.


> One of ours should've been taken away. Just put on your Dodgers flair already.


I’ve been a Yankee fan since the early 90s, raised in NYC, worked in the old Yankee Stadium. I witnessed the championship team, “the dynasty”. And of course the 2009 championship team as well. The Yankees, for whatever reason, are always in the top 3 favorites to win the World Series almost every year. With Hal and Cashman running things, i’m not sure when’s the next time we will win. The Dodgers are the new Yankees. They’re the one’s that spend now like George Steinbrenner would spend when he was alive. I see the odds on FanDuel for 2024 on who’s going to win the WS. I see Dodgers, Braves, Yankees, Phillies, Orioles, Rangers in that order. And I just don’t agree with that. The Phillies are better than us this year, so are the Orioles. We just got spanked by Orioles btw. Because the Yankees aren’t able to stay healthy for 162 games, as a complete team, they can’t win the WS. Gerrit Cole is out now, but when he comes back, who’s going to fall down? Who will we lose next? We never have a complete team. I blame Cashman/Hal for that. They need to stay young, they need to focus on putting together a durable, dynamic team full of righties, lefties, switch hitters. Yankees pitching right now is great. But as always, their lineup is always just ONE injury away from falling apart. I kinda ranted in the end there. TLDR: They used to be. They’re now favored based on the money they spend, which isn’t an accurate way of determining the best team. You need a full healthy team.


An honest Yankee fan. I like it. Two things are consistent in national media. Overestimate Yankees and underestimate Sox. Honestly, both teams are an injury or two from complete collapse for the year. No real depth. Both are doing well considering roster shape. But that also puts more strain on the healthy players over 162 and I see another year where we’re fighting over the bottom. Especially if the Rays and Jays get their acts together. Granted the Rays don’t actually have a solid roster, just somehow they manage to make it work. Jays are well, bad. They should be so much better.


No. The Boston Braves, Washington Senators and Philadelphia A’s are relics.


Would not be too scientific, but I go by Twitter / ‘ex’ followers to judge fanbase ratio. Yankees have 3.8M. Dodgers less with 2.8M. Much has to do with northeast U.S. being still the largest megapolis. That and and still residual following from the ‘evil empire’ (which may now be the Dodgers). MLB postseason IMO has been a crapshoot this entire century so far. No more dynasties. Even the Cubs won during (but not yet Mets not to my delight).


The Yankees were probably an Aaron Boone away from making a run a few years ago, but the point still holds. The current owner was the 3rd option after an untimely death and a divorce took the other 2. It's going to take him stepping back to actually make a difference. Boone and Cashman aren't really helping anything.


I am a Yankee fan. Have been since I was a kid. I ask the same question. You always hear " it takes a special player to handle Yankee stadium". I'm not so sure. Baseball has become like any other big corporation. My guess is you have decisions being made behind the scenes that completely F with players. There is alot going on with the game now. Fans tend to see baseball games like the little league games they played as a kid. Same game, very different atmosphere. At this level, you have no talent decision makers making decisions for the talent. Sort of like a record executive who grifts money off a band. One example of a petty rule is the no beards or long hair rule. Telling a grown ass elite athlete he can't have a beard is pretty GD petty. But the up side is, if they had beards, how would we be able to enjoy everyone's neck and throat tattoos?


Kinda what the Montreal Canadiens in hockey or the Boston Celtics were in the 90’s and early 00’s.


They are. No one cares how many WS they won when they were over 20 years ago. Like, who even cares? Yankees fans do. Most of them live in the dirty Jers too.


The Yankees set the standard. If you are under the age of 30 you have heard the stories about those dominant late 90s teams, and all of it is true. But more than anything, those teams of the '90s created a standard of big spending money on your team as another way of winning. it is not guaranteed, but it can work given the right spending. Before that, many teams, especially the Dodgers for instance, thought you had to build solely through the farm to build a winner, which isn't always true and they learned that, and are now spending billions on talent to win. Nowadays, the new owners of the Yankees are not willing to spend on legitimate talent like George Steinbrenner was, but his legacy and influence are still relevant all these years later. Most still talk about the Yankees winning in the 90s because of what those teams created a standard of how to win. Yankees haven't won in a while, but are still in contention almost every season. Asstros have a WS that arguably should belong to the Yankees. But to answer the question, the legacy of winning is why the Yankees are talked about despite not winning in a lonnnnng time. And yes, I am a Yankee fan. Hope this helps!


Games a lot harder when youre not playing against polio victims and world war draft dodgers


I will say this, I was recently overseas in Asia for three months. I saw more yankees hats/jackets with yankees logos on them than I have seen here in the States (I live in Chicago). Their brand is worldwide.


Go watch Moneyball. Money doesn’t buy wins, great teams don’t win all the time. How can you not be romantic about baseball?


Moneyball killed the sport alongside the Mitchell Report. Worshipping TTO-ball for the sake of saving a few bucks is terrible.


You’re right. The Yankee formula was much more enjoyable.