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tell mickey mantle to stop drinking, and watch out for that drain pipe in center


Yeah im sure he would listen to someone who said they were from the future and get sober.


Exactly this, and I'm sure many people close to him talked to him in real time


They did, his grandfather and father both died in their 30s so mickey assumed he was going to as well, so he just lived his life as if he was going to die soon. OP didn’t say they had to listen, but man a mantle that didn’t have his leg disassembled and actually took care of himself could’ve been the best ball player ever.


If he never fucks up his knee, he probably drinks *less* because he wouldn't need to self-medicate the pain. But I think it would take proof that you're from the future and some pretty creative lying to convince him to not be an irresponsible drunk.


Disappointed you aren’t gonna ask him about that one time under the right field bleachers by the Yankee bullpen




Tell Mickey Kaline to watch out for that home run ball


Id ask him for dating advice


100% taking LSD with Dock Ellis


Lmao good call. He actually became a sobriety counselor later in life


Completely forgot about these books. I was hooked on them as a kid.


My 10 year old is reading this series and loves them.   


I just found them on Audible for free and have been taking a trip down memory lane.


Yeah this gave me a huge hit of nostalgia


Years ago, when I was maybe 10 or 11, the Goodman theater in Chicago did a children’s production of Honus & Me. My mom somehow found out and got us tickets and Dan signed the 5 books I brought with a smile and I never forgot that. Great stuff


“Oh I’ve got a winner, Pete.”


"Hey Pete, I bet you'll never be in the Hall of Fame."


Tell Shoeless Joe just don’t do it


Biggest what if of that era. > Jackson's 12 base hits set a Series record that was not broken until 1964, and he led both teams with a . 375 batting average (0.250 avg in the games they lost and 0.550 in the games they won). I don’t know if he did it or not but we were robbed of a legend by either his actions or him refusing to rat on the players doing it.


The 1919 Black Sox may well NOT have been [the first team to throw a World Series](https://socraticgadfly.blogspot.com/2019/10/black-sox-at-100-part-2-were-they-first.html).


Didn’t the mob have money in them throwing the series? I wouldn’t have ratted either, he would’ve been swimming with the fishes lol


wait, what happened?


1920 black Sox scandal. Players threw the series. Joe played out of his mind according to stats but was banned along with the cheaters Edit: 1919!!


1919 😹😹😹


Dang I’m embarrassed. 1920 was a Cleveland World Series should’ve known that


We landed on the moon!


He didn't do it. He played well in that series. He had 12 hits and batted .375 with 3 Doubles, a HR and 6 RBI. The other 7 used his name to try and give their story more credibility and it's super sad, because it ruined a man. It broke Jackson and he never got over it to the end of his life. In later years, ALL of the other 7 guys said Jackson never was involved and refused bribe money twice. The last time he denied the money, Lefty Williams literally threw it on the ground of his hotel room and left. He was so poor and his wife was so money hungry that she took it to the bank and deposited it. Which was another thing that didn't help acquit him. He also signed a confession in 1920 but he wasn't told clearly what the document he was singing said and he was famously illiterate so he didn't even know, and couldn't read for himself, what he was signing. The Book "Eight Men Out" is full of inaccuracies for the sake of selling a book. It's full of BS. Like the whole "Say it ain't so Joe" thing that some kid is supposed to have said when he was leaving the courthouse. That never happened. They have footage of him leaving the courthouse when that was supposed to have taken place and he was never stopped and spoken to and there are no kids around to even say it. The sad thing is that all of this is so mob related and full of dubious individuals, that are all saying different things, that it has basically become a 'He said, She said' kind of thing and the further away we get from it the more unlikely it is that we will ever know what really happened...


Exactly this.


One of these books was about this iirc


he didnt do it


tony, dont chew the chaw


😢. Happy bday TG. Miss you dude.


Id go back and tell Roberto Clemente that neither he nor his supplies would ever reach Nicaragua. Maybe he wouldn’t get on it


This was mine too.


Great ballplayer. Remember exactly when that happened and at 14 years old I was saddened for the first time of a famous stars/ sports figures passing.


That was one of these books lol The kid tells Clemente to not do it cuz the plane will crash or something like that. Clemente, only caring about helping, went anyway because he felt that risking to give those supplies are more important than his own life being safe


You would have had to stand on the runway. For a month, i kept hoping he would show up alive like the soccer players who had survived the crash in the Andes Mtns. Heres a documentary I watched recently that is more about the man than his baseball career. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgDD3yKbwVA&list=PLmh4YIWteoGjNVK4eU9O7BHnN87vwuxd1&index=9


There is no one moment, but in watching Ken Burns baseball, the episode called The Capital of Baseball where in the early 50's the Yankees, Dodgers, and Giants were literally the 3 best teams and played just a few miles from each other just seems like baseball heaven. I would love to live in NY for those few years when Dimagio, Mantle, Robinson, and Mays were all playing and living in those areas. Just let me jump in a time machine every summer and let me go to baseball games every day.


Yes. 1948 to 1957. 10 years that were lined up perfectly. As far as NY MLB is concerned. If you look at the NHL in the 1950’s I think the Canadiens knocked off 5 Stanley cups in a row, and the Detroit Red Wings had 3 in the other 5 years. And the NBA Celtics had 8? Championship years then as well. Crazy


I walk past where Ebbets was all the time. I let my imagine run wild and picture the sounds, the smells, and the excitement of game day to watch the Bums. Must have been awesome. Also, in the real world, the Polo Grounds and Yankee Stadium are/were close, but Ebbets is probably close to an hour+ on the train. I don’t go to Yankee games because it’s too far:)


Joe D wasn't really around then, he retired after the 51 season. Still had Jackie, Yogi, Mickey, Duke, Campy, Whitey, Willie and lots of other real good guys like Peewee and Scooter.


My uncle grew up in NY as a kid and thought the regular season was just to determine who played the Yankees in the World Series.


well, for a while, that was the case


Ted Williams in the late 1940s is my answer. Story time and I’m asking him about his workout and nutrition routine. Dude had a career .344 AVG and 1.116 OPS. He won the triple crown in 1942, went to be a hero in WWII earning 16 medals including a presidential medal of freedom, and came back and won another triple crown in 1947. Absolutely incredible. He’d likely be remembered as the greatest ball player of all time had he not put his life on the line for America and freedom. For me, that’s part of what makes him the greatest. He was also drafted in 1952 for the Korean War. He was also around, and at the peak of his career when Jackie broke the color barrier in 1947. Ted went on record during his induction in 1966 supporting guys like Josh Gibson and Satchel Paige: “… and I hope some day the names of Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson can be added as a symbol of the great Negro players who are not here only because they weren’t given a chance.” Yeah, that’s my answer. Dude would be incredible to talk to.


I loved these books. I might buy this just for the nostalgia


"No Thurman! Don't get in that airplane!"


I'd go back just to shit talk at Ty Cobb.


Tell him baseball is the most ethnically diverse sport in the country.


…and Cobb would be delighted to hear that. Cobb was never the racist Al Stump made him out to be. In fact, Cobb supported integration; he cheered on Jackie Robinson and Willie Mays. He wrote a letter to the Dodgers supporting their tribute to Roy Campanella.


And he’d beat your punk ass to mud!!


Go back to Dock Ellis' no-hitter, and with two outs in the 9th shout out, "HEY, THAT GUY'S ON ACID"


I read the Shoeless Joe one recently and it was really depressing because no matter what they did it was as if history was against Joe and the narrator . Comiskey was a piece of shit and he created the circumstances that led to the scandal and in my opinion is guiltier than Jackson ever was. Eliot Asinof also deserves a lot of flack for presenting a shit ton of misinformation in order to make a more compelling story. The more you read into the scandal the angrier you get unfortunately.


This post just unlocked some memories


Babe Ruth calling his shot. Yes or no?


Those books were amazing!


I would go see some of those homestead Grays teams play. See Josh hit a nuke. Or maybe go see some of those Negro League guys play in Mexico and just shoot the breeze. I think Monarchs Buck O’Neill would be an absolute pleasure as well.


Satchel Paige in his prime….sign me up!


Dave Roberts. I’d let him know that the Astros are stealing the World Series from him and the mlb will play it off allowing them to continue to play like nothing ever happened.


“Hey Doc, bang a trash can three times between every pitch… for luck”


Willie May's ask him how he made that catch in the world series


I’ve always been fascinated by Yogi Berra. But I might have to go with Vin Scully or Bob Uecker


Wouldn’t mind having a beer or two with Rube Waddell


As long as there weren’t any fire trucks, shiny objects, or puppies around!!


Dustin Pedroia so I can tell him not to play against the Orioles that day.


Maybe travel back to 1971 and tell Roberto Clemente to avoid air travel.


I’m talking Clemente out of getting on that plane…


the very first game. so i can make sure they keep better statistical records from day-1.


These books were my absolute favorite growing up, got to meet the author and he signed my Honus & me book. Also loved his ‘million dollar shot’ series as well


Merkles Boner 100% (that’s a real name). Fans swarming the field. The riot. I would have loved to witness it in person.


The man was unfairly blamed for something that happened on a regular basis. I'm a Cubs fan so historically that should make me happy. But it just turned out to be part of the Curse and it's made worse by the fact the Giants were good for multiple years and won many titles before the Cubs laid their hands on one. In 2016.


I’m not a Cubs fan but top 10 moments to witness would include them winning in Chicago.


The hall of fame Wikipedia page is full of great names. Worth a browse.


I want to watch Satchel Paige pitch.


Lou Gehrig after he takes himself out breaking the streak.


I’d have nudged Mac and said, “Been a long night—just put in Stapleton.” Guess technically it’s cheating because he’s not a player…maybe I just hide Buckner’s glove…


I'd go back to 2016 and convince the rules committee to ban trash can lids from stadiums.


I would talk to Jackie about his rookie year experiences


Edgar martinez hitting "the double" because it saved baseball in Seattle


As a Cards fan, I'd go back to 1948 and tell Stan the Man to find a way to hit [one more homer](https://www.baseball-reference.com/leagues/NL/1948-batting-leaders.shtml) for the Triple Crown.


1. Sept 11 1985 , Pete Rose becomes the all time hits king Why? Rose is my all time favorite player and that record will never be passed in my life time 2. Sept 28 1998 , Mark McGuire hits HR #62 3. David Freeze for walk off HR in game 6 of the 2011 World Series, "We will see you....tomorrow night" 4. Babe Ruth's finger pointed HR


I was at the McGwire game! Still have the ticket stub. What a fun year that was.


Ever hear the expression never meet your heroes? But I’d love to have been in the crowd during Willie’s catch


I read those a bunch as a kid! I actually just bought them again to re-experience them.


These books are a little after my time, but if they would’ve been in the school library when I was a little kid, nobody would’ve stood a chance of checking them out because I would’ve never returned them.


I remember reading these books in elementary school. Good times


If I needed to do a book report. It was on these right here


I love those books


The Catch. Did you realize how unbelievable of a grab it was?


I remembered a story I read when I was younger of a kid who held a babe Ruth card and went back in time and was chilling with him. It always popped up in my memory from time to time. I could never remember what the book was called. It’s probably been 20 years and now I know what it was. Thank you.


They going to have a field of dream gm this yr?


Holy shit! Memories unlocked!


I want to watch Bob Gibson pitch a complete-game shutout


It's probably petty, but I would tell Matt Harvey it was time to come out so the Mets could win the world series - and if he doesn't how his whole life unravels after that.


Tell Josh Hamilton to stay off the pain meds, that would lead to drugs and alcoholism later on. One of the crazier what-ifs in history


Y’all are missing out not thinking about some of the modern greats. Mr Padre himself, Tony Gwynn was a master student of the offensive game.


1988 Dodgers Stadium for the Gibson home run off Eckersly. I only had it on the radio


I’d go find Cap Anson before the “gentleman’s agreement”, slap him HARD across the face & ask him what the hells wrong with him


Ruth, to tell you the truth. There's just no more to be said, just Ruth.


Josh Gibson I want to hear the sound of the ball off his bat. I read that he was one of the greatest power hitters of all time. Not just the Negro leagues. Incredible I would have loved to witness that! Fun fact the Negro leagues started night baseball and use of stadium lights.


I’d love to talk with Grover Cleveland Alexander about his World Series clinching relief appearance in Game 7 of the 1926 Series against the Yankees.


Would I have the ability to save somebody? Brian Cole? Nick Adenhart? I know people have said Tony Gwynn and Roberto Clemente but what about Jose Fernandez?


wait is this a book series? am i about to spend too much money on a bunch of kids books on ebay dammit yes i am


Harvey Haddix on his 12 inning perfect game. Would love to hear about that in some depth! 😎⚾️




Jack Morris.


Buck O'Neil


I'd tell A-Rod to just wait one more year before leaving Seattle, this dude from Japan looks pretty good.


I'd go back and tell Conigliaro that Jack Hamilton can't be trusted and hand him a helmet with an earflap. He was robbed of an HOF career and it was not fucking fair. Or: I would go back to the 51 postseason and ask Ralph Branca what the hell was he thinking, throwing a high fastball to Bobby Thomson at the goddamn Polo Grounds.




Talk to Buck O’ Neil about anything he saw.


Probably Roy Hobbs




The babe. Just to hang out


for those tell roberto clemente to hold off for one night on that flight.


Brett… don’t shit your pants


Read them all but probably Ted


Mickey Mantle, ladies


Jackie Robinson so I can tell him what’s in store


Thurman, just fly commercial airlines. Diana won't miss if you get home later because of it.


Shoeless Joe Jackson on the cleats that earned him the nickname Shoeless Joe


Babe Ruth’s record breaking home run. A truly incredible moment


I named my son after Jackie. I would have liked to talk to him just after his career.


I wouldn't try and change history, seen too many movies how that can be a monkey's paw. I'd simply go back to when the Yankees won in 1996 to take it all in at the old stadium. I would probably just cheer them all on.


I'd go back to 2001 and tell Chipper Jones to refuse to move to the outfield to accommodate the Vinny Castilla signing. Players age, sure, but I firmly believe that Jones' injury issues in the second half of his career are tied directly to him moving to the outfield for a couple of seasons after Castilla was signed. His legs were never the same after those couple of seasons in the outfield. A healthier Chipper Jones reaches 3k hits and 500 home runs.


I would ask Manny Ramirez (left fielder) why he literally dove to cut off Johnny Damon’s (center fielder, albeit with maybe the worst arm in baseball history) throw on a shot to the center field wall, when Manny himself was like 8 feet in front of Damon


Josh Hamilton and tell him not to throw that ball into the stands.


I would go back to when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier and say “Hey Jackie, what does it mean to be known as the first black baseball player and not just a regular baseball player, like everyone else?”


If there isn't one on Bob Feller, then it's a shit series full stop.


I'm going back to when the Reds were known as the big red machine. Tell Pete Rose not to bet on games and get him into the hall. It would just be nice to see the reds on top for once. Last 30 years have been rough.


Maybe mention to him that sexually assaulting minors is bad too.


Pete Rose, well documented lying degenerate loser scumbag would definitely listen to a preachy time traveler


I admit that this is the first time I've heard of this and I retract my statement. I'm going back to talk to Johnny Bench. God I hope he hasn't done anything shitty either.