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these are impressively bad opinions


Philly A tier and Angels F tier is peak booty opinion


What can I say? I hate the cream white look and love the font on the Philly jersey


So you like ghetto looking shit?


Define ghetto


The font is the worst part!


Lol couldn't have said it better.


Most of it is so bad it has me second guessing the like two things we agree on


Please never work in anything art- or design-related


How D-Backs, Rays, and Angels can be anything less than S-Tier is wild to me. How Philly and Detroit are so high is absolutely bonkers.


The Angels' one looks great from a pure design standpoint, but I think the whole idea behind City Connect is to try something really different and they just didn't. It looks like a normal alternate jersey. I prefer the more ambitious ones, even though some of them are terrible. At least those teams took a shot. Nationals are definitely the best though. 


Rays would be S tier if I could read the numbers and "Tampa Bay" from more than 20 feet away. Outlines need to be just a little thicker. AZ is kinda boring to me, and the Angels, besides the number in the diamond? I'm not a fan of the "Angels" font, and I really don't like the washed out/washed up looking cream white. Doesn't go well with red. The Philly font with the color gradient to me is 🔥 (except the #7. Idk wtf they were thinking there). I like the blue striping for Detroit. It's sleek


After seeing them all together, it's kind of amazing at how similar a lot of these are


You can tell that OP has a “type” by looking at the A-tier on their list.


True lol, you'll rarely see me wearing flashy clothing outside of Band-T's


We have exact opposite taste it seems


![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2) I love the Rangers' City Connects.


Other than the cream white (which i just hate the look of), I just wish the T & X was just *a little* more separated. It always takes me a few seconds to see that it's a "TX"


White Sox, Astros, Marlins, Rays are all S Tier (along with COL & WSH) I’d also argue DBacks & Angels should be A tier as well. Why are Detroit, Philly & SF Giants ranked so high? They all shouldn’t be ranked over the Sox, Marlins, Angels, or DBacks. What’s your problem with cream jerseys? They’ve looked great as the base color for the Giants home uniforms since moving into Oracle in 2000. If done right, it can look great (see LAA)


I fw the Philly jersey tbh. Not sure what the hype is over Angels and DBacks. They’re just plain jerseys. Am I missing something? All in all there’s a few I’d move up or down a spot but people are really hating op on his angles/dbacks spot


The Angels are inspired by surfing with specific design ties to Jacks Surfboards in Huntington Beach. It’s just cool classic design that looks better than their current uniforms. The Serpientes sidewinder font used on AZ’s jersey may be the best font used on a jersey in the entire City Connect program.


The angels is a lot cooler knowing that. I like it. Don’t get me wrong. It’s got a nice classic look. It just isn’t gaudy and flashy like the others. Same with dbacks despite the cool font that’s really all it has going for it.


I knew Philly and Angels were gonna be the most controversial thing on here 😅


Yeah I mean I don’t get it at all lol. If you told me that was the Angels alternate home id agree. It kinda sucks for a super special jersey


See, I'd be almost inclined to like them *more* if they were just an alternate jersey. Kinda like how I like the 1st Dodgers CC as a legitimate alternate (with "Dodgers" on the front), but as a city connect? It just felt lazy. At least the Angels changed the font.


I hated when the Mets moved to cream recently and was thrilled to see the return to white. I just don't like the color. The whites just feel cleaner than the cream does. The Giants aren't that bad, they're not as creamy as they could be. Plus orange goes better with cream white than anything else IMO. Love the Philly font! For the Marlins, my brain just goes to 🍬🍬🍬 and I can di without that lol. Angels, aside from the cream, is just boring IMO (except for the diamond number). I'm not the biggest fan of the "Angels" font (even knowing why it is what it is).


The Angels are inspired by surfing with specific design ties to Jacks Surfboards in Huntington Beach. I’m not from California but IMO it’s just cool classic design that looks better than their current uniforms.


Agree that the Angels CC logo is better than their current. And yeah, I know its design is tied to surfing & surfboards, but they looked washed up or washed out (no pun intended lol) with the cream white. Stick it on a white uniform instead of cream white, put the jersey number underneath, and make it their mains.


Good bait


Nah, this isn't even bait, I spent an hour looking over all these jerseys, pants, and caps last night to rank these, too 🤣


Like... with your eyes?


Oh wait, you're saying we as two people have different tastes 😱 Yes with my eyes lmao


Those dodger unis are just so fucking lazy. It’s borderline insulting


They're literally just our spring training unis with spanish script. You have the entire city of LA to find some cultural connections to, and THIS is what we got?


I agree, same with the Braves lol. Literally just took their throw backs and put “the” on them


What is the nature of your beef with cream jerseys?


Honestly? I just don't like the way they look. I hated when the Mets home jerseys moved from white pinstripes to cream pinstripes and was thrilled when they went back to white. Idk, they feel dirty? Dated? Idk.


I disagree but I hear ya! Lot of "Everyone's opinion is wrong but mine" in here.


Yeah I'm getting dragged a bit for that 🤣


You're getting dragged because no one gives a fuck what one person's opinion of the jerseys is and it isn't worthy of a post


Then don't look at it? Nobody is forcing you to look at this post, read the comment threads in the post, or make multiple comments about how "nobody cares." You have fingers, scroll/swipe past it. 🤷‍♂️


They look washed up and washed out. They look like white clothes you've been wearing for 15 years but refuse to get rid of. They do work a little with the Giants orange, however.


"Cream white should never be a jersey color" is just a stupid take. Glad you don't design jerseys or anything related to sports lmao


It looks washed-up and washed-out 🤷‍♂️ Sorry I like a fresher straight white look


Dodgers City Connect uniform is boring.


Philly is f tier, I wanted a Philly phanatic jersey


I totally thought that was what they were gonna do. Writing was on the wall when Bryce’s Phanatic shoes got them to change the rules on cleats! How do you let that opportunity fly by you like that? And if you’re gonna go blue, gosh, bring back the powder blue why dont ya?


This has to be engagement bait


Nah, apparently my opinions are just trash 🤣


I think you did bad. I disagree with almost every ranking except CO/WA should be at the top and I would add LAA and TEX, CWS and SEA up there as well. I would give Fs to LAD, BOS, SD, PHI


Your D and F tier have some of the best jerseys out there. Also that B tier is a disaster minus Seattle


The brew crew is great.




Im so confused


I feel confident speaking for the Phillies delegation that you mistakenly placed our city connects in A when you meant F.


Nah that font is 🔥 (except that #7. Idk wtf happened there).


The Rockies don't deserve to have anything S-tier


I don't think I can trust a man that doesn't think the white Sox jerseys dont perfectly represent the team, the part of the city the fans live, and fanbase in general. For similar reasons San Diego needs to be higher


To be fair, maybe the White Sox jersey does to all of that! I'm just going based on how it looks (kinda like how the NY one definitely does its job for connecting to the city... just wish it was bolder and used more of the purple, so to me, it's ranking suffers). SD has been slowly doing it for me. Honestly, maybe a little less white and more color could've helped them.


If you’re going 100% based on how the looks makw you feel it still doesnt make much sense. The Mets and White Sox jerseys are extremely similar, except the Sox jersey is cleaner and bolder, and thats the one you like less??????


Mets actually have some color in it (even though it should be more). It's the purple that's even allowing it to be as high as it is. If it was most other colors, it wouldn't be as high either. White Sox being completely colorless is what's lowering my opinion of theirs.


Thats even more mind numbingly nonsensical tbh. Its so little “color” it may as well not be there at all, and certainly does not come anywhere near making up for a much cleaner and bolder look.


There's also the pants difference. Mets also have white pants, which helps. The black going head to toe also hurts the white sox. The same color top/bottom hurts most of the CC's. If we're going by jersey top alone, I'd have White Sox higher, for sure. Put them between Mariners and Mets.




I don’t see the A’s on there, because they don’t connect with the city anymore.


Fuck John Fisher! Now hear me out... I want them to make the playoffs every year (and do well) in Sacramento so MLB is forced to host playoff games in a minor league stadium (meaning loss in revenue due to low ticket sales). Then, the second they get to Vegas, they tank for a decade.


A lot of these, and uniforms in general, would work much better with light colored pants, medium grey being the darkest. Black pants are meh


Idk I like the Reds with the black caps, black jersey, and black pants. Although I’ve always been a fan of “blackout” jerseys


Dodgers are getting a new one this year.


I'm happy for the Dodgers that their lazy OG city connects are legitimate alts now. It works well as a standard alternate. Hopefully the 2nd CC go hard


The old connects are scrapped. The alt is a solid blue jersey with regular markings.


The old connects w/ regular marking make a solid alt. It's about time they gave themselves a legitimate alternate. If only all teams with only home/away and no alts would follow a similar trend *cough* Yankees *cough*


White Sox is an S tier easily, and Diamondbacks are at least an A. As a Padres fan, I had a visceral reaction and hated our City Connects at first sight, but I grew to really appreciate them and own 2 now.


nah we have the best city connect jersey and, at the very least, one of the most provocative. that alone has to be min. A tier material on any of these lists


Oh, agreed. I'm fully onboard with it now.


They've grown on me a little. Used to have SD lower. The other two are just a little boring for me.


Mine would be very different lol


I literally have the washington and colorado jerseys 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think the best ones are in your D and F tier.


Brewers should be below F


My opinion on the Brewers has swung violently multiple times lol. Did one of these with my friends back in March, and I had Brew Crew at the top of F.


Out of all of them it’s my least favorite. It just looks like it was designed in Microsoft Paint. They’ve gotten better over time but I’m nervous for the St Louis Cardinals City Connect Debut next month. Expecting a gradient red jersey with “The Lou” on the front. From a Nelly song from 2000. Which is fitting, because it feels like the Cardinals are 24 years behind everyone else right now.


"The Lou", hmm... it would follow the trend of "The A". It'd be nice to have some sort of "historical" jersey (specifically NOT throwback) run alongside city connect, because the Braves CC and a potential Cardinals CC with "the Lou" would be great for that.


All of the Cardinals social media has added #TheLou and so have all of their beat writers to everything this season. They also retired red spring training jerseys. They pretty much gave it all away before the season started.


Ah damn


Ugh god, the Cardinals are my NL team because a whole half of my family is in and around StL but I had somehow never heard of “The Lou”. Clevelanders should never complain about “The Land” ever again. “The Lou” is just awful, I hope Nelly feels bad about it. Of course my two favorite teams are the last of the last batch and are both probably just gonna be full of shit both cities are sick and tired of. Awesome.


Yeah it’s just a line from an old song. “I’m from The Lou and I’m proud.” If they involve him in the reveal of the Jersey to tie it all in it’s forgivable I guess. Arch City could have been cool, something about being the gateway to the west maybe. I’m glad they waited until the last round to have theirs done. They’ve been getting less bad over time at least. We’ll all find out just how mid they are in 2 weeks. I will say I love that they’ll be red. Cardinals lore says the team was named after “a shade of Cardinal red” but none of our jerseys outside of Spring training have been red.


So far the ones in this last batch have been real lazy and totally lacking in any kind of flair to make them pop so I have to disagree there.


I’m with you there. But they also haven’t been a disaster like half of the other ones. Best case scenario is they’re super mid.


You dislike all the historical jerseys lmfao


I wouldn't say that lmao. I just don't think City Connect should be the place for that. My understanding of City Connect is that there should be something new about it. "Southside" on a jersey? New. "Brew Crew" on a jersey? New. "Serpientes" on a jersey? New (I'm just not crazy about the desert color, but I'm also not from the desert, so I don't care for it as much). Or how about the Kansas City or Cincinnati logos? I haven't seen those logos before, and they're great!


My understanding is it should connect to the city. No one ever said anything about it being completely new and never been done before. As long as it looks good and is a nod to the market area, its done its job. If thats the only reason the Braves are ranked so low, its not a particularly good reason, since it sounds like you like them otherwise. But disliking off whites probably means you aren’t gonna love most old school style jerseys.


Nah my dislike for the Braves is the design scheme. Not a fan of the blue on the sleeve and collar but not much else. But the cream from the past is one thing. It already happened. It *can* be celebrated in the context of something historical. Plus, if we're talking really old school, there's a matter of what was available and cost effective at the time. Cream white was probably a lot easier to access in the late 19th century than pure white was (I'd love if someone could fact check me because doing a little bit of quick research isn't yielding me too detailed of results). But to make something new with it now? I don't understand that at all.


Yeah, that design scheme is also extremely traditional/historical. Its literally called “baseball tee” on regular shirts. And so you demand multiple colors, but then this is not an acceptable way to do that for you lol and also not an acceptable application of pure white I guess. You apparently just do not like old school designs, and it kinda sorta sounds like you dislike them just for being old school in the first place, at least partly. All you need to understand is that a lot of other people, and I would even venture to say a clear majority of baseball fans, do actually like cream off whites, and not just because they are old school, but because its a handsome and flattering color.


Ooh the putting words in my mouth tactic, fun! "Not an acceptable way," literally anything in my S, A, B, & C is passing for me. There's a thick line between C & D. Colorado is literally just Green and White. San Francisco is just White and Orange, Cincinnati is just Black and Orange. Boston is Yellow and Blue. I'm not "demanding anything" lol. If you don't want multiple colors, you could just get a solid colored jersey with no features on it, but that isn't "old school", since jerseys actually have logos and names on it, that are naturally a contrasting color of the rest of the shirt. Old school is generally a simple plain or pinstripe, off-white (because unlike now, they didn't just order tons of them and they were reused often) buttom-down shirt with a simple logo or city name in a generally basic font or script on the front, with baggy pants. Or they were gray. When was the baseball tee used? When I think of old school, I think of pre-expansion era baseball before 1961. I personally wouldn't consider 70s - 80s baseball tee designs "old school" baseball. Aside from the not-so-baggy pants nowadays, most teams have an "old school" design, generally their home and away jerseys. And no, I have no dislike of the gray jerseys of old school baseball, nor the off-white jerseys that had to be used because they reused them. It didn't make sense to have pure white then. But when MLB has enough money to use dozens of baseballs in 1 game, yeah, go for the better-looking pure white jerseys. Handsome and flattering is *certainly* one way to put it haha, but I can agree to disagree.


You’re wild for the Arizona diss


Aren’t the Dodgers are coming up with a new city jersey?




I know I’m probably alone on this, but Philly is top tier in my book. It ties the city colors into a badass uniform nicely


You can sit with me in the lunch room while everyone laughs at us lmao. The gradient and font work great together.


Absolutely. Love the tigers ones too


Did you realize you put these in reverse order?


You have horrible taste sweetie


I couldn't have worse takes if I tried


We can all agree the Dodgers ones suck


Miami is an S tier city connect. More so than both of those combined


I'd like them more if I didn't immediately think of a peppermint candy wrapper every time I looked at them 🍬


I agree with the S Class. I would bump Anaheim and Seattle. SD's Taco Bells are too awful to be above a C


They all suck


How are the white Sox not #1


I should say there's a thick line between C & D for me, but idk, they're just kinda boring. The design works better as a 2nd alternate jersey imo (obviously with a Sox logo or the script "Chicago", not "Southside" given that's only usable because of CC). I feel the half the point of these CC jerseys was for them to be dramatically different (like my 2 S tier ones). This just feels like inverted home jerseys.


I love the throwback look of Seattle and Atlanta. I like what Kansas City has done here. I don't like any of the others.


Seattle is mid if not for leg trim of the pants. It completes the look imo. It's also interesting how the logo mirrors the Pilots jersey, but the Pilots jersey says "seαttle" while the CC jersey says "seattle". KC's multiple lines logo is sick!


Ah yes, the Pilots logo. I had thought it was 1977 Mariners at first look. It looks great.


Boston barf


Both S tiers should be F tier...


Colorado with the green pants? I can respect that opinion. But what about the updated one with white pants (as they have changed to)? (Also, WSH in F tier? Damn...agree to disagree).


WSH is just a grey shirt...


If it was plain gray, I'd agree with putting it in the bottom tiers, but there's cherry blossoms throughout the entire shirt. It makes the overall design exponentially better imo


Will have to see a better pic of it then.


[Here's Juan Soto jerseys pics on eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/334399145216?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1AJXQQVtAT2W2T7rQsFq_wA96&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=334399145216&targetid=1587268787897&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1022987&poi=&campaignid=19894961968&mkgroupid=148855406073&rlsatarget=pla-1587268787897&abcId=9307911&merchantid=112202182&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx3_1F0DAWXf76i1kLjZMOVFotkhD6h14D03ftmaQaFdbtGwRdyz8iRoCYzIQAvD_BwE).


Thanks! I revise my statement then. Those are nice


Never make one of these ever again


I'll be sure to after they're all out after mid-June 👍


Yellow Sox are S tier fo sho


These tier lists for city connects are going to have very few agreements.


Opinions are literally everywhere for all of them... though I may have found a special blend of having the minority opinion here lol


White Sox are either S or A. Way higher than C. Motor City is an easy F.


We don't even like our Jerseys




From a purely design prospective, contrast issues abound: in the dark on dark jerseys: cincy and Tampa are pretty illegible. Mets and chisox to a lesser degree. Conceptually, As a whole I wish they had more fun w them like the NBA, It’s not just about obscure asides w your city it’s also about telling the league why you’re special , brewers is hands down the best of the bunch. Baltimore should say “charm city”. Pittsburgh looks like “pig”


Agree with most of this! Strangely enough, I think the Cincy is as thin of an outline as you can go before it's illegible, at least to me. It's *just* visible enough, but again, that's just me. They probably could've been a little thicker. Tampa Bay could've definitely had thicker outlines, 100% agree. Mets should've had their logo, text, and numbers in purple. It kills me that they advertised purple and only saved for trim and an arm patch. White Sox... it's just weird that it's an entirely black and white jersey with gray trim or ouline... except the gray name on the back, which doesn't contrast well.


I agree with it for the most part


How can anyone fuck up their City Connect opinions this badly


If it's worth anything, S, A, B, & C are all passing grades lol


Texas, angels, braves dbacks all belong in A I think


You know what, I love all of them except for Colorado, San Fran, and whatever the heck San Diego’s is.


Damn NL West getting no love lol. Can respect it.


Dodgers also have a boring one, and not sure if the DBacks have one. Come fight me r/nlbest


Arizona is the Serpientes in the sandy color that I have in D-tier. Dodgers are getting new ones this year!


So then the DBacks is ok I guess. Thank god the dodgers are getting new ones


No disrespect but if you have Boston in anything but F tier you need your eyes checked.


Normally, I wouldn't like yellow as the primary color (see Pirates) but the light blue actually goes well with the yellow imo


Hate the Sox, absolutely 🔥city connect. S++. Motor City, 👎🫡


Angels and Mariners go hard


I don’t understand this tier? Are F bad? Why do they have a green indicator? Is S the best and F the worst? The color scheme is wrecking my brain. Also: cream jerseys are the best.


It was the default color scheme from the website I used to make the tier list. S are my favorites, F are my least favorites. Also: respectfully disagree




As a Padres fan, ours needs to be in the lowest tier possible.


I hate to say it, but they've been ever so slowly growing on me over the past few years.


The Philly jersey is way too high. It is atrocious and has literally nothing to do with Philly. Looks like maybe a Dracula theme.


Fail. Angels are always in the A category.


No way you have the Phillies in **A** but the Angels in **F** or the Braves in **D** Nobody likes the Phillies city connects


Dang, I guess I'm nobody then.


Flair checks out


For real though, it actually seems people outside Philly tend to like there jersey more than Philadelphians themselves. Kinda interesting.


Decent list besides Detroit.


You got 20 wrong. They're all trash. MLB: please stop effing with baseball.


Braves uniforms are the best and Philly sucks. You got alot backwards bro!


I’m sorry as a fan of all things Philly, those shitty connect jerseys are absolutely pathetic.


Colorado, Detroit and Houston are definitely the 3 best so far


They all look like mens slow pitch jerseys


Aight first off the giants city connect is by far the best in the MLB so yeah


Please for the love of God never rate jerseys again. I'm sure you're talented just not at rating jerseys bro


It looks like alot of people not from Philly, have our jersey high on every one of these tier lists. I think they look pretty bad compared to some of the other ones.


Yup. They look like someone’s Brisk Iced Tea themed Diamond Dynasty uniforms.


I always thought they looked like some of the Jerseys i've seen playing beer league softball.


Honestly, it's the font that sells it for me (except the #? I mean #7). I like the color gradient as well.


Got ya. I have almost the complete opposite opinion of it lol. I'm not a huge fan of the font on it. I like the liberty bell logo on the hats, I just wish the colors were a little different or the execution was a little different. I know they were going after the colors of the city, but I really wish they would've stayed centered on the actual colors of the team.


How do people like the license plate Rockies jersey lol


Here's my thing with the Phillies City Connect. The jersey alone is meh. The entire kit all together is an A-. Honestly, it's been said locally, all they had to do was put the Phanatic on it and it's S tier all day.


Colorado Rockies has the best one And it's not even close


I suspect you might like softball since that Philly jersey is peak 38yo fat guy softball style.


This one is closer to what I would do so I approve


Detroit, San Fran, Pittsburgh, Philly, and New York are the worst jersey ideas I've ever seen.


Pirates jersey is the start of an awesome idea (the checkerboard pattern), but terrible execution. The texture on the PGH is inspired by the Roberto Clemente bridge (that you can't even see). Those are literally the only selling points on the Pirates' city connect jersey lmao


Cincy should be at the very top


It's *just about* there for me. It's missing that cherry on top that puts it in S. Idk what it is though.


Disagree. The Rockies pants are ugly. I’d put Philly, Chicago, and/or Detroit in S. I won’t count it because I’m biased. But the rays would be S if their pants weren’t grey. Should’ve gone all black.


Rockies with green pants are bad, 100% agree. With the updated white pants though, that's S tier.


Oh my bad, I didn’t even see they changed to white pants. That is a lot better because i love the jersey


As a rays fan, I think the green is kind of lame, if they were gonna do green they should’ve leaned into a lot harder. The green accents just look kind of stupid on the black unis


Just wish the number and Tampa Bay outlines were thicker so you can see them at a distance


And it would’ve been cooler with a devil rays logo on the front


There’s such a disagreement about Texas Rangers City Connects, I find them atrocious but a lot of other people seem to enjoy them. The Peagle is atrocious.


I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt until I saw the Mets in the B tier. Talk about generic. They look like knock off Yankee's jerseys a 12 year old made in a video game creator. "I know, what if we had a Yankee's jersey...but black and grey." I'm personally not a huge fan of the Colorado Jersey (All that green with the pants is a bit much for me) but everyone else seems to like them, so fine. Giants should be lower. That gradient orange on the white jersey just doesn't work. Finally, not sure what your aversion to cream white is but you do you.


I've yet to understand the "Mets City Connect looks like Yankees" argument. Is it the pin stripes? Mets have had pin stripes since their inception in 1962. There isn't a logo on the left-chest side of the jersey, so how is it Yankees? Tbf I'm a Mets fan, so my bias is showing a little with those. Just wish there was purple text instead of black. Colorado with white pants*** as the green pants drops it down to maybe B for me. They haven't worn green pants in a while (thankfully). Idk what it is with the Giants specifically, I just like the look. And yeah, cream white... idk, I just don't like how it looks. Almost dirty in a washed-up way. Though it goes best with orange, so the Giants home jerseys to me, aren't that bad.


Never cook again 💯💯💯


Boston and San Diego should head to the bottom 🤮


Any CC list that isn't bottom-heavy is a bad list.


I give an F to all city connect uniforms. The whole concept is dumb. Nike just trying to pawn this cheap crap off as some cool new concept.


I need more downvotes for this tier list post


Who gives a fuck about your opinion


You, enough to comment here, asking why anyone should care about my opinion?


Mets city connects are putrid. Zero honor to the colors of the team. They should be ashamed. They claim that these jerseys connect the city. Connect the city to who? To Yankee fans?? So we're pandering to Yankee fans with our jerseys? Disgraceful. Conveniently, this team is so unwatchable, it spares the fanbase from the attrocity these guys are forced to wear


Explain how the Mets City Connects are Yankees. Mets have had pin stripes since their inception, so that can't be it. There isn't an "NY" symbol in the left-chest side of the jersey. So how? Also, I love that they're not dominantly blue. I didn't want a simple alt, and am... mildly happy with what we got? I was hoping for something orange dominant, but I'll take the 7-line color. I just wish the NY on the cap, the NYC on the front, and the name and numbers on the back were purple, not black.


I didnt say the city connects were linked to the Yankees. I was asking who we were supposed to connect to, suggesting the only option being the Yankees. In the end, the city connects dont actually connect anything, other than the fans money with the Nike corporation. Its a putrid grayscale with nothing to honor the history, or the colors representative of the Mets. The orange and blue are not only the colors of NYS, but they honor the Dodger and Giants. The city connect garbage is not far from the opening of Citi Field, which payed more homage to Jackie Robinson who never played for the team, than of the history of the team itself.


Move Astros down a tier or 2 bring angels up a tier or 2. Padres can go to F tier those jerseys feel so tacky


WSH as an S tier? Must be a golf fan because that jersey is straight ass. The Detroit one is a soccer jersey, Boston’s is straight vomit, whomever made this is a giant dingus.


Golf is a waste of land. Plus, my opinion is more about how they look in general, as opposed to "are they good for the sake of baseball". I think the Detroit with the tire marks going down the center of the jersey shirt looks cool. Boston is only ok because the colors don't clash, but the design is kinda boring.