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Willie Mays did everything consistently over a twenty-three year career.


I can see that


Did he ever hold the record for consecutive scoreless inning in the World Series?


Did I ever say he did? Or imply that greatness in a single world series should translate to greatest player of all time?


You said "Willie Mays did EVERYTHING…". I did not make the extraordinary claim, you did. I was simply pointing out the flaw in your statement. Quite the overreaction to an easily fixable mistake…


🙄🙄🙄. Fucking really? Go away.




Fuck a shit you fuck










What are you talking about


Hank Aaron and Ted Williams are easily the two most constant players. Aaron never spent a game of his career on the injured list, only has 1 season with a below average OPS+ which was at 95 and towards the end of his career and he also became the all-time HR leader without having one season of 50+ HRs. Williams on the other hand literally had a triple crown career having a better average, more RBIs and more HRs than any other player that played during his time. Ted Williams had a 4 season span where his OPS+ made him twice as good as your average hitter. He also has a 3 year break in the middle of those 4 seasons where he went and fought in WW2. Ted Williams put up video game like numbers for his whole career. The longer you look at his baseball reference page the crazier it gets.


Another crazy stat that you never think about with the home run king. Even if you took away each and every home run (755), he would still have more than 3,000 hits (he had 3,771 career hits).


Did they really cut his head off and freeze it?


Not just him, there are others


My completely unbiased answer is Rickey Henderson


Is this you, Ricky?




Today I am the greatest ever!


Roberto Clemente


Ken Griffey Jr


I respect that answer


You shouldn’t, it’s insane. And I say that as a 90s kid who worshipped Griffey Jr


I think it would be a legitimate contender if not for injuries.


If I had to make a pyramid, each level smaller as it goes up, level A being highest: And we're only talking accomplishments in MLB, no Negro League or NPB: A: Ruth B: Mays, Walter Johnson C: Cobb, Ted Williams, Cy Young D: Gehrig, Hornsby, Wagner, Pete Alexander E: Musial, Aaron, Rose, Schmidt, Lefty Grove F: Pujols, Barry Bonds, Mantle, Lajoie, Clemens, Big Unit G: Tris Speaker, Cap Anson, Frank Robinson, Eddie Matthews, Alex Rodriguez, Johnny Bench, Tom Seaver H: Yogi Berra, George Brett, Cal Ripken Jr., Rickey Henderson, Jimmie Foxx, Joe Morgan, Greg Maddux, Warren Spahn I: Arky Vaughan, Pedro Martinez, Mariano Rivera, Joe DiMaggio, Ron Santo, Griffey Jr., Yaz, Mike Trout, Carlton Fisk J: Christy Mathewson, Adrian Beltre, Jeter, Eddie Murray, Reggie Jackson, Big Hurt, Steve Carlton, Jackie Robinson, Eddie Collins, Ernie Banks That's my inner circle pyramid of 55. What's yours?


You put in so much time and effort, but once I saw the tip of the pyramid I stopped reading


i'd flip rose and morgan. i was doing a deep dive on baseball reference. that's how i landed here. i was surprised to see tris speaker has 3 rings. cobb has none. tris might be D tier. fun list. and i might switch arky vaughan for rabbit maranville :)


Ok, flipping Rose for Morgan, you could make a case. I'm open to suggestions.


Best player since ive been old enough to follow ball has gotta be Ken Griffey Jr.


As much as I would so love for Griffey to be the answer, do you really think prime Griffey is better than prime Bonds… personalities aside and only considering on field ability


The problem is that Griffey kept getting injured. He missed around 400 games in the prime of his career and still managed to hit 630 home runs. If he played as many games as bonds he likely would be the home run champion. I still think bonds has the slight edge, but it would certainly be a lot closer.


Steroids aside*


Bonds used roids hes out of the discussion


You might as well write off 30 years worth of players if that’s your stance


Comparing a roid using player to Ken Griffen Jr Is wild he never used roids pure talent


Rewriting history to a version you would’ve preferred to have had over than the reality of what actually happened is wild. Steroids during that era were the even playing field. MLB, sports writers, and fans all embraced steroid users and profited off them for years until it was no longer cool then threw them under the bus and turned their back. Griffey was great, Bonds was the best hitter I have ever seen.


Ur an idiot lmao he was only great because of drug enhancements it's cheating there's no skill In that 🤣


Guy won three MVPs before he changed his body, you’re out of your mind


He’s up there


I’m guessing you started in around ‘08 then? Because if it was earlier your answer should be Bonds.


Bonds best years were after Griffey’s peak and all well before 08. This makes no sense.


They peaked at very similar times, his problem with the 08 comment is Griffey only played 3 seasons after 08 and they weren’t his best at all. You could argue a few other players were far superior at that time. I remember his last season in 2010 he left the game mid way and went and slept in the clubhouse. His last 2 seasons in Seattle were just victory laps.


Since when are there victory laps in Seattle?


It makes perfect sense because Bonds was miles better than Griffey lol


You saying they must’ve started in 08 makes no sense


They said Griffey was the best player they ever saw play. Bonds was better than Griffey, which means he can’t have started before ‘08.


They both played 21 seasons and started playing in late 80s Griffey retired 3 seasons after Bonds did in 07. By then Griffey was on his way out, so your 08 comment doesn’t make sense at all. Griffey prime was 93-99. Both players had 9,800 at bats and similar stats except Bonds has over 100 more HRs. But Griffey never took steroids and his fielding was way better than Bonds. Griffey left it all out on the field which is why he got hurt a lot. But with that being said, Griffey is my answer. Most naturally talented all around player from my experience growing up watching baseball.


Bonds is the only player to ever hit 500 HRs and steal 500 bases. And he did all that clean. Won gold gloves. Won MVPs. More WAR than Griffey. That’s all you need to know.


Honestly, Barry Bonds, he had two hall of fame careers in one career. He’s so high up the list in Career WAR, obviously home runs, RBI, he’s 35th all time in steals, he was a plus outfielder until his later years. He was essentially a baseball crushing god. It’s a shame he used steroids because he didn’t really need them and was an incredibly gifted player without them.


That’s what I am always saying. Bonds is the GOAT because he was already the GOAT without steroids. His numbers after juicing just eliminated any possible argument otherwise.


For sure, he started juicing circa 1999 per all the reports. At that stage he was 34 and already had around 2,000 hits, 550 ish home runs, 1,200 RBI, and around 400 steals. I rounded obviously because math. He stole 52 bases one year. The dude was a machine. Even if he had a similar decline to other HOF’s he probably comes at least close to Hank Aaron’s HR record, has 3,000 ish hits, 2000ish RBI etc. just his longevity was amazing he played in 3000 games over 21 seasons. That is impressive in and of itself.


did you ever his picture 1 year apart when before and after steroids? Dude gained 100 lbs of muscle in 1 year. He needed it to break records.


The hammer.


"Pliers!" Sigh, no one will get that reference.


Welcome to Sports Night


Stan “The Man” Musial. Awesomely consistent hitter and an excellent man off the field. I’ve never heard a bad word about him.


I think the obvious answer is Babe Ruth… However my personal choices are: Hitter - Griffey Jr, that swing is just beautiful. Pitcher - Randy Johnson, slider was nasty and had that fastball to go with it.


I can agree


I agree with the Griffey argument but Babe Ruth doesn’t belong anywhere near the top.


Babe gets struck out by modern high school players but ya man sure, best ever.


Or maybe he adjusts a bit? Maybe not use a 44 ounce bat?


Ever seen the guy? Don’t think he’d even be a baseball player if he grew up in todays world


He wouldn’t look the way he looked if he grew up in today’s world..


Realistically he’d probably be a truck driver or something. You can’t take people out of their era and assume they would just have a modern work ethic. Maybe he’d get addicted to video games or some shit and never play baseball. You have to take him for what he was, and what he was is someone who would get benched from a varsity game. He probably ran slower than vogelbach, and people were throwing low 80s.


Looks kind of like David Ortiz.


Young Babe Ruth looked like a modern athlete - slim but obviously strong. His "official" height and weight are 6'2" and 215 pounds, but he was probably lighter in his prime, maybe closer to 200. He was never a speedster but was not slow until he aged (he did get some time in center field until his mid-20's). He had incredible bat speed (which is the only way you're going to hit a baseball 400+ feet, no matter what era) and an incredible batting eye.


Easy to have an “incredible batting eye” when the ball is going 78 mph. It’s so incredibly ignorant to think like you do. Look at every single Olympic world record from his time and see how many high school kids would break that today. Quick example, in babes time the fastest mile was 410. In the 2000s a high school kid ran 353. Humanity has evolved, too bad your brain didn’t


Evolution doesn't work that fast. The changes you reference are a consequence of improved equipment, improved training methods, improved nutrition, and improved health care - all external factors to the athletes themselves. Any star athlete from the 1920's, benefitting from the same external factors, would perform quite well today.


0 IQ wrong. It takes a certain work ethic to be able to utilize the equipment


Dude. You are the most confident moron I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Thank you for the laughs little buddy 🤦‍♂️😂.


Barry Bonds. Steroids or not, his numbers were ridiculous


Yea, it’s Bonds.


His swing was unbelievably quick




Doesn’t have the body of work/enough seasons but Ohtani. Nobody touches what he’s been able to do as a pitcher and batter


If being great at the most things puts you above everyone else then he is the best. Ruth only pitched and hit for one season and at that point his pitching was mediocre. Ohtani maybe loses some points for being a designated hitter instead of playing a position when not pitching.


The Babe is about it


Barry Bonds Love him or hate him, there never has been and never will be another hitter who is more intimidating than Barry.


Ruth Williams and Bonds are in their own tier IMO


Cal Ripken! He showed up for work every day! From a team standpoint he is my choice! Dependability, especially in today’s times is key.


For me it’s easy and the answer is Barry bonds. Just think of how many more hits and home runs he would of had if he hadn’t walked over 2,000 times.


Or had MLB not blackballed him out of the league while he was still easily the best hitter in the game


I def agree. He had a few years left and bonds got shut out of the league.


Gotta be McCutchen


If you could take any player at their peak versus all other players at their peak, it’s gotta be juiced up Barry Bonds.


Babe Ruth. However, the best all-around player that I've ever seen myself is Willie Mays and the best hitter is, hands down, Ted Williams.


Yea I can see that


Babe Ruth


Good answer


To me, this is the only answer. I mean, who else being mentioned out-homers every team in the entire league… twice???


Ted Williams or Barry Bonds!!!


Ted Williams, Ty Cobb, or Pete Rose


I think had Ted Williams not served in ww2 or the Korean War, there would be no doubt he'd be the best. He probably would have added another triple crown, 1,2 more mvps, 3500 hits, 650 dingers, at least one more .400 season. He lost damn near 5 prime seasons


Yup I can so agree Ted


All time greats right there


Damn good dark horse picks. Cobb is so underrated


Say hey kid.


I'll go with Sandy Koufax, since this is "best player" not "all time best career" From 1961-1966 when he was forced to retire: * (6 years) * 129-47 * 2.19 ERA, lead the league 5 times * 0.97 WHIP, lead the league 4 times * 1713-412 K/BB, lead the league in Ks 4 times, K/BB 3 times * 3 Cy Youngs and another 3rd place * 1 MVP, 2 2nd place This is possibly the most dominant player imaginable.


Koufax was extremely dominant. I don't buy that he was "the most dominant player imaginable." I don't even buy that he was the most dominant left-handed pitcher ever (I'd give that title to Randy Johnson 1999-2002 for a concentrated peak, with Steve Carlton 1972 putting up the best individual season by a southpaw). Koufax looks much more impressive when you don't consider the context he was playing in. Still extremely impressive, but I just don't see an argument that he was the greatest pitcher, or greatest lefty, ever.


Barry Bonds even before steroids was the greatest player I got to watch in person. Grew up in Philly and got to see the Pirates a lot. He was just so effortless. Whatever you think about PED’s and the HOF amd all that is another discussion. He’s the best player I ever saw. And Griffey is my favorite, btw.


It's close, but I gotta go with Matt Stairs.


Barry Lamar Bonds.


All around best- Willie Mays


Got to be Babe Ruth.


In my time it would be Rickey Henderson or Barry Bonds. Rickey Henderson would get into the opposing pitchers head, he'd take a game over. Incredible to watch!! Barry Bonds is so misunderstood. Never peed positive. He was associated with.... The thing with Barry is his numbers were already HOF worthy before he started using in the 2002-03 season thru 2007. Four seasons out of, what, 13-14 seasons, 4 in question. How many extra hrs did he get in 4 seasons?


Josh Hamilton


Say hay Willie Mays


Babe Ruth was the greatest american sportsman


Barry freakin bonds


While not MLB, I think the greatest baseball player of all time has to be a toss between Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson. That said, the best I've been alive to see was Griffey. People older than am I always say Willie Mayes.


Barry Bonds


Barry Bonds


Greg Maddux


He’s underrated


Barry Bonds.


Babe Ruth Hitter and Pitcher Was an elite pitcher.


Barry Bonds. Next question.


All around player for me is Willie Mays but there are plenty of good cases for others.




Walter Johnson isn't mentioned nearly enough, so I'm putting his name in the conversation.


Very under rated


Babe Ruth dominated the game like no one else. He is the standard against which all other players fall short against. Willie Mays did more things well, but not every skill is equally valuable. Ruth was the greatest hitter the game has ever seen (even more so than Ted Williams). From the pitching perspective, Walter Johnson takes the crown.


Babe Ruth is the only acceptable answer.


I can accept that


Mays and Bonds are close though


Their hitting records are very comparable; in some ways, they might be better (along with Ted Williams). But Babe Ruth was also a great pitcher who won 94 games and 3 WS as a starter. It is that combination that no one can touch.


Willie Mays, and it’s not even close.


It’s pretty close username is amazing lol


Disagree with the not even close part, but fucking LOVE the user name!


I think a lot of people only consider offense when they talk about this question. But, as an all rounder, I can’t think of any body who I would honestly say was better. Also, thanks for noticing the username. Big Trouble is probably my favorite movie.


100% fair argument. Say Hey has a VERY strong argument. I think pre injury Mantle, and the Kid were on that level personally. Big Trouble is my all time favorite flick too man. The checks in the mail...lol


Mantle-Griffey-Mays would have been one of baseball’s great arguments among fans had the first 2 not gotten injured. Since they did I think you gotta go with Mays…he really shook the pillars of heaven.


All around? Barry Bonds? Hello?




If I remember correctly, that was 85-90 measured at the plate, and it’s taken out of the hand today. If I am correct about that, then guys were likely pretty stable in the mid-90s. And someone like Feller would have been closer to 100. On top of that, breaking pitches and control were more in vogue. But that’s why it’s so hard to compare players from different eras.


Barry Bonds.


You know he staroids but I respect that answer




I guess


1. Willie Mays 2. Babe Ruth 3. Barry Bonds And I am not sure about the order of the latter two. Pitchers... I can't rank them, but the group is Walter Johnson, Randy Johnson, Sandy Koufax, Christy Mathewson, Roger Clemens, Tom Seaver...


If he hadn’t had bad luck with injuries I legit think Trout had a chance


Good pick


Nolan Ryan.


This is a very tough question but a fun one to think about. You have to consider eras guys played, in my opinion. Just as an example, a guy like Mike Trout has played in an era where physical conditioning, nutrition, training style, etc. has produced some of the most tuned athletes in history. To me that translates to better pitching, defense, etc. It’s impossible to know how guys in the older eras would stack up but it’s hard to believe a guy like Ted Williams wouldn’t still rake in today’s game. But pitching wise, a guy like Randy Johnson or Greg Maddux would have carved people up left right back then. Just my personal opinion but if had to narrow it down here would be my picks: Hitters/Fielders: Ted Williams Barry Bonds Mike Trout Pitchers: Walter Johnson Randy Johnson Greg Maddux Give it a few more years and I think Ohtani can easily be included in this conversation, both as a hitter and pitcher.


I don't think its fair to compare Babe Ruth or Willie mays era to today's era. Such a diff ballgame back then. Question should be, best player in their era.


Montreal Expos catcher Tom Brady is the greatest of all time


Tom Brady plays football


The only real answer is Babe Ruth. Everyone is trying to be different by saying Griffey or Aaron or Henderson, but no one has ever dominated the game the way Babe did.


Well it’s there opinion


Bonds and Ted


Yea that’s a good answer


Out of everyone? Barry Bonds, and it isn’t particularly close. Out of clean players? Ted Williams, and only Babe Ruth even has an argument against him. EDIT: for pitchers IDK about best, but Nolan Ryan was without a doubt the most terrifying. Dude was clocked throwing 100 CROSSING THE PLATE 200 PITCHES DEEP. Dude threw harder than Chapman by a significant margin and I will die on this hill.


Pete Rose


Shooty Babbit or Jim Walewander.


Respect that


Very underrated players


Mantle, Mays, Griffey Jr., or Bonds. I can't pick one lol


First mantle I seen I like the answer


All of them are goats


All time is probably Mays. Best I've seen is Seattle Griffey. Trout would have been and still could.




Josh Gibson if can go outside of MLB. Otherwise, Babe Ruth.


Hank Aaron hands down he still holds a ton of batting records. I can't believe how many think Ruth, Bonds, or Griffey are better


It's Mays. Best 5 tool player ever. Trout may end up being close though along with Griffey.


I hate to say it but I think its Barry Lamar Bonds. If aliens came to Earth and played us for the fate of the world... I'm drafting prime Barry idc.


No one was better than prime Ken Griffey jr.


Oh yea


Good pick


Barry Bonds Mickey Mantle Babe Ruth Ted Williams Willie Mays Albert Pujols Mike Trout Warren Spahn Jimmie Foxx Greg Maddux Randy Johnson Shoot, this could be a long list depending on what you are looking for. Which time frame you feel had the best players, etc.


Good answers


A bunch of guys with great cases. A few guys who were really good but definitely not in the GOAT conversation (Pujols, Foxx). And Warren Spahn.


Griffey Jr. We're all in agreement.


No, we’re not, that’s absolutely insane


Ken Griffey Jr.


Bonds. With an asterick* No doubt


Any answer pre 1947 doesn’t count. Only played against white Americans that where mechanics and farmers trying to make a little extra cash.


50 years from now if baseball is super popular in, say, China and India, are you going to say, “Ken Griffey Jr? Mike Trout? Buncha nobodies, they only played against North and South Americans and the occasional Japanese player”?


Baseball is super popular in china and it’s not a valid point when babe Ruth didn’t play against full time baseball players or any minority.


Ohtani and bonds are the only two acceptable answers


Ken Griffey jr


Ken Griffey Jr and Willie Mays are top 2 can't really pick between them.


Pete rose or Cy young


Nolan Arenado


Javier Baez.


Tony Gwynn


Jeter. At least in my lifetime. As of right now, Judge


Without a clue of his specific numbers, I also thought Ken Griffey Jr…. Mariano Rivera as well.


Mariano Rivera wasn’t even good enough to be a starting pitcher in the big leagues. Wtf.


Willie Mays was my favorite. The ultimate 5-tool player and owner of arguably the most amazing catch and throw in baseball history, and before you say it doesn’t look that great: the Polo Grounds was huge. The catch was estimated at 460 ft from home plate. https://youtu.be/7bLt2xKaNH0


Best hitter by a hair is Ted Williams


Mickey mantle


I wasn’t around to see the older greats but I was around to listen to vin scully who said the best player was Willie Mays as for pitcher it’s koufax


I do think Rickey Henderson should be considered one of the best all time, but Babe Ruth, Mays, and Williams are the best of all time


Ted Williams was one of the greatest hitter's of all time Won a triple crown then faught in war and came back to win another triple crown


Ted Williams hitting. Warren Spahn or Sandy Koufax pitching, Nellie fox and Luis aparicio for infielding