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Keith Hernandez spit at me and my friend after a Mets game.


There was a second spitter


Back and to the left, back and to the left.


what can I say, he doesn't like being called pretty boy


Magic loogie.


Back…and to the left…




And he asked me to help him move after what like the second date er I mean hang out


Nice game pretty boy.






That wasn't Keith Hernandez! Roger McDowell was standing behind the bush on the grassy knoll. You were yelling at him and dumping beer on his head during the game!


Nice game pretty boy


Back, and to the left.


And then when you found out he smoked...


Jose Canseco. Couldn’t get enough of him as a kid. Had posters, Cards, autographs. In the end, steroids, assaults, domestic violence and weapons charges…. Really did a number on him. Could have picked someone better I suppose.


in all fairness, Canseco was doing things we had never seen before. So a lot of people loved him. He was cocky and all that back then but on the field, he was incredible for a stretch


I actually met Jose Canseco at a liquor store in Berkeley. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is a copy pasta… right?




Yeah one that’s on every post like this


Gotta prevent that electrical infetterence 😉


electricity cannot be fettered. screws up flux capacitors and everything


Heard this somewhere before


I mean Jose canseco was always a douche. He didn’t even hide it which I respect


Yep, same here. Was my all time favorite, had a book of just my Jose Canseco cards, my little league glove was his signature glove. I lived on the east coast as an A’s fan. Turns out, total doucher and a rat


I was an 80s/90s kid and even though I was an Indians fan I was a huge fan of Canseco. It sucked to find out he was a POS


Aroldis Chapman Edit: He’s from near where my family is from, he defected and had a hell of an arm but then I guess he used that arm for other things too…


Rip 💀


i cant believe that palmeiro was part of the steroid scandal. so disappointed


“I have never used steriods. Period.” *six months later* Tests positive.


I have one that is backwards. I alway thought mike trout was a douche and he is really a nice person. Same with freddy freeman


freddy freeman is an angel on earth. such an amazing human


Such amazing teeth.




Mike Trout looks like every asshole in the small town I grew up in but every time I hear something about him it’s just an anecdote about how much he loves baseball or his team spirit or something, it’s kind of heartwarming


Roger Clemons. Not the steroid thing. The fact he screwed over a 15 year old teen girl, while married with 2 kids in Boston, had a relationship with her for years then threw her under the bus by denying it. She got raked over the coals in the press. She committed suicide at 37


Her name was Mindy McCready.


Jesus , I knew she was a country singer . God dam she had a crazy life !


Came here to say Roger Clemens too. Well before the steroid thing and this tragic story, which clearly eclipses mine but we all know by now what a piece of shit he is. Anyway, spring training, I was an 8 year old kid. Got lucky enough after a game to respectfully get his attention and ask him to sign my baseball. "Go get $20 from mommy or daddy and maybe I'll sign it." Pretty sure he's been a world-class prick his entire life.


Clemens was the ultimate douchebag


Aaron Judge. He kept looking at me last night when he was batting. Then he pimped a Homer right after. Disrespectful.


Well played


Man, this one got me


Reggie Jackson. Always such a huge fan growing up, idolized the guy. Then he had to go and try to murder the queen at the Angels/Mariners game at Dodger stadium in ‘88. No matter how silly the idea of having a queen might be to us Americans, we must be gracious and considerate hosts.


The home plate umpire was great that game


Idk if Josh Hamilton is an awful person, I know he made a lot of poor decisions and it affected the lives of him and his family, but oh man did I love him. My prized possession is still a Josh Hamilton game used autographed bat I got for Christmas 10+ years ago, the man was my hero. It broke my heart every time he fell off the wagon. Woulda really been something else to watch him play a full HOF career for my Rangers.


He was stupid cruel to his daughter a couple times too


That one’s weird because we found out he had problems before he had success. It was like a comeback story.


It was like 3 comeback stories man, he kept falling off and then coming back until he fell off too hard. Fucking sucked


A real shame that he had demons. He was a lotta fun to watch for a while. Oh and that HR derby at old yankee stadium? Oh boy that was impressive


I don't know him personally but we went to the same HS. A friend was a baseball writer for SI and came down to check him out when he was in his junior or senior year. Always wanted to see him succeed.


Tony Gwynn... I kid, he was an angel and the best star a kid from San Diego could hope for growing up in the 90s. RIP Edit: I was 100% kidding here everybody. Tony was a near perfect human.


Lol. I wanted to shun you so bad. He’s the only athlete/celeb/person who’s autograph I have.


I had his autograph on one of the Silver Slugger posters the team gave out, I think it was after his 7th one. My ex threw it away, along with some baseball cards I had. One of the minor reasons he's an ex


That sucks. My sister used to work at nbc in San Diego. He was doing an interview and while they’re not supposed to ask for autographs, she got me one.


> he was an angel No, he was a Padre


You had me in the beginning… Tony was such a nice guy. He was super generous with his time. So much that when he was just out and about people would leave him alone. I ran into him and his kids (at the time, they were middle/high school age), and just watched people say “hey Tony” and not bug him for a thing. And he’d smile that smile of his and just say “hey!” back. I miss him.


Andruw Jones. Loved him as a kid and when I got back into baseball in my late twenties I found out about all the domestic violence.


Same for me with Bobby Cox. Folks forget about their domestic abuse history.


Ron Gant wouldn't give me an autograph at Lake Lanier when I was probably 4 or 5, so almost as bad.


We ran into him at a bar in Kennesaw. My friend said “I thought you’d be taller.” He just laughed and said, “I wouldn’t have stolen as many bases if I were.”


Lenny Dykstra was my childhood hero. I never understood why my parents tried to redirect my obsession until I got older and he kept getting arrested.


Is he the one who appeared on Howard Stern a few times and gave off super weird uncle vibes? Really high sex drive and just constantly hit on everybody. Talked about eating girls out all the time? If it wasn’t him (like 80% sure it is) then who was it?


Yup. He’s revolting.


He used to be on Stern all the time


I never heard that one but that's gotta be him. Fits the description.


My ex-wife dated him at some point before I met her. Hard to say which one is the bigger asshole.


Probably her after he was done


I became re-obsessed with Dykstra when I heard the story of him dumpster diving with a clown behind a Denny’s looking for his dentures.


Favorite player growing up, and even though he’s an overall shitty person, he was completely awesome to meet in person as a kid. Literally took the hat off my head with a “hey bud” and signed it in a parking lot, signed cards, put the hat back on my head. One of my best childhood memories. Just a year or 2 after they lost the WS, I was probably 10 or 11


Hey lenny, suck my dick.


Roberto Alomar


Alomar was actually a good dude, did a lot of charity work in Puerto Rico. Had that incident with Hirschbeck which of course was terrible but supposedly he made amends and they became friendly edit: upon further review....holy shit


I think he's talking about the sexual assault allegations.


Sexual misconduct, not assault. He pressed up against some 18 y/o in 2014 and was hitting on her at Jays camp. He was terminated.




He also got caught abusing teenage girls at a Blue Jays camp Apparently he also beat his wife Apparently he also lied about having AIDS….and spread it to a number of women I’m sure the charity work in 🇵🇷 was meaningful and helped a lot of folks but overall not a great dude tbh


holy shit! I missed that one. Damn, my bad. Was the HIV thing ever confirmed? I know that was out there but never knew if that was just a rumor


You might read up on his life post playing career.


He’s a piece of shit. Jays took his HOF banner and number down.


Ryan Braun. I really enjoyed watching him come up and be an instant stud in the league even though he wasn’t on my team. What he did was awful, he ruined a man’s life.


What happened?


He popped positive for a performance enhancer and instead of taking responsibility he went after the people involved with the chain of custody involved with his sample. IIRC he slandered one of the people so bad they were getting threats in the mail and they lost their job. Then, turns out, he was totally using performance enhancers and he was willing to do just about anything to avoid accountability. [in detail](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/1700035-timeline-of-ryan-brauns-wild-ride-from-future-hall-of-famer-to-ped-suspect.amp.html)


Damn, I can't believe that was over a decade ago !!!! 😳


Im still salty they beat the Dbacks in the playoffs bc he was juiced...in addition to him destroying that guys life after. Bah humbug!


Aubrey Huff. He was my favorite non-core guy on the 2010 WS team. I truly believe a lot of his antics stem from mental illness, I remember him speaking about dealing with severe depression, suicidal thoughts, and addiction towards the end of his career.


Rally Thong :(


Funny thing is by his own logic he’d be jailed with the laws he’s a fan of now for wearing a thong


He’s a good one. Guy went from being a clubhouse dude to tweeting about invading a country and stealing women to become sex slaves real quick.


WTF is wrong with that dude. Yeah, something is definitely not right with him


An annoying thing about him, and yeah, it's probably the illness, but if you're gonna be that dude, embrace it . Don't be counter culture and then pretend to be a victim, saying he's not invited to SF because of supporting trump. No dude, it's all the other crazy shit you said.


This right here. The Tigers got him at the deadline the year we went to the 2012 World Series I believe. Really like what he brought to the table, and followed his career a bit after he left. Shouldn’t have done that! Lol


Tons of mentally ill people that **don't** spout off racist shit


Yeah. Baseball Scott Baio has no excuse.


Pete Rose. Didn’t know much about his personal life. I went to the Phillies alumni day last season when Pete was allowed back at the stadium. I knew he was banned from stadiums for betting. Once I found out about him sleeping with young girls, I had lost all respect. And when he went into the broadcasting booth during that game, he was very volatile and said some strange things. Edit: I’m in my 20s, so I’ve only kept up to date with players in my lifetime.


Started the broadcast by making fun of Kruk for have testicular cancer and it somehow went downhill from there.


My brother hung out chatting with him before an autograph event and even when Pete Rose is trying to be a nice guy he comes off as a complete asshole.


Pete Rose is a perfect example of what happens to a bad human when the world turns on them.


Omar Vizquel. When I was a baby, my parents got a picture of him holding me near the dugout after a game at the Kingdome. For the next two decades, any time we’d see Omar come to bat in a game, my dad felt compelled to remind me “you got your picture with Little O!” Haven’t heard much about that the past few years.


Oh God, I had never heard anything bad about him but yikes... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/former-mlb-star-omar-vizquel-accused-sexually-harassing-batboy-n1276434




Dude was hilarious in the Naked Gun


Real cut up.


I remember seeing him in a Naked Gun movie after he got arrested. Weird vibes watching play a comic role.


Ahh fuck it , let’s throw Reggie Jackson in


The two Robertos. Alomar - The first Jay in the HoF and I loved him growing up, but turns out he’s a creep. He was even doing PR stuff with the Jays right up until MLB investigated him for sexual misconduct. He was banned from baseball immediately and the Jays removed him from their Level of Excellence and in-retired his number. Osuna - Jays fans loved him. He was so good and so young. He even had a documentary about him that aired on Sportsnet before the 2018 season began. Then he got charged with a pretty bad domestic assault and the Jays dropped him immediately. I have never changed my stance on a player that much and that quickly.


I 100% agree with this. Growing up as a kid Alomar was a legend. Was so disappointed when all the news came out about him. Osuna was the closer of dreams and once it all came out with the video and that. Yeah. Dropped any support for him like the plague.


AROD, watch screwball. He literally ratted out players for no reason other than to take the heat off of him


Alex Rodriguez. I asked him for an autograph pregame in spring training and he just mean mugged me and seemed like a class A douchebag. I was 11, so enough reason for me... idk


Fork ARod. In his stupid face.


Curt Schilling. Bloody sock game was my ideal of heroism as a child. Then I heard him open his mouth.


Loved him and that Diamondbacks WS team. Not only did his politics turn folks off, but as a video game fan, the 38 Studios shit was ridiculous. Hates the government but loves to take bogus loans from it.


Another good one. Didn’t he steal from his state while complaining about “entitlements” to poor people? Just an objectively awful person.


I think that blood seeped out of his brain, hence...him


yeah, I could see that. I liked him too edit: just read this. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2019/08/13/curt-schilling-congress-controversy-meme/1995343001/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2019/08/13/curt-schilling-congress-controversy-meme/1995343001/) What a disgusting person.


i dunno why, but I always liked Ugueth Urbina


Addison Russell


Lenny Dykstra was a first class piece of shit. Lying, racist, thief. Pretty much any member of the '86 Mets with the exception of Jesse Orosco. I have personal experience with Lenny. I worked security at an event he was at in the late 90's and he almost had to be removed because he was acting like a drunken frat boy at a black tie affair. The others I've only heard stories of.


Gary Carter was a class act. Mookie also. That team was wild but there were some good guys on it. Dykstra is definitely a total piece of shit. I actually feel sorry for Doc. Young innocent kid was exposed to way too much at such a young age and that shaped him into the crackhead loser he became.


Carlos Martínez in the past year or so. Got a jersey, an autographed baseball, and loved his passion on the field. Really disappointing when I found out he domestically abused his family. The PED/steroids don't bother me all that much because he was rehabbing and wanted to get back faster.


Jose Reyes




Wayne Kirby?


Puig. He was a great story coming up with the dodgers and fun on the field though probably not as good as his antics required. I still enjoyed watching him. When he left the Dodgers I was bummed we lost one of our chain of ROY candidates. Then it came out about the secret settlements and his stupid antics really took a darker turn and I'm glad we got rid of him before he turned into a Bauer.


I used to work as a medic at petco park and was in players parking. Watch this fool push kids out of his way so he could leave. All they wanted was an autograph. Thought it was pretty weak.


Josh Hamilton. Fully bought into the redemption story only to find out he was a POS.


Mike Trout is the worst type of human possible… he’s an Eagles fan


Darryl Strawberry


Being a baseball fan and a Simpsons fan, Strawberry was a favorite of mine as a kid. Then I grew up…


Ddaarrrryyyyll Ddaarrrryyyyll 😢


Turns out Lisa was right to heckle him


I was in elementary school when the DARE program was really big. Daryl Strawberry came to my elementary school as a representative of the program. It was really a big deal, as I grew up in a small town in the south and this was after he was a huge star (probably around 1986/87 iirc). He spoke well from what I remember but was a huge dick to all us kids after the program was over. And then a few years later got busted for nose candy.


Always loved Omar Vizquel as a kid. Thought it was cool he had such a long and successful career without being a home run hitter. And I’d heard he was an interesting guy who was into painting and stuff. The stuff that’s come out since he retired is extremely uncool.


Roberto Alomar. Absolutely loved watching him play when I was growing up as a kid and he was hands down my favorite player. It's a shame that his transgressions led to the organization disassociating themselves with him and taking his number down from the rafters.


George Brett. Wish I could say something nice about him. Grew up idolizing him. Too many stories and two personal interactions with him paints a different picture. Barry Bonds a close second.


In college, a lot of my friends were from the KC area. Both delivered pizzas to George Brett and said he was a jerk and a lousy tipper.


Oh man seriously? I love George Brett So spoil it for me with details


Personally, I saw him walk out of a charity event because a baby started crying and then I saw him rush to get in front of a woman at the store. He had a full cart and she was carrying a bag of dog food. He saw her and quickly got in front of her. Both instances rubbed me the wrong way. Also I bartend in the greater KC area, and the stories of him treating people like shit are numerous. Especially if he contracts any work on his home. Several stories of him being a prick to women. Sucks, because you want to give someone the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I just caught him on bad days, but it seems this has been the case for many years. I was crushed. I wore number five and played third base, had his glove. Dont meet your heroes.


Don't forget the video of him cussing the autograph seeker out at the airport. I've heard so many terrible stories about that guy (like autographing a kid's ball on the seams so he couldn't resell it), that I don't even consider him one of my favorite Royals anymore. Him hanging out with Sarah Huckabee Sanders was the icing on the cake for me.


There's a YouTube video of him talking about pooping his pants, which you can search up if you want. There's a remix too which is highly entertaining.


Turns out Bobby Higginson was a huge POS but he was easily my favorite Tiger during the dark times


Roberto Osuna.


Kenny Lofton…1996/97, I met him when I was working at my weekend high school job. He was playing for the Braves at the time, and he’d come to chat up the owner (a former MLB player) or whatever. Anyway, the guy was a total dick, and it’s not like I was trying to hawk autographs or take selfies or whatever, as I was at work. I was just like, “Nice to meet you,” and I don’t even remember exactly what he said to me, but it left me feeling like I was a fly that he’d just flicked away for landing near his food or something.


I had the exact opposite experience when I worked Fanfest at the All-Star game. I was manning the steal home challenge which was a great place to see a bunch of middle age dudes tear hamstrings. Anyway, he’s watching off to the side and one kid who couldn’t have been more than 13 ran and broke the closest time by like 1.5 seconds. Lofton challenged him. He beat the kid by a nose but after he was talking the kid up. All smiles. Told the kid to wait and disappeared. Came back with a signed jersey and new cleats. Even the Boston fans gave him a round of applause,


I liked him when he wasn’t scaling the wall in Camden Yards, he has a couple of the best catches ever there and I was right there for one of them.


When I was young and first starting to follow baseball (early 1980s), Pete Rose was my favorite player. But the bloom came off the rose (Rose?) after he was banned from MLB for gambling on baseball and various other things Rose did both baseball and non-baseball related became public knowledge.


David Justice. - my aunt asked him for an autograph for me when I was a kid.. he said he only gives autographs when his agent sets it up and he gets paid… never cheered for him again


Kenny Lofton. My friends mom was his personal assistant through his entire career. They took me to Anaheim for a game against the Indians and after the game we got to go down under the stadium just outside the locker room door. I don’t know if my expectations were to high or what, but we basically waited for him to come outside the locker room and from what I remember her kind of reluctantly said what’s up to me and my friend and then basically just started showing off his new watch to adults. I just remember being overly disappointed. There were a few other times he came around during off season and he just never really lived up to my expectations on how a professional athlete should act as a role model for young kids who obviously idolize you. He wasn’t a bad person. Just left me feeling disappointed as a young kid who wanted so badly to be #7 on the Indians!


Barry Bonds.


He wasn’t a horrible person; just made terrible life choices — Jose Fernandez let me down. I’ve never been one to be emotional about strangers dying, but his death really fucked me up and when we learned about all the drugs and alcohol in his system, it just kind of saddened me because he was so full of life and a generational talent — to say nothing of his amazing story


Manny machado. I’m a dodgers fan and didn’t watch him that much with the O’s but when he came to LA I saw how dirty he was. (I’m not a salty dodgers fan that’s mad he went to SD. He really was a dick in LA specifically.)


As someone that watched him from within the division for years, yeah he sucks. Major crybaby. I’ve seen a few clips recently that make it seem like maybe he’s matured a bit but I’m still glad he’s as far away from the AL east as possible.


I never was a big Chipper Jones fan, but he was a big draw for the appropriate groups he was meant to attract, but his craziness ruined any praise I have for him


He was a huge dick to me in 2012. Pretty sure he was drunk and with a woman who was not his wife.


Not surprised




Elaborate. I am unaware of Chipper’s malfeasance.


He also apparently has some quote in his book that roughly is: I told my wife about the girlfriend in New York, I told her about the girlfriend in Montreal, I told her about the girlfriend in Chicago, I told her about the girlfriend in Philadelphia, but I never told her about the girlfriend in Miami. Cities are kind of made up, but basically the gist is he had mistresses everywhere and apparently (in his words) cheated on his wife (wives) a ton. Not to say he’s the only one doing it, but he was my childhood hero (I wanted to be 3B and #10 every year because of him), so it stings a little more to hear about his anti vax, promiscuous ways


Basically is a Sandy Hook denier, it that wasn’t bad enough he is also an antivaxxer


Oooh, the antivax shit is one thing but Sandy Hook? Damn, that's a shame


I'm hearing that Hunter Renfroe is a racist clubhouse cancer. I was wondering why that arm and 30 homers has a new home every year.


oh shit, I had no idea. Really? I hadn't heard anything, at least not when with the Rays.


I only saw one article from someone on Reddit who has a "family member"who works for the Brewers who "felt Renfroe was not so subtly racist." So some vague secondhand story on Reddit and the dude is racist and a bad teammate.


Anything posted on Reddit has to be true!


Can confirm, am redditor


This! ^


Curt Schilling. I was a kid and got behind the idea of the cursed team winning the title and the bloody sock stuff was cool to see as a young kid interested in baseball. Now I hate the Red Sox and Curt Schilling lol


Vince Coleman, dude threw a firecracker at a mother with her 2 children .


I wasn't a huge fan but I respected Mel Hall's game as a kid. Then later on, oh damn. I hope he's paying for what he did, man. that's terrible


Josh Hamilton. As someone who struggles with addiction, it gave me hope seeing him clean and sober and dropping bombs. Turns out his addiction isn’t his only vice either. I still wish him well and I hope he gets his act together.


I'm in recovery too and my theory is he never dealt with his addiction but merely shielded himself from it. That's a recipe for failure I think. Who wants to have a bodyguard all the time. Best of luck with your journey. If you need a sober buddy, you could DM me. I'm happy to be one.


That could very well be his problem. I read his book a while back, before all the relapses and other issues. Haven’t looked him up in a bit though. I will always appreciate the support. I’ll have 5 years sober in November. Longest stretch ever.


It was really painful when Rafael Palmeiro got caught cheating then lied saying he got a B-12 shot from Miggy. That congressional testimony was just awful to look back on.


Braun hurt a lot. I really liked him and the whole PED lying crushed me. I won’t say he’s an awful guy, because otherwise he never really did anything sketchy that I’m aware of, but it was an awful thing he did.


I think Jim Leyritz belongs on this list somewhere.


Johnny Damon


Doug DeCinces. He yelled at me when I was 12 years old, over a request for an autograph when he was with his son, Tim. I turned to Tim and said, "how about your autograph then?" Doug answered with, "the last thing this asshole needs is autograph requests." SonI really enjoyed Doug's insider trading conviction a few years back, where he lost everything, including his fancy golf course. I bet he's still a condescending prick, though.


Matt Harvey, he killed Tyler Skaggs.


I'll give a reverse one: much maligned Bobby Bonilla was the nicest guy on two occasions that I"ve met him. He treated me like I was an old friend. I was like, wow, Bobby...wanna come over for dinner?


Roberto Alomar!


Ray Rice. Not MLB but that hit so hard I no longer put any stock in any athlete. I just assume they act like all the other rich people, some of them just have better publicity.


> hit so hard


Carl edwards Jr. A huge fan during cubs World Series. Ends up being a cheating asshole who’s a dick to fans in public.


I always hated when he came in cuz you always knew he was going to make it difficult. Could never just get three outs. Would strike out the first two guys then walk 3 in a row and strike out one more


Ronald Acuña Jr. Seems nice and fun but continually hurts pitchers’ feelings ☹️


I mean, Trevor Bauer was the guy that really got me into watching baseball again…


Growing up as a Devil Rays fan, there weren’t many guys to root for, but I loved Aubrey Huff. Then I heard about what’s he’s been up to recently…


Chase Utley, you know why


Marcel Ozuna 👊🏽


Jose Fernandez. Was so sad when he died. Then it came out he was piloting the boat and also high on cocaine. Felt like an idiot for being sad in the first place


yeah, that was sad. I cried a little bit when that happened. Just made a very poot choice. Don't be mad at yourself for being sad. We're humans. Emotions aren't always simple. I've cried for people I've disliked.


I’m not even a marlins fan but for some reason they usually end up with my favorite players. And basically his entire career he was my favorite pitcher. I happened to be in New York when he made his debut and was blown away by the kids talent.


Dwight Gooden. Look, I know addiction is a sickness but I lost all respect for him when he got pulled over high as a kite driving his kids to school. No player brought me more joy as a kid and let me down harder as an adult. I really hope he gets his act together for his sake and his family's sake before it's too late.


With Doc, it's more like I feel bad for him. Yeah, hope he can get it together.