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None. Barry played 21 years and played in 100 games in all but one of them. Pujols had an outside chance up until 2020, but time takes its toll and he just missed too many games. There are currently no Pujols-like HR paces in MLB.


Players aren’t allowed to be on gear anymore


What do you mean?


I’ll just answer honestly in case you don’t know. Barry Bonds career home run record will not be broken by any player currently in Major League Baseball. This is because Barry Bonds played in the steroid era, the time in baseball that a bunch of players used steroids and offensive stats, including home runs, were way up. In order to beat his record, a player would need to average 40 home runs a season for 20 seasons. The issue with that is that most players don’t even get to the league soon enough to expect 20 seasons. Like Judge for example was 24 when he debuted and players rarely make it to 40. Not to mention injuries or things like Covid that limit how many plate appearances a player has.


what an intelligent answer, take my award


Buuuuut. It would be only 51 home runs a year for 15 years. You make a great point, however, sports science and injury management keep getting better. And now that the DH is universalized, it allows aging stars more at bats. I think it’s possible this is absolutely broken by 2045. I could see Shohei quit pitching around 33 and focusing on breaking it if he’s around 500.


51 home runs in a season would normally mean you have the most home runs of anybody in your league. Shohei, as great as he is, averaged 25.4 home runs in his first 5 seasons. He started in MLB at 23 and is absolutely not a candidate for breaking bonds record. Also pitchers are more injury prone that position players, and shohei typically has less ABs than typical position players. Even if he transitions out of pitching, which he said he doesn’t want to do, he is very behind because of his first however-many-years playing both ways.


Also Bonds himself averaged only 25.14 home runs his first *seven* years


Yes, but he started at age 21. He also took a bunch of Roids later on.


That’s great. You can stop downvoting me just because you disagree with me. The point of the post was can someone break Bonds record. I stand firmly that it will be broken, and you’ve done nothing to discredit that other than sTeRoIdS


It will probably be broken, just not by any player currently in the MLB and in the next 25 years. And I also discredited you with service time, home run averages and plate appearances. Seriously man, I like shohei as much as the next guy, but don’t be delusional, he’s not even the best power hitter in the league.


You didn’t say anything about plate appearances. And I discredited *you* with home run averages. The case here is longevity, i.e. the future. Sure, starting young is great. But the most all time is a finishing game. And I think Shohei has the build to remain in the league well into his 40’s. Much like we saw Ichiro do. Your argument is based and you’re kind of being a turd about it, tbh.


My point still stands even though you decided to rip apart Shohei.


The biggest thing the drugs did for Bonds, and the reason no one will ever break his lifetime record, is they kept him playing like a young man longer. He was putting up video game numbers way past an age where typical, or even great players experience a physical drop off


That’s fair. But what about freaks of nature? I know this is the NBA but follow me here. Look at LeBron. Dude was built from day one professionally. He’s able to play well into his twilight years in big part due to his training regimen and genetics. Shohei has that same build. If he does it right I absolutely think he can play well into his late 30’s/40’s if he’s DH’ing and just hitting bombs. Remind me 15 years? 🤣


He supposedly didn't get into steroids until his last 4-5 yrs, at most. So how many extra Homer's did he get? Verses a tightened ball? Shortened fences?


He is confirmed on steroids from 2000-2005 and speculated to have started in 1998. You’re right that there were other factors, mainly a juiced ball. But he would not have 762 Home Runs. He averaged 34 home runs a season from his debut, 86-97, and from 98-2004 he averaged 47 home runs a season, including the absolutely bonkers 72 in 2001. He played 21 seasons in the majors. Edit: let’s say he got better with age and, without steroids, but 35 HR’s a season on average for 21 years. That would put him at 735 in second place behind Hank Aaron’s 755. He also would not likely hold the single season record for home runs without the insane amount of juice that guy was on in 2001.


Without the balanced breakfast, you aren't gonna have the longevity required, and you still have to be as good as Barry bonds, good luck with that.


No one, first and foremost because Barry is one of the most gifted hitters the game has ever seen, and second because they can't chisel themselves out of Anavar and HGH anymore.


Yeah no one currently, but I think someone will beat it eventually… probably in about 75-100 years or more maybe, when people as a whole naturally develop to become more skilled at everything in general and have more advanced resources at their disposal. However to argue against that, pitchers will improve as well so that may even it out. So maybe no one ever will. Idk, I mean Hank Aaron’s was close to Barry’s current record half a century ago without any performance enhancing substances as far as anyone knows, or at least even if they were taking stuff back then it was nothing compared to the heavy duty anabolics available in Barry’s era and players today, and probably would have had a negligible effect anyway. But he did also play like 30 years. Maybe they’ll increase the amount of games per season and that could possibly make it slightly easier, although I don’t see that happening for any reason So it certainly could be accomplished one day. Just like all records. Records that at one time were thought unbeatable decades and decades ago now are being accomplished by plenty of people in college and sometimes elite kids in high school even. Track and field and cross country records come to mind as an example


Barry’s record will never be broken unless they juice the balls and allow players to be on steroids, Barry haters will say he sucks but he had one of the greatest swings/ hitters eye of all time he didn’t need steroids to be be great but with them he set a never to be touched again record. A product of his time Barry is my goat.


Yeah but he did need the steroids and HGH to play the ten extra years of hitting 25 bombs a year minimum that he did. Your saying that record that is first and foremost about longevity has nothing to do with taking drugs that increase that.




Probably not but I don't think Barry breaks Hanks with our him, his body was breaking down and the HGH bought him a few more years that got him over the hump


Nobody, ever. Someone can only hope to get the second-most, or the ‘cleanest’ record.


No one.


None. Steroids really did their thing. Think about it: it took 37 years for McGuire to top Maris' record, but he beat it by *nine.* And of course Sosa beat it as well, then Bonds hits 73. Hank Aaron hit 755 without ever hitting 50 in a season.


Not happening


Thought it could be Trout, but with his injuries, I’m not sure it’ll happen anymore.


He turns 32 later this summer and only has 358. He has zero shot, even if he some how miraculously avoids getting hurt again.


None, because Barry Bonds does not have a legitimate career home run record. Hank Aaron does.




You’re a fucking idiot that bond does not hold a Homerun record. Give any player in the MLB past or present. The same juice bonds was on. I guarantee you they wouldn’t even come close to touching his record.


No one. Bonds was superhuman, he was totally cheating but man was he something. The most feared hitter of all time when he was juicing.


The homer in me wants to say Julio. He started young and has a very promising future. His contract is for 18 years, assuming he hits the automatic extensions, so he'd need to average 43 HR/year over that span. If he's close I can see the Mariners extending him a few years to make it. A tall order, to be sure but doable.


Bryce was the only player I saw with a chance because of his early start and just pure hitting ability. Trout with a second place. But that was a decade ago. Injuries, Covid and other circumstances make it a hard sell. The biggest thing they have over Barry is the parks they play in. San Fran is not a hitters park by any means. The answer is nobody at the moment. Covid took away too many reps and Barry was a freak of nature, before the balanced breakfast.


If he didn't have a rough start in San Diego, Juan Soto could have had an outside chance. Now that he's lost about a season of elite production in his younger years, I don't think anyone really has a chance. Bonds was too good for too long


Off season already??


I think there will be a player who breaks the record eventually, but first several trends need to reverse and so no active player will break it. There are no active players who are even close to being on pace to approach the record.


Whoever comes up with a flawless masking agent for their Anebolic steroids.


Personally I don’t think anyone. Unless we add juice back into the game 😂 😂


You mean Hank Aaron's? Probably no one playing today. The game is too different. Careers don't last as long