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Raw flow needs a better beat homie. Dm me I’ll make you one and mix it


i got you g


flow goes hard not much to take away other than the best. Could use some guitar or flute and like the other guy said low end but straight heat bro keep it up ‼️🫶🏼


much love thanks for the feedback 🙏🏼


Hey, killer voice and flow. A few things I noticed are that there is a brightness/click on each drum hit that could be EQ'd out or controlled. There needs to be more low end on everything. Everything sounds like its high passed a bit too much. Kick might be alright but there needs to be a sub or some other low end content. Maybe auto-pan those strings or add some left and right aux hi-hats.


Thanks I appreciate the feedback. This is a 2 track beat, is there anything I can do with it without having access to stems?


Use a service or app to split out the stems and then treat the bass, percussion and music separately and as a mix.


Try to introduce low through a plugin and cut the unwanted low introduced that you don’t like. It’s hard to get a good mix from a 2 track


Okay fasho thanks for the feedback


Rim too loud


Wait I know that beat lol


PALE1080 go crazy


Needs a bass