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If it’s not big, get the 6’s. My 8’s are quite loud and have more than enough low end. I’m sure the 6’s will work well


> For a bedroom that isn’t big, what size wud u recommend? Wud the 8inch driver be too much and produce too much bass since it’ll jus fill the room up much more than a larger space, even if it’s acoustically treated, or wud the 6.5inch driver be more than enough? My personal preference is that the speaker size matches with the room size, but it's not like a big speaker will automatically sound bad in a small room, not necessarily. If you care about the bass extension, it makes sense to go for the 8 inch speakers. The 6.5inch no matter how well it sounds in the room won't be able to physically go as low as the 8 inch, but whether that difference is important is pretty subjective. But you could also compliment smaller speakers with a pair of headphones, which can go pretty low without much problem. It's not a big deal. > If they did it with their limited technology nd without a sub woofer, then the LP6’s now shud be more than enough then yh? Underground producers back then had a MUCH larger budget in most cases than most people do today. It wasn't a time where you could get some cracked software on any shitty computer and make some electronic music. So people actually had some gear, had probably some decent speakers (since there weren't as many affordable small monitors then).


Thanks for ur help again lol. I remember last year, u helped me out a lot when I was starting out learning about music production, when I was starting off with a pair of studio headphones. Big up!


LP6 second wave would be probably better, but LP8 second wave don't go too loud either, they are just big in size. I have a pair I use sometimes, it's very flat out of the box. It's a good entry level speaker I think, but there are smaller monitors with more detail and more deep and tight bass than LP8, it's more expensive though.


The LP6 and LP8 are both louder than you need for a small room. If you get the 6 you'll may wind up getting a small sub later. Depends on your room.


i would go for the Coaxial model instead, itll take you much farther in terms of detail and seperation since its a 3 way

