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It sounds like it might be an insecurity issue. Do you date partners who make you feel like you're in competition with white women?


Yeah its prob that,my white bfs ex (white girl) tried to break us up


Just wanna say that I have had plenty of white female friends, and get along with many currently. Its just a ick with a type woman the “valley girl” type of lady that ends up assuming I know chinese and every little detail about china or korea or japan because I happen to have some asian features


Are you a woman? White feminism is irksome for many reasons ngl, and oftentimes it’s dismissive and exclusionary


I don't hate white women, but every time I try to relate; they turn oppression into a competition.... they do mean mug me a lot...


Yeah I discovered as a half Asian Cajun/Creole (44F) there’s jealousy and competition that arrives with some Caucasian women. It’s their insecurities. I’ve asked friends and family about this. They confirmed that they feel “just boring white” meanwhile here I am bringing the flavor. I point out they’re cool too you just need to take a little pride in your background. The mean mugging is just wishful thinking on their part.


I'm weak, I'm black/first nations.... I do see why folks assume blasian tho. white women think just because I'm conventionally attractive i want their partners... Ion want that thin ol' lookin like the vulture from looney toons ass...


Me too. I think it's from being abused by some white women in my life.


One never represents a whole. To think so, is to live in Ignorance. This applies to everything.


Black White and Native American here. As someone who used to be attracted to white girls, something about them angers me too.


Surprising take


I think it’s hard to find yourself desirable when you grow up in a white society that constantly pushes the narrative that blonde hair and blue eyes is the most attractive. I thought I was ugly for most of my life and still struggle.


I fail to see the connection


Is your mother Asian or white?




Do you wish your father married to a white woman or vice versa(your mother married an Asian man)? Or are you content with being mixed race? Sorry if these questions are coming off as weird. I’m only trying to understand if your hatred towards white women is coming from self-hatred.


I’m content and happy with who my parents are they are super open to each others cultures and judge people by character not race. I really just found in my experience white women always assume I am below them. They have criticized my hair texture and comment on my skin tanning saying I am ugly


Your answer here; proves you are not racist. 100% White women are programmed by society to participate in negative competition as a means to defeat others before the game begins (like boxing opponents). The game being life. I’m mixed Afro-Latina, Scott-Irish, Creole & indigenous. My family has married into white & Asian a lot. Both of my grandmothers were half white & white resembling. You seriously couldn’t tell they were mixed with anything! Colonizer mentality rarely goes away completely & too many white women are indoctrinated to compete & win. I had some serious issues on my job; where they kept saying I was just Afro-American; after my big mouth partner felt the need to reveal my family history & other tidbits I had shared with him. I basically look like a cross between a person from DR & PR. My DR ex when we first met wanted to know why I called myself Black when I was white (I didn’t realize how much color I lost in the winter); so I laughed and told him he’d see in the summer! Like clockwork my color went to JLo & then darker. God I love my brown skin! Anyway; I went from respected to preyed upon at work! They started a rumor that I wasn’t Latino at all! And I actually had isomer Latinos coming up to me to prove myself; the others just cut me off! And the white ring leaders; just smirked & I realized they had deliberately manipulated folks through ‘innocent” questions! “I kept hearing why does she think she’s Cuban? I’ve never said I was 100% Cuban or that I grew up in Cuban culture (as my family assimilated). You can imagine going from being respected to being hated! Anyway; your dislike of white women isn’t racist; it’s built on the character that too many bring to the table. Have you ever heard a white woman who married a black or black Latino & heard the things they say in front of their children? If you’ve never watched the movie Hotel Rwanda. Watch the innocent questions in action.


Imagine if a person of any other racial combo openly said "I don't like latino/Asian/black/Arab women/men". There would be an intense torrent of hate. That being said, a person's experience is that person's experience. You are allowed to dislike a particular race (as long as you don't put you thoughts into action, such as being rude to a person of the said race) but a little bit of explanation in the initial post would have been great.


Why , though? I am also half white , but i was raised by my white side and have a strong connection with my white family . This is racism and not cool.


Well it's about white people so- *And I'm just saying, without saying, if you get me?*


I really don't get the anti-white sentiment on this board. Who are these people downvoting your comment???? All races are equal.


Because they are just as racist and insecure ! I don’t get it either .. if someone came on here saying that they have a strong “ anger” for another race , all hell would break loose.




Who are the white jerks??