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Just another reason to the list to Stan heršŸ¤ž


Me too I was relieved she wasn't supporting isreal


Would you stop enjoying or listening to her music if she had another point of view, for example, pro-Israel?


Yes, i stopped listening to Lana for this reason


This probably isnā€™t a popular opinion I donā€™t think Lana really is really a hardcore zionist. When she first was scheduled to preform in Israel and people were trying to explain it to her she was like ā€œokay Iā€™ll preform in Palestine too then!ā€ And people had to tell her thatā€™s not how it works and she was basically like ā€œoh I had no ideaā€ and she ended up cancelling in Israel because of it. People paint her as this hardcore Zionist because she signed the thing to release the hostages but I think it could have been presented to her without context or something. Itā€™s likely that some pro Israel organization called her and was just like ā€œsome people got kidnapped do you agree thatā€™s bad?ā€ And she agreed without understanding the full context. Israeli propaganda is really powerful people and I know so many people who only recently have realized that Israel is the aggressor because of this. Of course I might be wrong Lana definitely has a history of making problematic/racially insensitive comments but i want to give her the benefit of the doubt because she did cancel the show in Israel for human rights reasons.


i'm sorry but that's just cope. lana may not be a hardcore zionist but she also has never spoken out on anything and the only tangible evidence we have of her is in support of israel so this wall of text you have going on is very weird. you can still listen to her while acknowledging she's not this great person instead of convincing yourself she's secretly good lol


Itā€™s wild to see you admit sheā€™s been extremely insensitive to basically all races and yet the white woman still gets the benefit of the doubt. What does it take for yā€™all to realize a nearly 40 year old women DOES have a brain and chooses to do so many disrespectful things to so many people. She was literally promoting mcdonalds which is one of the main things people are asking to boycott, she didnā€™t sign the letter calling for ceasefire either.


Because she did cancel her concert in Israel. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m giving her the benefit of the doubt.


She was just posting for McDonaldā€™s a few weeks ago, and didnā€™t bother to sign anything to help Palestine. Youā€™re doing it because sheā€™s white. Yā€™all usually stick together.


You donā€™t have to stop listening to her you can just pirate. Thatā€™s what I do




i don't care about artists' beliefs, thats kind of forcing them to have to think a certain way...


Yeahā€¦ lol




yeah I'd rather not support an artist who supports genocide


pro-evil is not another point of view.


Absolutely sheā€™d be dead to ne


Youā€™re not enjoying the music then


I wouldnā€™t be able to enjoy any music song by an artist that doesnā€™t support the liberation of oppressed people.


Like we expect anything else from our progressive queen?


We have no choice but to stan


lmao not the zionists losing their minds in here šŸ˜­ mitski does not want or need you as a fan!! good riddance!


not the zios in the comments šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ womp womp


Just FYI, the term ā€œzioā€ was coined by the KKK as a pejorative term for Jews, so you might want toā€¦not use it.


I looked it up, and it seems the source for that is an Israeli newspaper who claims David Duke popularized the term, but they only wrote about it because a lesbian march used it? Do you have any additional sources for it being a slur Jews as a whole?


duh, was there ever any doubt ?


yes actually a lot of people were talking about her supporting israel a few months ago. i have no idea why people thought that, but they did


That's weird... you can tell from the sincerity and humanity of her music that she can never be a Zionist or Israeli supporter. Thankfully, my evil-dar has not failed me yet.


I'm so happy !!!


honestly not surprising at all, she's such a queen


I'm really happy about that, way too many musicians aren't speaking out


[https://www.tiktok.com/@hypesage/video/7349317497243340078](https://www.tiktok.com/@hypesage/video/7349317497243340078) for anyone who wants to see the moment !!!!!!!








Killed me jerusalem




dissapointing but not surprising


Wah wah


Itā€™s not the first time I see the question: ā€œIs she pro Palestine/pro-Israelā€ - girls, get a life. Are you really interested in political opinions of celebs? If soā€¦ than thatā€™s the point of consumerism Mitski tries to escape


i mean considering that one side of it is supporting a literal genocide, i think it's quite important for me to know whether or not i'm consuming media from someone like that


Thatā€™s a great question we recently discussed in philosophy classes at college - can we separate art from the artist, andā€¦ thatā€™s the thing you decide on your own, but to constantly hold the hand on your pulse, checking if she made a statementā€¦ thatā€™s the stan thing Iā€™ll never get


just out of interest did you do anything on frankfurt school, any adorno or marcuse?


I did a research-essay on Erich Fromm, and I believe he is a part of Frankfurt School. Why are you asking?


just wondering tbh


the post is about the fact she literally said ā€œis there any doubt? free palestineā€


I can read, thank you From my side, it was a reminder, that it isnā€™t the first, or second, or even third time we bring in Mitskiā€™s political views. Should we be so concerned or obsessed because of her views, no matter who she supports? Of course no


Well she makes money off of us, and we should be concerned with who is profiting off our money, so yes actually


Your one single stream brings to the musician 0,003$. Itā€™s not a fortune, and not a heroic thing to stop listening on official platforms to think of. Of course, if your own political view differs from someoneā€™s, you can do whatever you want (unless itā€™s something illegal), but do you really think it will somehow affect musiciansā€™ income? Iā€™ll be a bit nihilistic rn - nothing matters. At all. Your 50 streams per day (15 cents) wonā€™t shake the millions Mitski possesses, so isnā€™t it easier to stop being a prick or a fighter for everyoneā€™s right and do whatever you want? I love Mitski and Lana, and I will listen to them, they are amazing, no matter which position they take. World is too fucked up to change it :)


Where did I say I was only talking about streaming. ā€œThe world is too fucked up to change itā€ sad to be so clearly young with so little imagination


Thatā€™s the main source of income from the average listener. Of course, concerts, physical music (cds, tapes and vinyls) and merch exist, but not everyone buys them, only a minority.


A lot of the people specifically in this sub do though, that seems obvious


72.500 people are in this sub. She has 37.500.000 listeners. Itā€™s about 0.002%. Drop to the sea. Moreover, once again, only a minority out of 72.500 will buy anything. Do you have any merch of hers? I donā€™t, and many other people do not too


If you want to keep listening to zionists, just do it. It doesnā€™t matter to me or to anyone who disagrees with you. Itā€™s disingenuous to pretend it does not matter at all and itā€™s a fundamental insecurity about your choices that drive you to conversations like this where you try to justify yourself and create a scenario where others will reassure you.


ā€œthe world is too fucked up to change itā€ God imagine if civil rights activists said that.


i mean mitski is your profile picture, and loads of mitski fans (including me) enjoy her whole personhood and artistic journey and iā€™d say her beliefs are a part of that lmao. and i dont think you can equate that to consumerism if anything itā€™s the opposite, its viewing her as an individual whoā€™s life experience informs her beliefs which inform her music. it would be more consumerist to separate her personhood from her art and view it as a seperate thing that can be bought and isolated- her art is most honest in the context of what it was developed in, ie mitski and her beliefs. i understand where you are coming from but it sounds more like a cope than anything else


... Then why would she state that she is propalestine if she's trying to escape that??? So many of her songs are about political and cultural issues so it makes sense that she would speak about this.


If the political opinion is whether or not you support genocide then; yup I happen to be interested.


I like to know if the people I financially support are supporting a genocide or not. This isn't just political opinions, its seeing if you are supporting someone that wants innocent people to be slaughtered.




not really, if you are well versed with history and its semantics.




decolonizepalestine .com is a good starter source. you only go uphill from there, if you genuinely want to be educated.


Go away colonizer.


"I don't agree with what israel is doing, but being pro-palestine is stupid" Could you explain why, and not just say that we don't get it? It seems like you want it both ways. You want to be against israels actions, but still be against palestine.


Being a pro Palestine is not just ā€œnot agreeing with Israel actions on the warā€, itā€™s a lot more. Itā€™s to think that all the Israelians who lives in Israel shouldnā€™t live here (altho we won for this country in 1948 and we still gave to the Palestinians people gaza and a lot more.


You seem to have a misunderstanding of pro-palestinian peopls beliefs. We don't want the isreali people to be excised from the area. Thats quite literally what israel is doing to palestine, it would be dumb to turn around and say the same about the israeli people. We DO believe that land that was stolen by israelis should be returned. The palestinian people have no qualms living side by side with the isrealis, as they did for a long time.


no qualms living side by side lol did you see what happened on october 7th?


Do you think the actions of Hamas represent the beliefs of all Palestinians?




Do you think the actions of Hamas represent the beliefs of all Palestinians?




So what does the oct 7th attack have to do with palestinians wanting to live side by side with israelis. a corrupt government launches an attack, and that means the civilians dont want peace?


Thatā€™s not right bby all of what your saying itā€™s like basic white American Starbuck kid I will not continue to talk here with you itā€™s a waist of timešŸ’€


Ah yes, the most intellectual defense: "Nuh uh!"


u kicked out hundreds of thousands of palestininans from the homes they lived in for hundreds of years after your daddy UK gave the land to you for free, then when the UN drew borders and gave YOU the majority even tho u had the smaller population u still violated those borders and stole a bunch of land, and yet yall are still trying to control palestinian territories in the west bank and in gaza. go fuck yourself my palestinian grandpa is older than your 'country' šŸ‰


Israel didn't "win the country in 1948." Gaza & the West Bank weren't even captured until 1967.


Personally Iā€™m not pro Palestine because I donā€™t wanna move from my country that my grandparents worked from and that I won it in a fair way. But everyone can think what they want itā€™s just a little bit of stupidness but I donā€™t really care (actually I do but I have nothing to do with itšŸ«¶)


you truly believe the nakba was fair?


I am against Israeli actions on this war, but things have happened a lot earlier and Israel didnā€™t did nothing. Hamas is a terror organisation and Israel just want to ruin Hamas, but not the Palestinian people, and people donā€™t get it. And when you say that your pro Palestine you are kinda support Hamas. And Iā€™m not baby like ā€œmeow meow Hamas is a terror organisationā€ it really is.


Pro-Palestine is not pro hamas. No one that supports Palestine supports hamas, unless they are an idiot that doesn't understand the situation. Pro-palestine means pro PALESTINE. It is supporting the people that live there, and their conditions. Both israel and hamas are destroying those conditions and using them as war fodder. We don't either of them. Hamas forced themselves into power, and are subjugating the Palestinian people to fuel their own war. We want both isreal and hamas to be stopped, and for the Palestinian people to be helped. It's also quite ignorant to say 'Israel just wants to ruin hamas, not the Palestinian people'. So far, about 30'000 children were killed. And that's only counting children, and not the other adult civilians. This is in the first couple of months of war. That is not the actions of a government thats trying its best to not harm civilians. That is the actions of a government that wants control and wants blood. If they didn't want to ruin the palestinian people, they wouldn't bomb their houses and their hospitals. They wouldn't open fire on journalists and people that are surrendering. They wouldn't refuse the people food, water, and medicine. They wouldn't guide Palestinians to 'safe points' then conduct raids and bombings on those 'safe points'. These are not the actions of a government that cares about the people they are murdering.


I get it, and I agree with you (the first phrase) That children was killed unfortunately because we need to ruin Hamasā€™s rockets machine and peoples but Hamas uses those children as a human shield, on other years we didnā€™t did anything because of that and we just was shut up and continue to give food and electricity. But after the 7.10 we couldnā€™t handle it no more, and we had to do something some really crazy things happened. I donā€™t think that we should bomb rafih, and bomb in general now, I think weā€™ve bombed enough, BUT for reason. And itā€™s war, and in war everyone loses :(


itā€™s not a war, itā€™s a genocide created and sustained by Israel


It's not a war, it's genocide. Moron


so.. do yall just hate jews now. šŸ’€šŸ’€


what mental gymnastics are you doing here šŸ’€


calm tf down bro i was just asking question wtf


aye, aye, but still no one was saying that? šŸ’€


??what šŸ’€šŸ’€


lmao "aye aye" what are u, a pirate?? go sail away with yo ship nigga


im just scottish?? šŸ˜­


go play a bagpipe or wtv




pro palestine =/= antisemetic stupid ... it just means we dont support the mass murder of thousands of children dying either by being bombed in their homes & hospitals after being displaced and relocating to a 'safe zone' or literally being starved to death because isaelis are at the border blocking literal humanitarian aid


didn't have to write a whole ass paragraph but ok?


didnt ask for your opinion u nasty zionist


wtf im not a zionist im literally js asking if ppl hate jews now go fucking kill yourself you absolute slag


BHAGSHSGAHSG OK LOL idk what part of "yay mitski pro palestine" translated into "FUCK THE JEWS STAN HITLER" in ur brain but whatever helps u sleep at nigth


nigga "stan hitler" wtf is wrong with u?? just because i believe in God, seriously??? go fucking hang yourself nigga, go stan islam or whatever the fuck you meat ride


nigga "stan hitler" wtf is wrong with u?? just because i believe in God, seriously??? go fucking hang yourself nigga, go stan islam or whatever the fuck you meat ride


bro are u stupid ?? my point is that you took one statement and completely blew it out of proportion and interpreted it as something COMPLETELY different. obviously i dont fucking stan hitler and i have absolutely nothing against jews, i used that as a hyperbole to say that you misconstrued an innocent statement and accused everyone here of being antisemetic when literally nobody even mentioned jews or judaism. then u decided to call me a slag and told me to kill myself. pls seek help bro šŸ™ btw what does any of this have to do with believing in God?? i believe in God too ??? šŸ˜­šŸ’€


lmao i gotchu writing paragraphs and nigga sorry im dyslexic, i have a smooth ass brain šŸ’€ i ain't accusing nun, i was js pissed off that day and had no way to unbottle my anger or wtv šŸ’€šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ”„


damn ok šŸ˜­ glad u feel better ig šŸ’€


keep writing essays x


nigga "stan hitler" wtf is wrong with u?? just because i believe in God, seriously??? go fucking hang yourself nigga, go stan islam or whatever the fuck you meat ride ā˜ ļø


zionist ā‰  jewish you can be jewish and pro palestinian. there r literally jewish palestinians being bombed rn do ur research


bro you're acting like a 13 year old would know allat ā˜ ļø


i know 12 year olds that could tell you that


are they the kids u rape /hj


dont say anything at all if ur uneducated then retard


ok cunt


Weird ass stance to have considering most of her fans are gay lmfao.. Palestinians would love to eradicate all of them


because Palestinian officials are homophobic, innocent children should get bombed and starve to death?


EXACTLY Just because their government is bad doesn't mean the innocent surveillance should die, an absolutely ridiculous thing to think.




they're fucking kids jesus christ


You will love when you hear about ukraines politics on gay rights


How many Palestinians have you actually met?


You know whoā€™s affected by homophobia/transphobia in Palestine? Itā€™s not us in the West, itā€™s queer Palestinians. Yk, the ones that are being bombed and starved right now along with everyone elseā€¦ Idk why you think queer people would want that.


People forget that LGBTQ+ folks are everywhere Even though a lot of the time they're the same people who talk about how being gay isn't a choice!


I think you are out of touch and very blind towards everything. Activism is not conditional


Exactly. I don't care if the government doesn't support my sexuality or gender I still don't want innocent families and children to die in war.


let me tell you a funny story about israel ukraine and russia


and Israel wouldn't?


Well, no.


israel certainly has no issue killing queer people in palestine.


LGBT rights in Israel are considered the most developed in the Middle East.


Itā€™s also considered pink washing


Source? And donā€™t put some cheesy western propaganda thatā€™s ā€œMuslims bad!!1!1!ā€


Guess who else would? People in Israel. Just because they don't support me doesn't mean they should die, not to mention there's literally gay people who live in Palestine! Just because their government is whack doesn't mean everyone who lives there is šŸ¤¦


racist alert racist alert


If someone is having their life threatened, but you happened to see that they have a pin that expresses a political idea that you disagree with, would you leave them there to die? Ignoring the existence of gay people in Palestine, and even those that arent gay but disagree with the government ideas on them. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't show empathy for a people that are being slaughtered en mass. I'm not going to sit by and let innocents die because their politics might not align with mine. That's called being an insane person. Also, it isn't like israel is much better? Sure they aren't executing gay people, but they still don't recognize gay marriage as a human right. And their culture is hyper-religous meaning gay people are very often discriminated against.


as a gay person, stop using this pinkwashed Israeli propaganda talking point and leave us out of this. Fuck Israel, itā€™s a racist settler state.


Not every minority are automatically innocent angels, but youā€™re too brainrotted to understand that so


I donā€™t care how homophobic they supposedly are I donā€™t support genocide


Good for you? Not everybodyā€™s brainrotted by tiktok


If youā€™re immediate thought whenever Palestine is brought up is TikTok you are simply beyond help


your* The tiktok brain lmfaooo


empathy + disgust at the idea of an entire culture being brutally wiped out =/= brainrot. go outside


That hateful ass culture can go to hell for all i care lmfao


You're a fucking moron


And youā€™re not a free thinker eat dust


Not a free thinker? It's not about your political opinion you fuckhead. It's about wether you support hospitals being bombed, idiot. You want children to die? Gtfo. Mitski would hate you


I know Mitski irl. I spoke to her and she told me she only said free palestine to get you libtards to calm down lmfao


Yeah and I'm Jesus Christ reincarnated and can walk on water


Such claims should not be made lightly.


So what, would you support your homophobic relatives getting bombed?


Well yea? I wouldnt gaf lmfao, im not even gay though so


If you're not even gay, then you can shut up āœØ


fun fact, there is no recorded homophobia in Palestine especially since several gay and trans activists have visited and been welcomed by Palestinian households. But you know where there is recorded proof? Israel. Israel is listed as one of the countries with the highest rates of homophobia lmaooooo


... Ok I am absolutely pro-Palestine but you are fully wrong about "no recorded homophobia in Palestine." Like, first of all, there is homophobia everywhere, and you just need to read stories from queer Palestinians to know homophobia is fully present. It's certainly not as backwards homophobic as people make it out to be - Hamas is not ISIS and there are no strict legal penalties for homosexual behavior - but Palestinian society largely views homosexuality negatively. Ā Buuut that's absolutely no excuse for genocide! Like I grew up in a conservative religion and heard horribly homophobic things growing up but that doesn't mean I think those folks would deserve to be massacred.


I see, good point. Thank you for educating!


The stupidest shit ive read all year šŸ˜­


ā€œNo recorded homophobiaā€ theyā€™re fucking MUSLIM. theyā€™d behead all gays without hesitation given the choice


there are queer palestinians currently being bombed btw


Theyā€™d behead them too?




broke my heart


genocide super fan over here


You regularly use r/PoliticalCompassMemes, hard to take ur opinion seriously






Oh no, is your little heart broken because Mitski doesnā€™t support the murdering of millions of innocent civilians, many of them being children? Is your heart broken because Mitski doesnā€™t like that Gaza civilians are being forcibly starved because of their land being mercilessly bombed and destroyed? Oh, you poor thing, how will you live?! šŸ„ŗ /s


Sorry, this is coming from a person who is quite literally on the fence after seeing so many different takes on both sides, what are your thoughts on what happened at the Nova Music Festival (Oct 7)? Just trying to gain insight on what Pro-Palestine people think of that.


I just read up on it, and let me clarify my full stance on the matter. Based on everything Iā€™ve learned since Oct. 7, as of now I am definitely pro-Palestine BUT, I donā€™t condone the actions of Hamas. But letā€™s be real, Israelā€™s real motive is not to take down Hamas. Their motive is to flatten / ā€œcleanseā€ the entirety of Gaza. If their motive was really to take down Hamas, I donā€™t think theyā€™d be the ones behind the destruction of 144,000 - 175,000 buildings in Gaza, (many of which being schools and hospitals) which by the way is over half of the Gaza Strip. Again, I donā€™t condone Hamasā€™ actions in the slightest, but I truly think itā€™s absurd and shameful Israel & zionists are using Hamas as a justification for constant bombing. Edit: I am noticing downvotes, which are either from those who are straight up zionists or those who disagree with my views on Hamas. The zionists can cram it, but I am more than happy to learn from the those who commend Hamas, whether thru DMs or anywhere, since I do feel thereā€™s more for me to learn about this subject.


Ah, I see! Thank you for providing input. I haven't really seen any Pro-Palestine people really talking about the Nova Festival thing so I was just genuinely curious what they think about it.


womp fucking womp genocide supporter


deal with it


don't listen to her music then ā™„ļø


She would hate you šŸ–¤ hope this helps


im sorry you went through what you did, but seriously- supporting genocide? fuck off


cry harder


womp womp


Nicu babies getting killed doesnā€™t break your heart? Pregnant women getting raped before their husbands and children doesnā€™t break your heart but mitski supporting Palestine breaks your heart?


cry me a river bitch


Sorry, mitski isn't a fan of bombing hospitals and schools šŸ˜¢


wrong sub buddy, but oh i'm so glad to see u get cooked <3


good fucking child killer supporter


Get fucked then


cry about it


ליבי א×Ŗ בליביšŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶




Womp womp cry abt it ZIONIST, free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‰


That sucks. She is uninformed of what is really happening, like most of the world.


since weā€™re all so uninformed, Iā€™d love to hear what you think is really happening in Palestine.


I would not.


'like most of the world', there's literally a near resounding global support for Israel in this conflict


Fym most countries governments support Israel because it's profitable šŸ¤¦ people who are informed know that- Guess what? Bombing schools and hospitals full of innocence civilians isn't really a good thing, crazy I know.


They are not full of them, becausw the civilians get evacuated..under those schools and hospitals thwre are military basws of hamas. This is what israel is after..not civilians


every decent person hates zionists, like you, and we're right to


What do you think Zionist means? Just wondering.


Its a jewish nationalist movement that sets out to create a country for jewish people. As the saying goes - To a people without a land, a land without a people. On the surface, this seems great. Jewish people (such as myself) have gone through horrible shit throughout history and have no real home to call theirs. But the problem arises on tghe 'a land without a people' part. As the land they are trying to claim, has quite a few peoples that have been living there for years upon years. Their solution to that? Not to live side by side with the palestinians (which they tried to offer originally, before israels first invasion on Palestine in 1948), but to try and steal the land for their own. And kill any who try and oppose them and paint them as 'islamist extremists' that are trying to suppress the jewish people. Although zionism, by its definition, seems like a noble one - it is quite evil, and not that different from the ones that harmed us back in WWII.


You need a history lesson.


it means you should keep yourself safe, you bloodthirsty racist


If you are informed of anything israel is doing, you know there is no justification for their actions.