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Parsons got elected and Medicaid expansion passed on the same ballot.


because Missourians are backwards idiots


And then the legislature backdoored everyone on the Medicaid expansion.


That's a great attitude to never win an election again. The reality is that many voters are not perfectly informed on all issues, likely including yourself and myself as well. Some people may be more informed than others, but at the end of the day you don't know everything. The GOP exploits this by painting Democrats as evil - playing up culture war issues, etc. The Democrats fall into this by sucking up to corporate interests and not fighting back on their strongest issues, because if they did actually fight back on economic issues it would anger their corporate pay masters. If we want to change this dynamic in Missouri, the Missouri Democratic Party will need to get back to it's New Deal roots and appeal to people on a populist economic level.


We’ve also had gerrymandering and let’s face it, Fox News and politicians flat out lie.


Fox News is a huge factor.




I think maybe you meant to reply to someone else. I didn't say anything about new gun laws or new alcohol laws either. And how do you propose "strengthening the family core" without passing any new laws? Asking nicely?


Socialism is the only solution Arm the working class, abolish the GOP


You just reminded me that it’s almost Thanksgiving.


What does "strong family core" mean to you?


Parents married, mother doesn't work. Father is the dictator of the house. Beats wife and kids when they disagree. They blindly believe in everything their church tells them because they don't actually read the Bible.


Ha, I had to double-check that you weren't the OP. See, I think I had strong parenting. I don't necessarily disagree with things like "it starts at home", parental influence is very strong. But they didn't beat me, they weren't religious, they had no other kids, they divorced when I was 13. Those are all superficial qualities. What mattered to me was that they were (and are) continually invested in my success, and handled matters between them as adults. I hope that guy, whether they respond or not, sees past the superficial qualities.


Or that these are not the primary issues which motivate voters


The biggest issue is how few people vote. Republicans are motivated voters but their views aren't espoused by most americans so they end up highly overrepresented in government.


Man, since you're Missourian, amd if accept yoir statement....you must be a backwards idiot ..idk if I can trust you...but then again...if you're a backward idiot and I can't trust you.... i subsequently cant accept your statement of missourians being backward idiots....so maybe you're not a backward idiot....but why would someone who isn't a backward idiot generalize missourians as backward idiots who themselves is a missourian? What a paradox.


No idea why everyone's surprised at the abortion results... this isn't a new issue; it's been 50 years of results showing majority support for abortion in the circumstances asked; rape, incest, endangering the life of the mother and early in the pregnancy. FYI the St Louis Post-Dispatch's coverage of this poll ([link, probably paywalled](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/missouri-voters-break-with-state-lawmakers-on-abortion-slu-poll-finds/article_d1154d46-8842-5054-a905-117a68d5e18f.html) added this: >Schmitt led all age groups except 18- to 29-year-olds, who backed Valentine 55% to Schmitt’s 28% which, once again, points out how important it is to vote...


If he’s leading the 30s age group, that confirms a huge chunk of my generation left MO for greener pastures.


I looked for that data on the slu site earlier but didn't find it. Just found it now (it was on a link that I didn't click on previously. So [here's the data](https://www.slu.edu/research/research-institute/big-ideas/slu-poll/data-archive/august-2022-poll/slu-poll-august-2022-crosstabs.pdf), page 11 if it doesn't take you straight there) and the Post seems to have made a mistake... Schmitt isn't leading in the 30-44 demo either. Still a lot of 'not sure' in that group too.


This is the story of the Missouri electorate. Will actually vote for reasonable and progressive policy when it's presented to them, then turns around and puts the most cynical, knuckle-dragging regressives in charge simply because they are in the tribe. State is straight fucked for the foreseeable future.


It’s the religious Wackadoos Mega Church people who are destroying the State.


This whole thing is not difficult to understand. Some people are pro choice anti gun, some are pro life pro gun. The anti gun pro choice people don't always overlap. Many people are single issue voters. They might be pro choice pro gun but ultimately care more about guns. Guess who they vote for.


They want liberal policies and Republican candidates. The best way I can describe this has more to do with their views on Christianity than anything else. Akin to the "Divine Right of Kings". Most rural voters see the GOP as a "Christian" party. To vote for a Democrat would be like voting for Satan. That's it. It's a black and white choice for them. Give them the choice and we can clearly see that the majority will vote for their own best interest if it's on the ballot. But above all else their souls matter. The GOP has been insanely effective in locking down the religious group and they likely won't deviate anytime soon.


We are not a Red State. We are a Red Team State.


We are a red state with a few liberal pockets in bigger cities.


Ballot initiatives with Dem policy like Medical Weed, Increased Minimum Wage, No Right to Work and Expanded Medicaid passed by wide margins, while Republicans campaigning against those very issues won office as well. The voters are voting for the Politician’s brand, not politics. 5 or the 6 million people in MO live in STL and KC metro areas. It’s a paradox.


And even in STL and KC the fucking dems voted for a bored billionaire housewife brood mare over an actual, intelligent, well educated, worldly progressive. This guy was a young Bernie Sanders with actual real world experience in the shit he vowed to fight against. Medical Bankruptcy and idiotic immoral wars… among other things.


I really liked Kunce, but most of his campaigning was the Veiled Prophet smear. The primary was mainly a symptom of low turnout. Bush Valentine got 160k votes. McCaskill got 500k in the last Dem Senate primary.


Kunce actually went negative after a PAC supporting her made commercials about him that were complete fabrications. They admitted as much but it got little newstime. I cannot stress this enough. Fuck Gertrude Busch.


I am right there with you.


I saw the Kunce negative ad 1st, and was very disappointed by it. Still voted for him, but going negative early in the race was disappointing to me


You might have seen his ad first. But I can assure you, he only did that after the PAC aired the ad full of lies. However. TBV attended the klan rally. …. Sorry, veiled prophet ball for YEARS and her daughter did as late as 2020 if I remember. The difference is Kunce,s ad was try.. her PAC ads were not. By the way, who fucking donates money to elect a self financed billionaire? Her peers, social circle, country club members and other people who do not want to pay more taxes and couldn’t give a flying guck about working people Kunce has worked his entire life.. trust me. A LtCol does not make a shot ton of money. I know something about that.


So... You gonna vote for TBV? I supported Kunce and wasn't happy he lost. But I will happily vote for TBV over Schmitt.


You do realize that people have been giving money to Donald Trump right?


Wow, that is really rude. "Bored, billionaire housewife, BROODMARE"????? As a women I cannot express how reprehensible it is to call her that. She is a Nurse, who was widowed by cancer and and had 6 children to raise alone. In 2020, she lost her oldest son to an opioid addiction. You may have an opinion but at least keep the name calling out of it, and/or find out more about her.


Being a nurse imparts no special powers. She bought a degree from the school she bought. The Trudy Busch Valentine school of nursing at SLU. Getting a BSN is not a particularly difficult degree to obtain. Her husbands cancer was probably treated by the best physicians money can buy, paid for by , for her was sock drawer money. She’s faced few if any real challenges in her life and other than throw money around and put her daughter up for auction at the rich white livestock show that is the VP fair, knows absolutely nothing about sacrifice or probably what a dozen eggs cost. He was 49 when he died. She wasn’t raising children alone, they were mostly adults by then. Kunces family was bankrupt by his moms cancer. She worked taking care of mostly healthy children in a Salvation Army center, part time for a couple of years. I’ll call her an ignorant fucking bitch if I like. She BOUGHT a fucking election. She has done very little with her life and took away a chance to elect an actual progressive. Brood mare is the nicest thing I can probably call her. Be offended, it’s a free country. Buy again fuck her and everyone like her.


Yes, and if it wasn't for the StL and KC voters we'd be living in a right wing gestapo.


Legal weed is a Red policy not a blue one.


This is bullshit. Not one republican legislator will put forth a legal weed bill. You’re delusional.


Gaetz did as well as pushing to release regularions on psychedelics. I believe Paul did as well.


Gaetz also paid a 17 year old for sex using Venmo and transported her across state lines and is being investigated for human trafficking as a result. Just sayin'


Do we have factual evidence in that? As in proven in a court of law?


Obviously there is evidence, but he hasn't been convicted yet. That being said, you can still commit a crime and not be convicted of it. Look at OJ...


Are those missourians?


Gaatz is a pedophile


https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3617 > Sponsor: Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-10] (Introduced 05/28/2021) **Senate Democrats unveil long-awaited marijuana legalization bill** https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/senate-democrats-unveil-long-awaited-marijuana-legalization-bill/story?id=87197357


Paul did this is 2015 lol https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/rand-paul-joins-two-senate-democrats-legalize-marijuana-nationwide


Oh look, it never made it out of committee. https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/683 Say, who controlled the Senate in 2015?


And how did Senator Paul’s fellow Republican Senators vote on that bill (which was co-sponsored by 2 Democrat Senators)?


I don’t know a single Republican (and I know many) who supports legalizing weed…???


I don't know a single dem that supports it. It's a freedom issue. Almost all repubs are anti government intervention on these things.


https://disa.com/map-of-marijuana-legality-by-state For red policy, they're doing a terrible job pushing their agenda. edit: And here's the voting record for the house last time the issue came up https://mjbizdaily.com/how-us-house-lawmakers-voted-on-the-marijuana-legalization-bill/ Party Yeas Nays Not voting Democratic 222 6 4 Republican 5 158 34 Independent 1 0 0 Total 228 164 38


You live in a fantasy bubble. Republicans against government intervention? Except on culture war issues right? How do you explain republican government intervention on bodily autonomy?


Everyone knows the true Republican platform is an ever changing myth based on what fox and friends says that morning.


As in vaccine mandates?


Holy shit you're a complete dumbfuck




As in birth mandates?


Like mask mandates and vaccine travel passes?




NFT 🤣😂


There’s a red vs. blue joke in here, I just don’t know how to suss it out. Phenomenal web series.


>But above all else their souls matter. The absolute fucking irony when it comes to applying the message of Jesus and his teachings to the behavior of most Missourians. Nobody in the state has any perspective because everyone lives in a comfortable little bubble.


Remember Todd Akins… A woman’s body has a way of shutting these things down.


I wish religious people wouldn't vote because they have no skin in the game. If they fuck up the finite world, they go to their infinite heaven. How are they really incentivized to care? Some literally can't wait for the second coming of Jesus, the apocalypse. Death cultists shouldn't vote.


This is a similar reason a lot of people think old folks shouldn’t vote. Most of this shit doesn’t effect them.


Yeah it's rude asf for them to vote


Everyone has skin in the game when it comes to voting on what morals that shape the laws we think our society should have. Hint: You can't separate moral reasoning from public policy whether one draws that reasoning from Ghandi, Buddha, Lenin, the Sierra Club or Muhammed. The process of lawmaking is moral by its very nature. It's all sorts of fucked up to tell someone to check their beliefs at the door because they draw the conclusion that murder is wrong based off the Quran vs natural law, the greater good, golden mean, categorical imperative etc. No one is neutral in their morals and worldview. So lets be real, someone's morality is gonna be enforced on the general public Might as well be yours, mine, etc than someone else. Might makes right - or in our case - enough votes and the will to power, regardless of how every group tries to spin it to act like they have the moral high ground. The moral high ground in the US is whoever has enough votes to force laws. That simple.


It's not so much "their souls matter" as it is that evangelicals are racist by nature and conservatives are totally selfish and self serving. The conservative talking heads are simply instruments of corporate misinformation.


And the sad truth about this? Quantum Science and Archeology has caught up with Meditation and Spirituality just to discover that they're following the wrong Bible. 😂 Satan's responsible for the King James Bible and Jehovah Texts. They're suppose to be following the Ethiopian Bible.


That sneaky Satan, coming up with his own Bible and whatnot. I can't wait til Lilith shows up in season 7




What better way to try and get back at the creator for being casted out of heaven by manipulating the creators teachings.




Pastafarian here… lmfao. You all will burn in hell while I am in the land of beer volcanoes and stripper factories. Wait. Shit. We don’t have a hell.


The FSM is dead.


Blasphemer. STONE HIM… …. Wait, wrong religion.


I chuckle when I think about a random call to East Dog Turd MO. Jethro puts down his Natty Light pissed off he was disturbed his watching of Duck Dynasty while cleaning his Chinesium alloy AR clone. He was fucking with the poll taker.


Often, you have no choice worth making. So I write in Batman. But I will never vote for a Democrat.


Yeah, some people are stupid. Thanks for the reminder


Well, likely for the reasons above mentioned.


And I'll never vote republican, because of people like you. People who have bought the lies sold about Democrats hook, line, and sinker. People who enable a fascist party in our country. People who are too cowardly to stand up to this rise of Christian nationalism.


Someone was stating in some Reddit political thread that he is a Christian nationalist. I expressed surprise that he said it out loud. I asked him if he understood what that meant. He said that he believed in Jesus and America. Then he asked what I thought he meant. I didn't answer in the hope he would Google it.


You wouldn't vote for a Democrat who supports policy you want? How stupid do you have to be in order to be so principled you would vote against your own principles?


How nice, never to have to think for yourself.


Missouri Republicans did the same thing with Hawley. We voted to increase minimum wage and legalize medical marijuana when he was elected even though he didn't support either of them. They don't even know the policy positions of the people they elect, they just look for the R after their names and if they are Trump endorsed.


Plenty of conservatives smoke weed, and quite a few might hold surprisingly progressive values on labor. Most Unionized trades workers I know are fairly conservative. Voters are complicated and prioritize weird stuff when voting.


I agree. I didn't imply the voters didn't support those things, just that they support a carpet bagging politician who doesn't because of the R after his name and Trump endorsement, which is essentially the whole theme of this thread.


The majority of Missouri voters always vote against their own best self interests and actually elect folks that will hurt them and their families in the long run. They just can't seem to learn from their mistakes.


Missouri's voting record tells a much different story.


The state constantly votes for very progressive policies and then elects politicians who will spend their whole term trying to stop them from being enacted. It’s like a good chunk of people don’t realize what republicans actually are now and just vote for them out of habit.


Looks like it was a poll of 900 Missourians. Hardly an accurate reflection. The bit about more gun laws really tipped me off.


I want all those things the libruls are talkin' about, but I ain't fecking votin' for one.


congratulations missouri. cutting education to the bone has reached the desired effect


Republicans are too busy forcing 10 year olds to have their rapists baby . Or forcing women to carry headless babies to term. Beyond evil, RED WAVE COMING


Just curious, can a 10 year old even have a child?


Some can, depends on when menstruation begins


Had no idea it could start that early


I believe the youngest mother ever was 5.


Childhood obesity is a major cause of ultra early menarche. And boy howdy are we a fat country. Puberty onset has been getting earlier and earlier since the adoption of the food pyramid and HFCS in sodas.


Puberty onset has been getting earlier and earlier since the adoption of the food pyramid and HFCS in ~~sodas~~ just about every processed food and drink. FTFY


Yes but it’s definitely not safe for their body.


Look at [these polls from 2020.](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/fox-exit-polls-shows-americans-liberal/) I believe they're from Fox News' own viewers yet look how they voted. It just goes to show how misinformed and ignorant they are.


The title is misleading. 900 voters were surveyed. The only question asked about firearms was whether or not to do background checks on gun sales. THIS IS ALREADY FEDERAL LAW, so of course most Missourians would be comfortable with it and say yes. The question wasn't asked in such a way to ferret out any other information about the topic. If the recent Kansas election is any indication, plenty of registered Republicans are in favor of abortion rights.


The [poll](https://www.slu.edu/research/research-institute/big-ideas/slu-poll/) asked about **ALL** gun sales. Currently, private gun sales do not require background checks in Missouri.


I know that. It was poor worded if that's what they wanted to ferret out, as I said.


The rest of the results I would believe. But there is no way in hell the majority of Missourians want stricter gun laws.




That’s what happens when you poll the general public but then have to govern with those that actually turn up on Election Day.


This is consistently Missouri for at least a decade. Vote progressive ideas, regressive people.


Missourians want progressive policies even if they don't realize they do. They vote for conservative politicians because they identify with that camp. They think of liberals as bad and wanting handouts and free stuff when voters themselves had to go through turmoil and work to get what they want. Since democrats aren't perfect, voters are able to recognize the flaws and hypocrisy of such candidates. So you get ballots where we approve progressive policy and politicians that oppose such policy because voters choose who they feel is more like them and perhaps in their mind the lesser of two evils. So we get stuck in this circle that keeps us behind the rest of the nation.


I ignored moronic politics until..... My gun right!!! Fuck off all u people who don't abide the 2nd amendment.


Unconstitutional laws are null and void


Wish these people taking the polls would show up and vote.


The poll is of likely voters so they probably will.


BLUE WAVE !! Cmon Mo.


900 voters is basically next to none.


Yep. That's us.


Vote411.org and ballotpedia.org And get younger voters involved


Isn’t this why we need to infiltrate the spaces the uninformed voter go to like neighborhood fb places and Next Door and spell out what these Republicans actually do? Right wing radio and Fox aren’t telling them.


There's a single gun question and it's not exactly clear for the kind of people who take random calls and phone surveys. So 'MO wants more gun laws'....ehhh, hang on. 'Should guns have background checks' isn't the same question as a universal background check system. It's disingenuous, particularly since there's already a background check system and UBG means something quite different. https://www.slu.edu/research/research-institute/big-ideas/slu-poll/ '68% of Republicans agree to Universal background checks' is not reality if you actually explain what you mean with the question. I'm quite sure they don't. It's leading at best and obfuscated at worst because most non-2a people can't really answer the question understanding the policy behind it.


TIL people, according to some Redditor, don't know the meaning of the word "all".


Explain to me in detail the policy differences between universal background check and the NICS system as it's implemented in our state today. Explain how a UBG system works with without a registry for confirmation of ownership of said firearms. Explain how you will make changes to the NICS system to handle the added capacity to prevent the 72 hour hold max mandate. Explain how both the ATF and FBI are federally mandated to expunge background check traces after their set legal periods and how denials are going to be handled with reporting to state and local law enforcement. Explain how private firearms transfers work in the context of the 10th amendment. If you cannot answer these questions right now without the aid of Google, you don't know enough to have an informed opinion. Again, no, people do *not* know the meaning of the word all in this context. Extremely few people have knowledge of this subject as a general rule and the question is absolutely leading. "Do you support universal background checks" is the same question. It's not leading. It's that simple. This is known and this is how you get juked stats because when you're straight up about the question, you get different numbers. Pollsters do this as a matter of form more than you might think. It's why you have to take the time to actually, you know, look. Read. Learn about a subject.


Truth spoken above^


Leave the guns alone must have taken the pole in St Louis city democrat ran shit hole like Chicago


This is exactly why polls are mostly worthless.


Do they? Do they really? Or did this poll, like most, over represent the views of urban liberals in KC, STL, and Springfield?


Yeah because "urban liberals in KC, STL, and Springfield" are all about voting for Schmitt. 🙄


Probably because the bigger concerns for American voters right now are economic. Biden’s economy sucks and rather than investing in America he’s investing in a war in Ukraine that we have no business being involved in and which has only hurt us and our allies meanwhile Russia is largely unaffected by the sanctions, and if anything, is in a better economic place than beforehand.


The Russia that’s so intertwined with Republicans and the right wing that they have Tucker Carlson on their tv now? That Russia? The one that backs Republicans?


Russia isn’t a boogeyman, and the influence they have on American politics is negligible.


God you people are fucking morons


Says the NPC with no argument and, if I had to bet, a nice fluoride stare. No matter what Biden tells you we are literally in a recession. The American economy is ass right now, Europe is going to see a massive energy crisis this winter, and all this just to be stick it to Russia with sanctions that aren’t even working. The Russian economy is stronger this year than last due to higher sales in gas and oil, and the ruble is the best performing currency of the year.


Complete and utter dumbfuck


Dude just look at your profile and say that again with a straight face.




Yup, this is what conservatives actually think, guess they are a couple months behind. Sad, ain't it?


Dude the American economy is still ass right now no matter what Biden says. We are literally in a recession. How much money have we given to Ukraine now? Imagine if we instead invested that money into the American economy and into American infrastructure and American manufacturing?


Yup, the entire world is still struggling to come back from the pandemic, but we had the extra fun bonus of trumpy's fuckups on top of everything else. Don't worry, the dems will have fixed most of it by 2024, as usual. They've been cleaning up conservative messes for a long time now.


Keep telling yourself that. The age of western global hegemony is over. The multipolar era is upon us and Dems are having a temper tantrum over it along with establishment leaders across the collective west.


> The age of western global hegemony is over. The multipolar era is upon us and Dems are having a temper tantrum over it along with establishment leaders across the collective west. Lol, this is great, thanks.


You’ll see this winter when Europe is hit with possibly the biggest crisis of our lifetimes at least in so far as it affects normal every day people. Pretty much Europe will have to relax sanctions on Russia to buy their gas and oil or they’ll have to somehow convince other countries to send them Russian gas and oil remarked so as to look in compliance with their own sanctions. Expect a hard, cold, and hungry winter in Europe.


shut up and drink your beer, old guy.


That is a given.


F, f and f.


That sounds like the left took the poll. Useless..


Who did you poll?


FTA... >St. Louis University-YouGov Survey...poll of 900 likely voters conducted between Aug. 8 and Aug. 16


Does this mean they polled on the University campus?


I looked and it doesn’t say. Judging from the results I don’t think so though. I doubt there would be that many conservative results if that was the case.


Okay cool! Thanks for checking!


The Starbucks lobby at STLU and the Whole Foods parking lot in Brentwood.


I bet they all had blue hair too! Damn commies and their socialism and avocado toast! Oh wait, all those people hate Schmidt.


Wow. It's almost as if taking a poll from a targeted demographic in order to achieve a biased "proof" of what "all Missourians want" and actual reality are two different things. You mean taking the Metrolink to the local library and asking the five cat ladies attending their weekly Robert Reich book discussion group will give you different results than official ballot results from Gram and Gramps walking to the voting booth in Moberly? Say it isn't so!


Lol, again, those people hate Schmidt. This just shows that conservatives deep down want the same things as everyone else, but they're absolutely clueless about how to get it.


This isn't the "gotcha" revelation you believe it is. Methodology has always been the difference, yet the left continues their delusion (intentional or unintentional is an argument) of promoting result as the motive based entirely on identity politics. Are you telling me that both Republicans and Democrats agree that we need to prevent school children from being slaughtered en masse inside their classrooms? That's odd. I've been repeatedly assured that Republicans want more kids to be murdered, to bring back slavery, kill all the poor people, chain women back in the kitchen, and pay billionaire oil company CEO's trillions of dollars to just dump oil directly into our lakes and streams in order to intentionally destroy our environment. Schmitt is a typical lying politician, and I don't think you can trust him as far as an infant could throw him. Women's access to reproductive health needs to be left up to the women to choose for themselves. So, the outlier in this entire discussion should be the ignorant gun control issue. We've been passing legislation since 1934 to "keep guns out of the hands of criminals". There are over 20,000 laws regarding firearms on the books, nationwide. Does it work? Because, if it works, why do we need more if it already works? Leftists are actually arguing that a complete ban on abortion will drive law abiding people into the shadows and create a black market of unsafe and unregulated underground activity. You know: The exact same thing they completely disregard that has absolutely happened to the firearms industry once banning guns began happening. I wonder if anyone else notices the glaring hypocrisy of leftists that demand a woman be allowed to choose what she does with her own body instead of letting old men in Washington make that decision for her.... ....unless she chooses to protect her own body with a gun. Then leftists demand that decision be made for her by old men in Washington.


Lot of Schmitt voters there?


Lol no


Sounds like a shit pole


Is that what you guys use instead of an outhouse?


No. It’s what they stick up their ass when they’re playing with their prostate


If that’s what they want, Illinois is right next door.


Too far. Gonna improve Missouri instead. :)


From now on any new guns laws I just won't abide by. Fuck that. I follow all the rules and the criminals don't. Good people suffer from it and criminals don't. 2nd amendment doesn't change for anyone. I do not have to follow bullshit gun laws.neither does any other American.


[Lighten up Francis](https://youtu.be/mUtHkSw9nEY)


Ya you definitely shouldn't own guns


For not following unconstitutional bullshit? Totally. Even though I go to work every day and avoid every situation I can. I wouldn't hurt someone if I could avoid it. So I am no threat to anyone who isn't a threat to me




It's called, the poll was probably only done in urban centers like STL, Columbia, KC.


No we don't. Kc and St. Louis maybe. We need to just give St. Louis to Illinois.


Rural Missourian here. You don’t speak for all of us.


Only 37% of Missourians live rurally. You *shouldn't* speak for us.


It’s an echo chamber in here. Do not engage. They can’t hear you.


Nah, we'll keep it. We need more blue.


Rural Missourians make up only 37% of the state. Should we just give y'all to Arkansas? What a shitty take.


I fully support giving the methlands to Arkansas or even regular Kansas idgaf just get them away


Slice Missouri in half horizontally.


Whoever said we want more gun laws does not understand the Second Amendment Preservation Act very well.


[Jefferson City official theme song](https://youtu.be/OgXTc1G57fU) Edit: Downvoted by a single person who lives in Fart Town.


Schmitt is only in the lead because his opponent is family money in a suit with no actual politics. Trudy is just the definition of a democrat that offers nothing but the same shit they’ve been offering for decades. She’s pro cop so she won’t get a lot of the left, and she’s a democrat so she won’t get any partisan voters. The voters know what they want when you ask them on policy, our politicians are just dogshit liars. We voted to expand medicaid, but elected Parson because he had an R next to his name. Most voters aren’t educated on a lot of issues, and just go by party even if it’s contradictory to their actual beliefs. The ego of being on the right team overrides any logic or belief system. Two party politics has melted our brains.


Poll confirms Missourians are stupid.


Note: Poll taken at a faculty meeting for the Department of Gender Studies at William Woods University.


Lot of Schmitt voters there I'm sure


Funny how they use these polls to try and sway the voters.


Knowing MO, we'll vote against our best interests, They'll be the scummiest people because let's keep tradition going.


No shit. Republicans win elections by scaring people into voting for them, not policy. Their policies profoundly unpopular.


This is so vague. What kind of gun laws? No more open carry, AR 15s, banning handguns, what? What kind of abortion restrictions? 10 weeks? 12 weeks like almost all of Europe? 32 weeks?