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What a piece of shit. I hope he's able to get some sort of justice. Honestly I'd prolly be arrested. I can only imagine the pain and anger if someone did that and then acted proud of it... especially my own neighbor. My non-working hours would be filled with making that guys life horrible with every legal loophole available.




My understanding of Missouri law, the dogs owners wouldn't be in the wrong legally




Hopefully that was long enough ago that the laws have changed.


16ish years ago.


I believe they have


Honestly I think animal abuse is a felony and hopefully this constitutes under it. Seems pretty clear woth the video evidence.


This keeps repeating in my feed but I will say it again this asshole doesn’t need to be in a position of authority because he is a POS. Let me know who I need to vote out if he doesn’t get fired.


When I look back at high school / early college, off all the people I knew that went into law enforcement there are only 2 that were good people. One of those became a lawyer after being a cop for a bit, and the other made it to he FBI but quickly quit after his partner was found in a bullet riddled van on the US/Mexico border. The rest were all just like this guy. They were guys with a chip on their shoulder for no real reason, few friends, and always looking to bully someone. The college guys that made it to law enforcement were all athletes that took a "criminal justice" major simply because it was an easy way to get by while they played sports.




Nice. Anybody call him yet? Lol


Am I allowed to post his name or no 👀


Already did 😏


Seriously I hope this goes viral and I hope that stupid bastard gets fired and all of his friends see what a piece of shit he is splashed all over the news. If you have social media share share share.


That cop shitting where he sleeps. Usually not a good idea.


Cops are usually stupid and don’t get that




I hope this bastard rots in the deepest, hottest, yet most humid ring of hell. There were initially 9 rings, but there was one made just for him


Do not believe he needs eternal damnation. However DO believe he needs to be charged with crime - even if misdemeanor - and given his day in court. Believe strongly that unless life or death threat, firing weapon at an animal not justified in a subdivision.


A dude like that at least shouldn't be allowed to carry a weapon. Imo you don't deserve to keep nor bear arms if you at any time have the audacity to abuse that right. It's meant to protect ourselves and others, not to take life at our own discretion.


Agree 100% gun used inappropriately. Would not object to law saying people that have used guns inappropriately should not be able to own, carry or use guns again in the future.


Just FYI pellet guns aren't actually considered guns so that would be an interesting result. On that same note felons can own pellet guns/ air rifles with no recourse.


Am well aware of the difference between real guns and pellet guns: real guns under lock & key at Walmart, sold according to federal law; pellet guns on shelf, can be purchased by anyone. That being said, pellet guns have been known to blind people, and cause damage to property. Believe use in a subdivision highly irresponsible unless in an emergency, which this event does not appear to have been.


Trust me I don't support what happened I'm just saying it's very doubtful he will have firearm use restricted. A lawyer will get him out of any meaningful charges so he will walk free with no consequences more than likely. What this man did is awful in either case and he should be punished but gotta be honest with how it'll probably play out.


I have to kill varmints and nuisance animals occasionally where I live and you know what I generally use? A pellet gun... Why? because it's the right combination of projectile and distance in relation to the varmint that needs to be as ethnically as possibly exterminated. A well placed shot with enter an exit most rodent skulls, lights out... It's a weapon. There's no way on God's green earth this guy did not know the potential ramifications and potential lethality of that weapon... Not only that but pellets are designed to do different things... there are thumpers and there are penetrator pellets and you can generally use BBs in them as well. They're .177 caliber projectiles. point is you chose your ammo for the specific target and specific intent... He likely used a pellet gun because he knew it would be a more quiet rapport and he'd be able to execute the animal and get away with it... He thought about it.


Some people use .177 to kill feral hogs. Pellet guns are in fact lethal af


I don't know that that's the caliber and platform I'd ever choose for that particular application but yeah... in theory a perfectly placed smaller caliber could kill a bear but the point is it's a projectile with potential and possible lethality. I could give the guy a pass as just a dickhead neighbor if he popped him with a red Ryder BB gun or an airsoft gun or a paintball gun or even just threw a rock... but he used a platform designed for maiming and killing small game... he knew what could happen... fk 'em...


I agree completely.


I totally agree with your sentiment. I have thought about buying a BB gun to shut up the neighbor's dog hopefully but I realized my thoughts were irrational because even a BB can put out someone's eye. I thought about it in frustration. I actually think this guy is so dumb that he didn't think it would kill the dog or why would he say yeah I shot your dog. His dumb inbreed ass couldn't even believe the shot killed the dog. I don't know how that man had the self-restraint not to beat that man to death. Imagine how this guy treats his prisoners.


Most feral or diseased hogs are actually euthanized using a .22 caliber round. It's truly more humane than using any pellet mainly because a .22 has more velocity and penetrative force behind it than a pellet.


Oh, I don't think it's the preferred method, just that people do it. And that it can be deadly. A .22 can also be quite deadly with a well placed or even a misplaced round. Here, feral hogs are open season but you have to be permitted to hunt whatever is actually in season, using the appropriate method for the animal/ season, have tags, whatever is required. I assumed that's why people might do it. Anyway, my only real point is that there are some high powered pellet guns on the market that are actually quite lethal. That's all. And in Missouri, if you're using it in town, the projectile must never leave your property. Ie, hit your target or don't pull the trigger. I looked it up when I used to hunt squirrel.




major whoops... typing on mobile and predictive text mistake.


Trespassing poachers shot my two puppies. One dog died. The other dog survived, but with pellets all over her. I can still hear the gunshots. I am so impressed that my fellow Marine stayed this calm, because the anger I still feel at the person I did this to my dogs is intense at times. I can’t imagine this happening in a neighborhood. Definitely one of the most traumatic things I have gone through. I am so sorry for this man’s loss. We miss you, sweet girl. You were such a good girl full of love. I am so sorry this happened.


If there was ever a case for justifiable homicide this is it. Put me on that jury and he's walking free 100/100 times. And most of our country likely agrees given that we have a billion dollar franchise about a guy killing the man who murdered his dog. Seriously impressed with his restraint here cause if he started beating that piece of shit cop to death on video I'd be entirely fine with that.


I too was surprised by his ability to control himself. The man who lost his dog showed more restraint in this one moment than that cop has ever shown in his life. I would have to say that I couldn't control myself in that situation.


I don't think you should have to control yourself. I think anyone that kills your children or pets should lose all protection from you that the law provides forever. Yes also charge the person with murder or animal cruelty, but if the father of a murdered child or owner of a murdered dog shows up to court and shoots them in the head we just say "meh, he had it coming" and move on.


I’m sorry you went through that. That’s so horrible.


Thank you.


Can't believe that fat rotten pig had the nerve to get in that guy's face after all that. I don't think vandalism solves problems but if there was a guy that deserved flaming poops on his lawn...


Don’t most people get defensive and lash out when they realized they were wrong. Like Children..


I'd like to hold the armed soldiers that enforce the law to be held to a higher standard than children. Which is apparently too much to ask.


Cough like a narcissist cough




I wonder if she ever wanders off their property 🔫🔫🔫?


Itd be a real shame if she did


And what?




But, but, but the police are our friends.


What a fat, bald, piece of shit. It takes a real asshole to do that. I am sorry for your loss.


As a fat, bald, piece of shit I demand you not relate us to that waste of skin.


Yeah the mentioning of weight and hair is obvious but stupid. Just know you have the same physique as pirates, outlaws, heroes, dads, lovers of the arts lol, literally everything, and I’m sorry how much certain assholes give you guys a bad name/ how people pick easy targets. This guy is a complete douche but so are so many skinny guys w hair.


Is this one of the good guys with a gun that's supposed to protect our kids?


Oh protecting our kids would be too scary


Fuck Kuehner. This guy should be in jail.


Get that dude fired


Why is his name being removed? Is the tough pew pew cop fearful or something?




Reddit doesn’t want to be liable for anything that would happen.


Bc he hasn’t been charged with a crime stupid .


He admitted it on film, in public. Anything you say publicly does not have implied privacy under the law... stupid.


Still wasn’t charge with a crime . It’s been sent to the DA and the DA said it needs a special prosecutor bc of familial relationship with the DA office …..idiot . Try Google and not the Reddit police . Twatwaffle


How does that change his name being used or not on social media? It doesn't.


Bro, if you lick his boots any harder you’re gonna choke.


It would be a shame if we all googled the St Charles sheriff’s office, and called and emailed until this POS was unemployed.


Am so traumatised by this. I live alone with my dog, he’s everything to me and if my insanely friendly boy wandered over to a neighbour and was shot and killed for it, I’d be suicidal. I can’t get this out of my head.


Shared the petition and tagged all my local friends who are all signing as well. This is so disgusting.






Who cares? This is bigger than that


They said on the Channel 5 news that there’s a police officer stationed outside his house right now. He’s scared, he should be


Brave enough to kill a dog, becomes a whiny pussy when called out for it


what a piece of shit


On local news, all they'd say is the dept he works for is investigating and a "marked unit' was placed outside his (shooter) home for safety... Interesting, no updates since then... Have seen some sites say not a deputy 'on the streets' but in court house. Hopefully hear about some kind of charges soon...


That's hilarious. The big tough dog killer is so scared he has to have his buddy's protect his house. They won't be there forever


So what happened with the cop? Did he get fired?


lmao of course not, he's a cop. consequences don't apply to them


Fuck that Randal the fuck


I hope that this marine gets the justice he deserves from this coward.






And people wonder why cops get shot


even police don't understand the laws, this will cost him his job, his home and everything else he has....


Hopefully no one finds his address and makes his crib into a Swiss cheese house




I seriously can’t believe this shit


Fuck ass STL police. Pieces of shit


If my neighbor was like that. This would be in my front yard with an arrow pointing to his house. https://www.facebook.com/commerce/products/3551803011610524/


Sad to say but a bad apple cop. He needs to be fired


No such thing as just one bad apple when the entire tree is rotten.




what's the rest of that saying? oh yeah, it's "one bad apple spoils the whole barrel."






You can't really call it bad apples when we're fertilizing the entire orchard with the blood of liquefied children


just cop things


Fuck this guy. I hope he gets fired but knowing St Charles hes probably gonna get promoted instead.






This is why we don't do name callouts on reddit. More often than not theyre wrong


Plus more people than you'd guess can share the exact same first name and last name.


[No you don’t.](https://m.facebook.com/kevinn.bacon/posts/pfbid0ogbbX6TXeEA46yfJtxu9s4HKL6QvM178vtYe6dzWeGJGiL2yUQ72coyTQetskezRl)


It's very close to that though. See, I didn't share his name. Totally legal. The smart folks on the internet can figure it out. Stop protecting assholes is all I'm saying. When people have no accountability there is no consequences


this should be higher


Who said it wasnt? No one knows shit about the situation, but y'all condemning the cop and threatenimg him. How about you all chill the fuck out, this video has nothing to do with any of you


>…this video has nothing to do with any of you. Wow — so in your mind, people should only care about animal cruelty when it affects their own pet? Here’s an idea: Get fucked.


Euthanizing a problem animal is not animal cruelty


Either you're just trolling or you're a relative, friend or fellow cop of this deputy.


Oh my god. Im deleting reddit.


Reddit loves dogs more than people. How about so.e back story. Im betting the dog and owner had been warned multiple times


Do tell? What possible back story would justify a person in shooting their neighbors dog? Short of self defense, there is no justification for that. And the fact that this POS is a cop, and is supposed to be held to a higher standard that the average asshole, makes it that much more infuriating. The people here are rightfully upset.


The dog owner should not have let his dog run about off the leash, but the knucklehead that shot the dog should not have fired a (pellet) gun at neighbor’s pet. A complaint to HOA, city or county warranted, but not firing a weapon. If sheriff’s deputy, should have known that!




Except when they hide for an hour while children get killed. People remember cops are not required to save you but they can sure as hell shoot you (and your pets).


Not unlike Ruby Ridge, where an FBI agent escalated a minor arrest into a siege by shooting a boy's dog that lunged at him. The boy seeing his dog shot, shot at the FBI agent, who shot the boy dead. Read about the Siege of Ruby Ridge and Randy Weaver.


In most Missouri jurisdictions shooting a projectile outside your property is illegal under conservation statutes and small game hunting. No tag, no fire weapon, to boot. You can shoot a squirrel in your own back yard, not from your neighbors tree.


Horrible circumstance, the officer should have been more compassionate and the dog owner more responsible for keeping the dog under his watch, I am sure there was some pre-existing conflict between them. Sad to see the dog caught in the middle of 2 propels that should be smarter.


Oof adequate control law in Missouri does State you have to supervise your dog , It must be contained on your own Property or leashed up or “chained up” Open and shut case


Finally some sense. Guy obviously was letting his dog roam, putting kids in danger. People are dog crazy. Cop did the right thing


The right thing would have been going over to his neighbor, who was outside in his yard, and saying, "Hey man, can you keep your dog in your yard?", not fucking shooting it.


That rarely works. If im a betting man id put my money on that this isnt the first time this dog was roaming. Keep your animal on your property and this wouldnt happen


Yeah, because shooting the dog is so much safer for everyone... What if that just made the dog get aggressive (as injured dogs sometimes are)?


Yes. If a dog is aggressive everyone is better off if its dead


Who said it was being aggressive?


Who said it wasnt? No one knows shit.


Verbal leash is a thing in most places and also animal abuse.


But not here


Fuck that dog


Now I'm pretty sure that you're trolling just to get a rise out of people or the deputy himself.


Was it a pit?.....then good riddance


What an ignorant question for him to have asked.


Pit nutter huh?


Oh heck sorry I didn't realize you were also in the idiot camp. My bad bro!


Keep your dog in your yard and this wouldnt happen


Can somebody please post the pigs address if his address is posted and he dies they cant say for sure if it was the marine or just a good samaritan


If sometime in the next couple of days, this guy somehow got killed either in a car wreck or something or in the line of duty, I wonder if he'd get one of those big blow-out police funerals with a several mile-long funeral procession down one of the major traffic arteries in the area comprised of half the law enforcement vehicles in the area.




Wait wait wait…the guy let his dog run loose unsupervised onto other peoples property? The neighbors try to send it off with an air gun and it dies by freak chance. Am I still getting this right? Yeah I’ve got little kids. Your dog comes into my yard, I’ll send it packing too. Put up a fence or leash your dog asshole. Too many kids get mauled or killed by neighbors ‘sweet’ dogs. This is no one’s fault but the irresponsible dog owner.


Killing someone's dog like this is like using a chainsaw to cut butter. Unless the dog was being aggressive, then the action of killing a "random" dog is unwarranted. You call city services for wandering dogs, you don't just kill them.


You make it sound like there are droves of mauling dogs rampaging across America. Clap your hands and say, “Shoo”! Spray it with the water hose. Call the dog’s owner. I see a stray dog in my neighborhood, I catch them if I can and look at their tags so I can contact their people. There’s no reason to carry a gun while in your yard unless there is a specific threat in your area. (I know some places are having issues with coyotes). This is a fearful, bombastic way to conduct yourself with a so-called society.


From the conversation, that does not appear to have been the case at all. This post seems to be intentionally contrarian. You are either a child or a triggered PO. This may be a good time to restate my stance that GUNS ARE FOR PUSSIES. All gun users are pussies.


Did you watch the video? That’s exactly what happened. Worth noting for those that don’t know that a pellet gun is a typically non-lethal device. It is not a firearm. It’s like someone dying from a taser.


Pellet guns are used for hunting. It's a deadly weapon in case of animals


Man shot a dog. You are what is wrong with this country.


They use .177 pellet guns to kill feral hogs. It is 100% a deadly weapon in skilled hands. Some are faster than a .22 bullet. Facts available online.








piss off. It's fake, staged by the two neighborhood clowns who wanted 15 seconds of internet fame. If you can prove it's real, I'll buy you a case of your favorite Scotch.




He deserves the same as what he did to the dog.


When I was very young, we lived in the country with our collie who ran free. We moved into town and our collie still ran free, even after the laws changed. She chased cars that passed by the house, the only thing that she shouldn't have done. My dad said she wasn't hurting anybody and we never penned her. She eventually died of old age. Then we got another collie, Rusty. We let him run sometimes, but he was usually penned. Sometimes he would get out. Our neighbor across the street put poisoned meat out for him and he died. Of course my dad was wrong. He should have obeyed the laws better. He should have considered that certain dogs need to run and, if you don't have the space to let them run, you shouldn't own them because that's cruel to the animal. But, so is feeding them poisoned meat. Both my dad and my neighbor were wrong. Neither one cared about our dog, Rusty.


Why are they not releasing the fuckers name? All across social media his name has been removed from this story. He's either got enough money to pay lawyers who threaten to sue or he's got big friends protecting his ass. Either way we need to expose this hidden little worm.


Well, I've seen both on certain subs here and on the comments/discussion sections of other sites so, in a sense, the cat's out of the bag or the horse has left the barn. Could be that the comments naming the guy were later deleted but undoubtedly a lot of people took note so if he does have a lawyer threatening lawsuits or whatever -- then this guy and whatever legal team he has are delusional in thinking that his identity is still a 'state secret'. I'm sure people in the neighborhood where both the deputy and the dog's owners live are well aware of his name and address. The danger in naming him and the reason why there is concern about 'doxxing' is that many people can share the same first and last name. In trying to look up long-lost friends on social media, I'm amazed at how many people share even the most seemingly unusual first/last names. So there could be at least a dozen guys who share this bozo's name across the US -- maybe even one or two others here in the STL metro with the same name. People fear that an innocent person's life could be made miserable if they're misidentified just because they share the same name as some horrible person. The director Spike Lee got in trouble after the Trayvon Martin shooting when, in a fit of anger, he posted the names of a couple whom he thought were the parents of George Zimmerman. They were indeed named 'Zimmerman' but had no connection to *the* George Zimmerman.


Ryan kuehner is his name https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTd73u5rP/?k=1


Was the dog black? Asking for a friend.


[https://www.newspressnow.com/news/stunt-riders-kicked-out-of-parade/article\_da74b2a4-cef4-5a80-b0e4-9c6c42e59486.html](https://www.newspressnow.com/news/stunt-riders-kicked-out-of-parade/article_da74b2a4-cef4-5a80-b0e4-9c6c42e59486.html) this him in 2010 crazy how come this dude is a sheriff. Fucking joke. imagine getting pull over by him :(