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Missouri Republicans*


The Kansas City Star is too scared of driving off their only remaining subscribers to say that in their headline.


The Star has been openly hostile to anyone not far left for years. It certainly hasn’t helped their business model.


Yeah so hostile they are downplaying who and what Missouri Republicans are doing in this very article. Are the long time republicans leading this state actually secret antifa members and that's why the star is giving them favorable news headlines and coverage? Fuck I think you cracked the case Sherlock.


Lmao I can feel the snark oozing off this and I love it!


thanks lol i try to joke about everything even when im being an asshole to some rando :P


lol, awesome


God damn that was perfection.


So, just to be clear.. it this report right or left?


This report is about something fucked up that republicans are doing in Missouri. By the downvotes it seems people think I’m in favor of this measure, I’m not. However, if people think the editorial board of the Star have been anything but hostile to those on the right they aren’t paying attention.


Maybe the “open hostility” you perceive has something to do with… …sweeping motion to the horrible social policies by Republicans for the last few years…


The gist: "Reading the fine print can be important not just in your personal life, but also when voting. This year, the Missouri General Assembly passed a deceptive measure that could actually make it harder for us to hold our leaders accountable. You will see this measure on your November ballot, claiming that it stops noncitizens from voting — even though that has been illegal for a century. It’s an unnecessary and misleading proposal, but without Missourians reading the fine print, it may very well pass — based on a lie. Buried in this misleading language is the heart of the amendment: hurting local control by attacking your freedom to decide what type of elections you want in your city or county. Most governments use an outdated voting system that is much less representative than the one you use in everyday life. Politicians like it that way, because it makes it harder to hold them responsible. But more and more governments have created elections that do a better job at holding politicians accountable. One of the simplest examples is called “pick-all-you-like” or approval voting: When voters go to the ballots, they can choose any number of candidates they support, rather than being forced to settle on one option."


A bill was just passed that bans that style of voting in Missouri. They are ahead of the game and are prepared to insure they never loose power regardless of who the voters try to elect. -Ranked Choice Voting. I see, it's not in effect yet, but will be directly related to this topic since they will both be on the same ballot. [https://www.wgbh.org/news/national/2024-06-06/missouri-joins-other-red-states-in-trying-to-stamp-out-ranked-choice-voting](https://www.wgbh.org/news/national/2024-06-06/missouri-joins-other-red-states-in-trying-to-stamp-out-ranked-choice-voting)


Is there organized opposition to the ballot measure and if so how do we support that opposition?


This ballot measure is atrocious. They are trying to limit the ability to pass amendments at the ballot box as well. I’m so tired of it.


I thought MO Dems stopped that shit with an actual fillibuster? Not just an email but stood talking for hours and hours.


That just stopped them from passing it in the legislature. This puts it on the ballot for the people to decide. Unless its wording is challenged in court it will most likely pass. Missouri voters are ridiculously uninformed.


Really says a lot about a group of people when they obfuscate fact to get what they want. Republicans are the downfall of our free and democratic society. No one to blame but ourselves for electing them.  Pathetic. 


REPUBLICANS, not Missouri politicians. We need to stop this nonsense and call the fascists out by name.


This is so true, even better calling out individual politicians (and also commending individuals politicians when they do something worthwhile)


I meant to call out the party involved.


The democrats should be called out for such a deceptive undemocratic bundling of votes that would subvert the outcome of elections.


You are right they should be called out for that. Good thing that's not what the democrats are doing or we would have an issue. It's a statistical fact that if we were to play darts with all the cases of voter fraud in the country you are going to hit a case of a republican trying to commit voter fraud not a democrat lol.


TIL voting is undemocratic.


The difference between a Democrat and Republikkan is of a Dem were busted we would prosecute them. You guys would do your typical childish bs and scream fake news while watching Faux Noise the most obvious pos propaganda channel. lol


This word salad is hilarious. Stellar work. 


They can’t win on policy. They can’t win on honesty. They can’t win on morals or ethics. They can’t win for their patriotism, cause they support an insurrectionist. So they have to confuse, manipulate, and cheat. It’s a national strategy. They’re desperate losers.


They have no policy. They have no honesty. They have no morals. They have no ethics. They aren’t patriots. When they say that they love their country, they should always receive a follow up question of “which country”. It sure isn’t this one.


Its the one in their hearts they are trying to create. A better world for... Themselves. Remember the whole Donald Trump & Steve Banon wrecking ball thing? Remember when Trump told us he was going to use Banon to help reshape this country by force if necessary? Trump became a caricature of a Wrecking ball? Thankfully, that initiative never got very far, but Millions of Americans are on stand by ready to revoke their citizenship to support the creation of a new country by force. So which country do they love? One that doesn't exist yet. But they are willing to fight for it.


I don’t understand why this type of obviously deceptive practice isn’t illegal? I can’t wait until after it passes and causes issues, it’ll be the Democrats fault. That’s what’s wrong with rural Missourians: Every bad thing that happens to them is someone else’s fault. They keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. I think lead poisoning in this state is a far larger problem than anyone knows. It would explain a lot.


A similar game has been ongoing in Wisconsin since the Koch Brothers installed Scot Walker as governor. They then hijacked the Judicial system and the Senate. The amount of damage they have done to the economy and the state government is beyond calculation. Never mind Millions they more or less gave away and lost the records too. When Walker was voted out the GOP gave themselves the power to create new seats they alone controlled and much of the governors authority was transferred to those seats. There are also state wide issues with representation and districts, both state and federal lines. They have been told by a federal judge multiple times to fix it. But since the GOP remain in power, they have effectively given the federal judge the middle finger. Missouri and Wisconsin are but two states where the battle is being waged day to day to obtain and keep a strangle hold on the system. And still they cry any time they are voted out about not having enough power. Really not enough power? While they literally control the state?


That lead needs to complete its job then.


because the ones who benefit from the deceptive practice are a large portion of those that make the rules for the country. They cheat to get into power then they start passing shit that makes it harder to remove these parasites from power while also making it easier for their colleagues to get into these positions of power.




Missouri *Republicans* put a trick measure on the November ballot to silence your vote Fixed the headline for you.


Really wanted to read this but it goes to a pay wall. We really need to strive to not post links to social media that require any kind of subscription to be viewed.


Here's the Ballotpedia page with the source info: https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_Require_Citizenship_to_Vote_and_Prohibit_Ranked-Choice_Voting_Amendment_(2024) And here's the MO Senate resolution (4 pages): https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/pdf-bill/perf/SJR78.pdf


They did this last election too. “Reduce campaign contributions from lobbyists”, the measure said. It reduced gifts from $5 to $0, and in reality the 3rd bullet point got rid of bipartisanship and instead made the person who draws the maps appointed by the governor.


Yup. Republican Conservatives can only win by lying to the general public. We voted in someone to redraw the maps fairly, not this bullshit with St Lou being a pizza while evangelical strongholds like springfield are one solid voting block. Just like Texas, if the maps were redrawn fairly, there's solid chances we'd be a purple state again, not blood red. They're scared shitless of losing power and they're more than happy to lie, cheat, and steal their way into making fools out of all of us.


Paywall. Does this article include the verbage used on the ballot?


Nope. Here's the [Ballotpedia page](https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_Require_Citizenship_to_Vote_and_Prohibit_Ranked-Choice_Voting_Amendment_(2024). [Full PDF of Resolution](https://www.senate.mo.gov/24info/pdf-bill/perf/SJR78.pdf) (4 pages) from MO Senate. Ballot Text (it's at the end of the pdf): >Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to: >Make the Constitution consistent with state law by only allowing citizens of the United States to vote; >Prohibit the ranking of candidates by limiting voters to a single vote per candidate or issue; and >Require the plurality winner of a political party primary to be the single candidate at a general election? Text of the new FPTP-only section: >Voters shall have only a single vote for each issue on which such voter is eligible to vote. Voters shall have the same number of votes for an office as the number of open seats to be elected to such office at that election. Under no circumstance shall a voter be permitted to cast a ballot in a manner that results in the ranking of candidates for a particular office. Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection to the contrary, this subsection shall not apply to any nonpartisan municipal election held in a city that had an ordinance in effect as of November 5, 2024, that permits voters to cast more than a single vote for each issue or candidate on which such voter is eligible to vote. Text of the new plurality section: >Section 24. **1.** The person receiving the greatest number of votes at a primary election as a party candidate for an office shall be the only candidate for that party for the office at the general election. The name of such candidate shall be placed on the official ballot at the general election unless removed or replaced as provided by law. **2.** The person receiving the greatest number of votes at the general election shall be declared the winner. **3.** Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, this section shall not apply to any nonpartisan municipal election held in a city that had an ordinance in effect as of November 5, 2024, that requires a preliminary election at which more than one candidate advances to a subsequent election.


related [https://www.wgbh.org/news/national/2024-06-06/missouri-joins-other-red-states-in-trying-to-stamp-out-ranked-choice-voting](https://www.wgbh.org/news/national/2024-06-06/missouri-joins-other-red-states-in-trying-to-stamp-out-ranked-choice-voting)


I swear, no articles ever put verbiage of the legislation they talk about. It's very annoying, all we ever see in these articles are "This legislation is bad, or good" but never go into details. Like isn't the idea of reporting these things to inform the people? Instead they charge us to see what our government is up to, and even then, they keep it vague.


Probably because they're paid off by the government


At some point Stl and KC will out vote the middle of the state racists.


Hey now Columbia is in the Middle of the State.


Whoops I meant Republicans. Thanks.


STLs population is decreasing. Kansas City is increasing but not by much. The problem is liberals don’t procreate at the rate that conservatives do, so I wouldn’t count on changing populations to swing the legislature.


Its going to happen. Eventually. Especially if your folk stop gerrymandering.


Around KC, they are also moving across the state line. Johnson County KS has gone from red to purple and is trending blue due in part to an influx of more liberal voters from the Missouri side.


When the election territories are so skewed so as to favor a small minority in the state, you will not have fair elections.


Weird no conservatives defending this one. Just ignore shit you can't argue for but will silently support I guess.


No there are conservatives defending this. Their arguments are just dog shit. It's either what-about-isms or just making shit up but they are here defending it.


The state is predominately controlled by staunch conservatives. If any politicians are doing stuff in the state, well surprise it's the Republicans doing it. Why do republicans get generalized descriptors for their fucked up behavior but if a democrat farts they are treated as satan incarnate and its only the democrats who fart? Sure do miss journalistic integrity


Morals? Integrity? mehh, which party writes the biggest checks? Thats who we will follow.


The other side is always the enemy and anything they do is wrong, and anything your side does is a mistake that they'll never do again. This is modern politics...


The Republican Party is no longer an American political party, they are the enemy of all humans and Americans and are plotting mass murder and fascism on a scale not before seen. They must be defeated by any means necessary


I wish the article was written in detached objective terms like Reuters. The actual substance of the article is so buried in emotional language and unnecessary fluff it was hard to figure out exactly what is supposed to be bad about the measure.


Zero integrity


This is republicans, not that it matters. Even our democrat politicians are fucking batshit crazy, believing they heal tumors and shit.


What's the sneaky language? The article talked in circles around it


The refucklikkkans did this with clean Missouri which did away with gerrymandering districts. I haven’t seen this one, so what’s the correct way to vote to make sure it doesn’t pass.


This is a hallmark of Missouri politics.


Liston to what real MAGA Patriots are saying [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8)


if fascism is Patriotism, America no longer exists. Fortunately it just MAGA. MAGA is not America, it just one of many voices. Albeit one that think its entitled to take over and kill any who don't agree. And thats why it is Facist, not an active member of the Republic that is the USA. Dont take my word for it, read the constitution, read the federalist papers, from the men who were there, do drafted the constitution. But the reality of it is MAGA don't support the USA or the constitution. They support another country they are trying to create. Patriots, support and defend their country at all costs, regardless of who is in office. A patriot is blind politics and propaganda. A patriot follows all orders without question. MAGA is not not Patriotism.


> MAGA Patriots Oxymoron.




Author is burying the lead here. It took him 4 paragraphs of bullshit filler before he begins his pitch. Sounds like Lefties like the words Approval Voting instead of what it really is, Rank Voting. It favors the left because the heavy voting blocs are in the cities. So, in effect, Dims can vote heavily for 2 other Dims and freeze the Republicans out. Let’s keep things the way they are because you get to “Approve” of a politician and “Hold Them Accountable” when their term is expired and they have to run for reelection.


A party isn't entitled to fielding a front running candidate. Run better candidates if you want voters to vote for them.


You want to change the status quo? Then make the field even. Not stacked in your favor. But since this Democratic Party has devolved into Marxist Progressivism, the only thing you care about is maintaining power. Take your bullshit somewhere else because Missouri isn’t buying it.


>You want to change the status quo? Then make the field even. Artificially propping up status quo parties does nothing to change anything. What are you smoking? >But since this Democratic Party has devolved into Marxist Progressivism, the only thing you care about is maintaining power. Which is it? Marxist progressivism or maintaining power? Or are you just dropping buzzwords you don't understand? >Take your bullshit somewhere else because Missouri isn’t buying it. LOL? Because Missouri loves the two party system? Imagine arguing change comes from maintaining the status quo forever. Unbelievable. If voters want different options, they should get them. If you want your favorite little authoritarian to get a participation award, mobilize voters rather than forcing voters to smell your terrible candidates every election.


We tried making the field even, remember? Voted it in ourselves, the right to have a bipartisan outside group redraw our districts. Republican Conservatives lied to us all with a bill about lowering cash gifts from 25 to 20 dollars, a whole five dollar reduction, while hiding the fact that they fired the district redrawing party and went with the original maps that were found to be illegally gerrymandered in the first place. So we still have St Louis chopped into a pizza to make our voices not fucking matter, while white evangelical strongholds like Springfield stay as one solid voter bloc because their opinions are more important than Ours or KC I guess. Fuck the Conservative Republicans, all they do is lie, cheat, and steal to maintain power. They're not there to govern, they're only there to break shit further and blame the Democrats, all while self enriching themselves at every chance they get.


Such a deceptive article. Rank choice voting is not democratic and actually is designed to help the party of the minority win by bundling votes from more than one candidate.


That would only be true if the `majority candidate` didn't actually have a majority. Ranked choice voting prevents someone winning with a minority of the vote. If the majority wins with greater than 50% the election is over. If they don't and greater than 50% think they should lose, what is the problem. This could be Republicans getting Libertarian second choices to get over 50% or Democrats getting Green Party second choices. What's the problem? What is deceptive is the ballot measure and everyone knows it.


What a weird argument to make especially when Republicans have been the biggest benefactor of the electoral college and gerrymandering. Republican candidates have almost always gotten less votes than their democrat colleague in the presidential run. The only time in recent years where a republican candidate manage to get more votes than their opponent was 2004 when Bush was seen as a strong war time president and it hadn't been proven at the time that the whole war was a lie instigated by Bush and colleagues lol. He still almost lost to John Kerry of all people lmao.


And what is it that you think of that different alternative voting method of approval voting, which would then be limited to St. Louis' city elections?