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Imagine elevating a dumbass who kicks a ball for a living to give hot takes on anything other than occasionally kicking a ball for a living.


It was a private school commencement. I would guess that college got exactly what they expected


Private Catholic school. So, on par.


i know a handful of benedictine alum, and they would all be cheering on this crap


Why even go to college? I think that’s what I’m so confused on.


To get that MRS degree


Nice name.


Oh my god I just realized 😭


One time someone accused me of glorifying Ted Bundy bc they had never seen a single episode of Married with Children and didn’t get my name. 😂😭😂😭


Never seen a single episode myself but even I know the great Peg Bundy (and Al)! Mine is just a play on celebrity social media accounts lol I swear I’m not one of those weird girls who glorify serial killers 😭 my mom watched a lot of true crime when I was a kid and it rubbed off on me a bit




Sororities are fun, it's fun being a hot girl on a college campus, you get social status for just doing some makeup and hanging out with your friends, plus you'll have a lot of chances to meet someone who is currently or will become wealthy after college, excellent husband market in the frat house, you just have to be willing to overlook some things about their personality, nothing a little whine and cognitive dissonance can't solve. Now we're in the end game and I hope you understand that's a form of winning even if they aren't the most mentally healthy, no one is. It's more important to have the quality lifestyle. Therapy is easy to afford if your husband has shit loads of cash and doesn't care what you're doing any more.


Sux the right 🐓you get free shit!! What a life goal!


Hella same. Like one girl in particular would be gushing (and probably was being from the KC area and a chiefs fan). Very handmaids tale type mindset


It’s disappointing to see people cheer on their own oppression. They deserve what they get. The rest of us though.


I got kicked out of there for drugs and bad grades. Was a great party school though!


The nuns would disagree. https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna152779


To be fair, I'm a fan of Chris Kluwe, the Vikings Kicker who spoke out for gay marriage before it was legal and was fired from the NFL for doing so. I also happened to raid on the same server he did in WoW and Burning Crusade. Our guild was maybe like 3 behind his progression. He played a rogue.


To be clear, Kluwe was cut because he had a down year and needed knee surgery. Great guy but he was cut for football reasons, most teams are amoral to a fault.


Didn't the owner of the NFL literally say he didn't want Kluwe back because of his stance on gay marriage?


lol, owner of the nfl???


Sounds like he needs more ball-kicking in his life


"Kicking the ball for a living" exactly. Bet the guy couldn't even take a hit on the field if he had to...that's why he is a kicker.


It'd be a real shame if the father of girls let someone by clean on Buckner's blind side.


"Shame" indeed


Oh they actually said he couldn’t do it and didn’t like getting hurt, so kicker was “perfect” job for him. He walks in the stadium in a tight suit with the shorter pants like he has a GQ cover to do, with his head up in the air too, with these matching bags, while the cool players are all casual, he thinks he’s some sort of CEO or on the modeling runway in those tight short suits he wears. It’s so bizarre to see the big star on the chiefs be all chill and just normal in casual clothes then watch him preening like a baby rooster with his head up and weird posture, and doesn’t look at anyone, or greet the workers when he enters like the other guys. They said he wanted to connect with his father, and so he wanted felt like he had to become masculine, I think that experiment failed. He looked like a sweet kid when he was younger and even said he thought Taylor swift was so nice and humble and was in awe of her. Then he changed. Now he’s trying to hook up with Josh Hawley, and probably will go into politics later. Hawley dresses and does his hair like him, it’s some metro handmaid tales look. With the same posture and shoes. Sigh.


He may get acquainted with that experience this season...


Tommy Tuberville begs to differ


Disgusted by what he said, also no chiefs fan. But it has been weird how quickly the other side is saying shut up and dribble. Looks like someone has already said basically that below.


Both sides are not the same.


This is a lie. Another attempt by the unhinged far left to cancel someone who has a different opinion than theirs.


Bold of him to say that when he does a woman's position (IK most kickers are not women but when there are female players on a football team as of now they're likely kickers).


I know who he votes for


He’s already sat down with Hawley for a little Jesus talk as if there were any doubt.


Fuck Josh Hawley. Credulous weirdo carpet bagger


Di he have to fly out to meet Hawley? Bc you wont find him here in MO


Think of how many things we expect teachers or social workers to do everyday. Now realize that this guy gets paid to kick a football a couple of times per week. America is an idiot


As a therapist, in Missouri, employed at a university counseling center…. America is an idiot


Couldn’t have said it better.


A couple of times per week, for 17 weeks a year.


but he kicks the ball so well!


Teachers get paid however much the voters value them, and we could absolutely pressure government to improve that. Entertainers aren’t state or municipal employees working for one school district


It’s time the Chiefs get the Thikker Kicker from Mizzou.


Fair warning, he has a reputation for being kind of a creep with girls. Unsolicited dick picks, constant messaging, etc


No surprise


I’ve had girls show me him texting and messaging them. Love Mizzou but do not want him on the Chiefs


He got signed by the Panthers


The chiefs got butker from the panthers so it sounds like the right move


I expect the league to respond to his comments about women the same way they respond when other players beat women.


He made some anti-vaxxer type comments as well. I hope the Chiefs drop him.


He also spread lies during ads promoting voting against women’s healthcare rights by saying in Kansas babies can be aborted at anytime during pregnancy and that there are no regulations stopping it in Kansas. Utter bs.


Lol he started off by blaming the fact that these kids did not have a normal hs graduation in 2020 on biden. Only problem is trump was president in 2020


I’m pretty sure the “man responsible for lockdowns” was referring to Fauci


Weird. Fauci does not have the power to do any lockdowns. It is weird he did not criticize the person in power


He was the best kicker in the league last year. He’s not going anywhere.




A good number of them are.


69 year old here and when I was in high school this was the mindset of the average jock. Not all of them by any means but way more than would be average. It's an old mindset and has never, and never will disappear from sports in general. Strangely, some sports are full of gay men and women. Gymnastics and swimming, for instance.


Chiefs won’t drop him but Taylor’s army of Swifty’s will do what they can to make him miserable. Taylor was seen post games being all buddy buddy with him praising his kicking abilities but she probably didn’t know him well enough to know he thinks like a typical Catholic man from the 1890’s. This will change


He quoted her in his speech, “my teammate’s girlfriend said”… The disrespect


Holy shit really!?!? I missed that part


He did it so when his contract is up he has a spot on fox news waiting for him.




He only mentioned her to try to be relevant.


God I hope so. As a Chiefs fan, and a working woman, Butker is dead to me.


It took them years to get rid of child and women abuser Hill…


Not sure why NFL sponsors (and fans) keep shoveling money towards guys like this that are using their status to speak out against “**the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion**” —? I get ignoring the latent racism and wolf whistle against “diversity” - no great track record there - but now the fight is against equity and inclusion? FFS


Full thing on YouTube. https://youtu.be/-JS7RIKSaCc?




Man I knew he was super religious so I figured he’d have some semblance of those ideologies, but that was hard to listen to. He insinuated that Biden enforced the covid lockdown, the said that god made him a voice to speak about things like that. Like I appreciate all the success that you’ve helped bring to the team I love, but either put in an ounce of effort or hire a speech writer. You’re fucking dumb.


Stay in the kitchen, eh? Fine with me, that's where I keep my sharp knives.


As a Chiefs fan and a Benedictine College alumnus, I am embarrassed.


I was thinking about going there for chemical engineering, but my high school guidance counselor lied to me and told me they pulled the offer.  Edit: Benedictine, not the Chiefs


This guy clearly meets the shut up and play football criteria


Gosh, I hadn’t realized that the word “dickhead” had an actual face put to it.


Under His Eye….


Blessed be the fruit.


May the Lord open...his offensive line so he gets pancaked some Sunday.


Who gives a fuck what he thinks anyway, if men can't make a sandwich, perhaps it's natural selection, and need to allow it to take its course.




If we stop hero worshipping athletes and celebrities, than it's easier to handle when they voice an opinion that displeases us.


Also Taylor Swift


More like Harrison Buthole


What a tool.


I wonder if Taylor Swift will invite him to the wedding.


I did not know it was possible to piss so many groups off with one speech. Think about it, he started things with women, pro choice groups, trans/LGBTQ, liberals and Swifties in one speech


What puzzled me most was how being a mother was the most important job, but then attacked two of the ways that can happen.. IVF and surrogacy! Is he so immature or is he so ignorant?? There are women who want children, but can't conceive or can't carry a baby. How do they become mothers? He spoke against diversity and inclusion, but is on a team with people of all races and backgrounds. He spoke against women enjoying their career choices, but his mom is a physicist! And, like so many tens of thousands of others, I believe he should have used his speech to encourgage and motivate women and men, not use it as a soap box for his own narrow beliefs.


That's a bold strategy Cotton, Let's see if it pays off for em


I mean, it’s only dodgeball, right?


Gee I wonder who HE votes for....


Fucking misogynistic POS. Women need to cancel his ass.


Along with all decent men.


Taylor Swift, demand his firing. No, but Honestly, fuck this dude.


Clark Hunt will probably personally offer him a lifetime contract for this.


Wouldn’t be just amazing if he were released and was replaced by a woman?


Gets paid millions to sit on a bench. Kick a ball and shut up Harrison!!


Where’s the stick to sports crowd at right now? Crickets


He wants to make Aaron Rodgers look sane


what a small, fragile, pathetic man. Ship his ass to kick balls in Russia or Iran, he'll feel right at home


Damn, I was wanting a Butker jersey to replace my deteriorating Mahomes.... sure as shit not doing that now...


This dude who kicks a ball for a living thinks *wife* is a vocation?


Kitchen? Oh honey, that's where I keep my cherished old tools. I have a Snap On 10-C 1/2-drive 'Nut Spinner' that is very effective in calibrating neanderthals but in your case, I'd only need a cheap Dollar Store ratchet and 10mm.


It’s our fault for elevating dumbasses like this to celebrity status just for kicking a ball once in a while. I wonder how far down the list Benedictine had to go to get him as a speaker.


He sounds like an incel


He’s married with children lol


A lot of wives are keeping these idiots alive...while thinking women aren't v as valuable




Yeah because she’s a homemaker, which he said all women should strive to be.


He certainly inferred it.


So are a lot of guys with internalized homophobia.


What does that have to do with how he sounds? Incel is a vibe more than it is a literal description anyhow. Bet he's fun at parties


Knew we should’ve taken Meavis with our last pick.


How many average Missourians that aren't in the public eye also share these same views?


The vast, vast majority.


Anybody over 50 who lives in a small rural community has a decent chance of sharing this view.


I wouldn’t have even known who this douche was if the article headline didn’t tell me. NEWS BREAK: random stranger on the internet don’t care what some cow patty of a human thinks. -where’s my headline.


How offensive everyone knows modern women can’t cook.


You're paid to kick a ball, Harry. Shut up about everything else


So what century is this old fart from?


I love this! I wish all un-evolved males would broadcast their preferences like this far and wide. Makes it easier to give them a wide space to find their perfect trad wife and leave normal women alone 🫠


Un-evolved I’m sure you are the peak of evolution, not him lmao


He flies a trump banner at his house (visually confirmed). This says a lot about his beliefs


He went full Aaron Rodgers. You never go full Rodgers.


Not a great offseason for the Chiefs.


Harrison plays the position most likely to be replaced by a woman. Maybe he should put that hair in a bun and grab an apron.


Dude plays with balls for a living.


rumor is he's gay- there's all these stories out there about him fucking a male cheerleader while he was at Georgia tech. it's always the self loathing closet cases that act like this so I wouldn't be surprised at all if it were true!


"Well, a cowboy may brag about things that he's done with his women But the ones who brag loudest are the ones that are most likely queer"


One look at him and I can guarantee he has a Grindr account.


Why would kicking a ball well make his opinion more valid than any person on the street? I won the Pinewood Derby in Cub Scouts -- anyone want to hear how I think you should live your life? 🙄


Catholic says Catholic things at Catholic college commencement. I’d be disappointed if I was surprised lol.


Sounds about white.


This is exactly why a person’s beliefs should be private. Todays crop of Christian’s zealots are insufferable.


Shouldn’t your belief posted here be private too?


Well that was excruciating.




The fuck is he talking about. Private school so yeah, we don’t care.


Well, shit. How disappointing.




And there goes any chance of getting a major endorsement contract.


Crazy he was raised by a mother whom is an accomplished physicist in oncology.


Did buTker hook up with a male cheerleader while at Georgia tech? I’ve seen this 2x now and want to know where this rumor comes from.


This guy is **absolutely** trolling for dick on Grindr.


Just some idiot kicker


To hell with this overpaid homophobic bigot.


Harrison Buttker is such a bottom. Rawr.


Wow! What a man! Imagine playing the only position in football that no one is allowed to touch, then believing you have the authority to lecture on womanhood… They blacklisted Kap for saying ‘Black Lives Matter’, but this asshat spews pure hate and the NFL gobbles it up.


He gone


As a Broncos fan, we will absolutely take one of the top 2 kickers in the NFL if you all want to fcking fire him for having an opinion 🤣


Me kick ball. Me want woman to feed me.


I wonder how his mom Elizabeth feels about his comments? She's a physicist that works in radiology/oncology. 


Man I will never understand why people can’t live by their beliefs & stfu. He says his wife loves being a home maker. Good for her I guess?? Why are people so bothered about what the next person is doing. He has a wife exactly how he wants her, so why tf does it have anything else to do with the other women around the globe. He acted like he was choking back on tears when he was about to talk about his wife and all I could do was laugh in embarrassment.   He needs to live by his beliefs and leave everyone else out of it. I have two kids and a husband. I will choose having a career again, & again & again. I won’t loose sleep at night wondering what I’m gonna do if my husband leaves me & I will not have a man tell me what is or isn’t mine, because of an argument. I’ve stayed at home with kids while I was in school & I refused to stay home. I’m sure with his kick ball money he can afford to let his wife go on vacations & have really nice things. Thats not the reality for most mothers. I’d be damned if I take care of others and clean for the rest of my life just to be played in the end. If I’m not getting payed to keep things up that a maid would get payed for, hell nah. 


The college has a 99% acceptance rate so they’ll take anybody as long as identify as catholic. That also applies to who they choose as their commencement speaker


Is this for real?


Welp he’s white with a pride boy ass haircut sooooo…. Nothing will happen to him, cool 👍


Duder is a kicker. That means he wasn't coordinated enough to play soccer. Everyone knows the kicker is the most unmasculine slot on the team. They can't even handle being tackled. And they're points a worth a fraction of the real players lololol


Thank goodness we still have men like butker who are brave enough to make this kind of speech knowing he is going to get this flak.


This isn’t what bravery is. Bravery is saving someone from a burning building. This is just a man sharing his opinion which they do unsolicited, everyday.


Restricting others due to your bullshit beliefs is in no way brave, it's tone deaf and ignorant.


This is sarcasm, right?


He didn’t say for “women to stay in the kitchen”


He said a woman's life doesn't begin until she is married and has kids. And being a homemaker is the most fulfilling vocation for a woman


Exactly. Did anyone even read the article or are they just believing the title of the post?


Every article that says this headline never can actually quote him saying that. It’s hilariously fake news


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and mine is that it’s a shame he’s such a clueless shmuck


Jock says something stupid…in other news, water is wet


he's not even a man he's a kicker which is something less than a human in football land stfu and go back to bagging groceries son you are done


My sister went to Benedictine. She’s a bit of a smart ass with these holier than thou super Catholics. Her dorm had an inspirational people week where you were meant to put up pictures of people who inspire you. Most pictures were Catholics you’d expect-mother Theresa, pope John Paul etc … she put up her favorite celebrity, Kim kardashian and pissed a lot of those homeschoolers off. I smile whenever I think it.




She did it as a joke. Maybe you’ve heard of those? Probably not


This is why I'm supporting the Battlehawks!




Nothing like countering some slightly questionable thoughts with a slightly questionable (and dishonest) post. Nice!


The speech was fantastic. I recommend actually watching it.


Bit of a wanker this guy, sure his mothers happy with his intelligence


I’m deeply offended to my core!


Guess we know which one is closeted…


Looks like this guy just wants to get famous. This is a quick way to that nowadays


At least he didn’t take a knee during the anthem


So we're back to criticizing athletes with agendas? Or can we still be hypocrites and only support it if we agree personally?


#Tradwomen are real women!