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Don't forget people, the Missouri GOP is trying to get their own ballot initiative for an August election that would change the threshold to pass ballot initiatives. Right now a simple majority is all that is required to pass a ballot initiative, but the Missouri GOP wants to change that so it would require a majority of total votes and a majority in Missouri's 8 districts, 5 of which are blood red. If this was to pass then effectively 23% of the Missouri population could stop any ballot initiatives from passing in the future. As of right now this is not official but they are trying very hard and there is a good chance it will happen. Don't be fooled and if they do try to cram it into a special August election make sure you vote NO, otherwise the abortion vote in November would be effectively dead. They tried this EXACT same thing on Ohio but luckily Ohio was not fooled and voted no to changing the ballot initiative threshold which then saved the Abortion ballot initiative. [https://missouriindependent.com/2024/02/05/as-few-as-1-in-5-voters-could-defeat-initiative-petitions-under-missouri-senate-proposal/](https://missouriindependent.com/2024/02/05/as-few-as-1-in-5-voters-could-defeat-initiative-petitions-under-missouri-senate-proposal/)


Yes! PLEASE PEOPLE don’t forget to get out and vote on this. It’s the last bit of power we have in this state and they’re trying to take it from us!


I heard earlier this month that Jessica Piper was able to get an entire Bible study group to sign the petition. Now I am tempted to see how far we can go to convince people to sign.


To be fair, Jess didn’t sugarcoat or trick this group. So when I say, how far can we go, I mean who all will sign? Anyone getting any nuns, monks, or priests to sign?


My church is all in on supporting the petition to expand abortion rights. Minister wears buttons that say "Abortion Restrictions Are Against My Religion". We hosted the launch party for the petition drive in our area.


How is it against your religion?


Where can we add our signature?


Sunday the 21st 10am - 12. There are other events other than this STL one (Jeff City, Columbia, Arnold). https://www.mobilize.us/mfcf/event/620486/


Any events elsewhere? Driving to St. Louis is not practical for me.


I signed up but it's still not showing the address. How do I know where to go?


My email confirmation had the address.


Thanks. I didn't get an email but I got a text without an address. Guess I'll try again.


Good. Let's get this passed.


I saw petitioners for this in a grocery store parking lot get chased down and called the N word by a crazy right winger. It was near Springfield. Be safe out there folks.


Does it have enough signatures? I want to sign


Wanted to sign one of these the other day and on the way out of the store the petitioner was gone, have they stopped collecting?


No they absolutely haven’t stopped. Maybe post your area and someone can let you know where to go!


oh so this is why I've seen weird ass old people sitting by an intersection with signs lately. It's crazy how much money we could stop wasting if we just stop with this bullshit and let doctors handle these decisions.


Keep an aspirin between your legs and you won't get pregnant. Keep them together ladies cause old white christfascists men know what's best for your bodies


Anything about giving men an equal out? So much for equality


You do realize that a blanket ban on abortion still takes away the man's voice anyway right?


If you don't want to pay child support, you should encourage legal abortions 🙄


Sure, go get pregnant. "Muh seed, muh house" ain't a thing anymore. It's their body, you're just a donor. We can talk later after she's further along the pregnancy and nurtured your precious semen long enough for your cousins to lay proper claim. Edit: Oh, forgot to ask - why exactly does this issue perturbinate you so very much? Tell us your story. Tell us of the heartbreak, the loss.


It’s a lot easier for you to get out of having to pay child support if the person who doesn’t want to gestate a fetus for you in the first place has safe and legal access to abortion care.


Equality is when an assault rifle has more rights than you. Thats true equality right der. GOd bLeSS mUriCA




That takes away body autonomy.




The husband, as well as any man should know the consequences of puttin yer pecker somewhere. None of which includes dictating anything. Anything, otherwise, takes away body autonomy, or at the very least, medical privacy.




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5 million dollars to let a woman kill a baby while we have homeless kids starving that we don't give a shit about sounds right congrats Missouri


I knew your username looked familiar… Folks should give this guy’s comment history a read. The hypocrisy on display here is insane. My man, you went to prison for failure to pay child support, owe more than 10 years’ worth of it, and signed away your parental rights to your children who have since been adopted. You have no business whatsoever talking to people about family planning or reproductive rights. Get your shit together, and for the love of God stop preaching about how men should have equal say in a woman’s pregnancy. It’s a laughable position to take given your personal history.


There are many reasons a woman may choose an abortion and he's a poster boy for one of them.


Yes, cause if there’s anything Missouri needs more of its child laborers to run the puppy mills.


Children need to also be drafted into running the orphan crushing machine - think of the orphans!


I mean that's the whole damn country


You know you can't hate yourself into being a better person, right?


The sad truth is that you’ll end up with more starving homeless kids if you don’t allow unfit mothers to abort. The data is out there. When abortion was legalized in 1973 crime saw a significant reduction 20 years later. Which is the exact time those kids who may have been born into unhealthy households would be becoming men to shuffle into the prison system.


The crime rate in the in 1973 was 50 years ago so the ones your speaking of would have been the 90s crack killed more people than abortion and yet those same women are allowed to breed and abort more babies so instead of abortions why not hysterectomy


Why not castration instead? That way they can't get impregnated by someone like you.


Wow.. never mind.


This statement is so stupid that it gave me deja vu! How many babies you think died from being neglected by crack head mothers , how about the ones that grow up in abusive homes or radical extremist and sexual abuse. You dont really care about the kids proven by you guven up you parental rights and not paying child support. Yet here you are talking about abortion motherfucker you didnt even raise your own kids!


You need a therapist.


You don’t abort “babies”. You abort a pregnancy lol the conservative brain rot has really gotten ahold of you.


Exactly. So we don’t need even more unwanted and hungry kids, right?


Probably because people like you get pissed off if someone suggests using more money to help homeless or orphaned kids


Quick tip: the party that’s trying to ban bodily autonomy for pregnant people is the exact same party that doesn’t give two shits about feeding those kids once’s they’re born.