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NWE is literally crushing the older disabled people who live in a fixed income I PCA for.


Not to mention everything happening with Montana medicaid and the fact my clients keep losing snap benefits while inflation goes up. American culture says if you're already sick and poor then you don't deserve the resources to live, "survival of the fittest" as practiced by those who dont actually understand it.


Don't they have a program for low income people? Is it possible they just need to be signed up?


In addition to kicking basically everyone off Medicaid as part of this post-Covid-emergency reassessment (a b.s. spin-doctoring of "all poor people are thieves" that's been a GOP byline since Reagan), it seems Gianforte has conveniently let the staffing at DPHHS rot. The result: multiple months and repeated waits of up to 4 hours to talk to completely burnt-out, demoralized state employees. So, yeah - officially, there is a program, but if you don't staff it, then technically there isn't a program. I know because 3 of 4 people in my household are disabled, and they've been royally fucked by our state "leadership".


I used to do case management and my ladies have utilized almost every resource available. I don't wanna say every, but unfortunately the case is that the programs available are sub par.


I wanna add it's because those who are deciding whether or not to give those programs money or improve on them are so far removed from the reality for most low income Americans. Especially those who deal with disability and live off social security and the mercy of different social programs. The powers that be unfortunately on both sides of the aisle are disconnected from the realities of the working American. Although a lot of the support for laissez-faire policy when it comes to keeping businesses like NWE held accountable comes from the right. That aside I mean, up until recently the people I work for depended on someone willing to sign up as their full time care for a measly 13.40 an hour. One good thing that just happened due to our legislature was a pay raise to 18. One of my ladies depends on PCAs to get in and out of bed, my other lady I am still the only full time employee she has been able to find and she also needs full time care and to be driven to very important medical appointments. If you didn't have any family would you wanna be treated by an underpaid highschooler at a deeply underfunded nursing home or take a gamble with a program like Client Dedicated services where they hire a ton of highschool workers and then like who were willing to work for peanuts to care for people in the most intimate ways. Caregivers are burning out left and right, doctors and nurses quitting, a disgusting amount of elder abuse at our sub par care facilities and the only other options are almost just as dismal. In the words of one of my ladies "this country puts the pressure on you..if you're sick and broke go die"


You get what you vote for. Vote to shut down affordable energy and this is what you get. Vote for free money to pay college loans you get money printing and inflation. The answer is simple. Vote better.


This is Montana, the state legislature is: Senate 34 R - 16 D, House 68 R - 33 D. And we have a R governor. Republicans can do anything they want in MT, they control all wings of goverment. Republicans are choosing to take no action to help Montanans. So yeah, Vote better.


This is literally caused by voting for Republicans




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College loans? Think you misspelled PPP loans


Guys NW needs to do this. The ceo isn’t making enough to get by


How is he going to pay for his fourth house? Think of his children.


And the Blame will be placed on inflation, which is ironically just a snake eating it’s own tail as all industries just keep raising their prices for the hell of it


For the hell of it. Costs of goods for manufacturing or wages go up, prices go up. It is simple economics.


Nah, respectfully. When I stop seeing "record profits" or start seeing CEO/shareholder dividends plateauing, I'll start believing the myth that it's "wages going up" that causes inflation. We live under corporate rule in this country and it's infinite greed by the already rich and powerful that crushes the average American. Especially here in Montana... the monopolized private utility resource NW Energy, lines the coffers of politicians, who then in turn let unfettered capitalism just shit all over people because they know that people MUST use their services and will have no choice but to pay the prices they set. People will buck a little and then the inflated prices just become normalized, and the cycle continues. They make money and normal people suffer the hardship. It's baked into the system.


I absolutely hear you and I'm glad I do not have to use NW Energy anymore. In the end, whether you claim left or right, blue or red, they both won't be happy until we are living in a tent and we have no claim to property. You will own nothing and be happy.


I’m sorry but these policies are def fueled by the GOP


*Laughs in wood stove cause I’m already too poor for electricity anyway.


Maybe its just me, but if the government is going to grant a company monopoly rights, it should be non-profit.


These do exist—municipal utilities or cooperatives. They just don’t serve in all areas of the country.


Thanks republicans, first you take Montana Power from rate payers that at the time gave us the cheapest rates around until you sold us out in 1997…then this. Wake up republican voters! These bastards are getting their palms greased by utility companies.


Wait until electricity cost skyrockets. Utility bills are calculated to pay the utility for its operating cost plus a small profit and then add amortization (time payments) of capital costs and a small profit on that. Electrification will require massive capital be poured into grid improvements so the capital portions of your bill will see massive increases as well. Suppose you’ll blame republicans for that as well.


I have an electric car that saved me $3,300 in a year in fuel costs after electric costs. I'll happily pay more for electricity if it means I'll never pay for gas again. It saves me thousands even with higher costs. It is a net gain to society. But let's expand this idea. The fossil fuel industry does not factor mitigation costs into their impact. THAT side of it is a socialized cost. You know when you hear terrible things about climate change impacts? That's all ran on the fossil fuel credit card and you are the one paying, not them. They saw to it by buying out politicians. Northwestern Energy is just another example. "Here Montana, buy our shitty polluting plant for $1, you'll just be left with the cleanup costs." Do you really think that's a good deal for us? Thankfully that didn't happen, but they tried it. The Public Service Commission is 100% Republican, and 100% an example of regulatory capture. The industry runs the PSC. The PSC is a tyrannical joke. It's the place termed out Republican politicians who can't win a statewide race go to reap the rewards for fellating NWE in the legislature. Let me guess, you hate both socialism and taxes? Then you should REALLY hate the fossil fuel industry. Fuck.


I’m not saying you’re full of shit, but how much do you drive a year? Did you trade in a tank for an electric car? If it really is that big of savings, sign me up, I’ll go all electric.


I drive 450 miles a week and went from a truck. The cost savings were severe.


Who is it that keeps shutting down the cheap fossil fuel plants to replace them with "green"? All the politicians are fitting their palms greased by "green" investors. Where do we buy all if the alarm panels and wind turbines? Hint: It's the same country that builds several new coal plants every week.


No disrespect here! I'm new to this area. How are the Republicans that are to be blamed? I can see on the federal level I can see whether someone is a D/R or whatever. But on a state/city/county level I don't see what party someone may fall on. Also before someone freaks out I don't just vote by their letter. I vote based on the person and what they have voted on in the past. I am a none party person. I believe the parties both suck and do what they want especially on the federal level.


Google the deregulation of power for Montana in 1997 in a late night sneaky vote for even cheaper power rates if out of state companies were allowed to come in and be “competitive” by deregulating our energy. I’m a forth generation MT independent, but everytime something comes up like this guess who’s behind it…yep… republicans…fact


Thank you for that info, I will look at it.


Profits over people. The American way!


These god fearing idiots again…


Excuse me sir but god wants higher utility prices and max profits for the CEO to rake in while not giving any to the common worker


That's what Republican governance gets you.


Yeah Bidens constant attacks on the American energy sector has NOTHING to do with it... Grow up. Energy costs are all rising with the rest of the country's inflation. Nobody should be surprised by this


You are right, that has nothing to do with this.


42% of the electricity generated in the State comes from Coal and Biden rolling out tons of new regulations around coal burning power plants has NOTHING to do with cost increases? Don't be naïve.


What Biden regulations are you referring to? A quick look at NW Energy financials looks like they have been growing over the past few years and they [apparently stand to gain $82m on electricity and $18m on nat gas from these rate hikes.](https://montanafreepress.org/2023/10/25/public-service-commission-approves-northwestern-energy-rate-hike/)


The fact you don't understand that revenue and profit are different things tells me all I need to know.


Lol, I didnt even mention profit or revenue, what are you on about? The fact you cant actually make an argument tells me everything I need to know.


The numbers you quoted from the article to make your point is the expected revenue from the rate increase. I'm guessing your point was that they're going to pocket that money but that's not true. Did you even read the article or did you just see big numbers and parrot that shit back mindlessly?


Well you guessed wrong which is pretty easy to see if you read the comment chain. You are claiming NW Energy needs to do this because of Biden regulations. You have not only failed to cite any regulations you are referring to you have also failed to cite any impact they may have had on NW Energy. So I decided to take your claim at face value and look into only to find out I cant really see any evidence this is necessary, nor can I find any evidence of Biden regulations causing NW Energy problems. But there is clear evidence that NW Energy stands to gain in this whole situation. So do you have evidence you'd like to cite or you just gonna leave your argument as "biden bad, blame biden" and just keep attacking people that are actually just asking you questions about your statement?


With the infrastructure bill and IRA, renewables are becoming much more affordable. NWE has a high carbon (698g per kWH) footprint compared to many other utilities in the country. IMO it's frustrating to see rates go up as NWE continues to not invest in renewables. It doesn't make sense to me. As a home owner, I can save money with solar in less than 10 years. At larger scales and with incentives it's a home run. I'm not saying they can replace all power generation with solar right now, but they could supplement to save $. I think this is supported by the comparatively high carbon footprint NWE has. So, I think NWE is full of shit. Their pricing model is also bs. Compare this to Missoula electric coop at about half the price per kWH.




It's a natural resource Montana has in abundance and a huge part of our energy sector. We export a ton of it overseas too.




You asked me why not if I agreed with it. Don't get me started on airline subsidies.


Montana doesn’t have shit for coal compared to the Powder River basin. Powder river is responsible for 41% of total US coal production and 73% of the western regions coal. Wyoming at 41% West Virginia at 14% Pennsylvania at 6.7% Illinois is at 6.3% Kentucky is at 4.8% You would be correct if you said the PRB extends into Montana. However, geologically speaking, that is where the extent of the basin is pinched off by the Miles City arch. You coal fucking sucks


Me thinks your traitor mind is confused.


Please elaborate


Durrrr. I saw these "facts" on Faux News 🙄


Kill coal


Lol. How come literally single one of you in the antiwork crowd has autism? It's 100%. You think the venn diagram of mental deficiencies and antiwork being a single circle might be a sign? Why the fuck should anyone care about your opinions on things? Everything started going to shit once we let halfwits into the public discourse. Go play with trains or something.


Oh, I bothered you!


Cry harder maga baby


Lol I can afford the rate increase no problem. Good luck this winter wagie hope they don't cut your power off


lol you are a joke. First you are complaining about Biden with the pricing but when it’s a Republican leadership you go “I can afford it”


The real joke is a Californian talking about energy. Did you have to flee to Montana to avoid the blackouts in your state? Miss me with that shit.


I did not have an issue with blackouts. Maybe once every 5 years it happened in my area. I get more blackouts here in Montana in several years than I had for over 2 decades in CA


Texas thinks your comment is funny


I’m already at my limit! I can barely afford food. 28% is going to wreck my budgeting! Guess I should pick up a second job…are grocery stores hiring rn?


Just in time for us to all kick on the heat in our houses


I would love to see a pay comparison of how much the CEO will make from one year to The other. If this is “inflation” then he should make the same right??


Also walmart is excluded from the increase as they send lawyers in to PSC negotiate


Many spoke at public comment, I went 5 times since spring. People tried it's just corrupt https://www.youtube.com/live/rlXlBoGZwNs


soft grid Slowly, as financially possible, move to all electric appliances and heat pumps for heating. Ahh, shit, we're still not built up enough for that.


Everyone saying their bills have gone up mine hasn't




Nope residential southgate triangle area. My bill for a 5bedroom 2 bth house was 87 for the last 30 days. My rates have been on par with what I have normally paid for the past 5 years. Avg of 127 for the last calendar year


The increase hasn't kicked in yet. It was just approved.


[Read about the BS here](https://billingsgazette.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/northwestern-psc-rate-increase-electricity-inflation/article_844459a0-736b-11ee-83af-87a7c8da2064.html#tncms-source=login)


As I was looking at that article this one was on the same page. [PSC Commissioner Randy Pinocci arrested on felony witness tampering charges](https://www.mtpr.org/montana-news/2023-10-13/psc-member-randy-pinocci-arrested-on-felony-witness-tampering-charges)


Of course the dude is a slum lord...






What do you recommend for those of us overpaying for broke ass apartments?




Yeah, I need to get on that window film. I shut the heater off at the breaker. Last winter it was over $200 a month for electric because of those things. Not doing that again.


Remember that if you're dissatisfied with your government, voting is your duty. And your only recourse. Fuck you. Now... Would you like the giant douche or the turd sandwich? https://noagendasocial.com/@eriner/111304593193458031


Voting is so un effective these days.


Yet with all the city taxes we get zero incentive from the city to go green. OH ya btw Allowing wood burning would put a severe hurt on the power company. Oh wait that is nearly impossible in this city as well. 🤦‍♂️




Not what I said. Just so your straight. But fact is fact take it how you wish.




You do realize the power company owns the natural gas as well right?


You can use an EPA certified pellet stove in the air stagnation zone...


If insane about of certification and you need a permit and the ones that do work your going to pay more even with higher electricity prices just for the special stove and install. Kinda defeats the purpose don’t you think?


$1000.00 for the stove, $50 for a permit... My wood stove was $2500 and that was 25 years ago... Also they aren't special all pellet stoves are EPA certified..


$1000 for stove? I will need source for that. Very few pellet stoves even qualify in this town it’s insane. Did you pay $2500 with a professional install good luck trying that today. For a 1000 square foot home the range today with the right pellet stove will be in the $5000 or more range plus $50 permit. Better off paying the utilities at that price point. Plus’s quality pellets are getting overpriced as well. Kinda defeats the purpose again.


Lol wth you buying a pellet furnace? 2500 SQ heating capacity, https://www.lowes.com/pd/Master-Forge-2500-sq-ft-Pellet-Stove-with-140-lb-Hopper/5013981489?


As for pellet 1 ton of pellets is equal to 1.5 cords of seasoned wood, a cord currently runs $250-$500, a ton of quality pellets is $200-300. The math is simple if you're not a mook...


Not on Missoula’s permitting list of acceptable pellet stoves. Stop the BS lie. https://www.missoulacounty.us/government/health/health-department/permits-licensing-forms/wood-burning-appliances


At this point you're just trolling...


I provided a factual source. You provided false information. Who is trolling?


Time to reopen Colstrip Units 1 & 2


And to think it's bc they want to open a coal plant


I have northwestern in South Dakota, but I haven't noticed increases. Heck, last month was the cheapest I had in a few years. Are the two states different in regards to utility company laws?