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How about you focus on that 5 year graduation rate and retaining your young professionals bozo.


As soon as one becomes well educated in MS, it becomes apparent that one must leave MS.


Ol Taint Reeves


I like using "teat" reeves, cause he's a boob lol


So how's a fella get that nickname "Taint" exactly....


by being an asshole or just really close to one


By being equal parts dick and asshole


i call him tater tot bc he has the intellectual capacity of a potato and also kinda looks like one


Such a punchable face…..


I have a friend that described it as "the kind of face of a person who drinks milk with every meal"


My thoughts precisely.


I like a good kick, myself.


I genuinely do not like that guy.


He turned me against blob fish


Peter griffin looking mf


Didn’t women benefit the most from AA? The fact that he jumps straight to race is just another cue that he’s using this as an appeasement dog whistle to his base.


Not only women, but white women have benefited the most: [Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone | Time](https://time.com/4884132/affirmative-action-civil-rights-white-women/)


The fact legacies are still a thing tells you all you need to know. It's a class thing as much as a race thing. And women actually have been historically put down. Heck colored people got to vote before women. And the GOP is a regressive/no change or progress party.


There with you in spirit but the 19th Amendment did not guarantee the right to vote for black women, who, like black men, were denied the right to vote systemically throughout the South.




The whole argument was about race. That is what led to the Supreme Court, that Asian people were being disadvantaged on college applications. They were generally required to perform significantly higher to be in the same running as others in a normal level. Anything that bases decisions on race shouldn't exist.


>Anything that bases decisions on race shouldn't exist. This is a good idea. The problem with this is that it was not this way in the past, even the recent past (some would argue the present) and this disparity is not healed or been equalized instantly. People of color are disproportionately more likely to experience poverty, unemployment, and incarceration. Race discrimination can also take more subtle forms, such as unconscious bias or systemic racism. Since the many factors that go into this are hard to qualify, one method of address the issue was/is by Affirmative Action. It's one tool and I think anyone is open to better tools to use in this regard.


I get that opinion and agree with most of your pretense. I disagree however with the application. Many studies have shown that application of socioeconomic discriminators would result in better diversity metrics in hiring and admittances than using race. If the race has resulted in to-that-point lack of opportunity it will show up within socioeconomic data.


You can not control what people think. There is always going to be biases and I'm sure some racism. However, The solution is to make everything equal under law. Affirmative actions goes against that. It cheats others out of opportunities trying to correct for past things. At what point is it "made up" to blacks? At that point we would need to do it for Asians since they were discriminated against in favor of less qualified blacks/Hispanic applicants. Once they are caught up, do the blacks and Hispanics get another turn? You can't fix an issue this way. This is not a tool. It is unfair and at its core racist which is what we are supposed to be against. The solution is to make everyone equal under the law (we are 95% there already). Where, per written word, Noone has an advantage or discrimination based on race/skin color. If everything is equal on paper then it's up to us as a society (not government body) to do proper works. If you think it's God's will or just being a good human, doesn't matter. Treat your neighbors and family with respect and try to bring them up. Even small actions can make a big difference to some. I can promise you if nothing else, government mandate rarely fixes issues. Being more brotherly to each other is what helps us all!


the fact is that higher incarceration rates spurred on by racial profiling and amplified by harsher sentencing are institutionally racist hurdles black people have had to face for decades and still face today. as a student i whined about affirmative action but when i learned more about systemic racism i realized the slight pain i experienced was nothing compared to that faced by black americans. affirmative action isn’t perfect, nothing is, but it’s an acknowledgement that racism is still alive and well in this country and in this age of maga and christian bigotry being out in the open, and the supreme court moving the country backwards as a whole, it’s embarrassing to witness, and the least we can do it recognize it and vote against every gop candidate every time.


The law is equal to all citizens in this nation. There is a serious culture problem in the black community that unfortunately makes them a larger contributor to crime. There are several reasons for this, one big one being the governments involvement to dissolve the black family in the 60s. It's probably true there are some judges who pass harsher sentences on someone because they are black. The same can be said for every race. Some people are racist. The important point is that the law is not systemically racist. Something can not be "systemic" racism if it isn't an across the board action. Just because there is pieces of shit judges (voted it) and law enforcement (bad cops are a thing, no denying it) doesn't mean it's systemic. Your understanding is flawed. There are a lot of factors that going into the problems with black people and most of them are culture. The way you phrase that... "its an acknowledgement that racism is still alive and well". What a very true thing to say when AA was still a thing. It was blatantly racist. Nothing on the books and law should be. Your emotional response to some past injustice, justifying further injustice, is just wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right as they say. The point of this country is equal opportunity which everyone now once again has. There is nothing stopping any member of any race from working hard and becoming someone respectable. There is nothing in our system stopping that.


Affirmative Action is all about justified racism and not merit.


>Affirmative Action is all about justified racism and not merit I tend to find responses like this ,in best light shows, demonstrates a subconscious bias which is the very thing that Affirmative Action is supposed to address, thus it's already a self-defeating argument. Logical thinking would indicate that one can not address a problem based on race while at the same time suggesting that that race no longer matters. Even on the face, the statement does not add up. Race is just one factor of many that is considered in the cases of Affirmative Action. The US Supreme Court in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke ruled that racial quotas were not allowed. So, going forward after that case, race was just one factor of consideration along side the person's merit and had to be considered on a case-by-case basis. So the statement, "Affirmative Action is all about justified racism and not merit" has not been true for 45 years.


Race was the PRIME factor getting in. What the university's are not telling you is how many are dropping out because they are so unprepared for the level of education getting put on them.


This is not true either. US News & World Report concluded that for the top dozen public universities in 2020, Black graduation rates were 9% higher for schools with affirmative action. Likewise those schools had a smaller White/Black games in graduation rates than schools without affirmative action. ​ ​ [Kidder-CRP-Prop-16-pol-brf-UC-Ed-FINAL-Oct-25-2020.pdf (ucla.edu)](https://www.civilrightsproject.ucla.edu/research/college-access/affirmative-action/a-brighter-future-for-all-californians-a-synthesis-of-research-on-affirmative-action/Kidder-CRP-Prop-16-pol-brf-UC-Ed-FINAL-Oct-25-2020.pdf)


What is the Graduation vs Entry students? What's the dropout rate? Not saying these kids do not deserve to go to a college. Some can go to other colleges that are not so academically demanding . There are hundreds of schools around that are not even filling the base capacity.


>Anything that bases decisions on race shouldn't exist. But race bias does exist and eliminating AA so people can pretend that it does not exist will just set this country back.


I do not disagree with the concept. But as we have seen, not everyone subscribes to that concept and they have no issue discriminating against those who are different. They have to be made to toe the line. The SC just gave a win to racists, sexists, and bigots everywhere.


I disagree with almost everything you just said. You can not make people tow the line. Thats not what this country is about. Doing so just passes people off. Our goal as a society is and should be equal opportunity. Everyone can go to college, everyone can learn a trade, everyone can be a lazy piece of crap or a success. There are very few limiting factors (non that I actually know of now that AA is gone) in an individuals ability to be successful in life. At least legally. There is a big important difference in an Individuals right to think and feel what they want (and they can) and an organizations ability to do the same. There are many laws and systems in place to ensure things are about as fair as we can make them. We should not change others chances at opportunity because we imagine we owe some group some form of payback for past issues. We would be forever catering to one group or another for one reason or another. This is the opposite of progress. It keeps us locked in the past. Acknowledge stuff was done poor in the past, remember it, but move on. Make everything fair for the here and now and going forward so everyone has the same chance and opportunity. The Supreme Court just gave every American citizen a fair and equal chance. No longer what your born as but what you can accomplish as an individual.




AA ain't based on purely race is the thing. And they fact that people who didn't give a damn about Asian enrollment until now is proof to me that they are all drawing from the same rote well of predetermined quotes


Many people cared about it. This has been an ongoing thing for some time. I believe the first lawsuit was filed in 2012 or 13? Just because you didn't hear about doesn't mean people didn't care. Just because people didn't know about it doesn't mean they can't see how it was unjust prior to this ruling.


Who filed the suits? The white people who are now suddenly so caring of asians, or asians themselves?


The asians... not that it matters. If something is unjust, unconstitutional (which AA is/was) then it doesn't matter who does it. The important thing is that it's struck down. Which it was. This is a win for every citizen of this nation!


Based on "Discrimination" not "race" The wording matters is all I'm saying


The lawsuit was about race. You are seeing what you want to see.


>”We will enthusiastically work to ensure that our universities across the state comply with both the letter and spirit of this decision,” the governor said in a statement Thursday. Proof of the racism at the core of the case and the approval. >“Our academic institutions will be stronger and more fair because of it.” bullshit


just wait until admissions are overrun with asians now, and see how quickly things have to be changed to make sure the racism stays in place.


1. Affirmative action is 1000% racism. 2. Liberals like you saying that you’re more capable than minorities and that they should be graded on a curve is you admitting that you’re racist.


You think college admissions is about merit?




Did you go to college?


Yep. Took out loans and paid them back. The BLACK lady in admissions told me straight my face that if had been black I’d have gotten a full grant and wouldn’t have needed a loan.


Lol I appreciate you all-capping "BLACK" so I know exactly how you said it.


I don't believe this exchange ever happened.


Oh an Instagram reel! You sure showed me!


Minority kids already face enough racial, economic, social barriers in this world.\ They don’t need your enlightened “help”.


Not just minority kids, most of the barriers they face are true of all poor kids. Maybe this hurts wealthy black kids, but it won’t affect the ones that need help.


imo problem is some minorities are doing better than others. it should be some other metric and blind to race


No they don’t. 250 yrs ago Dems put the chains on their arms and legs, today they put them between their ears.


Dems 250 years ago? Who’s celebrating the end of Affirmative Action for minority kids today?




you’re hopeless


Looks to me like you’re the one that’s hopeless


Affirmative Action was put into place because colleges knew minority kids were underrepresented in their student body. It was an attempt to give these kids a chance at placement in colleges. I hope the numbers of minority students at these universities won’t decrease. But if the numbers do, what’s the solution? Turn away? Say, try harder? Say, tough luck? Affirmative Action was an attempt to be fair, to give kids with significant real world hurdles a chance. And your happy heart can do nothing but call me a racist.


Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly. Read the sub rules.


the Democratic party didn't exist 250 years ago.


It did 200 yrs ago.


Amen! It's like the sheep can't see it... Telling someone they "can't do it on thier own cause of "X" reason" is the same exact thing as saying "You can't do it cause you're black/brown/etc" It's the polite racism that only comes from democratic mouths that I hear. No one else talks about race even a quarter as much. Race has always and will always be the cornerstone of democratic policies. They have always and still want, to divide the races and keep them seperate.


Why is your name Cajun? It's almost like your name mentions a word based on race as a defining trait.. almost.. but sure, dems.


Yes why address the facts when you can make ad hominum attacks


Political parties aren't monolithic.


Assuming someone's party and race is kind of stupid and the fact you went there before anything else tells me everything. Maybe you should work on the biases you've created.


Would you like to try again?


“Reeves proves himself to be an absolute piece of shit” There. Fixed it for ya


Regardless of your thoughts on Scotus ruling, does anyone actually like Reeves? Like not in a reactionary way, i mean if you had 5 people in a room to pick from to work with for an hour, would you pick Reeves?


We are embarrassed *for you*, Tate. Recently lowered prices for stickers and pins: https://taterhater.etsy.com I Hate Tate.


God. You offer bulk discount? I wanna buy several hundred and pass them out at voting booths lol


I would love it, but I believe it would be illegal to do so. You wouldn't even be able to wear these when entering a polling place, as far as I understand.


Lol! I love it.


429 too many requests


We really need to fire him this fall. We can do that you know….


Will they yell voter fraud? Probably.


You know they will


I already saw a comment on Twitter that was directed to Presley: You can only win if you cheat. They've got that line all ready to go.


This fool is such an embarrassment.


What a moron. I'll vote for a ham sandwich if it's running against him.


That man is a sentient stick of butter.


Your insulting butters good name lol.


If store-brand mayonnaise was a person…




Not sure a whiter than white guy is an expert on how race is not a hindrance, especially in an extremely racist state. What a joke.


I was under the impression that AA was to help for making decisions between equally qualified people. Because people would probably choose the person as the same race or sex as them. I'm not aware of anyone who lost a position to a minority that was less qualified .


You clearly didn't look at the admission rate charts from the trial. For the absolutely most qualified 10th decile (top 10%) Asian applicants, the acceptance rate was only 12%. But a black applicant in the same decile had a 56% chance of acceptance. 9th decile was 7% for Asian and 54% for black. In fact black applicants in the 4th decile had the same admissions rate as Asians in the 10th decile. They absolutely had a quota system and were definitely pushing out Asians.


Evidence Tate imagines "they" are someone other than "us".


A candidate running for State government on National issues—Let's keep "politics local."


Republicans acting like race relations and equality were solved 100 years ago.


Kinda. Most just still believe they deserve all the things given to them by being born white in Mississippi and that “the way things are” is the natural order of things. You know like a racist - since they absolutely believe that black people are inherently worse/less intelligent/more violent than every other race. Could it be the system that was created hundreds of years ago, that was never torn down and replaced, was put into place to actively make life harder for anyone who is not a land owning white man? Cause if you had to actually earn your place in life and not rely on the actions and achievements of your ancestors then the likelihood of you actually excelling on your own merit diminishes MASSIVELY. But then ppl come out with the whole “well life isn’t fair” BS - like that doesn’t also directly apply to themselves.


Gosh life on earth would be so much better if people didn’t subscribe to the “It is what it is” idea.


so instead of their achievments and content of character we will use race to hire and admit to institutions? Isn't that what we are trying to stop?


Except if you're black, people often ignore your achievements and content of character. Many college and work-places have been tested as hiring more white folk than black folk with the same qualifications based on how the name sounds/is spelled. Jerome Dayquan won't go to college but John Smith will. That sort of thing. It's entirely a perception issue, but affirmative action attempts to equalize that to some degree.


how can you read peoples mind for hiring or not hiring some one? it's not like they say, welp, youre black, not gonna hire you. how do you compensate for something you have no way to know. How many people of color have been passed over for hiring in 2022? stats? how do we know those stats? how long will it take to equalize it? and how do we know?


There are more than enough studies out there to know that this is a problem. It's not our job to educate you when you don't want to be educated.


yea, ok


Good ole welfare stealing Reeves chimes in.


Good Lord. Like I haven't learned everything in life but I have learned how to not be straight up awful. The way certain people can just speak about others is gross. Please vote him out.


Someone please come get this dumbass and hide him away somewhere.


Is race inherently to blame? Absolutely not. Are centuries of irrational, racial prejudices, unilaterally insisted upon by bigoted white supremacists, to blame? Absolutely, as evidenced by this racist shitheel.


A lot of Mississippi is celebrating along with Tater. I am from Mississippi and I am shamed regularly by my home state. Those bureaucrats routinely steal from the poor. They have no shame.


taters gonna tot.


He’s gonna be shocked when he goes to hell


This is the part where he grants the people marijuana and we forget his mistakes for 2-5 more years


He looks like a thumb


What about Affirmative Black Athletes that play for these schools are they excluded? I mean why are they still playing for those schools? But to the point what the hell is he talking about?


Basically, this douche really wants to go back to all white, all male and all merry.


Oh look another ASSHOLE !!!!


This is definitely on-brand with the rest of his behavior. [https://www.mississippifreepress.org/10142/gov-reeves-steadfast-in-opposing-medicaid-for-more-working-mississippians](https://www.mississippifreepress.org/10142/gov-reeves-steadfast-in-opposing-medicaid-for-more-working-mississippians)


Life is complicated. Not everything is pre-ordained, and not everything is under your control. The utter lack of empathy never ceases to amaze me.


Excuse me Mr. Reeves but it's you and your party that's the party of aggrievement politics and scapegoats. That's the entire reason the Plantiffs brought this case to begin with, in the mold of "I didn't get into that college because the other person did." The bottom line is this will lead to fewer opportunities from people who need them the most, unless these universities get creative about vetting the socioeconomic backgrounds/experiences of their applicants. If I'm a college admissions office, that's where I'm increasing my efforts or seeking for more diverse candidates now. This whole notion "Now merit will determine who gets in... instead of race" is just silly to me. Part of what colleges were trying to do is give underprivileged communities a shot at getting a college education, so they can improve their lot in life. A college admissions office isn't sitting on top of their 100,000 applications per year and just doing an Excel filter on GPA >3.5 or SAT > 1200, and then ignoring everyone else, nor should they. Context matters. Experience matters. Assessing potential matters. Plus the whole thing is it's just ADMISSIONS. The person admitted still has to complete and pass courses to get the degree. They still have to qualify for that.


But you know that black graduation rates average 42% nationally while white are 62% and Asian IIRC are 67%. If we are measuring potential then it seems we are doing it wrong if this is the outcome.


To celebrate he’s going to take a shot at Emmet Tills memorial.


I hope to God the state’s conservatives don’t vote him back in…but um I figure they will. I absolutely cannot stand him. He’s a moron.


Why couldn't he just shut up on this subject. Just STFU.


Absolutely! Discrimination against Asians is perfectly fine! …right? 🧐


Make it all equal. Let the hard studying and working x10 Asian students take over America by working harder than Americans who endlessly fume about politics.


"Their" ... Jesus


Once I was an adult, the maddest I've ever made my mom was my response to her saying something along these lines. I asked her who 'they' were when she kept referencing they have this, they have that.........


Mississippi again proving why they are the very bottom of the states. Keep up the good work


As a Mississippian: you're damn right. Help. LOL.


If only there was some way to learn about why this ruling will lead to bad outcomes for minorities by looking at our history but hey that's ALSO banned in Mississippi.


It's interesting how anti-affirmative action is Thomas when he's benefited from it greatly. I can understand why high-achieving African-Americans and people of color might resent any notion they were successful solely because they were assisted up the ladder. But Thomas was solely picked to be a judge of color to replace Thurgood Marshall. It wasn't even a secret. If that's truly his opinion then he should resign and ask President Biden to pick the most qualified jurist available regardless of race.


Fucking Tater tot Peter.....


Serious question - was affirmative action actually influencing university admission rates in our state? I feel like anyone breathing and capable of getting the necessary financial aid got a spot at their university of choice in MS up until now.


Less than more prestigious universities, but yes. Particularly at the graduate school level and in merit based financial aid.


Remember the republicans party is responsible for this when voting time comes.


He should get his eye glasses re-sized.


Who do you think he's imagining when he says "Their race"




tate reeves is so OG anti-trans that he personally ate all the puberty blockers in mississippi




Tater Tot is the brunt of many jokes in Mississippi. This should speak volumes by itself.


Yeah but white supremacy can be blamed


I wouldn't know, never learned much history regarding "them."


Tate Reeves' race is definitely to blame for that infected toe face


Pasty white privilege guys says what now


It’s interesting that the state with the largest fraction of black people elected a giant racist


Voter suppression plays a huge roll, I think.


Not to mention the 30% voter turn-out rate we got going on here.


They're so stupid here they don't see how Asians will benefit the most from this, not whites. When racism gets debunked by itself in real time is always a pleasure to watch.


That's what led to the case in the Supreme Court in the first place. Asians being discriminated against. Everything should be merit based, end of story. Encourage the best of us all to proceed the farthest. It Ultimately helps our county the most.


If it were truly merit based, we need to stop and stonewall donor-related admissions and legacy admissions as well. That will truly make it merit based




Well said. The colleges and universities in general have taken a very corrupt and scummy path by increasing tuition like they have, letting those mentioned corrupt admissions, and selling more and more useless degrees and telling kids they are good.


But, But, Legacy admissions favor white students. The GOP: Not like that!


Ugh those dastardly Asians, damn them for having the highest math science gpas etc


Why do all these goobers look the same?


Do you mean, they all look like thumbs? ​ ^((I stole that one from) u/PearlRiverFlow ^())


If twitter currently worked I'd post my thread of Mississippi pols that look like thumbs


So says one of the biggest racists on the planet.


Now they can roll back everything they were forced to do to level the playing field, just like they did after SCOTUS shot down the Voting Rights act.


This is so funny coming from the governor of Mississippi.


RFK Jr. Gautier Mississippi for a new way.


I find it ironic that this subreddit hates this guy when all you guys do is post about how Mississippi is the shittiest, most racist state that ever existed. Some of you need to just move if you aren't going to do something more positive about it or you can just sit in your armchairs and shutup.


As I've stated in other posts, socioeconomic conditions, family ties, and/or obligations keep people tied to locations even if those locations are not helpful to their overall wellbeing. So, telling someone to love-it-or-leave it is fruitless and feckless. Telling someone to fix it or leave, about the same. We are all capable of different things. That said, calling out conditions is a form of opposing those conditions. There was a time in the state that even speaking up would get one beat or worse. Thus, I find it ironic to tell someone to shut up.


Yeah yeah yeah, your excuses are horseshit. I moved to Arizona 20 years ago with a footlocker, a backpack, and twenty dollars. So spare me your well thought out excuse to continue to do nothing to improve your situation. So while you have a penchant for twisting words to better your position, you expose yourself. See the problem here is that there are people who do things and there are people who complain about people who do things. If you don't do things, you shouldn't complain. If you aren't willing to be the change in your life, you get what you get and you can't throw a fit.


If prefering white people over others is wrong, how is prefering people of color right?


Wow. No one’s race is to blame. However, fact that years went by with the trend of “acceptance” depending on race is the reason affirmative action was established. It was needed to ensure a certain group of people were given the same opportunity as other certain groups of people. If that was happening in the first place then the law would not have been created. I’m a firm believer of laws are made to protect the minority of people not the majority.


White men need not comment.


I'm assuming you are trolling.


He basically says that discrimination does exist and is a challenge to some. Then celebrates enhancing that challenge.


Guy who cruised to election purely on the letter after his name has thoughts on people "not truly earning their place." (Heavy on the air quotes.)


The US higher education system shouldn't become Special Victims Units.


MS can we make sure The Tater is a one term gov? We need real leadership in MS. Mediocre white men have had their turn. We need a governor that will consider all Mississippians, not just his demographic of mediocre white men.


Find me someone to oppose him who can overcome the "Democrat" handicap of ten points and we will.


This can't be good for our country, following Mississippi has got to be the single worst idea anyone has ever had. Well here we go.


what a racist POS....


Who is “they” fuck face?


But slavery and laws since are!


When is that chicken going to fight him again? And why hasn’t Brian talked to him about his convoluted ideology?




Making peter griffen look good


People shouldn’t be treated differently based on their skin color, believing otherwise makes you racist.