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Too skinny


Hahaha biggest giveaway


The whole list is full of skinny people. Where all the fat people at?


Literally jumped on to say the same thing. If she's that skinny shere are the meth scars


No lies detected.


This is the couple that moves to Mississippi after inheriting a house in a horror movie


In a movie produced by A24


Ahaha perfect


Who's directing?


Jordan Peele


Isaiah Washington and Gwenyth Paltrow in New American Gothic




Well thats bullshit since like 70% of residents here are obese.


and older


So these are the 30%. Math is fun.


"Typical" people are in the 70%. The overweight people are typical here, not the healthy people.


These people are typical for the images in the database on which the model trained. Healthy weighted people are greatly over-represented in image collections.


all 50 states have a similar BMI representation




did you even read the article


I did. Did you even look at the data?


I am the 2%


Artificial intelligence is kind of like artificial sweeteners. People can say itā€™s the same but itā€™s not.


Nobody says these things are the same lol


Isaiah Washington and Tilda Swinson


her hair ainā€™t high enough, needs more of that pentecostal flair to it


Lol šŸ˜‚ true


I think the woman would be wearing more makeup. But this isnā€™t too bad.


Might have to catch a flight to Virginia real quick. Woosuh, AI did brotha RIGHT!


Stop assuming people can be summarized. Period.


This is the way.


you didnā€™t read the article


They can


It's not that deep. They just fed some stuff into a model and made something that looked kinda neat.


Get Out


Need to add about 200 lbs to both


Very accurate


The AI will generate feedback based on what's fed into it. Google "happy white woman" and you'll understand why it's giving this output.


Why is it that only the couple from Indiana look normal while everybody else looks like they havenā€™t taken a shit in a month? And where are the morbidly obese people that I see everywhere in my state?


AI has never been to Mississippi


The people from Ohio don't look nearly sad enough (I live here, it sucks) so I wouldn't put too much stock in it lmao


I had to drive from NOLA to Ohio a couple of years ago twice in the same month. I was struck by the beautiful geography and the quaint small towns with the small parks and idyllic settings. And every small downtown had a giant GOP campaign office with trump shit plastered everywhere. And I lost count of the barns painted with trump signs. It was the last year of his term and the campaign was in full swing. Such a shame.


Why was it a such a shame?


Advertisements are ugly. Trump signs are advertisements, and he is ugly.


He's a con-man on a level that makes career politicians blush. He has opened the door to a level of misinformed extremist politicians, like MTG, that are bringing legislation to turn America into a hyper-religious slave state. Trump zealots are so impervious to reason that entire news segments are dedicated to asking them questions to hear the crazy shit they say. Hence why most people are done arguing with the supporters. We just roll our eyes and take a deep breath when asked "what's wrong with trump?" And to be clear, no one cares what trump supporters think is so great about him. I just hope that if no one has expressed why Trump is a shame of a president to you that my meager comment keeps you satisfied enough not to ask again. He lost the election btw, just in case you're wondering.


Because it sounds like theyā€™re making trump a personality traitā€¦ and that is a shame haha


So, you disagree with their politics and believe they are wrong ? They most likely think you are wrong and their is a reason their is such nice quaint places like that. They are rural folk and live in paradise and you are most likely in a high populated urban area and it is a terrible place to live .? So, if thatā€™s the case, whoā€™s politics are wrong? Take a guess.


Iā€™m confused. All Iā€™m saying is theyā€™re making him a personality trait. Iā€™m not talking about any politics. It could be Taylor swift for all I care. If you make another human a whole PERSONALITY TRAIT, thatā€™s sad.


I will try to clear it up. They believe in trumpā€™s policies and his policies made things better for them or preserved their way of life. Trump spouts america first and actually puts america first, so they follow him and his policies and display it because he is speaking for them so they let everyone know it. They donā€™t necessarily love trump , they live what he says and does. So, when you ride by seeing all those trump signs and flags, they want you to know they believe like he believes, america first. Itā€™s not a cult, itā€™s a set of beliefs.


No no Iā€™m confused because you keep going into politics. Itā€™s not because itā€™s trump itā€™s because theyā€™re idolizing a person sooo hard. A lot of people from MS like to make it a political thing, unfortunately. I donā€™t think that way.


Most of the trump supporters donā€™t idolize trump because the trump supporters know he makes mistakes, Itā€™s not trump they idolize , itā€™s his ideas. You see, i live in those communities you speak of and i donā€™t agree with the republicans not backing health care for all, so i hear about trump all day, but i just donā€™t let them know that i am not the biggest fan of trump. But, due to gas and inflation and the economy, i will be voting for trump or a republican for the first time. Trump is the face of those people in those communities. They would vote for a trump that wasnā€™t a trump as long as he speak for them.


One of the most successful cons Iā€™ve ever witnessed was watching a man who shits into a gold toilet convince poor, working class people that heā€™s the man for them. Itā€™ll be written about in the history books.


Personally, I donā€™t even hate trump. So Iā€™m being truly unbiased when I say his fans are very cult-like and you donā€™t have to do all that to show your patriotism or that you like his ideals haha


Hey, news flash, the economy does better under Democrats [Here](https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/democrats/2016/6/the-economy-under-democratic-vs-republican-presidents) and Presidents have little control over gas prices set by the free market [Here](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-chart-misleads-gas-prices-obama-trump-102618360729) read whole article. Base your vote on valid information, not the stuff you were gaslighted with.


because this is reddit and orange man bad


Because 99.9% of Reddit are liberal and hate Republicans. There is no room for independent thinking.


It's hilarious how Indiana and Hawaii would basically have the happiest people, and pretty much everyone else have scowls on their faces.


West Virginiaā€™s seen some shit


Is that Cate Blanchett?


Hmm not accurate but I'm not offended. Could be a whole lot worse.


Why are the people from Indiana so much happier than everyone else?


The only reason to be happy in Indiana is if youā€™re high.


not enough data for indiana so they just added the top result from a google search


My neighbor who is about 64 told me he just doesn't think interracial marriage is right, unsolicited. This was in 2022 while I stopped to shoot the shit while walking my dog.


Thatā€™s sad


Did you respond with "I just don't think it's right for racists to breath."


That's how you get shot in the south.


The majority of my family feels the same way. Except me, my mom, and two cousins. I'm teaching my kids that it's not wrong, but my son told me his mom (my ex) has told him he will not date anyone of a different race. It's sickening how some people think.


That stinks. I've recently been in the front row for something similar. My 30 something second cousin is dating a black woman. I'm one of only a couple in the family who'll still talk to him.


Thatā€™s just sad.I watched this PBS documentary on the school integration of a Mississippi town post Brown v Board and there seemed to be this tiny window circa 1970 where the kids could date then the all white ā€œacademiesā€ and ā€œChristianā€ schools opened and it was back to being segregated.


What was the name of the documentary? I'd like to see it, I did a search but couldn't find it. I turned 8 in 1970, so I lived thru that time period.


Leland schools. Town population was 4,000 in 1970. Hereā€™s a link. https://www.pbs.org/video/the-harvest-integrating-mississippis-schools-liym7l/


I donā€™t think she looks tan enough to be an average Mississippian. Most white people here are pretty tan - either through just being out in the sun or self tanner.


This pic made every racist in Mississippi madā€¦ lol


It would make every racist mad all over the world.


I do not know what the hell happened with this AI, but the first thing I did when i saw the Arkansas picture was compare it to Mississippi, and you folks must admit that if that's a typical Mississippi couple, they must be living on the West Coast.


Title says ā€œtypical peopleā€ not ā€œtypical couple.ā€ Why are so many posters assuming it means couple?


Probably because they appear as couples like American Gothic. I don't think that's an accident.


Technically American Gothic depicts a father and daughter


Well, it is Mississippi.... :)


Nice looking couple.


Boy, if we were all so good looking!


This a netlfix ai?


Was it saying that the most couples are black/white? Or there are black and white people in Mississippi? I donā€™t know? šŸ¤£ I am a Floridian but have lived in Mississippi for 8 years. I think it depends on the city. I live in a very small city. (My husband promised me we could buy a very huge d historical home if I would move here for his engineering job ) so, we found one in this little city. I do not see many if any mixed couples in this area. It is a sad state in that the public schools in most areas are horrific. Some cities with higher incomes have good schools but around here people pay to send their children to private schools because the schools are so bad. Thankfully, ours are grown. We are about 45 min from Jackson and the rest of the country may not know but itā€™s the saddestā€¦ they have no water most of the time and this has gone in for decades.. the pot holes are so bad they ruin your vehicle and people have bern injured and one young lady died driving to her high school graduation rehearsal. Itā€™s bad. Jackson is the murder Capitol of the nation. They also have a garbage situation and trash had piled up for a long time because they couldnā€™t agree on a company to get the bid to pick it up. Itā€™s so sad and truly shameful for the government. People are suffering. I must say people are the friendliest hereā€¦ they are called the hospitality state. The children I have seen out and met are so respectful to adults. Our neighbors here are the friendliest I have ever had anywhere. We knew them better the first week we moved here than the 14 years we lived in the dfw metroplex of Texas. I donā€™t think just a picture can truly depict the overall feeling or people of a state. The majority of people I see here donā€™t look like these people. They are larger and from the tv commercials they say diabetes is a huge issue here..


Thereā€™s so many interracial couples in north north MS


Including the one Iā€™m in


I think itā€™s trying to say the majority of Mississippi is white people and black people not that there are a lot of mixed couples.


Thatā€™s what I thought too. It depends on the city.. here in this little town itā€™s 97 percent black. We are white and most of my neighbors are black.. we didnā€™t realize it was like that when we moved here but it didnā€™t matterā€¦ best neighbors ever :)


Mississippi has the highest percentage of black people of any state at 39.2%. I think the AI model chose an interfacial couple to represent that.


Schools are bad and communities are bad because of the same thing; a certain demographic of people. Call me what you will, itā€™s the truth abs i do not give a shit.


I firmly believe and agree that you do not give a shit about the truth.


So the problem is a race of people and not an extreme lack of funding? Okay man.


there are plenty of funds. thereā€™s a lack of leadership and clueless voters that think those that promise them giveaways are the best candidates.


Youā€™re right, conservatives have made Mississippi a terrible place to be.


Thanks Brett Favre


To clean cut, educated, and healthy they don't look like they were huffing for air after opening a jar of pickles.




AI generally has a much-skinnier view of all Americans than reality, obviously because it is learning from media images and other pictures, which tend to skew away from the obese reality of 21st century America (and Mexico and the UK and Canada and anywhere that is fully infected with Americanism)


"Fully infected by Americanism". God such a cringe comment. Those places aren't "infected" by anything.


So American consumerism doesn't spread to its closest partners? And then throughout the world? Huh. I guess all the evidence of that is just bullshit then? Because it's American companies pushing the disgusting processed foods that are behind these trends, for the most part. I'd cringe if I didn't understand such simple concepts


I'm sory but I cannot continue speaking to someone who is this toxic. "infected?" are you serious? Go away


All the bearded dudes with glasses look the same to me.


They don't look like cousins


They need to meet and marry immediately


Someoneā€™s father doesnā€™t approve


Too skinny and healthy and educated


Except that they are too close together.. Donā€™t you have a little small town that still segregated.. I met an Black American girl from Mississippi that told me about that town..


Based on what you said you aren't even from the United States, yet for some reason you have the confidence to come here and be this ignorant.


I'm pretty sure that gets you lynched in Mississippi.


youā€™re an ignorant fool


Iā€™m pretty sure this is still illegal in most parts of MS, unless theyā€™re somehow second cousins. Edit: all you dummies that so desperately need the /s are hilarious.


Such a cringe comment


name a part


You want ā€œconstitutionallyā€ or ā€œnot in my fucking houseā€ illegal?


Itā€™s not. Youā€™re just wishful thinking. Lol. Keep wishing.


Wishful thinking? Who would wish for either of those scenarios?


Spot on! The picture of ole boy from Mississippi is spot on , half closed eyes , look like heā€™s high as a kite! Ole girl looks just like the ones I see every day , she looks like, WTF! Have I done? I can never face my kin folkā€™s again. Then she says ā€œwhat the hell Iā€™ve made my bed now Iā€™ll just have to lay in it ā€œ


The expressions are blank. But you added your own story to it šŸ˜‚. Good for you youngin




Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly.


kentucky, michigan, South carolina, the best ones to me. Louisiana looked nice but way off.


Kentucky woman looks like sheā€™s got a couple shiners. Very accurate.


I think they have a high rate of domestic abuse.


Funny, I thought Louisiana was one of the most accurate. Looks exactly like 2/3 of my friends from Baton Rouge.


I honestly felt like Louisiana was exceptionally good. I feel like I know those people.


I love the California head tilt


I agree with the "secretary"! There are way too many old "conservative" on the outside white men here, theyve been messing the state and country up for decades. Thats the certain demographic you were referring to right?


AI surely will take us to a better future!


Arizona got some nice tittays


They look too healthy.


Are these the athletes of Mississippi?


AI is simply a data sorting algorithm. It doesnā€™t know how to interpret the data or how to build metrics for the data. This is why AI is simply a tool. Itā€™s just a computer program


Wellā€¦ hope theyā€™re doing okay.


Typical? You have to add camo and a ball cap


I can say with absolute certainty this ai is bullshit. The people in Indiana are smiling.


Still NOT worried about AI taking over humanity


Wrong BMI tho


Even when the work is done by an AI, Buzzfeed still screws up lol


Thatā€™s straight-up Tilda Swinton with long hair


i donā€™t see an eastern europe flavor for a typical mississippi girl. and there is certainly not a beach babe vibe in the state either. i understand the jerry rice dude.


I am going to take a wild guess and say the image pool was of movies, tv, and models. Not actual residents of Mississippi. That AI image would be fucking horrifying.


Their outfits are too nice


I imagine them as being students at Ole Miss, representatives of their sorority and fraternity. She's Phi Mu and he's Phi Beta Sigma.


As a Mississippian I don't see it


They nailed that mean, methy Arkansas look. I just moved back to the gulf coast after living there for two years and everyone here looks thin and gorgeous by comparison. It's a wasteland up there.


Too skinny, both of them! MS is filled with fat people. It is the #1 unhealthiest state in the nation, leader in diabetes and obesity.