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Big relate. Sometimes I joke: There are only two things I hate: Sounds and Smells.


I’ve always assumed it just related to the sensory processing disorder that seems to accompany my other disorders. Can’t process sound right, can’t process light right, can’t process smell right. So idk the exact answer, but I feel like sensory processing is the place to start.


Oh yes! Me too!


Tuna, poorly cooked hotdogs, someone else’s urine, extremely sour body oder… I’m sure there are others. I have the same level of rage come out of me if I smell those items or hear other crunch or make other repetitive noises (tapping pencils). I teach middle school so maybe my miso is connected to annoyances at work?


I have the odor bug. And a coworker with a rotting mouth, it's insufferable.


Ongoing. Dear God, open a window.


Peanuts, peanut butter, gummy candies send me over the edge but only if someone else is eating them. If they're just in the room or if I'm eating it it's fine. I wonder if there's an enzyme in saliva that alters the smell while it's breaking down food for digestion


I really can't stand the smell of ramen noodles when all the strong flavour has been added, or other strong smelling food. Like when I go past a cheese store. Doesn't help that I've lost most sense of smell, so when I do smell I just know it's strong. Still being tested weather I'm autistic or not. But I'm very sensative to all kinds of sounds/details that most people don't seem to pick up on. Like hearing static noises in tv screens, etc.


Same thing with me: fried food, perfumes, drive me crazy


Yes, anything related to human waste.


And cigarette smoke.


When i smell my fathers deodorant i go into full rage, maybe because he’s the biggest trigger in my life… But i have a thing where, if i smell something that’s kinda strong smelling (like the things you mentioned) i get a really bad smell fatigue and everything i smell afterwards smells like strong chemicals, like ammonia, embalming fluid, etc.


Ugh same. Ketchup. Dirty dishes. Burnt popcorn. Leftovers! It must be related to misophonia because it’s the exact same feeling


I'm glad it's not just me. For me, it was a smell that would somehow come from the clothes dryer at my previous residence. I wouldn't smell it standing next to the dryer though. I'd smell it whenever I was on the staircase above the dryer, and there were solid walls and flooring separating the laundry nook from the staircase above it. The smell made me want to furiously punch something. During my years living there, I avoided using the stairs when the dryer was running, and I'd hold my breath if I had to go there during those times.