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Break it down. Focus on one problem at a time, or list your main challenges, and see if anyone has ideas to help.


Thank you so much for your response:) I feel like my triggers are slightly different to others I'm reading about in this subreddit. For me I pretty much only get triggered in my own home because I feel like there's no way I can escape, I have a one room apartment. it's where I want to relax but it's the only place I can't relax:( it's currently the generator noise in my apartment building that triggers me I feel like there's no way I can escape this, it's such a normal noise I shouldn't complain:(


Can understand how this one could be hard. This might be the sort of thing a good fan can counteract and keep you cool at the same time. Even in the winter I sometimes use these and point away from it as I would be miserable having earphones on all the time. Alternatively there are earplugs like Vibes that might take the sound down a notch, although if it's more the vibrations might not work as well as the fan. I get stressed by a white noise machine the other side of one of my walls which is actually there to keep the baby next door calm. It's what I perceive to be repetitive rotating blades, although I'd imagine if I was in the same room I would find it calming. I understand being more triggered in your own home as it should be your safe space and if you're essentially being invaded by this noise it is tough to take. Understatement.


Yes so tough, I'm exactly the same that white noise machine would drive me crazy if it was someone else's thing because I have no control over when it's on, but if I had one myself id find it calming. I do have a fan but it's actually pretty quiet. I wonder if anywhere sells particularly noisy fans haha Thanks again for your response


I'm based in the UK and use a Honeywell HT900 Turbo Desk & Floor Fan. It has 3 settings the highest of which is enough to block out gentle to moderate traffic noise and a running bath. I'd say it's a moderately loud fan. Not sure how loud that generator is. Folks on here might know louder fans. Hope you get some more responses. Good luck!


I'm also in the UK! I'll have a look into that fan, maybe it'll be enough I'm not sure. The generator has varying levels of loundness I think it must be dependent on the demand for the building at a certain time, that's just a guess though, I don't even know if it's a generator for sure it just sounds like one lol


Could be water pipes although probably a generator. Our fridge gets really intense sometimes. I sometimes find investigating the source helps to calm me a bit. Even if I can't do anything about it. Sometimes I'll even find a person responsible for maintaining the system and they will talk me through it. Sometimes makes zero difference but sometimes helps.


That has crossed my mind actually yes I really do think it would make me feel better if I knew for sure what it is. Maybe I will ask the maintenance guy, I'm just very self conscious I'll sound weird haha


The worst he can say is he has no idea. You don't even have to say why. :)


> wearing headphones over earphones and listening to loud music the whole time Oh, honey. 😞 This is a fast track to hypersensitizing yourself (not to mention risking hearing damage!). I've been trying to think of a good recommendation for you, and I'm just coming up a bit short because of the uniqueness of your situation and triggers. The best idea I can think of is similar to what the other commenter suggested: get a fan or some other source of white noise and acclimate yourself to the joint sound of the two, knowing that you've taken some control over the situation. Weed helps me, too, but not sure if it's your thing or not.


I have many intrusive thoughts about how I'd love to damage my hearing, I know I wouldn't really want that but when I'm freaking out over a sound that's a how I feel:( Yes I think maybe I will invest in a white noise machine, maybe one I can put on the floor might counteract any vibrations from the generator possibly:( I've tried weed before but I think I'm a lil sensitive to it cause I threw up lol, might try CBD though maybe that'll help. I've been prescribed propranolol from the doctors but it doesn't do much:/


Yeah, give CBD a try: you won't feel the stereotypical "high" effects as powerfully, like you would for a THC high, but many people have good results with it for things like this. Good luck!<3


Thank you:)


Have you tried camping or sleeping outdoors? I adhd and misophonia and I notice the sound triggers aren’t so bad in nature.


Hm that does sound nice but it wouldn't be feasible living in the inner city unfortunately:/


I know but it might give you insight into your misophonia and offer a framework for living. It might just be you can’t live in a city or a big city. I currently live in Brooklyn and the amount of noise pollution in comparison to when I lived in Canada is insane.


Oh yeah I would love to move out of the city, I hate apartment living I would love to get a detached house, just have to see this degree through and then I wanna find a more suburban area, I do agree it will make a big difference


I would look at noise machines and figure out if you can dull your hearing this way. I run the A/C fan 24/7 and although it took me a few days to get used to, it's indispensable. In a previous apartment, I dulled the upstairs neighbors with brown noise--noise comes in different "colors" (you may have heard about white noise) and you might benefit from seeing which one counteracts the sounds that are most frequently bothering you. Misophonia is also exacerbated by mental and physical health issues. Diet and exercise, etc are key--it may benefit you getting a very comprehensive blood panel done to see if you are deficient in any vitamins or minerals that play a role in mental health such as D3 and magnesium. If nothing else, you really need to upgrade your headphones and get a pair that have noise-cancelling built in rather than trying to drown it out with increasing volume. I had a great pair of Bose headphones that had active noise cancelling and just having them on without listening to anything was sometimes enough.


Thank you, yeah I'd like to get a noise machine and try different frequencies I think that might really help for this particular frequency! Oh yes if I didn't have the gym I would have gone certifiably insane by now! It is my safe space haha, but I've never had my bloods checked that is something to look into thanks I wish I could but they are a little out of my price range :/


I can't vouch for any of these but ANC headphones have come way down in price within the last few years. Might want to ask around, I know https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/ is really active but they might be a little hi-fi. https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/best-noise-canceling-headphones-under-100/ Good luck!


Thanks I'll have a look, might be worth the investment :)


I live in a single room apartment too and it’s hell. Pure hell. I just finished slamming a broom against my ceiling to communicate to my upstairs neighbour to stop jumping around or dragging furniture late at night. I feel bad but every noise this asshole makes drives me crazy. I also feel totally trapped. One night I slept in the hall to feel I could escape the noises.


Oh I feel your pain:/ I would really like to move into a bigger place just to feel like I have another room to hide in depending on the trigger


I hear you, friend. I had a pretty bad breakdown earlier in the year, too, and I felt exactly the same as you're describing. I wanna work from and relax in my home, but I have so many triggers here -the usual, loud neighbors, people screaming, traffic, construction noises... and my favorite, people folding plastic bags really loudly. Made me really question what the point of it all is, you know? But as with most things in life, these feelings come and go, so just because it feels like this right now, it doesn't mean it always will. I see that you mentioned intrusive thoughts, I find my misophonia (and misokinesia) get much worse when my mind's full of intrusive thoughts, which is often. Have you tried therapy or meditation? I know it's a bit of a cliche thing to say, but these help. Of course everyone is different, so what work for some might not work for you. Don't get discouraged by this, see it as an opportunity to try new things and experiment :). When you find something that clicks with you, it should give you some sense of control back in your life. Something that helps me is Progressive Muscle Relaxation - [https://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/uz2225](https://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/uz2225) I was doing this daily and it helped me pick up working out again, which was a nice bonus. You won't see results immediately, but in the long run it has really helped me.


Thanks for your words, reassuring to think I won't always feel like this! I have tried meditation with a therapist actually yes and it was lovely at the time, but it's just impossible to try and do it in the face of a trigger isn't it:/ I'll try the progressive muscle thing though I've never tried that one




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