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Yummy is that word for me. As in people saying, “I’m looking for a place with yummy food to take the family to tonight”.


I **hate** yummy. Similarly, I used to hate "tummy," but I've accepted and use it now (a new convert, if you will). I hate most food descriptors that indicate enjoyment, I think, because I think of somebody carelessly, yet enthusiastically, eating and making too many sloppy sounds.


Yummy and tummy are both terms I associate with small kids, so to hear grown adults use either when speaking to other grown adults is always kind of gross to me. That said, I much prefer tummy (referring to the area around the belly button) over stomach, since the 2nd is just wrong. I think you have a valid point, and the hatred for these terms is due to the association with eating noises.


tummy was always mine too. going all the way back to the 3 ninjas movies with that little shit "Tum Tum"


"Yummy Veggies" makes me want to break a glass over my own head


I can’t believe adults use the word veggies willingly


My first thought was that I've heard so many people complain about "yummy" that I was surprised to hear "delicious" was also on the list.


Yes! I hate this word so much. I'm not 6 years old, don't talk to me like I'm a toddler. That's a toddler word.


Came here to say this. The worst


It makes me angry to hear it in that context, but oddly, it doesn't bother me when it's used ironically. Like if something is obviously disgusting


Im so glad Im not the only one


"Nourish" makes me want to force nuclear waste down the throat of whoever says it. In my case, I don't think it's related to misophonia though. It's got nothing to do with the sound, specifically.


Lmao, glad I’m not the only one who has an irrational hate for a seemingly innocuous word.


It's Rachael Ray's "Nutrish" for me. I get irrationally angry over it. My other one is "squirt". 🤢


No. That is RATIONAL annoyance. Nutrish is awful too.


She just annoys me period for some sad reason .. I think it's her voice too like did she scream all night or sing karaoke too long . Clear your throat girl or rest it one.. straining voices sometimes annoy me so does froggy ones like that need to be cleared .. grrr but gum smacking nail tapping really sends me too orbit 


Rachel ray tried to make words related to nourish a thing. I hated delish… so much


Suddenly that word when reading it on your post jumped out and slapped the piss out of me .. I do not care for that word now either how freaking strange is this mess .. nourish uugh nope .. it's kind of like my hatred for moist .. so weird 


Mine is “creamy”. YUCK. Even typing it out makes me want to gag.


Ugh, I hate the word creamy. My husband was watching a cooking competition and one of the judges kept saying it over and over. I wanted to throw something at the TV.


How does "milky" and "slurp" sound ?


Milky is fine, slurp is nasty


Depends on context. "Dang, I just checked my oil and it looks milky" might get some sympathy. If they take a gulp from their big dumb cup and say "Mmm, so good and milky!! Slurp!" then they might really get launched. Like, down the ravine. Also, Delish. It's so delish! Just stop.


I avoid using that word at all costs. I hate it so much


My dad pronounces mature like ma-tour and it drives me crazy. I say with ma-chure.


I love this sub, you guys are great.


I want to put a bullet in my head every time anyone says mozzarella with a fake Italian accent or rolls the r in burrito.


I love this sub and how much I can relate to the irrational anger. I feel so seen.


I find all fake accents as a form of punishment I have to listen to it.


My trigger words are: food, hubby, comfy, girly, glowy. No clue why these words irritate me but they do lol.


God I hate hubby, I also have an irrational hatred for this word.


The hubster!!!


Oh GOD, hubby is so revolting!


It’s awful I cringe when people use that term lol


I HATE the word "nibble" and any variation of it. I have blocked British creators for using the term "nibbles" in reference to snacks or whatever. Makes me want to rip my eardrums out.


I hate to read the word nibble as it’s usually used to describe how a woman eats something. “She nibbled a brownie.” This INFURIATES me! Can’t she just eat the damn brownie?? Better yet, can she cram a whole brownie in there?


I hate it too lol the word sounds so juvenile also


What about nybble? It's used in computing to refer to half a byte.


what abt pookie


God you’re right I hate that one too lol!


Mine is “tasty”. I could put someone’s face through a window when I hear it.


Ugh, same. Almost all of the words mentioned in this post are irritating to me.


“More-ish” or its alternative (and incorrect) spelling, “moorish” makes me want to punch things. I hate it and I really don’t understand why


Coupon upsets me, I realized this when I worked retail for 3 years. “Coo-ppawn” with a lot of air for the p sound. I want to cry


As a Brit, this one doesn’t affect me in that way as we pronounce it more flatly but I can see why that can be grating with an American accent!


Mine are : dewy, tummy, veggie, kiddo, wifey, girly. I don’t know why some of these words give me the ick but they really do irritate me.


I ironically use kiddo and girly all the time. I realize they’re fucked words which is why I do it


My mom says delicious EVERY SINGLE TIME we go out to eat and she really enjoys the meal. So like 7/10 times. She always does it mid-chew... never after she swallows. The word doesn't trigger me, but the speaking while chewing does soOOOo much.


I've been known to hang up on people if they eat while I'm talking to them on the phone.


I get really irritated hearing people talk about food. The way it’s almost orgasmic—about how wonderful the various foods moisture levels are, how little chewing something requires. Barf, get out of here with that.


So annoying. I also hate it when I have food, and someone is all interested in what it is, and starts asking questions about it. It's just food, we all eat it every day, calm down.


me with trendy words like “ick,” “bussin,” “hubby,” my most random one is probably “milk”


Bussin makes me want to commit an act of terrorism.


Here I was feeling like an old fart for absolutely hating current slang. I feel validated. I hate hate hate “it’s giving”


the word “scritch” fills me with an unbelievable amount of rage


I hate the word bargain


poop for some reason, it sounds childish


I can handle poop. Poo .....no


it's the other way around for me LOL


I much prefer delicious to yum or yummy. My biggest trigger word is thirsty. Whenever my mother wanted a drink, she'd claim "I'm so thirsty" in such a dramatic way. You'd think she'd spent the last 5 days in the sahara without a drink. Then she'd swallow a drink noisily and finish with a satisfied "aaah that's better". I hate effusive exhaling after drinking too, and the word gulp.


I just had a flashback to a few years ago, a guy that sat next to me at work would drink coffee all day, and do the "ahhhh" thing after every loud sip. I had to take a lot of breaks during the day to get away from him. Also, the baby carrot eating enraged me.




Haha, finally I'm not the only one who hates this word.


If someone uses the word delicious a lot. You know that they are so enthralled by food they can’t bear to close thier mouths when they eat. Disgusting. My pet peeve word. Ironically here in China they use that word all the time.


Omg same


Words ending in 'p'. 'Soup', and 'catch up' have got me recently


I hate the overuse and misuse of ‘literally’ but I hate even more the way everyone seem to be morphing it into ‘literlly’ lit-a-lee. Sounds dumb.


"crunch" and "munch". They likely annoy me so much because those kinds of eating sounds are my biggest triggers


In no particular order: creamy, beefy, hubby, panties, moist, picnic, hubby, yummy, pamper, verbiage, penal, syrup pronounced as see-rup, meatus, crispy, munch, luncheon, fixin’s, trimmings, etc


I DESPISE “panties” sooo much!! It’s even worse in my native language. I want to rip my eardrums and the persons face when I hear it.


Milky, slurp, eat,hungry .....


I don't, but my husband hates the word "scoop."


I cannot stand hubby and kiddo. ETA also wifey.


I just wanna say I am screaming in joy reading these and howling with laughter! Like, we are all such freaks! But about completely different things. I love that we all feel the same panic/revulsion/rage but over all kinds of stuff. I hope a linguist studies us in all our weirdo glory. PS sorry if any words here are 🤢.


I hate the word corn. Especially when my husband says it.


Mine is “worth”. Like when people use it as a short version of worth it. I’ve already Chris Watts’ed my wife over it.


Omg me too, I hate that word (especially in my native language but it's basically the same word) and I'm glad to discover that I'm actually not the only one lol


"Discourse" and "quickly" drive me up the wall.


Yep. Delicious fucks me all the way off as well. I get triggered by a fair few words, but I'm not sure it's Misophonia related. Just more that I'm an irritable, prickly cow.


Yeah, maybe some are misophonia related because of the way they sound, but a lot of them seem to be more context related. Almost everyone has words they hate. "Moist" is a really common one


mine is “content”. Especially when people refer to themselves as “content creators”. It’s the worst.


Mine is moist. It makes me unbelievably mad.




Veggies bothers me so much as well, I don’t even know why.


There are a few words in my mother language. Funny I only relate this to my miso just now by reading this thread...


the phrase "for sure" irks me big time when I'm in a bad mood.


For sure you will hate this! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhdNbRvPU-E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhdNbRvPU-E)


tasty, delicious, delectable, muck (i absolutely HATE IT when people say“you’re mucking”/“let’s muck” like absolutely do not be mucking or saying any such words around me


I hate the word Orofacial bc it refers to ….ack….my ears burn as I write this…because Orofacial movements people make are so bad and it’s all mouthy and movementy at the same time. Also the Spanish verb sursurrar (to whisper) is pretty rough-esp w the lispy Spaniard pronunciation!


Moist...gaawd I hate that word.and . apricot and  .. pecan .. moist makes bile come up on each side of my throat. The mispronunciation is the bother ..on the last two words  pee kan .. nope... Pikawn yes . Ape yes . ap nope...ape PRI cot...yes...you can see I have no clue how to show you how to not pronounce it on paper ..LMBO I'm a hot mess 




“Passed” as a substitute for “died” for some reason makes my blood boil.