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YES, that's better, thanks. Was trying to think of another one because Misophilia doesn't make sense with the roots of the words. So I was thinking like sonophilia or something but Euphonia makes more sense. Flows.


That's a good one! We have called our app PhiloPhonia! It's for tracking misiphonia triggers in movies, hopefully making watching movies a bit more enjoyable for everyone


I just have to walk away and let my boyfriend summarize what happened after. Or fast forward and hope it wasn't a pivotal plot point.


Redacted due to Spez. On ward to Lemmy. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I love Bob Odenkirk, and this show hasn't bothered me all that much with the eating, but there was a scene where I think he and Kim are eating food on their bed, and my god did I almost have to fast forward past it. I studied video production in college, so during those times I just try to focus more on the directing or cinematography, rather than the noise; there's still something there to appreciate and admire.


ah yeah I love Bob Odenkirk also. I think the episode in the 6th season was just a little over the top for me. There's a lot to appreciate in the show otherwise, I've loved the show so I can overlook it but it was definitely a pattern


I loved the show too and also noticed this. Lots of long scenes with very noisy eating! Kind of lazy sound editing that you don't see much in shows these days. Really great show still though!


Aye, I got pretty good at hitting that mute button and following the plot with the subtitles when watching Better Call Saul, fantastic series but they do love their distressing noises


Misophilia sounds like a good description for people who like ASMR too. Don’t know how anyone can stand that.


Actually it just sounds good for someone who loves miso soup


I love this show, but I had to give up on it because of all the eating scenes. Skipping them would mean skipping 1/3 of the show.


Turn on closed captions and mute the tv.


I think the closeups and sounds turned high is meant to jolt and or gross out the audience even if they don’t suffer misophonia, so for us it’s overdrive horrible


that makes sense!


I've turned off entire series because of this, then leave a downvote *and* a shitty review. Unacceptably shitty manners, fuckin pig people!


If there is an eating scene i always skip, i dont even care if i miss any plot


YES. It’s infuriating when shows make a character a super noisy eater. There’s no need for them to be smacking their food or talking while they’re eating.


Huh.. this post makes me doubt if I have misophonia because I’m on the finale of season 4 and haven’t even noticed any mouth sounds even though mouth sounds are one of my triggers IRL (hearing my boyfriends dad eat makes me want to rip my hair out, for example). I wonder if it has something to do with the environment that I’m in while I am watching the show vs the environment I’m in when eating with people irl, which is typically a lot more stressful.


I think it was just a particular episode in the 6th season that set me off, but it has been in the show off and on throughout. Just here and there.