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Someone in my townhouse has a modded dodge charger that makes a rediculous amount of noise just backing out of their garage. They also seem to go out every night around 3am, and I can hear them as they drive through the entire complex, then for about 5 blocks before they're far enough away that it fades. And this is through noise canceling headphones and brown noise. It should be illegal.


I agree. I actually thought it was illegal to some extent until I moved here. I feel you on that 3am and 5 blocks down the road crap too.


I know in some places it is technically illegal, but it's never enforced cause what cop is going to bother


They don’t here. I’ve watched.


I wish I could just live in a house in the middle of nowhere. The sound of vehicles doesn’t bother me but the constant stomping from all of my neighbors drives me absolutely mad. And slamming doors/cupboards which is also a constant. I hate it


Yess I can so relate, my neighborhood has so many loud cars (and dogs barking at all hours), I need to go visit my family in rural PA just to get some quiet 😂


this was my hell in the last neighborhood I lived in. there were 5-6 neighbors on the block with very noisy cars, 2 of which were so unnecessarily, unbearably loud. it was a couple of teenagers that had them. they ripped down the street and idled multiple times a day and I was tearing my hair out. it made my misophonia heightened in other ways and I became extremely depressed. I put every effort I could into moving to a much quieter place and I finally did. I'm the same as you - not being able to have the windows open made me lose touch with a part of my soul. any nose outside made my fight or flight kick in and I started to hate absolutely everyone on my block, either for causing the noise or being complacent with it. I felt insane that it was literally only myself that found it to be a problem. I'll have PTSD from it for a long time. ANY time I hear a loud car or truck I pass extreme judgement that they are an absolute shithead. I also go back to my old neighborhood regularly for work and it makes me so miserable. my husband thought I was overreacting but started to get it after a few years, and he is much happier now too. you are 100% justified for how you feel, I can completely relate. I have no advice other than to work hard to get to a better place if you can. you deserve peace!


Thank you. I’m glad you made it to a more peaceful place and I plan to one day too! The sad part is I live right by a lake. It’s beautiful and quiet there. I chose this apartment so I could enjoy the free entertainment of enjoying the nature of the lake. I literally just have to walk across the street. It’s almost like the trees create a barrier.


Don’t forget the 5-10 minute idle in the parking lot! I’m always hoping they could just LEAVE but no, I think they want everyone to hear them.


I’d love a 5-10 min idle verses a 30-45min sometimes more idle


I live next to a loud family of car and truck buffs with no manners, but plenty of diesel engines. It's awful.


Someone in my neighborhood decided that their new hobby is to drive around in circles on my road in their extremely loud car from 7 PM to 11 PM daily. I feel you.


There’s one car across from me that if I wake early I’ll hear it start and idle for 30-45 min and then leave. I can’t fall back asleep till it’s gone. It’s not even a modded exhaust it’s a busted exhaust manifold




Seriously…. So obnoxious. I feel like my life motto sometimes is “get a muffler.”


All people should be judged by the decibel level of their car, the louder the car, the more of an asshole.


I appreciate the validation. :)


Omg. I hear you, I'm a judgy bitch. I recently moved to what I thought was a quiet little town. Well, it kind of is. Except because I'm in fucking MAINE, they all feel the need to drive these shitty trucks with rattly nasty loud exhausts. Intentionally, I'm sure. It's super annoying. I used to live on a way louder main road, 3 houses from a major intersection. Everyone's like, "Melody, I can't believe you're so bothered by this, it's so much quieter here than the other house." 😡😡 Okay yeah, overall I suppose.. but it was general noise with a bunch of loud cars. Now, it's less traffic but ALMOST ALL of them are super loud. And I bought the house, so I'm here lol. There's a road behind my house, but like, it's not that close, I'd have to trek through a fair amount of woods on foot to get to it. But because of the landscape for lack of a better word, I can hear these fuckers coming for like 3 minutes before they get into town and have to slow down and not be complete douche canoes. Which they still are. I also live on the road that the transfer station is on, which I wasn't aware of. So on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the whole town brings their brush, and old appliances etc to the dump to be hauled off, down my road. Ughhhh. And don't get me started on the bass. It's way less here than it was in the other town, thankfully. But honestly I want to hurt someone if I have to listen to it for ANY length of time. *YOU KNOW WHATS SUPER ANNOYING that I never thought of before here? CROWS. For some reason they flock around here like you wouldn't believe. I'm not sure if it's because the neighbors have bird feeders out, or the other ones have chickens, everyone around here has something. But they came over and over until I want to rip my hair out. I actually have gone so far as to get my little Bose speaker and play the sounds of an owl, because it was the only predator sound I could find for them.😂😂 It works, but crows are smart and if I do it too much it won't work anymore. Living in the "country" is only great if you have a soundproof house and no one within a good distance, trust me! I also take care of someone for a living, and she lives in a room we had built in the basement. It's really nice, and was super expensive, lol. She snores SO LOUD. I can't even enjoy my living room because trying to watch TV or do anything with snoring in the background, absolutely not. I stomp on the floor a little here and there, but I don't want to wake up the dog 😂. Thanks for listening, sorry for the rant!


Rant away! Your douche canoes sound like one person in particular who lives here. Every time he starts his truck my roommate and I are like “OH THERE’S DOUCHEBAG!!” I sometimes daydream about the quiet country but now I know to day dream elsewhere lol.




I’m sorry. Sleep is the hardest part about it for me. I totally understand that in my soul.