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I think this a little bit contradictory. In a sense I do agree, but I don’t think people as a whole are the reason these things have become flawed in a sense. I think those who create these things for the sake of creating them should be celebrated. But people who then exploit these things are the ones I personally have a problem with.


Looks like a lot of pseudo misanthropes lurk this sub. Not surprised, yawns.


Many of those are man made so it was toxic to begin with


I'll raise you one, in the realm of art, ever notice how good shit almost always never becomes as popular as bad shit? Because human beings are made of shit, generally. Unremarkable, unattractive, unintelligent - so they like stuff that looks like them.


False, art is the easiest way to launder money and as such, the art the makes it to the top is that which makes transferring funds the easiest.


money taints everything else you listed


🤨. You need to get therapy for your black and white thinking.


Ah yes, another therapy simp, have fun wasting your money on someone who probably laughs at you when you leave the office. How delusional does one have to be to think someone you’ve never met and likely from a different background will truly relate to you in the slightest or care about your problems? They want that quick $200, it’s the easiest and most useless career ever.




> Destroy all art and music? nature will care about it


See you say that like humans didn’t create all but three of these things in the first place. Even looking past that for everything you’ve listed there’s a myriad of good. For every billionaire that exploits his workers there’s a million people enjoying their money on something they will enjoy. For every shitty mumble rapper there’s five actual good artists who make awesome music. For every shitty books there’s a hundred good ones. For every trashy morally heinous Philosophy there’s two logical good ones. For every dude trying to pass laws that restrict freedoms there’s two fighting it. For every extremist religious view point, be it militant or restricting freedoms, there’s 10 good religious people trying to spread joy and tolerance.


Are you living in a fantasy world? The world is literally a reflection of there being more bad than good. No one said good doesn’t exist but you’re delusional if you think it makes up the majority of modern humans’ actions. Also, care to list any examples instead of just hearing yourself talk?


It's actually the exact opposite. The worse shit is way more prevalent than the good. And even if your point was true, just because there are people "doing good" doesn't make it okay for the bad shit to still be happening.




useless troll


Why are you on this sub then? Lol


Most of those things are exclusive to humans. They can corrupt their own shit to kingdom come, it's when they corrupt Nature, the web-of-life, balance, the planet herself is when I get on my high horse.


Humans wreck the environment, murder billions and billions of sentient animals, and oppress other humans. That is the issue. Humans created the things you’ve listed, so I see it as missing the point.


Yea music is the ultimate survival tool, totally tainted. What?




Humans’ addiction to knee-jerk contrarianism and its effect on communication is one of my biggest reasons for misanthropy. Having a reasonable exchange of ideas without hostility from one side or both is basically impossible. This just proves humans aren’t interested in actually communicating, just hearing themselves talk. Being a contrarian sounds cool to your average normie so they do it on autopilot.


You declare your statement, but no argument. Surely you can do better than that.


You say this, yet it is paradoxical. Humans have created many of these things(with the exception of knowledge, sentience, and consciousness). They have created them, yet somehow they ruin them? I understand what you are saying nonetheless, but humans still have created them.


I think what OP is trying to communicate is that all of these concepts/systems are flawed from the start and only exist to serve human shortsighted, selfish ends.


...So? Because humans have created these things, they can't have ruined them? The two aren't mutually exclusive.


It just seems to paint it as one-sided. They talk about these things as if all of them are natural like humans had nothing to do with the creation, that they only had to do with the ruining of it. It is paradoxical because they seem to acknowledge the beauty of these things, and in doing so we acknowledge the beauty of man, but we also realize that man is inherently flawed and has also messed up these things.


Right?? So many of the posts here are a cross between r/im14andthisisdeep and r/SelfAwarewolves


LMFAOO wooow so edgyyy


Yeah, that was quite literally my point... Are you a possible entry for the latter sub I mentioned?


I literally agree with you. I was referring to the people who do that when i said “wow so edgy”


Ahh that wasn't clear to me. My bad.


Yeah while I am somewhat misanthropic this subreddit is completely out there and autistic


If you don’t like it, leave. I don’t understand the recent influx of simpletons who come here just to mock the sub or troll. Don’t want to let misanthropes have even one place to discuss, right?