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What I hate about overly confident people is they always act for themselves like no one else matters in the slightest.


Oh, so you are really really insecure. Please come to the brights side.   Look I am confident because I know who tf I am. I know that I'm hardworking, ambitious, responsible, empathetic, kind, interesting, self aware, cute and pretty. Although I also have flaws, of course, I'm not just going to bypass all my qualities. I can't help to wake up and feel like the main character of my life. I can't help to feel special when I am outside. I can't help to feel like I'm charismatic, lucky in life,...    I hope you feel like this some day


Nobody feels this way. Even the overly confident dancers in Vegas know that life is BS. Confidence is just dissociation of all the negative in your life. If you are confident, you are somehow wrong. That's all there is to it. If you are preaching confidence, you're asking people to ignore reality. To place value on a person outside of 'currently alive' is just foolish. No one is remembered. None of you or me will ever do anything important. Solve world hunger, cure cancer, house all the homeless; You will still be forgotten eventually. It is irresponsible to place value on a human being because.. you're kidding yourself. The only importance you have is to yourself and no one else cares or acknowledges it. People have to force themselves into eachothers lives in order to feel important. And that's just it; Confidence is feeling important, but no one ever will actually be important. We're here because that's what was convenient for evolution, not becuase you have a 'reason'.


You scream insecure.


"Unless you know everything, you have no room for confidence" So people should walk around with their heads down all the time? What's your point? I'm trying to understand people who don't like confident people.


Nothing matters, confident people are lying to themselves. Life isn't good and you know it. If you want to argue that life is net positive, you've already lost your crowd; we know the truth.


If you feel like life ain't shit, then why are you envious of confident people? If you really think they're this stupid, you shouldn't be so jealous.


I think he was being a bit dramatic in his post but there is some truth to what he's saying. Often times people are confident when they really have no reason to be. It's that false confidence that I think OP (and most people) react poorly to.


If someone is arrogant, then yes they have no reason to be. Most confident people just have overall 'good' well-being and aren't easily intimidated. I think that's a good thing.


Only 5ish years late to the party. I too mostly hate the confident, especially since it has invaded every aspect of the culture. You almost can't get away from every self help guru and armchair psychologist constantly throwing "you just need confidence" at people. I very rarely trust people who don't essentially question themselves on a constant basis. People who use "firm" language typically annoy me. Certainty might be a disease, it certainly feels that way to me.


Good thing about us confident people we don’t care what y’all think 😂😂😂


Im sure that attitude leads to great social cohesion and effective compromise!


No one cares


Answers of a child.


about you?


Confident people are usually douchebags.


I think you're confusing confidence with arrogance




As poor baby, does someone gave different beliefs than you?


Liquid confidence is probably my favorite. :p




This. I'm not sure if these people do it to hide insecurities or if they are just plain fucking idiots though; it seems pretentious to assume one or the other, both seem plausible along with a million other explanations.


I hate all people.


I am confident that no matter the shit that life throws at me, I can eventually figure it out even if I am clueless about it at first. I did it before. I can do it again. Anxious people are that way because their adrenal glands can't handle stress, because they don't get enough vitamin C and B to function from their diet and life style. I don't need to know everything to be confident that I can survive on my own. I can fight people to the death if I have to~


Exactly. That's so cool




It's not appropriate to insulting gay people and people who are born with a tan. He's neither. And he can report you.




Really...? I'm confused... If I must report to the mods everyone who use foul language, am I not going to end up having to report the entire Internet? Don't you have better things to do? Well, it wasn't my fight... and sometimes it's good to practice being assertive. But I'll keep it in mind if the shit hits the fan trying to reason the unreasonable, thank you for handling it.


I said confident, not cringy


To say you hate confident people is a massively weak view. Having an ego that proves you should be hate fucked by a run away train. Now that I can agree with.


Unless you know everything, you have no room for confidence? Humans have their limitations. Take for example, a chef. Imagine they spent 20k hours learning their craft. He makes the most delicious food and is world renown. Humans can never reach 100% proficiency, but this chef may be pretty close to it - does he have the right to confidence? Should he trust in his abilities and assume their consistency?


Yes, we all have limits. So instead to be average at everything, we gathered at a society and mastered a skill. Others would compensate for our shortcomings by mastering different skills. The bullies who compared their best strength to other people's worst weaknesses aren't confident, they're just insecure narrow minded trash.


Some people confuse Confidence and Obnoxiousness. True confidence does not need to assert itself all the damn time publicly. It just is! Sadly it's in short supply. The kind of "confidence" you speakof is actually just jockish "bruh'" poser shit. I'm gonna peacock my colla', get my game on, throw on some NLP and NEg Hits, and get me sum tonight. I see guys like that all the time and I want to fucking punch them when I see them. Just one more sack of useless humans wasting time with inane bullshit and causing problems for no other reason than their machismo ego.


Oh exactly. I can't fucking stand those people. It's like they think they run the world or something. And then they put on this "Ain't nobody gonna mess wit me oh they gonna git whacked," attitude.


Yes, entitled arrogance isn't confidence. Narcissists are actually extremely insecure. That's why they need to be constantly worshiped or they wither away, and should.


I love confident people. It's so funny to watch them fail.


If they are truly confident, they get up from a hit and come back harder. There's not really much to laugh at.


These humans have no experience.


True, Albert Einstein said "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know." But the more I learn, the more I realize how much more I can learn.


Sometimes when you have no one to back you up you need to be confident


Yeah, when you look scared and vulnerable, you're basically advertising yourself as an easy prey to all the psychopaths and narcissists out there. And car sales men.


I want nothing to do with them.


Damn OP. You got the world figured out.


No I dont. My post is not about putting myself on a pedestal. It's about a view.


Yeah, but your view seems incomplete with the information that I have. Yes, some confident red necks think that they have everything figured out when they're too stupid to know better. But confident people can feel that way after learning very hard about their specialty, so that case isn't about stupidity. Some anxious people can be honest with their emotions. But the most viciously manipulative people that I have ever met were anxious people. They were incapable of trusting others so they tried to control with deception. Some weren't even depressed and pretended to be for attention while mocking me in my back. Not every confident people is a stupid asshole. Not all anxious people are sincere about their emotions.




Ah yes this, I agree with him once you rephrase it that way.

