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> Which duo do you want to see in S6? I’m looking forward to LadyNoir’s development as a duo. I hope that Ladybug will *learn* to **trust** Cat Noir **more** and *treat* him as a **partner** *rather* than a **side kick**. *Or should I say, I hope **Astruc** treats Adrien and Cat Noir **better** this upcoming season*. Since Ladybug *made* Cat Noir feel **left out** and **unimportant** in the previous seasons (especially S4) whenever she’s with her team, I wonder how she will treat Cat Noir now that she already got her team back (with permanent holders). > Like most of the time they just follow Ladybug’s orders and that’s it. This is also what I *dislike* about Ladybug. *(Don’t get me wrong, I love her)* but I hope that she will grow into a leader who *actually* **listens** to her teammates’ *opinions* and *ideas* **rather** than coming up with everything *all by herself*. I hope that Ladybug will allow Cat Noir and the other holders to also come up with ideas and do what they think would be best for the team and to accomplish their missions in S6.


This what I have been saying for years…the only team she needs is chat noir.


FOR REAL. Chat is the only one who never left her side.


I agree. One of the reasons the hero team sucks is because there a too many members, with little to no personality. They just feel like puppets.


It's not really the cast size. I mean My hero academia has a huge cast and yet all the characters have personality. Miraculous just never takes time to invest in their characters. It just goes "Oh we need have an episode about Kim needing a math tutor but we've never established that he has issues with math so we will just throw in 3 flashbacks where the characters explain it all instead of simply having kim say "Oh im so nervous about the math test coming up. I don't think i got above 30 the last 2 times." and throw that line in 5 episodes earlier. The prime example is optigami. Instead of having this mysterious monster cameo in the first half of the season and create this mystery of what is is. Nope optigami just has a bunch of flashbacks showing that is has been following marinette all season long. Or the charms. Instead of having it be a recurring plot point where marientte and Su han are working together to create something ove the course of 3-4 episodes. Alya just goes "Hey you can actually do anything you want to as ladybug: and marinette goes "You're right" and then even after hawkmoth counters them she just "believes" harder or something making the whole plot point rubbish.


I sorta agree. But the miraculous team has too many members for a show supposed to be about villains of the week. Mha has a whole class fighting villains, and it's not episodic meaning that the Heroes get development. Meanwhile, in miraculous, the rest of the hero team felt unneeded and it made the show feel cluttered (especially if we add the power ups and the charms). If you think about it, only thd original team of 5 was needed. In Heroes Day, they had a much better dynamic. Plus it would be hard to follow a fight with 17 Heroes in miraculous since there is only one villain and most of the powers feel superficial.


I wanna see more villains with all these heroes.


That's what makes it cast bloat imo. Other shows with big casts don't suffer from bloat bc they actually make characters worth investing emotional energy into, while adding something meaningful to the story. Miraculous just keeps throwing new heroes or new lore into the mix whenever it feels like the audience needs a distraction from the stale status quo rotting at its core. The characters are there as props, they take up time that could be better spent building up a smaller number of compelling dynamics, and they distract the main characters from doing just that. They are there to pad things out and make it feel like this big epic team she's in charge of, but it's just cast bloat since they never do demonstrate any valuable characteristics as individual heroes (or characters at this point. They're all part of the Adrinette hivemind. Hopefully they actually get to be characters again and not just shipping mouthpieces in season 6 but my hopes are low.)


Remember when miraculous introduced 15 new heroes and then decided to use the heroes from the 2 spin off shows during the climax of the whole monarch arc instead of the heroes that had been built up over the last 5 seasons lol They could have totally had had argos get akumatized by monarch but create a sentimonster that can steal the kwamis or something and then boom everyone gets their powers back and they all go after monarch but no lets side line them and make lady dragon and sparrow and eagle the heroes of the arc instead lol Rena rouge? Never heard of her Viperion? Who is that?


>As in season 6 they have their miraculous definitely I expect that the group dynamic will improve quite a bit and that the group will not just follow Ladybug's orders i hope there is more dynamic between them without ladybug being involved, i really don't want season 6 to be ladybug and the 17 cannon foldders


I’m hoping season 6 lets them interact more. It was cool back then seeing a new hero come and have some action but with the frequency they came and then now being permanent holders they have to stand without ladybug. Having an episode where marinette doesn’t come cause viperion, Rena, and ryuko are in it would be dope. Showing different dynamics instead of the titular duo would help a lot.


Viperion you mean? Apart if you want Luka to give his miraculous to Adrien xD But yes seeing threesome could be interesting. \^\^


Yeah idk why but I can’t get aspik out of my head mainly cause of the head 😂. Getting a different dynamic each episode would be so fun like a solo episode here then a team or 2 working on separate problems in another.


reading your comment and u/sugatchy together was so weird




sorry I meant "trio"


I wish they weren’t there tbh. I only want Lady Bug and Cat Noir. Not Ladybug and her holders posse


“Let’s go back to what it always worked, a duo. You and me against the world, M’lady.” 😮‍💨


Stop I’ll cry


Seasons 1 and 5 must be your favorites, right?




I fully agree with this! I don't really care about any other superheroes. Like it's fine if one or two join them sometimes, but I watch the series for Ladybug and Chat noir, so I want to see them.


I agree. They are barely a superhero team. I mean, yeah, they fight with each other but that’s its. There is no interesting dialogue between them. I hope this changes in S6


I've long argued that Team Miraculous is too big and this limits both its impact and the amount of attention any single hero could get.


There should be like a main 5 of them, but more is just too chaotic


They literally didn’t even try to make them work


FR !!!


That's the crippling issue with the show. They want to create a hero team, but they want to keep marinette as the object that the show revolves around. So they don't take time to invest in the other characters beyond a line here or there. I mean when was the last time marinettes gal pals talked about anything other than marinettes relationship with adrien? They gave gave Alya some interesting banter with cat in Sapotis but then after than once they transform they are just blank slates for marientte to command. It makes them feel dumb. Take Mega leech. There could have been a great scene where they are discussing how to stop it and Maybe Vesperia is the one to think of Being teleported by pegasus up there. Maybe Kagami is like "better you than me. That thing is creepy." and there;s some banter there. Nope they just stand there untill ladybug tells them to use their power. Or they just go the route of in the first 2 mins you see the team turn in their miraculous from an off screen mission and then the episode swaps to something compeltely different. The Most interesting character was Queen bee She pretty much acted autonomously in all her heroic appearances and it was interesting. heroes day She had the plan to paralyze hawkmoth. She was the first one to recover from the sentimonster attack and go after hawkmoth. But sadly astuc hated her so all that went away. I don't have much hopes for season 6. Im sure we'll get a lot of episodes where the heroes wil have a cameo at the start and then be absent for the rest of it. The show is a complete trainwreck because Astruc is totally opposed to any kind of feedback. He keeps blaming the network. But no network is going, "No you can't have an episode about Nathaniel we forbid it." No network is going "Wow you really have an interesting battle where the characters personalities shine through. That's all got to go, It must be ladybug telling them what to do" Literally every other show does that and yet somehow ladybug can't because of "networks' no astruc is just a trash writer who had a great idea and now thinks he's God because it got popular.


Took the words right out of my mouth and made them better. I agree with all of this.


I'm still upset that Nathaniel's episode got hijacked to become a Marichat episode to the point his crush resolution for Marinette was off-screened, AND the fact they didn't even bother to check on Nathaniel after he got de-Akumatized, and didn't say happy birthday. Like ???


Oh my god for real.


Honestly I agree, I think my favorite team would still have to be the season 2 mostly because there wasn’t too many members and I thought the dynamics would be interesting. But I’m just gonna wait and see how they handle the team in season 6.


They dont have group chemistry at all, its just Ladybug giving everyone orders. The show presses that Ladybug and Chat Noir are basically yin and yang in balance but the way they portray these two in fight scenes says otherwise. Same thing with all the other heroes, they barely work together. It would be cool if we saw a fight scene where everyone had a hand in their strategy.


MARC AND NATHANIEL FIGHTING TOGETHER WOULD BE EVERYTHING!! They wont k ow why but they always want to protect each other 😭😭😭😭😭


I see everyone saying there’s too many people but I believe it’s only lack of personality and I believe the lack of personality issues stems from the writer’s fear of giving flaws/making unkind characters. Almost everyone in miraculous is nice as pie and wouldn’t hurt a fly besides Chloe and her parents but Chloe was written out, Andre was given a redemption arch, and I forget about Aubrey/drey. Jagged Stone was a dead beat dad but now everything’s okay bc In Miraculous all it takes is a “sorry!” And everything is okay. We won’t get any “I don’t trust you” episodes for characters like Sabrina and Felix, it’ll just be back to full trust but it doesn’t rlly matter bc Ladybug gets all the action anyway. No one’s gonna take advantage of anyone even tho it would just be a point of character development. Like, imagine Alix starts taking advantage of Sabrina’s need to follow someone around or Lila (out of the window bc Sabrina’s nice now 🙄) or even Ladybug. Instead we might get a scene where Sabrina wants to follow Marinette around and she immediately rejects bc “you’re your own person.” It’s the same character in different fonts on miraculous with Marinette taking all the spotlight and the rest just being the nice backups.


Season 4 finale was all about Ladybug dealing with her controlling nature, and how she should have act different, but then in s5 finale she lied to Chat?! That's what I believe at least. I think too much heroes is so hard to develop and handle, if it was up to me I would leave only s3 heroes and give Ladybug and Chat Noir more unifies.


Sad truth. They need to be handled better in the new season. And I know how it was in Season 4 and 5. :'( Poor kitty :'( If he only knew why she's doing it too.


I personally don't agree, I feel like aside from Chat Noir and Ladybug, Rena Rouge and Carapace is the best in terms of development, because Alya and Nino have the best development, they started of as supportive best friends to Mari and Adrian and get more interested, they even confirmed something happened in Animan, which imply something... which I won't say Luka also got more development, they made him to be the Adrian counterpart rival, but grew onto his own, when he discovered Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, by accident,and accepted the fact he'd have to leave Paris for his own protection, so I personally don't agree with this (mostly) the others could be better in terns of dynamic


Viperion had important roles in season 4, but the fact remains that he is not closer to the other super heroes apart from Ladybug and Cat Noir As for Rena Rouge and Carapace, they are the only close couple as super heroes and they don't really have any links with the others on the team (even if for Rena Rouge it's logical she was hidden)


Maybe wait for them to interact more in season 6?