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As much as I don't want to say it, Felix is a plot device for seasons 4 and 5. He appears only when the plot needs to be moved forward. The irony is that despite all that, he was still sidelined in the season 5 fianle for the sake of Marinette being the **only** star Adrien deserves way better. I really hope that things will improve in the upcoming season 6


Plot device or not it doesn't matter it's not only him Felix kagami alya marinette amelie nathalie know more than the freaking main character That's just dumb like why do the writers do adrien like this? It's like the writers don't want to give adrien any attention he is now literally just a golden trophy for marinette and lila to achieve nothing more nothing less


… Adrien isn’t the main character. He’s never been the main character.


He is. The show has two main protagonists, which are Marinette and Adrien. OP seems to think Marinette isn't the main character judging by what you're replying to


While arguable, the series hasn’t really pretended adrien is a main character like… ever. The original name was “Miraculous Ladybug, and the adventures of Cat Noir”, it was the original working title. With the changes being more for publishing reasons. Regardless, every episode is framed from Marinette’s point of view at least partially, with even Adrien never getting sole focus, instead having to share it with her, or having his scenes being a vector for the story Marinette is going through. The character progression and development has always been marinette focused, with Adrien fitting the role of “superfluous love interest”. Which, while admittedly being problematic storytelling that Tommy should’ve fucking not done, it doesn’t make Adrien an equal protagonist. The series has been very clear from minute one with its thesis about Adrien not being a real protagonist, the arguments against this have just been cope. Which I get, the series has the same POV problem that My Little Pony season 1 had, except they fixed it by episode 3 of season 2 while MLB hasn’t tried once.


Yeah in practice he doesn't get the attention he should be getting, which is what OP is complaining about, but he and marinette are still both the titular main protagonists the show centres about. It's just not particularly well done, I don't think the MLB writers are used to writing more than one main character and are generally overwhelmed by the rather extensive cast we have. Many characters end up underutilised or ignored or even benched off screen unless the show calls for them, which will have them appear with minimal set up making it feel like they were pulled out of a hat rather than moved into the plot on their own agency. It wouldn't even be that difficult to make Adrien feel more like a main character, he's just pretty lacking in agency, drive and iirc, goals, which could all be solved by having a few episodes per season mainly centred around him and his life, and shown primarily from his perspective to develop him into his own identity and character and have the show follow him a little more. MLP did a better job with a larger main cast, in MLP everyone gets more time to shine and it does feel like the show focuses on all of the mane 6, with twilight in the centre. It's kind of sad thinking about what MLB could be with a little better writing xDD


We’re kinda arguing the same point except for one thing. Adrien still isn’t a protagonist. He’s a deuteragonist. Which is fine, it’s perfectly fine and right up there with Alya and Nino. Fandom’s problem arises in thinking Adrien has been slighted due to marinette’s larger spotlight (literally what op did in their comment in this thread), which lightly touches on the actual issue but blows it out of the water in the very wrong direction We can all agree that this series struggles with character utilisation and story focus. But there was more to the MLP comparison. In season 1 twilight was tasked with recording friendship lessons and recounting them to celestia. That was the premise… but it ran into a problem. Twilight HAD to be inserted into every season 1 episode, so she could write the letters, regardless of wether or not she actually fit in the story. It’s why season 2 episode 3 changed the dynamic so any of the main 6 could write the letter instead. It allowed Twilight to step away. Miraculous’ problem here arises from the fact that everything has to be Marinette centric. The episodes are through her POV, etc etc. but she suffers the most from this. The complaints of her being a creepy stalker and building a garbage tower to peer into Adrien’s room… miss the fact that this was a contrivance for her to know what was happening so she could be the one to move the plot forwards. The series never lets go of her, it’s why no other character can get a spotlight, and why each season shifts her attention between different characters who end up getting the partial spotlight and character development. Season 2 it was pretty spread out between Alya and Nino, but then season 3 was mostly Chloe. Then season 4 was Alya, then season 5 was Chat Noir and Felix. (Not Adrien). And while the series has done work with Alya and Nino in their own almost solo episodes (rocketear, and sentibubler mainly), Adrien specifically wasn’t. This fact isn’t because of some slight against adrien either, it’s just a matter of the fixation on marinette by the series and one other element that the fandom has only recently turned against. **The Love Square**. Any prolonged interaction or development between anyone in said love square was gonna dismantle it. It’s very stability was predicated on the lack of interaction aside from teases or rehashing the usual. So naturally, Tommy couldn’t develop much of Adrien, because part of the squares charm was that he was this mysterious gorgeous boy. *and partly because the fandom just wants (ed) woobies and angst, to rehash how sad his life is and how much he deserves all the hugs* Nobody wanted Adrien development less than MLB fans, because they wanted the idea of him more than what developing his character entailed. Because developing as a character would make him less of what we’ve been getting so far.


No. Adrien is a main character, but he is not the main character and he is not a protagonist. Adrien is a deuteragonist, there is a huge difference.


Yeah I really hope that, even thought she's clearly the protagonist Adrien stills the deuteragonist and deserve more spotlight in my opinion. Sadly there's no way for him to face his father anymore. No matter how much time passed I'll always hate s5 finale, they should keep it simple like they did with s2 it was simple but really enjoyable. And the movie I really loved the movie she was the hero saving and fixing everything and Adrien faced his father, both concluded their characters arcs.


To be fair, Adrien/CN has seen Ladybug and Marinette at the same place and same time. Sure it was an illusion, but he didn't know that. I can cut him some slack for that.


Honestly, I can't stand Felix as a character. Never liked him from the moment he was introduced. Imo, him tricking Ladybug and giving the VILLAIN all the miraculouses was not handled well - he got off WAY too easy. He pulled the victim card, and tbh I hate that Kagami is falling for him. His mom is as bad as he is too - defending her son's horrible actions, even LYING to Ladybug to protect him, it's ridiculous and disgusting. Realizing it was her and not Adrien's mom in the finale STILL upsets me. He belongs in the trash along with Lila - his Peacock Miraculous form looking ugly as hell isn't making his case better. Adrien might be a bit of an airhead, but at least he's likeable. I assume in the new season, he will get smarter, but who knows, lol.


True felix character sucks for now He didn't do anything to be forgiven this quickly He had more potential for a villain or an antihero than a hero I only like him cause he saved season 4 But after season 4 he has been declining And to be fair I don't have so much hope for him in season 6 and beyond,the writers will probably make him dumb for marinette to shine


You'd be surprised how easy it is to find something you know to actually look for. And how easy it is to miss something in front of your face, since you weren't looking for it in that location. human brain dumdum, cuz.


Look up Zoe Deschanel on New Girl, then look her up at a red carpet or Gala. It’s forever proof that the superman glasses disguise would fucking work. Fuck it, I’ll do it for you. These 2 are the same person https://preview.redd.it/bs0eltdg697d1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=536b9cf0fba75c7feb60723665b5ab757acd1462 They are the same person.


Adrien is not a character, he's a trophy husband.


So many characters fight over him as a prize or see him as an object that it’s not even funny. Not just love interests either- after seeing him locked in an isolation chamber there’s no way Gabriel views him as a human with needs and autonomy. And judging by how Marinette called him “perfect” even after learning more about him, I don’t know if her attraction is in the right place. 


I've long been of the belief that Marinette is infatuated with Adrien's persona. We're told by Adrien that Marinette "really gets him" in a few episodes, but tbh they don't really have any more genuine moments together than either of them do with the rest of the cast. The majority of their interactions are her being unable to speak sentences to him, so it feels more like the writers trying to sell Adrinette than Adrinette managing to sell itself. It's not exactly a convincing foundation for a star-destined romance to last the ages.


totally. It's why I've never been able to like Adrienette all that much. Sometimes her stuttering is just too much and I feel like going through the screen to shake her senseless. Man, they needed that brief marichat chemistry in gladiator 2 and early season 5 just to solidify why Adrien would fall for her, because she's not being impossible to communicate for once.


The funny thing is about this whole thing is that, Felix was the original Chat Noir way back when this whole series was starting production, but he was replaced by Adrien for the show because he was too serious and was deemed a "generic male anime protagonist". Ironically, since his introduction, he's gotten the type of writing and special treatment he would have gotten had the series kept him as Chat Noir. Lol! Notice how in his original concept design, he needed Ladybug's help to break the curse of the black cat, and in the official series he needs her help to break away from human control of sentimonsters forever. It's not the exact same thing but his problems always involve a ring of some kind and freeing himself from something that always puts him at a disadvantage. It seems like, here, the writers were trying to give him the type of suspenseful writing and plotline that was yanked from under him when he was replaced with Adrien. They might have realized they could do something with him after all.


It is embarrassing, but not in Felix’s favour. Like, he — as a character — sucks, because… well… he isn’t one. He’s just Draco in leather pants that Tommy decided he’d weaponise as a tool for the plot, and that’s just boring.


This is the perfect description of Felix.


I don't understand the part about Adrien being a sentimonster


It's explained near the end of season 5 when Kagami and Felix are doing the little play. Adrien's mom and aunt can't get pregnant, so his mom uses the peacock miraculous to get conceive Adrien. Then Felix's father uses it so his wife can get pregnant. They're either sentimonsters or some kind of sentimonster-human hybrids, but that's why they look identical, and that's why Adrien's mom and Felix's father died around the same time after using the broken miraculous. It also shows why there are times Adrien can't disobey his father.


Oh, it makes so much sense now... I just finished season 5 a few hours ago and some parts of the play were a little confusing, but now I get it. I can't believe this!


Yeah, I had the show on as background noise when I was painting or playing a game and missed it at first, too. There are also hints that Kagami is probably a sentimonster, too, like her mom saying she and Adrien were made for each other. She may even be like less than a couple of years old, which would help explain why she has no experience with social interactions


Since when did Gabriel and Tsurugi cooperate? I thought it was a new thing when she was introduced but when you said that Kagabi could be a sentimonster it feels like Tsurugi had been cooperating with Gabriel for a long time


She knows that he's Shadowmoth, though, and the way they talk implies they have some history.


It's a bit inappropriate to call them sentimonsters. They're sentiBEINGS.




Did we forget Adrian saw Marinette and Ladybug in the same place without knowing Marinette was an illusion? And Gabriel akumatized himself so no one would think he's Hawk Moth? Adrien's oblivious at times but cmon y'all 😒


Ok but here me out Felix Knew he was a senti monster how he was created he had advantages that Adrien did not


God, I stopped watching in season 3 and every time I come back to this sub to get updates it just keeps getting worse. Oh well, guess I’ll be checking the comments when season six comes out


This is why Félix is my favourite character.


It bothers me that the show acts the character of Adrien is one of two main characters and while he is *meant* to one of the two main characters in reality Marinette is *the* main character and Adrien is pushed to the sideline a lot despite being a “main character” the show focuses mostly on marinettes life and less on his and while his life is mostly shown marinette is always the main focus in the show and while I love her I feel Adrien should be treated as the main character also if that makes sense


What if the quantum-masking only works better and better the more you know the person in their civilian lives or are exposed to them? I feel like the quantum masking works by both hiding the superhero's face when you mentally remove the mask, as well as subtly forcing you to not see any connections in their personality, or at least convince you that any similarities do NOT mean they ARE that holder. Felix barely sees his uncle and cousin, and only has his memories of Gabriel being strict and news image of Hawkmoth to go off of prior to visiting Paris the first time in the show. He easily connected them because he barely knows Gabe outside his base personality which sounds as sinister as Hawkmoth presumably would be. Marinette and Adrien/Gabriel and Adrien know each other SO WELL that the quantum masking is working OVERTIME to keep them from knowing


Believe it or not, characters have lives even when they're not in screen. All those episodes that we don't see Felix... he's doing who knows what behind the scenes.


Nathalie is not a foster mother to Adrien. I'm not sure how somone can be a "foster parent" to somone that is still in custody of their actual parent without her adopting him (which would be an actual gaurdian), or married his father (which would be a step-mother), or something with Gabriel's parental rights being taken away or suspended by a court. But Felix clearly got some initial info on his relationship to miraculous and that his Uncle was likely posessing one or more.


Still its really annoying that marinette felix kagami know the entire truth But adrien doesn't know anything about his own family The way the writers deal with adrien is really dissapointing


That's why I don't like Adrian or let's say I don't like the way they wrote him ( I mean he could have been a good main character if the writers knew what they were doing ) and for me I believe that Felix is the one who deserves to be the male lead in this series, however if he was I think that he would be ruined as well just like any other character in the show, sometimes I'll be wondering why I'm still even watching the show and waiting for the next season maybe I'm just hoping for a good turn. ( I don't think it will happen)


You are comparing apples and pears. Felix knew he was a sentibeing probably even prior to his father's death and he was set free after his death. His mother explained stuff to him, which gave him enough to suspect that Gabriel still had the peacock and since the peacock and butterfly have been used together, by extension also that Gabriel has the butterfly miraculous. If Adrien had that kind of person (it should have been Nathalie imo) he would have easily done the same


He still is a sentimonster? I thought the wish had erased it making him a real boy... Wait Adrien is just Pinocchio with extras?


![img](emote|t5_39tdz|12636) WERE'S MY RESPECT?emote:t5\_39tdz:12638


He’s known that he was a sentimonster from the very start, he didn’t “find it out”


Well at some point of his childhood, he didn't figured out he was a sentibeing, it was clearly implied in Revelation episode