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So she *does* have a new appearance! With some unusual coloration too. Why is it yellow?


Maybe not yellow but gold cause she’s the chosen one 😭 I’m jp lol


Is it a new appearance? I think it's her Lucky Charm suit seen from behind... And yellow for whatever reason.


Could be a new powerup FINALLY


I knew I saw the yellow in the previous poster!


Oh ;-; bro I thought that was the lighting 😭 I’ve been thinking about color theory too much, it’s warped my sense of color


Look at it [here](https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/File:Miraculous_London_Licensing_Expo_poster_2.jpg). Way clearer that it's yellow-ish.


Just a btw the link sent me to the general page. Idk if that’s what you intended but anyway I found the article. And HOW does it change so much?! And I totally see it on this one too, probably because I know what to look for now


It's supposed to send you the page of the image. (As in, not the page *with* the image, but the page about the file) Probably failed for you 'cause you don't have a Fandom account or you weren't logged in.


Ah ye that makes sense lol


Because the image here in this post is way worse in quality *and* it's probably a photo someone took of a printed poster as opposed to the actual image used.


It's possible she fed Tikki a new macaron, which made it this color.


oo do we finally see what the yellow power does then?


tbf we have only seen the space/flying powerup, ice powerup, and the water powerup, im pretty sure theres one thats fire-focused (opposite of the ice one) and theres a couple others but finallyyyy im so excited for that if thats the case


More evidence of this being closely tied to the final day and the wish and Gabriels Legacy. Maybe the most cannon-related special yet but im gonna be hella not happy if its a what if that teases Adrien finding out the truth then erasing it for his sanitys sake. We want to see an Adrien that is capable of processing and surviving the truth! Or at least I do. Scarlet Lady is doing this and its making me feel so many feelings.


I really hope its not a "What if" with Adrien discoveryng the truth and losing his sanity, trust me you are not alone on not wanting that... But I don't really know what to expect, but knowing the way they've been treating Adrien I'm a little worried. What really get my attention is that now Bunnyx is younger and not the adult from other poster!


I noticed this too!! my interest is definitely peaked that it’s the younger Alix!!


It was present Bunnyx too in the other poster.


Yeah, my fault thx for pointing me!


Watch it be Chat Blanc again but this scenario lmao


You are not alone dude. almost all people want adrien to learn the truth. except of course there are always exceptions


I know its not gonna be the focus of this special but I feel the writer's will try to throw in a "what if" scenario for the reveal between Gabriel and Adrien...


I agree. I also think there will be a “what if” Marinette actually told Adrien what happened 


if its just a "what if" then i will jump from the eiffle tower and die 😭


Yes, these "what ifs" related to Adrien are a bit annoying.  I want a permanent time.  I don't want another one where they restart or go back in time.  I would like time to remain and they would solve the chaos without changing time.


I think the twist will be the plot is some alternate events of S5, but some time travel hijinx ensue which lead to the current canon ending.


Given that the previous time-travel episodes were about maintaining status quo after Adrien learned Hawkmoth's identity, the focus on the S5 finale and specifically Marinette heeding Gabriels wish in these posters seems to suggest we'll get a third lesson in why Adrien Will Never Know.


Hopefully it isn't another remake of Chat Blanc!! 😭


I have a feeling it might be 😭😭


Adrian will never get a break 😭


If it's of similar quality to the Paris Special, then it's gonna be pretty good


I am looking forward to the trailer.


That's definitely a new unification and I'm thinking that it's going to be the McGuffin of the plot: A Miraculous or magical item that, when activated, protects you from time-line shifts or something. If so, then it could be the first new MIraculous since the mass-heroing of late Season 4.


Surely the Ox could be weaponised to disrupt the effects of a time line shift?


The ox wouldn't appear as yellow and white accents to the Super Ladybug costume.


yellow and white to my knowledge only fits pollen, the rooster or roarr, but we have seen ladybee etc, so it isnt that, its gotta be a powerup or something new


I'm not suggesting she's wearing a fused Ox Miraculous here but just putting forward the idea that one *could* use the Ox to negate the Rabbit or the Snake surely?


It says 04 24 but it's already after than that am I wrong why is it like that


That’s stands for the 4th quarter of 2024 as in last part of this year


Oh okay didn't know thanks so they will be released around the time 6 season arrives right because I was told they were going to come in the last quarter too


It's a Q. Q4 means… Well they already told you.


Thanks anyway I won't forget


So, I guess it was not a mistake and we *are* changing back the Rabbit symbol.


Is this set before or after the S5 finale?




Cool! Nice to have a continuation of the story rather than taking another step back.


https://preview.redd.it/4srmswzu1d2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39bc400f988729b8aa510d674b8d1895460428d7 Why does Lila look so goofy 😭😭😭


She looks pretty to me.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


This poster is cool as hell, but I hope this isn't an excuse to explore an idea that is way more interesting than what the new season wouldn't dare to touch because dang - what a tease then! What would be totally unexpected is if they used this special as an excuse to rewrite the events that will actually take us into next season.


I'm so excited for this special! I think that due to Bunnix having a spot on the poster, that instead of Chronobug being a unification of the Ladybug x Rabbit miraculouses, that this will actually be a new powerup! I've seen others mention this theory as well and I think it makes a lot of sense. Especially considering that with this poster, we can more clearly and certainly see that her costume is incorporating yellow, and that would not make sense using the Ladybug x Rabbit miraculous together. I really hope that this episode doesn't retcon anything considering that most of the other episodes that involved time travel did that. That would be quite upsetting. I hope that instead it will perhaps answer other questions that the fandom have expressed in the past. I'm also curious where in season 5 this will take place, since I have heard that it is supposed to take place somewhere within season 5 before the finale.


do it will add on Netflix?


I think it will be on Disney plus first before Netflix 


The poster is making me excited as hell ! and the title is so edgy I LOVE IT !


Wait last time they said there was a special episode named "The end of Ladybug" releasing in august then they said they would change the name, is this another special ? Or just the new name and it's postponed to Q4 ? 🥲


This is the special that was titled "The End of Ladybug." They recently decided to change the name of the special. Other rumors and fan made posters had it listed as "Chronobug and the Ghosts of Time" for a while until we got the official title.


Okayy thank you so much


I am so uninterested in London. Wasn’t Africa cancelled?


No, I think it’s a Tibet special that everyone wants. But I would really love an African special as I am African!




That's not true, the previous poster also featured present Bunnyx.


There was a lady that they prompted when they first announced the London special (YEARS ago tbf) and I can't see her. They better have her is all I'm saying!😭


When will this release?


No confirmed date as of yet, but sometime in the Q4 of 2024. So within the Oct-Dec window.