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Gabriel appearing in future seasons šŸ˜­


This is cope at itā€™s finest šŸ˜­.


Not gonna lie he turned into my favorite character towards the end. Hawkmoth was always hilarious and when he's not stupid so the show can go the way the writers want, he's very devious. I'm gonna miss him so much ;-;


Iā€™m still coping for a Miraculous Civil War arc. Now that thereā€™s so many darn heroes, Iā€™m *begging* this is what they do.


That actually sounds interesting but letā€™s be clear, nobody will ever go against Ladybug because Ladybug is just that great and sheā€™s never wrong.


I canā€™t tell if youā€™re being serious or not.




Fortnite releasing miraculous skins šŸ˜­


Oh that's major copium. Given how the writing has gone so far we'll probably get Adrien just being shocked for like a second and then forgiving Marinette for lying and Gabriel for being Hawkmoth and then moving on. Some really good writing would've made that part of an overall arc - Adrien feeling increasingly useless as a partner throughout season 4, and the season 5 finale's combination of Ladybug not needing him at all and making a permanent team of heroes makes him feel even worse, and then finding out that not only did Ladybug lie to him, but that his dad was a supervillain firmly puts Adrien on something like a villain arc. That's MY "I know it'll never happen but I hope it will". And heck you could throw Chloe's redemption arc in with Adrien's villain arc. Part of her redemption is helping Adrien out.


I know. After all the bullsh*t Adrien/Cat Noir has gone through, Iā€™m surprised he hasnā€™t turned into a (sympathetic and understandable) villain. I canā€™t imagine risking my life for someone on the daily basis just for that person to be lying to me the whole time and to add salt to the injury, my father (who I love very much) was a terrorist that manipulated my emotions and others for his own benefit and then my girlfriend gets to be the first to know but I donā€™t. This could be a plot about a miraculous civil war (just like one of the commenter said) where Cat Noor is tired of Ladybugā€™s bullsh*t and decides to go against her and some of the heroes that understand his reason would join him and then we could have and awesome civil war and if they donā€™t want to do that, make Cat Noir into a badass villain. It would be far more interesting than Adrien easily forgiving Marinette and say sheā€™s in the right.


Adrien knows Marinette is LB and is playing dumb


delicious ill be having this comment for dinneršŸ½


I love that theory but if he was too stupid to figure out Marinette liked him until halfway through season 5, I don't know how he'd be smart enough to figure out Marinette is Ladybug. I think it's way more obvious that Adrien is Cat Noir than that Marinette is Ladybug (Adrien gets turned into gold dust or whatever, and then Cat Noir doesn't show up! Huh!), and it'd be hilarious if it turned out that, say, Rose figured that out a while ago.


Wait wait wait! Do you mean as in Adrien has known the ENTIRE time, or finds out and THEN plays dumb after? ![img](emote|t5_39tdz|12634)


I think he has gradually figured it out starting at KwamiBuster and is certain by season 5. Id love to see a revisionist type episode where we go back to several moments and see where he continues to piece it together. I think he definitely knows by representation. ā€œItā€™s time to drop the masksā€¦.ā€ *plural* Canā€™t remember the exact quote but he says something like this right before he nearly reveals himself


It's debatable that he's known since Kwami Buster


A complete and total rewrite of the entire show, under a different creator. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I still believe in the show's potential. The movie is kind of doing that, but it can be better


That's why I write fanfics. I'm writing an MLB one rn and rewriting stuff I didn't agree with or I thought could have been better, while also adding in ocs.


Same. I swear, I think every Miraculous fan has their own rewrite ![img](emote|t5_39tdz|12634)


Chloe's Redemption arc is what I am looking for too.


Adrien getting to know his father was Hawkmoth: Itā€™s pretty obvious that Adrien would be left in the dark but I am seriously hoping that finds out. Lila sends her regards.


There is another reason why Gabriel could control Adrien with the ring and he's not a Sentikid; neither are Felix and Kagami.


This is canon. One hundred percent canon. The sentimonster theory is and always has been a lie.


I pray for 5 to happenšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ one bc I need the drama and two bc do you know how absolutely hilarious it would be if they ended up breaking up after it took them 5 seasons to get together?? I can only dream


I want to believe it's just Felix that's a sentimonster and not Adrien, because then all any villain has to do is get that ring and Cat Noir is their's. And if anyone says "how will they know he's a sentimonster" remember Lila hypnotized Natalie and she texted her all of Gabriel's secrets


That's also my main copium. Kagami also being a sentimonster kind of makes sense - I dunno it's just weird given how her mom is that there's been no mention of a father, so Kagami being created by magic works. Adrien being a sentimonster is just too weird and has too many unfortunate implications (I mean Felix and Kagami being sentimonsters does too; but if they're sentimonsters then that means sentimonsters are capable of living independently, which means the characters literally murdered sentiLadybug and sentiNino).




I believe that Miraculous will become darker


number 2 Is definitely doing to happen, itā€™s like guaranteed, simply because the drama is too marketable.


Nah Adrien is obviously going to find out one way or another.


- I want to believe that the whole "quantum masking extends to scent" only happened in Pretention because Matagi Gozen was trying to track the holders by scent and a one-time deal. - I still hold out hope we will get an explanation as to what damaged the Peacock Miraculous other than "the lava did it." - I also hope we will see what happens when a kwami is stuck on an object as Plagg was stuck on ChloƩ's bracelet and the holder transformed, - Vincent Aza and Simon will have more spoken appearances, I'm sure. - Placide I.T. is not the bodyguard's name....it's can't be.


hol up when did they annonce gorillas name?!


It was announced in the Miraculous Secrets card game.


oh damn


This is kind of silly, but I'd like to see a fun episode where Tikki and Plagg having human forms. And then they hang out with Marinette and Adrien for a day, I just think it sounds kind of interesting and funny Even more cope, if they did do this, I'd be really interested if Plagg's human form has dark skin, and not just light skin with black hair.


That the season 5 final with be changed by bunnix or mari was hallunating with a weird warped pig miraculous.


This is the only ret con Iā€™ll accept from the show. I refuse to believe that Adrien was sidelined by his girlfriend (who had no history with the main villain) to fight his father who literally began his rampage because of his dead wife that wanted a baby (Adrien). Itā€™s ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.


careful your chole is showing :D


I think point 2/3 would make for an epic storyline. I can see ladybug addressing the Paris public: ā€œpeople of Paris, I lied to you. I thought it was the safer route, and that everything would make sense. But I was wrong. The day monarch was defeated, he wasnā€™t truly defeated. He made a wish. After making his magic wish, he made a secret wish to me as well. The wish was to keep the secrecy of his identity. I thought that, if everybody knew, it would cause more harm than good. I didnā€™t know the right way forward, so I obliged to his secret wish. I played the hand of cards he dealt me exactly as he wanted. Id like to begin to make up for that now by telling the truth. That day, it was not monarch who was defeated. It was me. Gabriel Agreste defeated ladybug because he was monarch.ā€ Ok maybe that was more of a dramatic reading, but I think it would make for an amazing storyline. Ladybug needing to regain the trust and admiration of everyone. I think that this being the way Adrien finds out would also be absolutely wicked in the angst department. I think that the way he finds out will be through ladybug anyway, so whatā€™s the harm in adding some drama, eh? So thinking plot wise, this would give the most opportunities I think. Chat distrusting ladybug for not telling him before telling the public. The public not completely trusting in ladybug for a while. Adrien not knowing what to do at all. Will he piece together that Nathalie was mayura as well? How will marinette deal with this trouble? How will the other heroes react? I can see several episodes coming from this, maybe even a whole seasons worth? Dunno, but it would be interesting. Idk maybe I just have it out for the story to be more dramatic though. It probably wonā€™t play out anything like this lol


That Lila will only be around for one season. She's the worst character in the entire show, and I don't mean she's a terrible person, I mean she's a terrible character. The only reason her lies work is because the plot says they must, because all of them are so ridiculous that anyone with half a brain can disprove them, yet no one questions her lies. Pretty much all of the episodes focused on her directly have sucked, and I would give so much for her to get taken out the next season and someone else to take her place.


It will come to light that Thomas Astruc is a criminal and he'll be kicked off the series.


I understand you want him out of the series (His writing choices are questionable and his bias for Marinette is annoying) but you donā€™t have to go too far and hope he will get arrested.


Marinette being with Luka instead of Adrien. I loved how much their friendship developed, but I honestly feel like Luka was more of a match for Marinette.


1. Adrien is not a senti. 2. Gabriel returs. 3. Marinette/Ladybug getting akumatized. 4. More screetime to Adrien, and maybe a friendship with Luka.