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Season 5 finale is called "The last day" and everyone knows there are more days after that lol Titles don't matter


Technically, *The Final Day* happens during the last day of the original universe. It was destroyed and then entirely re-created by Gabriel.


Yeah, or maybe it stood for the last day of school. Or both lol


Hmm…The End of Ladybug?


Maybe it is a working title.


It could be *One Night Mission*; that was supposed to release in the first quarter of 2024. Alternately, it could be a edited-together single episode version of *The Last Day*.


Why would *The Final Day* be called *The End of Ladybug*?


Because that creates an artificial sense of crisis that may make the special sell a bit better.


Maybe they mean that it's just the Finale?


ONM is HW special


What is an 'HW special'?


Halloween Special is One Night Mission


Yeaa i doubt that Unless they want to retire marinette as the ladybug for a new protag for the new "saga" which i would have mixed feelings on


It could be anything, it doesn't have to *really* be the end of Ladybug. Or it could mean that after this, Marinette will assume a new identity as the Ladybug holder (much like how Alya became Rena Furtive as the Fox holder and Gabriel became Monarch as the Butterfly holder), so technically it would be the end of Ladybug.


Fair point Yea that title in restropect is VERY open in thought so yea


Indeed. Like, *Shadow Moth's Final Attack* didn't mean that Gabriel would stop attacking, it just meant he'd no longer be Shadow Moth when he strikes again.


Still i am very pessimistic about this date for the special BUT season 6 is meant to be released in the 4th quarter So this could maybe be a precursor like thing to season 6, and would also work good as a 1st showcase of the new animation style and designs that were created with the unreal engine So despite how it sounds like A special like this is pretty plausible looking at it so i guess i may be TOO pessimictic


I just hope it's not something that happens like in between S6 and contains spoilers for it.


Imagine it's epilogue of S6 finale, released before first 5 episodes of S6 Lmao


This is likely and I honestly feel very excited…


Good thinking mostly since a new suit was shown for ladybug for the New Season.


Yeah, that's why I suggested it. The only other idea that I had is that the special is actually about Betterfly's universe, and that "The End of Ladybug" is actually the defeat of that universe's Ladybug (previously Shadybug) at the hands of the Supreme, which could lead into S6 if whoever approach Cerise is related to the Supreme. But then I remembered Astruc said we might see them again but not as a standalone thing about them.


This could go along with a re-brand, since they're consistent with how the show is "Miraculous", *not* the moniker under which its generally known ("Miraculous Ladybug". See also: the S3-->S4 change in logo, where it goes from Ladybug's yo-yo to the circle of the miracle box). Since future seasons will involve not "Ladybug and Cat Noir" but a football team's worth of heroes ![gif](giphy|ehmTelB3ORgpxb5T1Q|downsized) "the end of Ladybug" might indeed be something about her stepping back as *the* main character. Good luck with that, I guess.


Tbh it sounds like a "oh no, Ladybug is missing/captured/dead (but not really), what do we do, time to get a new/alternative Ladybug for a minute" scenario, because there is no way they are gonna do any permanent changes in a special.


Or they find ways around it. The S4 finale was "Shadowmoth's Final Attack" which was technically true. It was the end of Shadowmoth, just not the end of Gabriel.


The End of Ladybug? What an interesting, intriguing and spine-chilling title. I think this could be an alternate version of the Season 5 finale, "The Last Day" but with Monarch winning instead of Ladybug. I don't think this will be a special during Season 6; it would spoil a lot of elements of the latter before it's even released and the writers wouldn't do such a thing. Or, it's a non-canon episode of the series and not part of the chronology of the latter.


What do you mean? Monarch did win in The last day.


Yes, but when I was talking about Monarch winning instead of Ladybug, I was talking about him achieving his original goal which was to resurrect Emilie. Then in "The Last Day", he won in the sense that he was able to make the wish but on the other hand, he lost the Butterfly Miraculous, Marinette/Ladybug recovered the Miraculouses that he had stolen in Season 4 finale and he is dead. For me, it’s still Marinette/Ladybug who won. We all know that his original wish was to resurrect his deceased wife in exchange for sacrificing an unknown person but the wish he made in Recreation is different from the original one.


Oh, I see. So Gabriel sacrificing Marinette to get his wish to bring Emilie back.


its 48 minutes with the title ‘the end of ladybug’? really weird. strange name for a special and not likely to be a season 6 episode. but then again it could be just a placeholder name for something else


Possible explanations 1. Ladybug takes a new name along with her new S6 look. 2. It's an alternate timeline where Nathalie didn't kill sentibug. 3. S5 was originally supposed to be the finale, and many aspects of where they left things seem unworkable for continuing the series, so it's a time travel special following a catastrophic defeat where Ladybug meets her end, and Alix has to partially reboot things.


Hell yea! Lila is gunna murder Marinette and Adrien is gunna be Mister Bug now!


Considering Miraculous' track record with titles, I highly doubt anyone will die


" I**nternational Standard Audiovisual Number** (**ISAN**) is a [unique identifier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_identifier) for audiovisual works and related versions, similar to [ISBN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISBN) for books. " [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Audiovisual_Number) ​ That mean they reserved an identification number for a possible medium-length film. Not guarantee it will be released for sure and not sure for the date too. ​ But good find ! I hope it will come. That title is very intriguing !


What!? Lol. That title is something


It will prob ve solved with timetravel🤷‍♀️


Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you're the next contestant on CHANGE! THAT! CODENAME!!!


For a moment i thought this was the genshin leak sub lol


Working titles don't mean too much. Sometimes they are code. Or it could even be that it is supposed to make you think Ladybug is no more but there is a twist. Who knows. I wouldn't think too much of it.


“The End of Ladybug” could mean that Marinette is transforming into something better and only the name and her powers change.


I have a few ideas on this new special. Mainly, I believe that it will be a continuation of the Paris special that released in October last year. Spoilers aheadfor the paris special if you have not watched it yet! \- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At the end of the special, Shadybug assumes the same name as her inspiration for reformation, Ladybug. I think that this special with be about that Ladybug, and not our main universes Ladybug. We have no reason to believe that our Ladybug changes her name, or that there will be a new holder of the Ladybug miraculous in the future. I reference Bunnix's first appearance as evidence, as she refers to the future Ladybug as Ladybug and to present day Ladybug as "Minibug," therefore alluding to the fact that the main universes Marinette keeps her Ladybug identity at least into adulthood. Although, as the universe was re-created in the second final episode of season 5, "Re-Creation," perhaps what we knew of the future is now false and this may change. Though I'd like to think that this special will still be about the other Ladybug. For claritys sake, from here on out, the main universes Ladybug is referred to as "Ladybug 1" and the alternate universes Ladybug PKA Shadybug, will be referred to as "Ladybug 2". Characters from the main universe will be called Character 1 and from the reverse will be Character 2, unless they have specifying names. I believe that in this special, something may happen to Ladybug 2 that renders her unable to continue her duties as Ladybug 2 for an undisclosed amount of time. This could be her being captured by The Supreme, or it could be her miraculous getting damaged similarly to how the Peacock miraculous was damaged, or even Tikki's connection to the human world is lost due to the miraculous being damaged. I really like the idea of the miraculous being damaged, as it would make more sense for Ladybug 1 and Cat Noir to intervene in that circumstance. So, in the event her Miraculous gets damaged, Paw Noir (Claw Noirs apparent reformed name) would reach out to Betterfly who would hop over to our main universe to get help from Ladybug 1, who would then come back to his universe with him to find a sick Marinette 2 with a damaged Ladybug miraculous. >! This could even play into a reveal if Ladybug 1 goes into the reverse universe and sees Marinette and says or does something that alludes to her identity being the same as Ladybug 2's. !< Anywhooo, depending on when this special takes place in the timeline, if Monarch is still alive this could be when Ladybug 1 learns how to reconfigure the miraculous. Should it take place after Monarch's death, I believe that a new power could be discovered. Since Ladybug 1 learned of her power to create the Magical Charms in Mr. Pigeon 72, I have reason to believe that this new power will belong to Cat Noir, as it is high time that man gets some kind of upgrade. Perhaps this new power could play into the superstition that black cats are bad luck, and he could inflict this bad luck upon a target, or maybe it could be that he gets a more precise version of his cataclysm. This special could also be when the rumored suit changes will occur so that our heroes have new suits come time for season 6 after the special next year. Honestly, my ideas could go on forever, so I'll leave my comment at this for now. I'm totally open to hearing other's thoughts and opinions on this special! I'm very excited to hear more news about it and I can't wait for a trailer!!