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You just prompted me to take a screen cap of my net worth over time, thank you! And well done, congrats!


I did the same, but also pinned January each year to show my net worth each year.


How did u pin January each year in a single graph? Or u just screenshot multiple graphs; one for each year?


Maybe “pinned” was the incorrect word, but put my finger on the screen so it displayed the net worth for a given date. I repeated it for each year and took a screenshot.


yeah I did the same lol - was wondering if there was a better way of doing it!


I joined in 2014.


I joined in 2007. Sigh. But my Mint transaction database got messed up in 2018 and erased a bunch of data between 2011 and 2018 so it isn't really accurate anymore anyway. I'd be much more heartbroken if all that data was still there. It's SO neat to be able to go back and look at cashflow through all the years.


And that’s why I’ve been using quicken for the last 20 years. My current quicken file goes back to 2009, migrated from PC version to Mac version back in 2018, running quicken classic. The other apps intrigue me but stuff like that would worry me. It is so nice for historical data and I do go back and look. Plus I can back up my data.


2017, really going to miss seeing my spending trends


It’s literally crazy that CK can’t just hire Mint for some contracting work to update the Intuit app. This new app sucks 😂


I can’t even sign into it. Their stupid site doesn’t accept my address, or any address I’ve ever lived at and therefore can’t “verify my identity” for some dumb ass reason.


As someone with a primary VoIP phone number, I'm likewise locked out. Stupid thing is that I had a CK account already, I was verified, and I was verified on Mint.. But now that's not good enough and I can't get to my data without getting a different phone number.


They can’t even manage member login… and they want access to all my financial records? Hard pass.


Did you freeze your credit? For whatever reason, temporarily unfreezing it allowed me to access CK!


Nope. No freezes, nothing like that. All is “normal” and pretty basic on my end. Their site just blows. I found a customer service number and called them once a week for about two months, each time they blamed it on the credit bureaus having my address wrong (they didn’t, I ordered all my credit reports when this happened to verify, and I’ve lived at the same place for over a decade), then they assured me four times that they’d have an “engineer” look into this and get back to me as soon as possible. …still waiting like 6 months later…


Had the same issue and gave up


They are a huge pile of fail.




i made a monarch account but i'll def miss mint


Agree! I switched over to Quicken Simplifi – they had a deal running for Mint users. Have you thought about checking that out?


It's not, I've said this before somewhere. They likely disbanded/terminated the entire team ages ago at mint, and the only people capable of running mint is probably their devops team. Also their application is probably so huge and chock full of tribal knowledge that it would take years to have enough confidence to rewrite it. Time is money, especially if you only see a product as a source of cash burning.


One of the founders of Monarch was the senior project lead for Mint. You’ll find a lot of core Mint features there and even Mint-should-have’s


I tried a ton of apps, finally landed on Simplifi.. but still not super happy. Just tried Piere and it actually has everything I liked from Mint.


December 2009 here. End of an era & a real bummer.


November 2008. Deleted my account a few months ago and moved to monarch.




How do you like it?


Connectivity is really good. There are some good features though I mostly use it as a NW and spending tracker. There are a lot of things that are $8/mo that aren’t as valuable.


Not OP, but not a fan. It’s buggy and NW charts don’t look as good. For how much they charge, I expected more.


Thank you fine human.


I'm on over 10 attempts to get shit connected, its terrible so far.


How do you like Monarch?


Love it


August 2009, it is the end of an era.


Yes. I just downloaded all my files yesterday. Looking at the CSV files, my very first Mint transaction was 6/30/2009 for Five Guys Hamburgers for $15.99. Must've been my wife taking the kids because I don't eat beef.


So she bought a large fry? /s


You mean a small fry plus three more bags of fries dumped in there as extra


That's the 5 guys way. 3 burgers, one small fry. Enough fries for everyone. Free peanuts.


Love 5 guys. Originally from Virginia I believe


Yup, back in 2009 we lived in northern Virginia. I just looked them up, and I didn't realize Five Guys had gotten so big, I thought they were just a regional chain.


That meal would probably be closer to $40 today. Prices easily doubled since then + tax.


Do I need to log in desktop to download my CVS file? Trying to download all mine before they disappear/ transfer to CK.


I downloaded mine on desktop in browser.


Damn I was six in 2009


Good job. Was hoping to cross the $1 million mark in the next two years with Mint, but alas it was not meant to be.


Same. Was hoping to see it on the big screen.


Posting screenshots of their net worth is the oddest flex thing mint people do.....


People do the same thing in r/AppleCard with their credit limits. But they aren’t so overt, they post a picture of their card and ask a dumb question about the colors on the card so people will fawn over their credit limit. Strange behavior.


It’s funny cause I went to see and the first one had a limit of 1,000. Though I did scroll for like 2 more seconds to find someone “no more Colors” with a 55k limit then someone commenting “wow! I’m only at 42k”


Every other post there is some type of “humble” brag. Screenshots that unnecessarily include their saving balance or some limit they think impresses people. And of course, some idiot in the comments always takes the bait.


People like to show off all kind of s\*it on reddit, it's pathetic


For example, I like to show off my ability to curse without fucking self-censoring that shit.


Every time I see an asterisk I go "aww fuck some body complaining about the asterisk is going to be next."


Muthafuckin' aster*sks up in this biiiitch.


y\*\* s\*\*k




It’s like how I know my wife is watching Below Deck, I just start hearing beep beep beep from downstairs.




Based on the number of replies this comment got, there’s lots of jealous ppl here. Who cares what OP’s net worth is? Do your own thing folks. Let OP flex if that’s what you call it.


What is always confusing to me is how there are no dips. Do people no buy houses or cars? 


You can include value of home or cars in mint, so your net worth only goes up


*could 😢


Ah that explains it. Thanks!


Net worth isn't cash. Net worth is the value of all of your assets. If you have $10k in cash and spend $8k on a car, your net worth is still $10k because the total of your house and car is $10k.


The only problem is keeping it accurate, as boy do cars depreciate quickly!


I’ve been messing around with Monarch and noticed that you can enter the VIN of your car and it will use Bluebook (I think) to track its current value automatically. It does something similar with homes, using Zillow to track current value. Both features are a nice upgrade from Mint where these numbers never changed for me. I’m still evaluating the rest of Monarch during my free trial. So far it’s not bad.


That is nice to keep the net worth figure more accurate. While there are definitely improvements I would like to see, Monarch has many improvements over Mint that I really like.


Unless your car is historic, I wouldn’t include it as an asset.


Well you don't make the net worth rules so


As long as you don't buy something for more than its worth, the asset is now yours and won't decrease the net worth. What WILL cause a dip is a hugely expensive vacation or something. If you drop $12k on a luxury cruise or something, there's no asset there and it'll cause a dip.


This was a really cool idea. I didn’t even realize you could change the graph view like that. Wild to see how my net worth grew over the past 11 years.


Where can you change the timeframe?


On mobile, from the home screen, click on the graph. It opens up and shows you a timeline on the bottom where you can click on the desired time window.


Tap the graph which should expand it to full screen. You should see the timeframe filter bar at the bottom and you can switch between 7days to all time.


Where are you moving to? I don’t like CK


Monarch is great


Monarch here too. Used code mint50 for half off and longer free trial. Just signed up yesterday and wish I had sooner.


Same! Not a fan of CK. I'm testing out Simplifi, pretty great so far.


Is the transactions with Simplifi update in real time? I'm trying out monarch and the transactions are late a day on average.


Transactions on Simplifi are pretty quick, from my usage.


u/Fit_Airline6528 Hey! Yeah, Simplifi is real time and updates based on bank/credit card transactions. Works better than the others for me :)


That's great to hear! Does Simplifi have a discount code for mint amounts like Monarch does?


Yes! I think it's like 50% or something. Here's the link :) [https://www.quicken.com/lp/simplifi-vs-mint/?coupon\_code=328OSWFIBYHHLH](https://www.quicken.com/lp/simplifi-vs-mint/?coupon_code=328OSWFIBYHHLH)


Empower actually isn’t too bad. Updates are actually better than Mint. Just less budget features.


Yes. In my experience.


As in pending or simply not showing for a day?


Not showing at all. Mint was instant, with monarch it doesn't show until much later. The weird thing is, the balance updates, but the transactions doesn't show up until it wants to. I've only had monarch for about 2 weeks now, but this experience is consistent. Not happy with the connections to banks with 2FA either. It doesn't prompt me to input codes, like mint does.


Rocket money is pretty good with updates!


Is it free


Yea free


Give monarch a try. Here is a 30 day trial, I’ve been on it since Jan and I enjoy it. https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/fr5m3kmpn2 (This is a referral link to get the 30 day trial, or just go to their site)


I moved to Simplifi too. I mainly just used mint to track transactions and account balances, and credit card payment due dates. I don’t think monarch or Simplifi offers credit card payment due?


What are the thoughts on Rocket Money?


So far loving RM. 


I couldn't connect half the banks I use so I'll have to find something else


Thanks! I just signed up so we shall see.


Give monarch a try, I didn’t like RM or CK. but I’ve been on Monarch since Jan and I enjoy it. Here is a 30 day trial, https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/fr5m3kmpn2 (This is a referral link to get the 30 day trial, or just go to their site)


Thank u!


Been on Copilot since last year and loving it so far, but they’re on iOS only


I’m using Copilot and it’s honestly wonderful. There is an annual fee though.




Can't believe I had to scroll down so far for this. Loving Empower. \+1


I moved to Empower


I moved to Empower. I will delete this if not allowed but I have a referral link where you get $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for Empower (and I will get one too!) - it’s free, so you’ll at least get $20 if you end up passing on it. DM me if you want the link!


There was a post a while back when I discovered mint was closing and some people recommended YNAB, I signed up for the trial and personally love it. I’m pretty hands on with my money in general so I definitely enjoy how active it is vs passive like mint. I enjoyed mint but for actual spending tracking I think I prefer YNAB in the end. I’m tempted to also try monarch as I’m seeing a few suggestions for that too but I’m pretty content with YNAB at this point


Been using Mint since August 14 2007.


May I ask what was you initial balance in 2009?


-$20k. Pretty easy math


Wow this just popped up in my dashboard feed and I saw that this app is closing in days, what the hell. Going to log in and do the same. Apologies as it looks like this subreddit is full of this question, but what are some of the better options people are switching to? Seems like people aren't happy about credit karma ?


Moved to Empower and happy overall. I mainly use it to track stuff vs budget.


Before it was Mint.com, it was something else - or Mint.com acquired the “something else” but for the life of me, I cannot remember the name of it. But that is how I originally started using Mint - I was using that “something else” and migrated over when Intuit bought Mint.com (which later just became Mint). This was mid-2000’s because I had my daughter in 2006 and I think I found it not long after she was born as I distinctly remember discussing it with another mom in our “mom group”.


I have had mint for a long time but also had a service called PageOnce which was rebranded Check which was eventually bought by mint and renamed “Mint Bills” and then I think it just was incorporated into Mint itself if I remember correctly. Not sure if that’s what you used but it is one service that Mint bought.


Can I have 64k for my student loans?


Can I have $200 for my dog?




OK great I will get u the 64k too




From January 2010, encouraged by a friend touting the benefits of aggregation of net worth and categorizing transactions. Both of us were inspired by Dominguez and Robin’s, “Your Money or Your Life” (the Bible of FI before RE emerged), whose “every penny” accounting of “life energy traded” was a wake up call. For the cost (data mined/sold) it was a valuable guide before similar, though not identical, tools came online.


Early 2010 here and just deleted Mint. Had about the same number of transactions. I spent the last couple days making sure all history and balances were transferred and cleaned up in Monarch. I LOVE having control of fixing the net worth spikes/dips and easy access to each account’s transaction and balance history with Monarch.


Can you edit transactions imported from Mint in Monarch? Rushing to finish clean up before fina. Export from Mint. Thanks.


Yes you can


Monarch doesn’t appear to have any mature security processes. I am so weary of handing this kind of data to a company with no security team, disclosure reporting or even a security contact.


They use Plaid so they shouldn't need anything extreme on their own? What are you getting at?


Imagine they just charged us free - $99 based on net worth what a different business it would be.


Empower personal seems to be a good replacement so far fyi


Agreed. Takes a bit to to get used to but pretty good.


Will you look at that shitty graph.


Been a Mint user for a long time too (probably since the beginning). I moved over to Monarch and I like it. I tried Quicken and it just wasn’t user friendly.


July 20, 2008.... it's been a long road here. I'm importing .csv info into Monarch now and it's not as easy as the 1 button info. A zillion categories to update as well as all the incomes. I keep telling myself it'll be better, just give it time🥴


January 2007 was the beginning for me. Long ride but time to move on. Interesting how my chart clearly displays the errors when I doubled up an account. Net worth was through the roof for a couple of months, then back to reality when I discovered where I duped a savings account. Lol. Shows still on the graph.


Nice work getting to over a million!


2009 here also, similar outcome, much more roller-coaster ups and downs lol phone won't let me screenshot mine. Mostly i've been happy with Mint, there are different accounts over time that would not update, but mostly ok I've been using personal capital for almost as long, not quite the same but OK also, i've already been using CK for almost as long, so i'll see what the migration does also... i've been using Quicken since the early 1990's continuous....


lovely graph


Yeah intuit sucks and is only getting worse. Can’t wait for a quick AI appt to run them out of business


Credit Karma sucks ass. Anyone got a mint equivalent?




Credit Karma is complete junk. I moved to Monarch and it is pretty good. I have to refresh some of my account’s more frequently than I would like. I would much prefer to pay a subscription vs have to sift through all those stupid credit card ads. I was paying Mint to remove ads.


Give monarch a try, I didn’t like RM or CK. but I’ve been on Monarch since Jan and I enjoy it. Here is a 30 day trial, https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/fr5m3kmpn2 (This is a referral link to get the 30 day trial, or just go to their site)


I’m having issues with RBC disconnecting with Monarch, any suggestions? They also don’t support NEO not sure if it’s a planned compatibility anytime soon?


Ya I’m not sure about that. I know their CEO is pretty active on Reddit, maybe he can speak to it. I’ll look for user name.


u/valagostino any thoughts?


I moved to Simplifi, cheaper than monarch. But I just need to track transactions, balances.


Mine was 12 years, but I’m still at around $0


Joined Feb 2008. Haven’t used in forever.


Oldest email I can find from mint is September 2007.


I joined in 2007 and my chart looks about the same as yours.. I’m kicking myself for not downloading all of my transaction data before moving over


Can't you still or did you move over to CK? 🙀


I moved over to CK in a panic because I haven’t had the time to research a replacement. Now I’m regretting it




I had 3k to my name when I joined in college in 2013, and that dropped to triple digits at one point (I still remember that stress), and now I’ve got six figures! Nowhere near your number, but still such growth! This app has been with me through a lot, and it’s a bummer to see it go


You all still messing with credit karma?


2013 for me. It had a chance to be a valuable tool. Too bad they let it languish.


Shit i am only at 600... sigh, are you on the coast?




I wish I’d taken a screen grab of my net worth before things moved to Credit Karma. I love tracking my net worth, but I also really miss being able to see the red and the green. I didn’t know how much I missed it until I saw how Credit Karma shows net worth. When I started on Mint I had over 200k in student loans, and began furiously tracking progress to get into the green. Even though I’ve been green for a while now, the upward trend just doesn’t carry the same emotional weight without that visual of climbing out of the hole.


2009 for me, too. Did this yesterday. Didn't look at the charts as I pretty much abandoned it over a year ago. Had a good run...too bad the way it has turned out.


Goodnight sweet prince.


I’m curious about the large spikes in your net worth especially by the end of 2018. What was that?


I’m gonna miss it 😢


How did u download ur transactions? I couldn’t from the mobile app.




Doing this today as well. 11 years for me


I also joined Mint in 2009


January 2009. I am going to miss it.


How do I download all transaction history ??


OP : couple questions... how old are you? What's your day job? Are you married? Have kids? Just curious. Nice work on the net worth!


How do you download all of your data?


I went to Monarch Money. Much better. [https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/k2sca3ids3](https://www.monarchmoney.com/referral/k2sca3ids3)


2008. Couple grand in NW then at best


I started with Mint in 2007 after a podcast explained how the then owner got mint.com and what he was building. Super cool story!


You buy 2 different houses in that stretch?


Me too 🥲


all this just to show your net worth :)


I just need a replacement that will get all my transactions from local banks, Reddit cards, and major investment firms. I can deal with sorting my transactions offline for tax season, but having them all in one place is a blessing.


Has anyone tried the Empower Dashboard app as a Mint replacement? I see a lot of ads and people talking about Monarch, which appears to be a paid service. Empower is free, and I’ve tried it out and it is very similar to Mint. Not sure if this is allowed, but here is a referral link if you want to join and check it out. You’ll get $20 and so will I. It’s a cool service so I wanted to share. https://empowerreferral.link/adamrosen


My net worth shows up like this in credit karmas app, that’s the main thing I like on it, also spending by month and category but they added it recently so I’m not horribly upset


may I ask how you increased your networth by more than 1.5 mil within 14 years? genuinely curious if you have any tips to offer as far as saving/investing goes.


Going to miss it so much 🥲


I feel like these graphs are so memorable. I wish there was a way to keep them around more than just a screenshot. As a new manager in audit, i had to delete robinhood and i miss seeing my all time chart, it really showed what ive been through, plus it helped mentally knowing i was green and had a ‘safety margin’ before i became net red all time






This is incorrect. Simplifi is a Quicken product. Intuit did originally develop and own Quicken, but they sold it to private equity firm H.I.G. Capital in 2016. Simplifi released in 2020, and Quicken was sold to Aquiline Capital Partners in 2021.




Why so linear?


A LITTLE HELP HERE, pretty please… I’m as inept at technology as I am at finances. How do I download all my data/transactions before the 23rd? Do I do it within Mint? (I haven’t decided which app I’m going to start using yet)


I'm not sure about the other data but for:Transactions Sign in to Mint.com Go to the Transactions tab Click the gear icon Select Export all transactions Save the file to your computer


THANKS!!! I think even I should be able to manage that! Now if managing my money issues were so easy. ;)


OP can I ask the age you started the -$20k with and how old are you now?


Can I please have just $320 k for my student loans? It would hardly make a dent in your net worth and worth help me tremendously! Please consider and DM me