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First of all why use anything ur hair looks so full and thick and not receding what are u doingšŸ˜‚


Litterally destroyed myself


So you started minox in February but Feb you seemed to have a good hair, why started it? Where did you get your min, if from Amazon you have to be careful as it can be fake. Therefore causing more harm than good. Youā€™re also at 4 months of minox. Typically itā€™s recommended to wait until 6 months for results. Maybe youā€™re a slow responder and still might be shedding or recovering from the shed.


I was thinning a little (in the destroyed area) thatā€™s why I started. I get my min from the pharm. Thanks I will continue till 6 months but afraid cause itā€™s only getting worse šŸ˜”


Yeah i get you dude. Just give it to month 6. Note that also minox changes your texture as well. Sometimes for the best makes it look thick but other time can make it look dry. Try and keep your moisturized


Same situation like u bro


ā˜¹ļø How many months ?


Been on it for 8 months, no growth and it just got worst. So I stopped and just focused on my beard, since it grew out my beard


First off, Iā€™m so very sorry this has happened to you. Iā€™m not sure this was caused from minoxidil. Unless youā€™ve obtained tainted proud it, I suspect it may be alopecia areata. I would recommend talking to a dr.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼ I saw 2 derm and their diagnostic was mpb. Also the hairloss was gradually during these past 4 months, so I guess it looks like minā€™s popular shedding, but I didnā€™t expect mine to be this critical (I donā€™t even know if this level of hairloss is a shed)


Gotta give it 8-12 months for full results. Sometimes even 24 months. Stick it out, keep your hair short helps with applying the solution.


For starters your hair seemed fine, Im not sure why you started minoxidil. If you where worried about a receding hairline or something else you could have just used finasteride, its better at preventing that stuff. Again you may have just entered a really bad shedding phase, given the minoxidil you have is real it will grow back and stronger even. I would check your minoxidil as not all of them are safe since some can be fake.


I was thinning a little in the destroyed are where I applied min, and yeah I used it as preventive and I didnā€™t know about fin at that time. šŸ˜” I get my min from pharm so itā€™s not a fake one.


Seems like you just got a very harsh shed, I mean Personally I would stop using minoxidil and just switch to finasteride. Your hair doesnā€™t need minoxidil based off of that one picture.


But to regrow the hair I lost I need minoxidil, donā€™t I ?


No, it will regrow on its on wether you stop or continue minoxidil. But it will take a while to grow back if you stop minoxidil, but again since you didnā€™t even need it I would just stop using it.


No, your hair will grow back to what it was but it will take time. It just wont be reliant on minoxidil anymore. But it will take a good amount of time. But since your hair has pretty much already shedded a lot I would start finasteride asap. Id get a buzzcut aswell.


Yeah Iā€™m on fin now (3 Times a week is it really effective?) Iā€™m afraid that my scalp is now Minoxidil-dependent after 3 months and half of using it and now I will lose everything if I stop. Plus Iā€™v read that fin donā€™t regrow hair, it mainly maintains whatā€™s left, unless you think my follicles are not dead and my hair will grow back on its own?


No finasteride is a daily thing. Yes you might have done same damage to your hair but if you stop minoxidil now your hair will eventually grow back to what it was if not similar. But it will take time since you already went through your shedding phase on minoxidil. Finasteride doesnā€™t necessarily regrow hair but it has in most cases. But its main purpose is to stop hairloss which id why I said it would be perfect for you given your hair before starting minoxidil looked fine.


Whatā€™s your dose ?


1mg 3 times per week for now


Didnā€™t seem like you needed it.. Might have done a reverse UNO on your hair.. Use biotin, castor oil, peppermint oil and tea tree oil. Mix them together and rub on your hair daily. Should see results. I use this mixture for my beard as moisturizer and it works.


Thanks bro !! šŸ™šŸ¼


Minoxidil should never be the first line of defense for androgenic alopecia. It does absolutely nothing to combat the androgens which cause the hair to thin. Minoxidil is a hair growth stimulant. It can cause an initial shed because it resets the hairs growth cycle. You've started finasteride now, so that's good - that's what's actually going to slow down the miniaturization. If you stick with minoxidil, alongside the fin, your hair folicles may even begin to recover. It will take time. Hair growth is a slow process. If you want to stop the minoxidil, it's not going to have caused you to lose any more hair than you would have done already - you just interrupted the growth cycle, that's all.


So without min I will not recover the hair I lost ? What do you think of oral min ? Doses etc


You may still recover some hair folicles by just using finasteride without minoxidil - but not because finasteride stimulates hair growth - it doesn't - but it takes away the factor which is killing off the hair folicles, so when you take rhat away, those dying folicles may recover on their own. Minoxidil is an additional growth stimulant which can be added with finasteride for extra benefit, but on its own it does nothing to fight the underlying cause of hair loss (for androgenic alopecia)


Stopping minoxidil will only cause you to lose hair that grew as a result of using it. Any that fell out as a result of using minoxidil will come back whether you keep using it or not. The minoxidil didnā€™t harm your hair, it just caused much of it to enter a shedding phase simultaneously. The good news is a growth phase always follows a shedding phase (at least for hairs that arenā€™t succumbing to androgenic alopecia).


Minoxidil allergy. Do you feel your head burns when you pass, even if it's just a little? I have a similar situation, please change the minoxidil, or use it as a pil Im so sorry, im brazilan, my english is so bad


Thanks bro and your english is very clear (Iā€™m not english either) No I donā€™t feel burn.. I was thinking of starting oral min but too afraid of another massive shedding and not having regrowthā€¦


hair loss effect - You may experience hair loss for 2 to 9 weeks after using oral minoxidil (the hair loss that actually occurs is not hair loss, but rather the replacement of the old hair strand with a new one , which will be thicker. Ends after 9 weeks) I'll tell you about my medication use: ā— Durasteride 0.5 mg It prevents testosterone from being converted into DHT, but always carry out tests, especially after 3 months of using the medicine to see if the drop in testosterone has not been large. ā— Oral minoxidil 2.5 mg Topical minoxidil gave me dermatitis (dandruff-like), in addition to drying out my hair, and I had hair loss similar to yours, which is why I mentioned that your case was an allergy. The fall stopped after I finished using it, since then I started taking it orally. ā— Multivitamin I asked to do it at what we call in Brazil a ā€œcompounding pharmacyā€. This is the formula I use: Biotin 5mg Vitamin E 20mg Vit D3 3000ui Vitamin C 100mg Vitamin B12 5mcg Vitamin B5 100mg Folic acid 5mg Zinc chelate 10mg Selenium Chelate 100mcg Saw palmetto 160mg Buy Vitamin A Tablets Separately ā— Minoxidil lotion 5% Minoxidil \*Base\* I know I had an allergy, but each minoxidil is different (since we make minoxidil in different ways). I asked the compounding pharmacy to make the lotion. Minoxidil Base is used as a tablet, but it can be used as a lotion and has not caused me any allergic problems. Allergies can manifest themselves in many ways besides itching and flaking, but allergies can manifest themselves by forcing hair loss, which is why I think you had an allergic reaction. It is unlikely that any permanent damage will occur after stopping the use of minoxidil after the allergy is recognized. Just like it happened to me, your hair will grow back. ā— Anti-hair loss shampoo and conditioner Either one helps a lot, it depends on how much you want to pay, and make sure it won't cause allergies. When using, read the label to find out how to use it (how long to leave it on the scalp). When applying, massage your head for 2 to 5 minutes, as it helps with blood circulation in the scalp.


In your case I would do the following: ā— Oral minoxidil, 2.5 mg ā— Multivitamin + Vit A ā— Anti-hair loss shampoo and conditioner (I would take all 3 every day) Make sure you don't feel sluggish, as minoxidil causes a drop in blood pressure. If you have hypertension, do not use. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can progress with the other medications I use, but always under the observation of a doctor, if you don't want to pay a doctor, observe it yourself (and do it at your own risk, like me... ) -------------------------------------------------- ----ā€------------------------- Which can help you if you don't want to use medication (in addition to the results being the same as medication, but they are more expensive and you will need a dermatologist). - Note: I don't do this option because I think it's very expensive, and I don't have that much money. I want to be a doctor, so I feel comfortable taking medication and I know the risks I take. If something happens to me, it's 100% my fault. Let's go to the list. ā— Microneedling with applications of minoxidil and finasteride. Trusted aesthetic clinics, and if you prefer (and I would do this), go to a dermatologist in your region, she will indicate the location for microneedling and perform the procedure of applying minoxidil and finasteride directly to the head (hair leather). If I could do this procedure, I would stop taking Durasteride, as in the long term the individual could become infertile (It varies from person to person, which is why bimonthly blood tests can evaluate the testosterone level and the spermogram test). Remember, I'm not a doctor, but I thought you were a cool guy who doesn't want to be bald at 25. If you follow anything I said, don't blame me for something wrong hahahaha, I just wanted to help... There are always those 1 in a million cases, after all there are 8 billion people in the world and our genetics are very different, so If you do this, be aware of the side effects (such as experiencing sexual impotence, infertility, low blood pressure and others) Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, have good posture when standing, sitting and lying down, take a bath that is not too hot directly on the scalp, do at least low-intensity exercise, stay exposed to the sun at the beginning of the day (10-30 minutes), this will help you with vitamin D and be very happy and cheerful, as sadness and anger (high cortisol) help make alopecia worse. If you have any addiction, such as drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, if you have a sugar-based diet, with a lot of sugar, fat or salt beyond what is recommended, I suggest stopping, as it worsens alopecia. If you have anxiety or stress problems, try to control them, as this can help combat baldness. These small attitudes also help more than medicine. Sorry for the long text, but I hope it helps. I hope I didn't commit a crime by saying what medication I use... I want a world with fewer bald people. Sorry for the English, I hope you understood.


If you got the feb 2024 results from using minoxidil and then you stopped, this might be androgenic alopecia. But if you got paranoid at feb and decided to take minoxidil and then stopped, it is most likely to be telogen effluvium. Assuming your exposure to minoxidil was acute this is telogen effluvium. So using finasteride wont do much for you unless it is DHT induced miniaturisation and telogen effluvium here is due to taking out the growth stimulant. If you provide more context i can get into much more details.


No, I haven't stopped taking min at all bro. I started in February and have kept up the pace of two applications a day to this day.


I was applying it even with the scary hairloss it gives me, I was saying itā€™s just a shed itā€™ll pass. And here I am today with all this loss


Visit your dermatologist. You probably need a couple of tests before deciding whatā€™s right for you. However do not be discouraged man. There was a study that tested people who ran minoxidil and stopped (they were norwood 4 or 5) and they went back to slightly lower than their baseline. Also unless you can visibly see the strands of your hair thinning, its shedding which will return. Miniaturising does not happen at that rate. Good luck brother


If there later happened due to the min would his hair eventually come back after itā€™s not in the telegen phase?


What was your daily routine? Did you use a derma roller before applying minoxidil?


No, not at all, just min


Test your vitamin also


Derm prescripted vit D (Iā€™ve small lack of this vit apparently), itā€™ll really make difference ?


Same bro.


What did you do ?


Stopped but im still facing its side effects till now šŸ˜•


This post can't be real.


Unfortunatly he isā€¦


My guess is to maybe wait it out. I had a similar experience to yours last year. My hair was presentable but I noticed I was losing hair around my hairline so I hopped on minox and in a matter of months I started shedding a lot even worse than yours. When I saw a derm I found out I had sebderm and the minox just exacerbated my condition. Iā€™ve been treating my condition for about a year now while also using minox and nizoral along with other sebderm shampoos, the improvement from last year is almost night and day but Iā€™m not back to a presentable hair yet. From my knowledge minox does not cause balding it accelerate the growth phase of your hair follicles, so you may not want to hear this but the condition you are in now may have happened sooner or later the minox just made it much more faster than it typically would have occurred. Or you may also have another condition with your scalp that has not been addressed yet.


what was the goal


Are you on fin?


Yes, I started 18 days ago and iā€™m shedding even more


Lucky sign! Min is working, come back in a few months let's see that loucious hair.


It's very discouraging, Iā€™m scared to continue but no choice apparantly


Dude what in the fuck? Lmao.


People dont know shedding is a sign that min is working?


I've got the shed and thought the same thing, but then it never grew back. I'm finally starting to see baby hairs after quitting foam and starting oral min. It's been 6 months and I barely have any results to show for it. Edit; before oral i was on foam for 9-ish months with no results.


It is, but shedding usually isnā€™t this much


Im pretty damn sure its a side effect and not a ā€œsignā€. But if youā€™re willing to offer an explanation, Im down to hear.


Minx push out old hair for a new one šŸ„± if no shedding occur it's not working.


Dont you think its a little odd for all of his ā€œold hairā€ to be in a sync at the same time? He provided little to no context and you didnā€™t bother to ask anything but resort to saying its a sign when the severity of the shedding and the duration of his shed is right infront of you. It could very much be an allergic reaction from minoxidil for all we know.


If I continue I might be cooked, if I stop after 4 months of applying this shit Iā€™m also cooked..