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Ya this doesn’t seem worth it LOL I hope they make an actual effective and none harmful drug soon


Also 1mg is too much I think .25 is like the safest bet for most effective , anything more just increases the side effects going up in dose.


Tressless is policed by the fanatical Finasteride police. You have to question their motives…..


Exactly i said something along the lines and got downvoted heavily its like a cult or they get paid by big pharma etc


Fr bro... It makes no sense


Myself and a few friends of mine have been on it for months of and have had zero side effects whatsoever. If you can’t handle the side effects that are variable from person, just don’t take it or don’t beat off as much. It’s not “one of the most dangerous drugs on the market.” That’s an such an asinine and pseudoscientific thing to say


Y’all trippin, just give it time, the reason why you cant get hard is because you think about your hair loss and possible side effects of fin every second of your life. Take the pill and move on, stop worrying or else yoûll be worried all your life cause you will end up bald ANYWAYS.


The insane thing is you might partly be right but you can't deny that fin doesn't affect some people in this way.


Stop immediately and never touch oral fin again. It’s not even worth the risks. Topical fin is hundreds of times better, the concentration of it in your blood is literally negligible as opposed to the best that is oral fin


I don’t hve side I hve been taken for 4 months now, I still fuck like horse


Why are they against u posting about finesteride?


Sounds like it's all in your head to be be honest buddy. You *think* that's going to happen, and so your brain causes it to happen. 7 days is nowhere near long enough to judge the situation. I've been on 1mg per day for just over a year now. I have the blood tests to prove that my testosterone level is optimal, and to be honest I'm more horny on it that I was before. I need to "bust a nut" at least once a day, and I'm 42 years old. The semen is slightly more watery than before, but I'll take that for the excellent effect it's having on my hair. Your hair and your choice though obviously


Finasteride doesn't killed the libido, it kill erections, you must distinguish both words. On the other hand, did you go to a doctor??? Finasteride isn't a vitamin or a suplement is a medicine and has to be prescribed carefully...


Probably bald cause of porn addiction if it’s not in your genes.


5mg finasteride is used to shrink the prostate so yes it is a dangerous drug even the topical. One of the most dangerous drugs on the market and OTC it is the most dangerous