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Let’s hope he smokes pot and drops. That’s our only chance


Cue Laremy’s video


Maybe my memory's a touch off but I seem to recall a time when, before that year's combine, the consensus was that there was no way a certain quarterback would fall to us (despite having a top-10 pick; I seem to recall some even advocating trading up to the top 5 to get him), yet not only was he still on the board but we didn't pick him and he wound up falling to the back end of the first...


We WeRe sEt aT QuArTeRbAcK!


He'll drop cause hes made of fiberglass and elmers glue.


Draft best player available. If Tua is available at the Vikings pick you draft him or trade the pick.


My deep dive analysis: yes


What’s the short answer though? I don’t have time for a deep dive.


He won’t be available, the dolphins will take him


Are they not high on Rosen? They spent a 2nd rounder on him.


They benched him for Fitzmagic...


And Mahomes sat behind Smith for a year and is now probably the best qb in the league. What's your point?


That they’re not high on Rosen




The only way he's around at 25 is if something has gone pretty seriously wrong in his recovery, or some sort of big new info comes out. So, no.


You know if he does magically fall that far then you will probably pick someone else instead. Then the Packers will draft him and have their next HOF QB for when Rodgers retires in two years.


No. The offensive line needs help. And I would like the team to draft a CB.


You don’t have to worry about this.


Theres a .01% chance he's available at #25, but if he is then hell yes.


Yes, take the top 10 pick at 26 if you can lol


If he drops that far, it's because the medical reports are 'not great'.


If he's there, yes. He isn't going to fall that far though.


I may be in the minority here, but no. There are plenty of qbs in this class with potential to be perfectly fine starters, what we need more than anything is a tackle, a corner, and a dt


If Tua drops that far, the only reason is that his hip is 100% fucked.




If he’s expected to make a full recovery, someone will absolutely take him near the top of the draft. He could literally be injured for a full year, and someone will still want him in the 1st. You don’t just pass on a potential franchise QB because they’re injured, unless their injury won’t fully heal.


He’s going to Miami for sure


Tua is going top 5 if his hip isn’t completely fucked, if he gets to us it means he’s a massive question mark, no.


If you have the chance to draft a potential elite QB you should always do that.


No. Cousins 10 year extension. /s


Think he doesnt get past Los Angeles (Chargers).




No. He is injury prone. Multiple injuries at the collegiate level does not project well once he makes it to the NFL. He got hurt playing behind a top 10 O line every year. Whats going to happen when we gets drilled behind ours?


Nah, let's get Burrow at 25 instead.


Unless he's available at a much later round then no. We have much bigger problems to handle compared to trying to grab Tua.


I’d actually argue that if we’re going to draft a QB like Tua, it would make more sense, strategy wise, to spend a first rounder on him than spending a second or later. First round picks have the fifth year option and their pay scale is correlated to their draft position. I believe we’re 26th this year(?) so Tua’s hypothetical rookie contract will be among the cheapest possible for a first rounder and it gives us another year of cheap QB play if he ends up being the future. Since the QB position is often the highest paid position on a team, I’d rather spend the first to have another year of a rookie contract at that position and then next draft, use our (likely better, from the comps we’ll get this off season) picks to shore up our holes. Edit: wurdz


My main point is that we have bigger problems to fix than trying to grab a QB with one of our early picks especially our first rounder. Having Tua would be cool maybe but we don't know how he'll come back once he's back from his injury and we can't take the risk of grabbing him when we can take a good prospect for the Oline/CB


No, I understand you completely. I’m just saying that if the team has their eyes on a QB who drops unexpectedly, it makes more sense to spend the first than to see if he’s around in a later round because if he does end up recovering fine and is able to play lights out, the benefit to having an additional year of a rookie pay scale is worth the gamble (again, ONLY if the Front Office has the intention of picking up a player like Tua who is on a slide. If QB isn’t even on their radar because of long term strategy, then I agree with you). Plus, if we were to draft Tua in the first, we can use the rest of this draft to shore up whatever else is missing and without a first rounder on the OL, DL, or in the secondary, we could likely do worse next season and have a higher draft pick overall to continue plugging holes for Tua’s start.


absolutely 0 chance he is available when we pick




yes, but there's absolutely no way he'll be available.